Chapter 1

Lucy didn't think that her life would turn out this way. Not in a million years. She was sitting on a couch across from what she assumed was a therapist, named Mira. At the beginning of the hour, Mira asked quite a few questions. However, as time went on, and Lucy still didn't utter a single word, she stopped asking questions and just stared. Lucy fidgeted nervously as Mira seemed like she was boring a hole into her soul. She watched as Lucy continually pulled at the ends of her long sleeve shirt.

Lucy sure as hell didn't want to be there. She didn't think she had any reason to be there. Well, maybe one reason. But they believed a lie, they brought her here because of a lie. She couldn't bring herself to tell them that though. Hell, she couldn't bring herself to tell anyone anything. She couldn't bring herself to speak anymore, it was no use; they believed what they wanted to believe, and her opinion didn't matter. She hasn't spoken in such a long time. She wasn't crazy though, so she didn't see why she had to be here at all. She didn't see why that woman had to stare at her with those big, blue eyes. Wow...she's really pretty. Her hair is so long and white. When will this be over?

Finally, as the hour was about to end, Mira finally stopped staring. She got up, went around her desk, grabbed a notebook and pen, and handed it to Lucy, who tentatively accepted it. "Keep that with you, Lucy. I want you to try to communicate with people using it. It might not be as good as talking, but it will be a step in the right direction. Can you do that for me?" Lucy averted her eyes and meekly nodded. Mira smiled. "Good. I will see you in a week, and I want to be able to talk to you, even if it means you writing in there." There was a knock on the door and a very large man with spiky, blonde hair and a scar over his eye came in the room. "Ah! Laxus this is Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia. Lucy, he will be your guide for the evening and get you situated at the facility. Feel free to ask him any questions you might have." She giggled and Lucy almost glared at her, 'Did she really just do that?' Lucy thought.

"Well, come on, Blondie, we don't have all day." Laxus' deep voice made her jump slightly, and she scrambled to grab her pink duffle bag and scurried over towards him; he was rather intimidating. He stepped aside so that she could pass through the door.

"Have a good week, Lucy!" Mira shouted. "And welcome to Fairy Tail!" She didn't respond as she waited for Laxus on the other side of the door.

"I'll see you at lunch, Mira." He winked at her, making her blush.

"I'll see you then, Laxus." She smiled at him.

Laxus chuckled as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He looked at the blonde leaning against the wall. "So I've been told that you don't talk." She looked up at him and nodded quickly. He smirked, "Well, that makes this a whole lot easier for me." He started walking and she scowled at his words as she ran to catch up with him. "So, this is the main hall, it connects to everything."

The first thing she noticed about this 'main hall' was that it was very, very white. White walls, white counters, white ceiling. She guessed she couldn't really expect too much, since it was a hospital and all. She refused to refer to it as an institution...not gonna's a hospital. But she's not sick...well, fuck...fine it's an institution. The nurses fucking wore white coats...the doctors fucking wore white coats...Laxus fucking wore a white coat….everything...was...fucking...white. 'It's so bland it's almost claustrophobic'. She absentminded started rubbing the inside of her arm. The nurses behind the counter were staring at her, and she ran up to walk closer to the big man in front of her. Suddenly he stopped and she ran into his back with an "oomph".

He turned his head slightly and raised an eyebrow at her. "Careful, Blondie." She blushed in embarrassment. He motioned to the room he was standing in front of. "This is the game room. It should quell all of your...gaming needs." The room was white again, and there was a ping-pong table, a foosball table, and some tabletop games strewn around different tables. Honestly, she didn't think it was much of a game room at all. She ran after him as he started walking away again. As he turned a corner, she noticed a few benches near a payphone, as well as some vending machines. He stopped at a doorway, "This is the classroom." He whispered. She peered inside and her eyes widened. So that's where all of the people were, she was wondering why the halls were empty. The room was full of teenagers, sitting around tables and appeared to be….drawing? "Obviously, there's no actual school here, it is a mental rehabilitation facility after all. The types of classes differ from day to day, so you'll just have to figure it out."

