"Yuigahama-san, I already said no to your formal invitation. I would be really glad if you decided to give up on trying making me change my mind."

"Buuuutttttt, Yukinon! If you would just come with meeeee! I mean, you told me that you were wanting to go thereeeee…"

"S-S-S-Stop spurting those lies to make me do as you like, I told you I'm not going."

"But I already promised you, there aren't any discounts nor any sort of sale-off right now, and I know that there isn't going to be that many people so pleaseeeeee."

"No and that's final Yuigahama-san."

As this nonsensical conversation was being held at the Service Club today, I, Hikigaya Hachiman, was sipping some tea from my Pan-san tea cup and trying to read my newly acquired light novel. I didn't know what it was, but I couldn't concentrate enough on my reading due to their discussion. It seemed for some reason, Yuigahama Yui wanted to go to some new store near our school. It opened about three months ago, she said, and she hadn't had the opportunity to go. Now, she hoped for Yukinoshita Yukino to accompany her. Yukinoshita didn't want to go there for some strange reason she wasn't telling us, and she outright rejected the idea.

"Yukinonnnn, we can hang out on a café later or something, I want to go with you"


Awww, It seems our resident Ice Beauty was about to get beaten by Gahama-chan again. Well, that's the kind of yuri-yuri development that I always ended up seeing after staying so long on this clubroom.

I must say, friendships like these sure are beautiful. My heart is already warming up. For a loner like me, such a life was already out of question but it didn't matter. As long as I have my cute little sister Komachi, I can overcome any hardship.

Oh, that was so high on Hachiman points!

Even so, the yuri-yuri atmosphere was suffocating me so I got up to get the cure to this disease called youth. A warm can of MAX Coffee, that'll do it.

Hachiman and MAX 1 – Youth 0

Or that was what was supposed to happen but Yuigahama noticed me and her eyes got bigger and glittering for some reason. I didn't like where this was going.

"Hikki! Since Yukinon doesn't want to go with me, you should come!"

Waittttt, Yuigahama-san, wasn't that line awfully cruel right there? I know that I was only the supplement but you still hurt my feelings you knnnnnowwwwwww, Damn, I'm starting to sound like some Sly fox of a president out there.

"So, I'm the last option huh? It was always like this whenever we played football in middle school…"

"H-Hikki, this isn't the time for you to get depressed all of a sudden! Please, come with me! We will have plenty of fun together!"

Someone please tell Yuigahama to stop phrasing things to lead a misunderstanding. She is so carefree with her words, so much so that my heart was already racing on my chest. Or that would be the case if I wasn't already used to her good girl tendencies.

"Yuigahama, a loner like me has no use in going to some normalfag store. I don't want to spoil the mood."

"There you go again saying things like that Hikki. Can you please go with me? I want you to go with me! Let's go, Hikki!"

Given those sudden words, I was at a loss of what to say. I could always reject her invitation, but I really didn't want to turn down that childish behavior. It seemed she managed to activate one of my 108 Onii-chan skills: Accept to do anything in order to make a cute little kid happy.

"Whatever, I don't have anything to do this afternoon, I guess I'll go."

"Really?! Thank you Hikki!"

Yuigahama gave me a warm smile, and I felt myself blushing hard. Aghhh, I need to get my reactions in check! When I was about to go and smile like some idiot(Looking at you, Yuigahama.), I felt something frighteningly cold on my back, and that something was coming from across the table, specifically from our Ice Cold Beauty, who was looking at us with empty, emotionless eyes.

I have caught a glimpse of those strangely void eyes on different occasions but I haven't thought anything of it until now. Frankly, it has been freaking me out for some time but because Yukinoshita's personality is cold, especially to me, I didn't think it was anything extraordinary.

The first time I saw those eyes was when I meet Haruno-san and she try getting closer to me. But that must have been because she doesn't like her sister.

The second time was when Isshiki give me her bags to carry in that handful Christmas event. Man I don't want to recall those stressful memories again

Now that I think about it, those eyes show up every time I was getting that sly-cute appeal from Isshiki or some strange thing Yuigahama did or said to me. Most probably, she didn't like the idea of a rotten fish-eyed person stepping on those girls' dignity as women. Wait, that means she hates me as some kind of plague.

Yukinon! I didn't do anything to them I promise!

Yuigahama and I were too scared to ask what the deal was with her, so in that awkwardly cold environment, we waited for her words.

"Yuigahama-san, I have changed my mind. I will be going with you so you don't need to bother Hikigaya-kun with this matter."

COLD. That's the only word I could manage to think of in response to the words that Yukinoshita uttered just now. Maybe she thinks I'm trying to take her friend away? Well I guess that's Clumsishita-san for you. You should be able to say this things more kindly Yukino-chan!

"I already said yes to Yuigahama so I should go."

"Hikigaya-kun, I cannot accept you being alone with Yuigahama-san. Some bad things will happen if you do."

