Chapter Eight: Curtains Up

Waking up the next morning was an interesting experience.

Harry stared at his bed hangings for several minutes before he recalled why they weren't scarlet and gold. His heart sank as he remembered what misfortune had befallen him the day before.

Oh crap. Snape's my father!

If only it could have been a horrendous dream—but no; his surroundings said otherwise. Harry pulled his covers up over his head, wishing he could sink back into oblivion. Last night had actually been the first since the Task without nightmares. Too bad he was now living in one permanently.

A sharp knock on his door startled him out of his melancholy. "Are you awake?"

Harry didn't answer, in no way ready to face Snape and hoping that the man would think he was still asleep and leave him alone. No such luck. He heard the door handle turn, and concentrated on keeping his breathing deep and even.

He heard Snape walk over to his bed, and remained still with his eyes closed as his covers were pulled off his face. There was a long pause.

"I know you're awake."

Harry decided maybe now was the time to fake waking up, so twitched and yawned and opened his eyes slowly, then drew his legs up with a yelp as Snape whipped his covers off the bed completely. "What was that for?"

Snape frowned down at him. "I sincerely hope that is not the extent of your acting skills, or you will be spending the rest of your life answering to Mr Fudge."

Harry shivered, and Snape conceded to let him have his covers back. "It's eight o'clock, and I think it would be beneficial for us to get a move on working things out, considering the Minister could be coming over at any minute—don't you?"

Gloomily, Harry thought he had a point. "Okay, fine. I'll get up."

"Good." Snape strode to the door. "Do you eat porridge?"


Snape cleared his throat.

"Yes, Father."

"I'll have some ready when you've washed." He disappeared down the stairs.

Harry groaned, grabbed some fresh clothes and made his way to the bathroom.

It was big, with a large bath and a separate shower. Harry's shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste now sat on the shelf next to Snape's (Harry was shocked to find Snape actually had shampoo, and it wasn't covered in dust either). He had the quickest shower he could, dressed fast and hurried downstairs.

Just in time as it turned out—Snape was dishing up two bowls of porridge.

"Ah, there you are. Do you have sugar or anything on it?"

"Um …" Harry hesitated. "Do you have golden syrup?"


"Oh. Honey then?"

Snape nodded "I do. In that cupboard there."

Over breakfast, they resumed their getting-to-know-each-other discussion, exchanging more small details such as likes and dislikes, as well as memorable moments from their pasts. Harry was just telling the escaped python story (skimming over the bit about Dudley pushing him to the floor), when a lynx Patronus suddenly materialised in the kitchen, startling them both.

Harry dropped his spoon with a clatter. Snape jumped to his feet, looking alarmed. To Harry's surprise, the Patronus opened its mouth and spoke in a deep, slow voice.

"Fudge is coming. Five minutes tops."

Message imparted, it faded. Snape cursed colourfully, which would have impressed Harry if he hadn't been so blown by the message. His heart jumped into his throat. This is it.

"I hope you're ready for this," Snape said in a strained voice.

Harry nodded. "I'm ready, Father." As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose.

Snape looked sceptical, but didn't comment. They finished their porridge in silence, though Harry had rather lost his appetite, and Snape was just putting the empty bowls in the sink when the doorbell rang.

Okay, Harry. Just like when the social workers came.

"I'll get it," he said before Snape could react, and ran into the hall. He had a feeling he had rather startled his new father with his eagerness, but Harry knew what he was doing.

Lights, camera, action!

Harry unlocked and pulled the door open, a smile on his face. "Hello!" he said brightly.

Fudge looked rather taken aback. "Mr Potter," he said, sounding surprised.

"Oh, hello, Minister," Harry said politely. "Sorry, was my father expecting you? He didn't mention it."

There was no doubt that Fudge was in a bad mood. He scowled harder at Harry's words. His clothes were unusually crumpled and he had dark shadows under his eyes; Harry got the impression he had been up all night. Behind Fudge was another man; tall, bald and dark-skinned, who in contrary to Fudge seemed completely calm.

"Of course he's expecting me," Fudge snapped.

"Okay." Harry drew back to let them in. Fudge stalked into the hall without a thank you. The other man nodded politely at him. "Father!" Harry called. "We've got visitors."

Snape looked out of the kitchen doorway, washing-up gloves on. "Oh, Mr Fudge. This is a surprise."

"Don't play dumb with me, Snape; you've got a lot of explaining to do."

Snape frowned. "I'm sorry?"

Fudge looked like he was about to blow a fuse, but the other man spoke up—in an oddly familiar voice.

"Perhaps we should all sit down and talk about this civilly?"

Harry blinked. It was the voice from the Patronus.

"An excellent idea," Snape said calmly, peeling off his gloves. "Why don't I put the kettle on?"

Fudge growled, but the Patronus-castor said, "That would be welcome, thank you. A strong black tea for the Minister, and a sweet white one for me."

"Certainly—Auror Shacklebolt, isn't it?"

Shacklebolt nodded, but Fudge burst out, "Just get on with it!"