She rolled her eyes at him, he sure wasn't one for explanations. Her eyes drifted to one table with four people sitting there. There was a boy with raven hair and...shirtless! And a boy….and a girl with red hair, and then a girl with blue hair. Wow...these people look very….unique….The boy with pink hair turned his head to see who was in the doorway. Her eyes locked onto his, and heat rose to her cheeks as he stared intently at her. He elbowed the raven haired boy's side, and he in turn whipped his head around to glare at the pink one. He followed the pink one's gaze and met her eyes, and her blush deepened. Why were they so good looking? "Alright let's get you to your room." She broke eye contact and scurried after the retreating figure of Laxus. After going down a few corners, they came upon a room at the very end of the hallway. "You're lucky, you get a room all to yourself." He said as he opened the door. She entered the room and the walls were….white, shit what was she expecting? "I'll let you settle in. I'll be back in about 30 minutes to bring you to lunch. After that, you'll need to see the nurse for some blood work. See you then." He closed the door.

She looked around the room and noticed...nothing. It was a bed, an end table, a door that she assumed was the bathroom, and a small dresser. White sheets...she walked over to the bed, placed her bag down, and fell onto the mattress...bad idea, it was hard as a rock. She couldn't believe this is where she was...why did it have to be like this...she curled up into a ball as the first tear she'd been holding all day slid down her cheek. She started scratching her wrists, wishing she had her razor with her. She couldn't free her emotions the way she wanted to, so she sobbed. She sobbed long and hard, waiting to get the rest of the day over with...and hopefully get out of here somehow. It was suffocating, drowning in the white walls, the double gates that she first came through on this floor of the hospital reminding her that there is no escape. 'Why am I here? I'm not crazy! I shouldn't be here! There's nothing wrong with me! This is all a lie! A mistake!...But I don't want to go back either...I don't know what to do.'

The sound of a knock on her door, forced her to tear her gaze away from the mirror in the bathroom. She picked up the notebook and pen from her bed and opened her door.

"You hungry?" Laxus asked. She shook her head. "Well, that's too bad. You're still gonna eat. Let's go." She was taken back for a minute before she shook her head and followed after him. When they got to the lunchroom, she subconsciously shifted closer to Laxus. There were a lot of people, and most of them were staring at her. "Go grab some food and sit somewhere, I'll grab you when we need to go see the nurse." With that he strode off and left her there, in the front of the lunchroom, alone. She shifted nervously from one foot to the other as she just stood there. The tables were pretty full and she wasn't up for introducing herself.

The dark haired boy from earlier noticed the blonde standing awkwardly into the middle of the room, and elbowed the pink haired one beside him. When the pink haired one turned to glare at him, he tilted his head. Much like earlier, actually exactly like earlier, the pink haired one followed his gaze to see the blonde from earlier that day, looking uncomfortable and nervous. Instantly, he shot up from his seat and strode towards her. She unconsciously took a few steps back as he neared her. When he was too close for her personal comfort, he flashed her a big grin that sent heat to her cheeks, and he stuck his hand out. "Hey there! I'm Natsu!"

...what was she supposed to do now? She wasn't sure, so after a moment of staring at him, watching his grin drop, she waved at him. He tilted his head, staring at her like she just grew a third eye, and retracted his extended hand. "So, what's your name?"

Well, she supposed she could write it down, so that's what she started to do. He watched her intently as she opened the notebook, and touched the pen to the paper...only, that's as far as she went. Her brow furrowed as she stared at the spot where her pen was firmly pressed. She didn't understand why she couldn't continue, it was like an invisible force was preventing her from continuing the little black dot. Her hand started shaking, and she watched as the dot got a little bigger. "Hey, you okay?" She gasped at his sudden question, and she dropped her pen. She had completely forgotten he was there. He bent down to pick up her pen, and held it out for her. She reached out a shaky hand to accept it, giving him a smile, which was more like a twitch of her lips, as a thank you.

