Reviews for The Crazier the Better
jessicadancer89 chapter 10 . 7/18
But Natsu told her that his file said Pyromaniac when he took her to the roof. How deep were her scars on the wrist to take 6 months to heal?

There are a few minor continuity errors every so often but I'm loving the story so far. It's an important one that a lot of us deal with on a daily basis, especially now with this quarantine. Please continue to write and develop this story.
Copperreign12 chapter 10 . 7/18
I really really love this story! I’m so into it! I started reading last night and finished this morning! Didn’t want to put it down that’s how interesting it is to me! I really love it can’t wait to see what happens next! Thanks for updating!
fafou14 chapter 10 . 7/12
I really love this story and this chapter is really great. Can't wait for the next one!
Bookwork129 chapter 10 . 7/12
This was such a good chapter. I really want to hear about the events that lead to Lucy and Natsu being here. Howuch trouble is Natsu going to be in for this? What exactly did he do?
BlueistheOcean chapter 10 . 7/12
I loved this chapter and this story. So many emotions with each character you can understand why Lucy hurts herself to feel,Natsu setting fires.

I can’t wait to read more. Is Cana going to be in there as well ? (Sorry I just prefer Cana’s character over levy’s as Lucy’s Bf...). Lucy looks like she wants to break out of this new prison and make a run for it where Jude can’t find her.

Thank You for the update and looking forward to the nextHope your day is as awesome as your stories !
valerioux chapter 10 . 7/12
I wonder if what Natsu did is related to Lucy? And I’m curious to know what he did in the first place?
BukakkeGirl chapter 10 . 7/11
I am absolutely obsessed
rao hyuga 18 chapter 10 . 7/11
Great chapter!
YukiMC chapter 9 . 6/18
I’m loving this story! I’m super excited for future chapters. I just love the dynamic nalu has here and the care Natsu shows to Lucy is amazing. I’m ready for some serious cuddles
Guest chapter 9 . 5/31
This is such an amazing story!
Mate-of-Sesshy chapter 9 . 5/29
Awww way nice friends! Can't wait to see what kind of gifts do they make!
BlueistheOcean chapter 9 . 5/29
Awwww I love it !

I am happy that you get to express your emotions through your writing because we get to read your absolutely AMAZING stories! The different ways you bring these characters to life makes you feel like you’re not just reading but also experiencing with them and I love it!

Not just a story but an experience.

Thank you so much for sharing !
fafou14 chapter 9 . 5/29
Omgg I'm soo happy, I literally finished the previous chapter yesterday and woke up to a new one today! Is it Christmas idk lool! But anyway this story really does keep getting better and better, also idk if this is offensive but I swear everytime juvia enters scene with her water pouring I cryyy of laughter... Like idk If it may be a real life problem with people but in the story it lightens the mood, like just imagining her doing it and how it makes soo much sense because of her character in the mangaanime... Soo ya lool I talked alot, can't wait for the next chapter!
Sairey13 chapter 9 . 5/28
Hopefully, the next time Jude tries to come back and see Lucy... Laxus, and maybe some security guards... Maybe, even Natsu and their friends, will be there to keep an eye on him and keep her safe.

...Maybe, the next time Igneel comes over, Natsu can have her see him. I bet Igneel will tease Natsu, by telling them to not give him any grandchildren until they both recover and are at least over 18... Man, will that make Natsu go red.

...Lucy will probably end up doing some solo therapy sessions, after what happen, will she?

Will we see other characters in the story? Like Aquarius, and the other Celestial Spirits? Or, Makarov and other members of Fairy Tail?
Mitsukai-sama chapter 9 . 5/28
Oh god this chapter is amazing ! I was fangirling all along ! XD I really love the story and the way you describe their feelings. Keep it up and I hope you will update the story soon ! Be safe :)
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