All Melia Antiqua really wanted to do was sleep for more than five hours, but as the Empress of the High Entia, that was not in the cards. As usual, she rose at sunrise and fell into her routine. She disrobed and stepped into her bath, taking care to only pour half the water allotted to her in the tub. Just as every other High Entia was under water rations, so was she. Melia had no intention of breaking the rules simply because she was Empress. As Empress, she was to guide her people and care for them. She had proved herself worthy through the trials, but she knew that if things didn't progress on the faster side, her people would seek a new leader. With haste, she scrubbed her skin with the sponge, pushing down the growing anxiety in her chest. You must not falter.

After her bath, the young woman dressed in her usual blue and lavender blouse and pants. Dresses were worn only for special occasions; pants were more utilitarian, and suited to the various physical and mental tasks she had on a daily basis. As she brushed her silvery hair, that fell to her waist, Melia reflected upon the past eight months. The High Entia refugees scattered all over the Bionis had returned to Alcamoth (save a for a few who chose to stay in Colony 6), and after Shulk's wish for a world free of Gods, the High Entia who were forcibly transformed into Telethia, reverted to their humanoid forms. It hadn't been an easy task, but she had managed to centralize the High Entia nation back in Alcamoth.

Just as she sat down to eat her small breakfast, her thoughts hovering over the future of the High Entia, the usual knock on her door came. "Come in," she called. A half homs, half entia woman walked into Melia's sitting room as the imperial guards closed the door behind her. The young woman's eyes were bright with excitement as she hurried into the chamber. "Good morning, Serenity." Melia said pleasantly and gestured for her to sit in the chair across from her. "What is on the schedule today?"

Serenity looked down at the open notebook in hand and read, "You have a cabinet meeting at 7. Then a visit to the ether plant at 9, followed up by a visit to the lighthouse at 10. Afterward you have to approve construction on the new housing quarters as well as the new aqueduct system. I've also set aside some time for you to visit a few of the High Entia support groups today. Zain tells me there's been some fighting with the Hodes and the Kromars, so he will brief you on the altercations." Serenity paused, looking over something at the bottom of her page. Melia closed her eyes and sighed; she knew what Serenity was going to say. It may have been eight months since the death of her father and brother, but she still hadn't properly mourned them. "It's your…brother's birthday next week. I thought you might want to reach out Nae'ell…" Serenity trailed off.

"Yes, I shall. I will ask her if she'd like to join me for dinner that evening." Melia said in a low voice as she sipped her tea. Nae'ell had been her brother's fiancée. Melia found her to be a quiet, dutiful woman. The two of them had never really interacted much while Kallian was alive, and less so now. I must do better. She is family.

"Past that, you have a few people who are trying to get onto the schedule. I'll squeeze everything in I can before you depart this evening." Serenity smiled. "Are you looking forward to seeing your friends?"

I almost forgot. Tonight was Shulk's birthday party. About a month ago, Melia had received the invitation for the party. The pink card with confetti had easily brought a smile to her usually serious face. But there was also a feeling of trepidation lurking in the back of her mind. In the eight months since the Fall of Bionis and her departure from Colony 9, Melia had buried herself in the rebuilding of the High Entia civilization, ignoring all other matters and relationships. The only friend she had seen in that time had been the Heropon Riki, who liked to surprise her with visits. Guilt splashed over her as she thought about her lack of communication with the others. Had they taken that as a slight? Or did they know she was overwhelmed with work? She had more responsibilities than she knew how to handle. Truthfully, she was drowning in them.


Serenity's question interrupted her train of thought. With her gray-blue eyes, Melia nodded. "Yes. It will be good to see all of them again. Even if it is only for a single evening."

"You deserve a break. You've accomplished so much in so short a time!"

Melia gave her a smile. "There is still much to be done."

"But you're a person just like everyone else is!".

"It is my responsibility as Empress to make sure the High Entia are at peace."

"I'm sorry, Empress. I just know how much you do."

"We must all do our best. Now, if you'll excuse me Serenity, I must prepare for the cabinet meeting." Melia said, her voice frigid with the dismissal. Serenity rose and bowed, departing as quickly as she came.

Melia sighed as she began to eat her fruit, feeling guilty all over again about giving Serenity the cold shoulder. After all, her assistant was just worried about her. If Melia were alone, without her guards, she might have allowed herself emotional respite. But she couldn't betray herself at all. It was one of the many lessons her father had taught her that remained emblazoned in her mind: the life of a ruler is a lonely one. Confidences were to be kept to a minimum, if there were any at all. Friendships were a luxury that she had not earned yet.