"Hey, don't worry about it, you don't have to tell me your name if you don't want to. Oh! I got it!" He suddenly snapped it fingers, startling her. "I'll give you a name for now!" She eyed him warily as he brought his finger to his chin and hummed in thought. She jumped when he suddenly shouted, "Aha! I'll call you Pepper!"


She scrunched her face up at the name, while grinned that amazing grin again. Her face didn't heat up this time, though. She could only stare at him like he was crazy...well, seeing as he was in here, he probably was. "Well, come on, Pepper! I'll show you how you get your food!"

She could only stare dumbly as he started walking away, waving his hand for her to follow him. Was he serious? Why do you need to show someone how to get food? She slowly started moving her legs to follow him. He waited for her halfway across the room, and when she caught up, he started walking again. He led her to a small counter, where a woman with short, purple hair was standing behind it. "Hey, Kinana!"

"Natsu, you've already gotten your lunch! You know the rules!" Her words sounded fierce and authoritative, but she held a gentle smile on her was a very strange contradiction.

Natsu laughed, "I know that! I'm showing her how to get her food." He pointed his thumb at her. "She's new."

"Oh! I remember now! It's nice to meet you!" Her heartwarming smile almost melted Lucy's heart...almost. "Let's see. Your name was just added to the list." She watched as Kinana trailed down a piece of paper on a clipboard with a pen. "Ah! There you are! Wait right here. One meal coming right up!"

Lucy turned to Natsu with a questioning look, but only stared back at her, blinking. Suddenly, like a lightbulb just went off in his head, his eyes lit up and he started to explain. "Oh yeah! She has to mark you off a list when you get your food. That way they know who's eating and who's not, also to make sure you don't get two meals." He grumbled the last part, and remembering the woman's earlier statement, Lucy presumed that he has tried to get two meals on more than one occasion.

"Here you go!" Kinana came back, handing her a tray of food. She saw what looked like some kind of burrito wrapped in tin foil, a bowl of baked beans, a small salad, and a cup of water. She was suddenly disappointed when she noticed that everything, fork included, was plastic.

Seeing as Lucy was just clutching her notebook, making no move to grab the tray, Natsu decided to do it for her. "Here, I'll carry it for you, since your hands are full."

Kinana hesitantly handing him the tray. "Don't you dare eat this, Natsu Dragneel."

The said boy just grinned sheepishly. "Wouldn't dream of it." He then started to walk away. "Come on, Pepper!" She watched as he grabbed an empty chair and shoved the dark haired boy roughly, setting the new chair down and her tray. She let out a little groan when she saw how many people were sitting at that table. She saw the same people from before, with the addition of a girl with long, wavy, blue hair; and a boy with long, spiky, black hair, and piercings all over his face. She gulped and her eyes darted around the room, debating if she should try to make a break for it and go to her room. Her eyes landed on Mira and Laxus on the other side of the room, who were watching her closely. Damnit, they're observing my behavior. Sucking in air, she made her way over to where Natsu was looking at her expectantly. She clutched her notebook closer to herself as she drew nearer, she almost stopped in her tracks when everyone's eyes were suddenly on her; but Natsu flashed her that heartwarming grin, and it gave her the courage to finally approach the daunting table.

"Come on, Pepper, sit down!" Natsu patted the chair beside him.

"Yeah, don't worry, we don't bite." The raven haired boy gave her a lopsided grin.

"Much." The pierced boy smirked.

She gulped and finally sat down with them.

"So, your name is Pepper?" The red haired girl asked. Lucy shook her head and looked down at her lap.

"What the hell, flaim-brain?! You said her name was Pepper!"

"Well, she wouldn't tell me her name, so I gave her one." Natsu scratched the back of his neck.

"Natsu," The bluenette sighed. "You can't just give people fake names."

"What was I supposed to do? Call her 'hey you'?"

"Why Pepper?" The pierced man asked.