"Harry, would you show our visitors into the front room," Snape said, smiling at him before disappearing into the kitchen.

"This way." Harry walked into the front room with a spring in his step, and gestured to the chairs. "Please sit down."

Shacklebolt thanked him, but Fudge sat down reluctantly without saying anything. Harry took a seat on the sofa, a free space beside him for Snape. After a minute or so's awkward silence, Snape entered with a tray of cups of tea, and silently handed them out. Harry took a sip of his, impressed that Snape had recalled exactly how he liked it.

"Now," Fudge said in a dangerous voice, "maybe you two could tell me what you're playing at."

Harry and Snape looked at each other. "What do you mean, Minister?" Snape asked politely.

"This silly adoption!"

"Oh, is that what this is about?"

"Don't give me that!" Fudge snapped. "I don't know how you pulled this off, but I do know why!"

"And why would that be?" Snape said promptly, an eyebrow raised.

"To stop me adopting him myself!"

"But, Mr Fudge," Harry said slowly in an innocent voice, "why would you want to adopt me? I didn't think you liked me much." Not after last year, anyway.

"He has a valid point, Minister," Shacklebolt said.

"I could ask you the same thing, Snape," Fudge said, avoiding answering perfectly and now smiling nastily. "From what I've heard, you've detested the boy since before you even met."

Harry and Snape looked at each other again, and both burst out laughing at exactly the same time. It couldn't have been more perfectly timed if they had rehearsed it.

"What's so funny?" Fudge demanded.

"Don't you see, Minister," Snape said, wiping tears of laughter from his face—Nice touch, Harry thought—"that's what we made everyone believe. I've known Harry since he was eight years old—we invented the grudge when he began Hogwarts so no-one could accuse me of favouring him."

"It became quite a fun game, actually," Harry improvised.

Snape nodded, catching on immediately. "Yes, we used to mark each other for creative insults."

Harry giggled. "And seeing everyone else's faces was always amusing."

Fudge frowned. "If that were true, and I'm not saying I believe you, why wait till now?"

"For what? To adopt him?" Snape put an arm around Harry's shoulders, and Harry snuggled into his side. His skin crawled, but he didn't let it show. Hmm … Snape actually didn't smell anywhere as bad as his lab.

"We've both wanted it for years, but … I thought he would be better protected with the blood wards." There was a pause. "But then I heard he was going to be removed from them anyway, I took the opportunity. No disrespect intended, Minister, but if anyone's going to be Harry's father, then it is going to be me."

"So you admit you adopted him to stop me!" Fudge jumped to his feet, sending his untouched tea over the carpet. Snape scowled.

"I do not believe I have done anything illegal. Have I?" he directed at Shacklebolt.

"No, he hasn't, Minister," the Auror replied. "He gained permission from the previous guardian before your application was approved, and his motives are clearly appropriate for the role. It's completely legal and proper."

There was a long silence while Fudge went purple. He was staring hard at the two of them, who hadn't broken apart yet, as if hoping to see a confession somewhere on their persons. Harry was trying not to hold his breath.

Finally, seeming to come to the conclusion that there was nothing more he could argue for now, Fudge swept out of the house, slamming the front door behind him. Shacklebolt sent them both a small smile and stood up too.

"Thank you for the tea, Professor Snape." He put his cup back on the tray, and glanced at the door before dropping his voice. "Well done, you two. Keep it up."

Harry quickly let Snape go, and he saw Shacklebolt out. Once the door had closed and the sounds of two people Apparating had come and gone, they both sighed.

"They've gone." Snape turned to look at Harry with an odd expression on his face. "That was impressive," he said, admiration in his voice. Harry couldn't help a warm feeling at the compliment.


"Who knows, we might be able to pull this off after all." Snape paused. "I think it would be best if we kept up the charade all the time, not just when others around. Acting becomes easier when you're not dipping in and out of the role. It also lessens the risk of being discovered."

"Okay," Harry said. Even knowing he was a good actor when it counted, he was still amazed how easy it had been. "Works for me."

"Then that's settled. Harry." There was a moment's silence. "So, I think we should do something special—something to celebrate."

Harry blinked. "Celebrate? Celebrate what?" That Fudge hadn't got his way yet?

"Well, that we're … finally a family."

A slow grin split over Harry's voice. "Definitely!"

"So … is there anything in particular you would like to do?" From the look on Snape's face, Harry could tell there was a silent WITHIN REASON! added onto that question.

"Um …" Harry's mind went blank. There were so many things that the Dursleys had done without him that he had longed to join in with, but now when it looked like he had a chance, he couldn't think of anything.

"Well?" Snape said after a moment's pause.

"Sorry … just … trying to decide," Harry said slowly. "Um …"


"Can we go to London?"


"Well, I've only ever been for a specific purpose, like getting school stuff. I've never been on an actual day out there."

For a moment Harry thought Snape might say no, but after a moment's consideration he nodded. "I don't see why not."

Harry grinned again, hardly able to believe his luck. This charade definitely had its perks.