Scary, Scary, Scary! Damn, Yuigahama was too scared to say anything. I knew it! Why would Yuigahama choose me over Yukinoshita? That's just like, very wrong. Wait, as long as she isn't alone with me, then everything should be fine, right? Then…

"Come with us then, Yukinoshita! All cool right? …..right?"

Please say yes. My poor heart can't take this anymore!

"Okay, I will take you up on your offer, Hikigaya-kun."

SAFEEEEEE! Yukinoshita was so scary that I was really fearing for my life right then and there. Poor Komachi. If Onii-chan had left her alone due to murder by Clumsinon's hands… I couldn't live with myself… Well, no more than I already could.

"W-W-Well, now that it is decided, I will take you two there after the classes tomorrow, ehh?"

Yuigahama let out a nervous giggle, followed by a strange look directed towards Yukinoshita, who was looking satisfied with something. I finally let myself relax again, and I began reading again as I kept drinking my MAX Coffee. Oh MAX! What a heavenly gift to us mortals.

Things have felt strange recently. I felt observed, but not with the usual vibes. Most of the time, when someone is looking at me, they do it like watching a nasty insect of some sorts or simply not giving a damn at all.

But this time was different. I cannot feel the emotion that this person is looking at me with, and not knowing that makes me feel uncomfortable. I also have seen a lot of flashes recently but that may only have been the sun. Maybe someone is directing the light to my eyes so they can make me feel pain? Man, my life is full of pitiful people.

Some of my things have also been disappearing. I cannot find my favorite shirt, the one I use when I go to sleep most nights. It was a cool looking black shirt with a cat on it.

What? Can't a man show his preferences in animals?

My bentos have also been disappearing. Normally I eat about half of it and would save the rest for later, but now, someone steals my food before I get home. They also have been stealing my chopsticks for some reason. Actually, I'm totally freaked out by this, but it actually isn't all that different from middle and elementary school, except that now they aren't giving my stuff back to me. I don't really care about the lunches but if I could recover my shirt, I would be glad.

We continued doing our things in silence, although I felt Yukinoshita's gaze focused on me from time to time. Is she still angry about Yuigahama's invitation? Well, I just decided to ignore her, and kept reading while Yuigahama was busy playing on her cellphone.

"We should call it a day don't you think? It's really starting to get late."

"Yeah, I guess Hikigaya-kun is right about that. Yuigahama-san, could you please assist me with the cleaning?"

"Leave it to me, Yukinon!"

For some reason, Yuigahama's eyes were glittering like stars again. It seems Gahama-chan likes being counted on by Clumsinon. Well I should probably help them as well so we can get home earlier.

We cleaned the teapot and the snack plates as quickly as possible. When I was about to grab the mug to dry the teapot, it seemed Yukinoshita got the same idea and our hands ended up touching. Okayyyyyy… Why do these Romcom-events keep happening around me? Yukinoshita let out a strange sound I have never heard from her before, and even Yuigahama was startled by it. The strangest part was that Yukinoshita's hand wasn't leaving mine.

Wait… Did I just feel more pressure on my hand?

Nah, I'm thinking too much of things again, but her letting me go was making things awkward for me. My face was heating up again

Just as I was about to say something, Yuigahama came to my rescue.

"Yukinon, we finished cleaning! You should hurry and give Hiratsuka-sensei the room key."


Yukinoshita said that with a strange voice again. Was she… Moaning? But why? Well, who cares, Yuigahama's words were the ice-breaker I needed to move my hand away.

''We'll wait for you at the exit, Yukinoshita.''

I told her that, then took my bag, put my coat and muffler on, and got going. Yuigahama followed me in a rush.

I have begun to think that something was strange about Yukinoshita's behavior these past few days… Well, if she needs something, she knows where to find me. I shouldn't pry on her business

At that time, I didn't know that Yukinoshita was far more broken than I originally thought, and that it would lead us to a situation that I never expected to happen in my life.

Yuigahama-san has been awfully annoying. I got to grab Hachi-kun Hand, the sensation was amazing. I want to touch him more, EVERYWHERE, but I need to control myself. I already have his cute shirt and I'm able to get a taste of his mouth every day, even if it's only through his chopsticks. I need more film for my camera. I took too many photos today. I may need to get another album, the other three are completely full with all the photos I have taken. I even have a lot from when he sleeps. He's so cute when he sleeps. So similar to Pan-san. I need to keep my cute little Hachi-kun away from Yuigahama's or any other bitch's Hands. Hachi-kun is mine. I need him. I will not let him be taken away from me by somebody else.

Hello, FireHero here, I haven't published in a long time but this is a project that I simply couldn't not do. I love Oregairu so much and I feel that Yukino's amazing personality has a lot of potential with a stalker's need for love and attention. I was inspired by 'My girlfriend is more wrong than I expected' by BigKokujin, I reallyyyyy recommend that one. It is truly a piece of art. My first language is Spanish, not English, so if I make some mistakes, I'm really sorry but I think you should be able to grasp what I wanted to say in those cases.

I'll try to keep updating now that I'm on vacation

Bye Bye :D