"Well, duh! I love peppers! They're super hot!" Everyone at the table chuckled, while Lucy's face turned a bright shade of red.

"Geeze, way to be blunt, Natsu." The raven haired one grinned. "You know, you're supposed to eat that." He gestured to her untouched tray. Lucy looked at it and gave him a slight nod, before she started to unwrap the burrito. "Anyways, my name is Gray."

"I'm Levy!" The bluenette chimed.

"Gajeel." The pierced one muttered, she almost didn't hear him.

"I am Erza." The red haired stated.


Everyone looked at the girl with long, wavy, blue hair, but she was staring at something, dreamily. Lucy followed her gaze to her cup of water. "May...may Juvia have your cup of water?" She looked like she was about to melt into a puddle, so Lucy nodded. A bright grin flashed on her face as she hastily grabbed it and slowly poured it over her. Her head tilted back and she let out a long, low moan. All of the guys had a tint of pink on their cheeks, and Lucy was openly gaping at her. Levy and Erza just rolled their eyes.

"Chill out, Juvia *crunch*, you know that Mira saw that." Gray said while chewing on an ice cube.

"You're one to talk, ice face."

"What'd you say, flame breath?!"

"You heard me!"

"Shut up!" Erza growled, silencing everyone, even Lucy, who was already quiet.

When everyone started talking again, Lucy silently slipped the fork underneath the table. She started bending one of the spikes, and when she felt it about to snap, she scooted her chair a little, as to cancel out the noise. She took the broken piece and slipped it into the pocket of her jeans, and resumed eating like nothing happened. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Levy slip her burrito onto an oblivious Natsu's tray. When he finally noticed it, he beamed happily and ate it, not seeming to care where it came from. She looked over to Gajeel, and saw him eating the plastic fork….that is...strange.

"So, Pepper." She jumped when she heard her designated name, and turned to look at Levy. "Did Mira give you that notebook?" She nodded slowly, clutching it a little tighter to her chest. Everyone seemed to hum and nod, as if agreeing to something, or maybe coming to and understanding.

"I think you look more like a Daisy." Gajeel stated. That name in itself seemed like it was a criminal to have left that man's mouth.

"What?! No way, metal face! She's a total Pepper!" Natsu defended.

"I dunno, Natsu. I think I agree with Gajeel." Levy chirped.

"Well, of course you do!"

"Ehh?! What's that supposed to mean?!" She shrieked, face turning red.

"It means, you always agree with him." Gray smirked.

"I do not!" She buried her face in her hands. "You guys are horrible."

Suddenly, a shadow loomed over the table. Lucy looked up to see the intimidating form of Laxus. She shrunk back a little.

"Hey, Laxus!" Natsu beamed.

"Hey guys." He nodded and turned his gaze to Lucy. "Well, let's go."

"Where are you taking her?" Natsu asked, a slight fear in his eyes.

"Just the nurse. Still gotta complete her admission." Everyone at the table let out a sigh of relief that confused her. She didn't have time to dwell on though, because Laxus was already halfway across the room. She jumped up to follow him, sending a small wave over her shoulder.

"Cya, Pepper!"

"Bye, Daisy!"

"Oi! It's Pepper!"

"No it ain't! It's Daisy!"

The bickering voices died out as she followed Laxus out of the room, and down the dreary, white hallway. She finally let her tense shoulders relax, now that she was away from those crazy people. They rounded many corners before finally reaching their destination. She followed Laxus into a room that had that god awful hospital smell. "Hey, Wendy."

"Oh, Hi Laxus! How are you?" She heard a sweet, cheery voice come from the front of Laxus. She was hiding behind him. She was getting really stressed out by meeting so many new people. She started scratching at her wrist while she listened to them exchange formalities. "So, what brings you here?"

"The new patient."

"Where is she?"

"Hmm?" He looked around and nearly jumped when turned to see her literally inches from his back. "Jesus. Blondie, this is the nurse, Wendy. She's gonna take your blood, so sit down in that chair."

She followed his finger and sat on a white lounger with a single armrest. "Hello, Lucy! I'm just going to take some blood samples, if you start to feel faint, just tug on Laxus' jacket." He leaned against the wall next to her, and kept his arm within her reach. She turned her head to watch as Wendy got out some tubes and one that looked like a half tube with a need. She pulled out some latex gloves and put them on, giving the signature snap. Lucy always wondered why doctors did that. "Alright, you're just gonna feel a little pinch."

That was definitely more than a pinch, she wanted to call her a fucking liar, but she was just adorable. Was she even old enough to be doing this? Her thoughts cut off when the blood started flowing into the attached tube. She sighed and laid her head back. This was just the release she'd been waiting for. "They would have done this in the hospital, but your blood count needed go up before doing this. I'm sure you understand." She was only barely listening to her, she was too immersed in the euphoric feeling. She didn't notice when Wendy was finished and started talking to her.

A loud snap next to her ear brought her out of the wonderful daze she was in, and she looked up to see Laxus looking at her with a raised eye. Him and Wendy shared a look, while Lucy blinked owlishly at him. "C'mon, Blondie, lets get you to your room." He helped her stand shakily on her legs, and she clutched to his arm.

"Bye, Lucy! Bye, Laxus!"

Laxus grunted, but Lucy made no move to reply. She was still slightly in her trance, and she barely put one foot in front of the other while Laxus helped her through the halls. Some of the patients were roaming the halls now, but she didn't really notice. Her mind started to clear up as they neared her room at the end of the hall. Laxus opened her door, and helped her lay down on her bed. She was honestly surprised he was helping her, but maybe that was just his job. "Alright, Blondie. You can do whatever you want for the rest of the day. Someone will be by in a little while, just listen for the knock. I'll be around in the morning for your wake up call. Cya, Blondie."

She heard the door click shut, and groaned as she rolled over. She gingerly touched the bandage in the crook of her elbow, and she sighed. Her head was hurting now, and her euphoria was gone. She groggily got up and trekked to her bathroom. She pulled out the plastic tip that she took off the fork and stashed it underneath the sink. She trudged back to the bed and plopped down. She closed her eyes and involuntarily decided to take a nap.

A knock on the door jolted her awake, and she barely sat up before a man with scissors came into the room. "Hello, baby. I'm cancer." She waved gingerly as he grabbed her bag at the foot of the bed. "Alright, let's see, baby." She tilted her head as he dumped the entire contents of her bag on the bed. She watched him hold up one of her shirts...and cut off the sleeve. She could only stare on in horror at the falling fabric as he cut off the sleeves of all of her shirts. He even cut off the legs of her pants, and shortened her skirts. She didn't understand why the fuck he was doing this. They already took all of her shoelaces, hair clips, hair ties, and shower razors. "There we go! Oh, one more." He turned to her, and she backed up into the wall as he came towards her with those fucking scissors. She put up her hands in defense, and she clamped her eyes shut. She heard a few ripping noises, and she cracked an eye open to see the bare skin of her arms and legs…..did he just?

"There you go, baby! I'll be leaving now." He gathered the tattered remnants of fabric and left the room. She exhaled shakily and fell to the ground. Why? Why did he have to do that? Now everyone will see. She held up her arms, and cringed at the sight of all of her scars. A tear slipped out of her eye, and she reached for her notebook on the bed. She opened it and saw the black dot on the first page. She moved over it with her finger as her tears fell. Was this supposed to be progress? Was she as crazy as those people from before? She laid her head back and closed her eyes. She wasn't crazy, she was sure of it.

So, I probably shouldn't have started a new story right now, but I couldn't get this idea out of my head, and I didn't want to forget it either. So yeah, here it is. Can you guess what everyone has? They're all real disorders by the way. Just to make myself clear, I do not encourage or condone self-harm, and it is not a joking matter, so please don't get your panties in a twist. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story! Also,the disclaimer, I do not own Fairy Tail...had to put that somewhere I guess.