Reviews for All the World's a Stage
fantasystar78 chapter 8 . 9/9
This story is interesting. I’d like to see it continue!
rcd6484 chapter 8 . 4/15
This is a fun story. Any plans to continue it?
geekqueen2010 chapter 8 . 3/5
Even if it's a charade it's still heartwarming to see their comradery! You know what they say, fake it till you make it! They are so gonna become a happy family for real! I can't wait for more!
geekqueen2010 chapter 6 . 3/5
Well, at least Harry cares.
geekqueen2010 chapter 5 . 3/5
Dang, just when they were having some sort of camradery.
geekqueen2010 chapter 4 . 3/5
And my eyes got watery thinking of the horrible childhood of a fictional character, drat.
geekqueen2010 chapter 3 . 3/5
Rip, I just hope that Snape learns how awful the Dursleys were to Harry and that Harry isn't the spoiled brat be assumed Harry to be.
geekqueen2010 chapter 2 . 3/4
I would feel bad, but once Snape sees how much like Lilly Harry is then things will get better.
geekqueen2010 chapter 1 . 3/4
lol, this will be a very entertaining read.
excessivelyperky chapter 8 . 1/1
Oh, hey, this silly adoption might end up being real after all. It's worth it just to see Fudge's face...
excessivelyperky chapter 7 . 11/16/2019
Yes, things really are weird-Snape is trying to adjust to not hating Harry, and Harry is trying to adjust to not hating Snape.

I do feel sorry for Sirius, though.
Kirby Lane chapter 8 . 10/15/2019
I just discovered this story and really enjoyed it! I do hope you decide to come back and finish it someday. I know how life can get in the way, but you have a good start. I especially want to know if Snape will ever find out about Harry's usual Christmases. Poor kid. Snape doesn't know it yet, but he doesn't even have to do too much to win "father of the year" award with Harry. Thanks for posting what you've written! :)
excessivelyperky chapter 6 . 10/14/2019
Ah, Harry (ok Hermione) has finally realized the risk that Snape is running by keeping him from Fudge. At least he's worried about it.
excessivelyperky chapter 5 . 9/19/2019
Very good chapter-both of them are being mostly honest about things, and Snape is learning lots more about Harry than Harry thinks. But so is Harry, about Snape.
excessivelyperky chapter 4 . 9/13/2019
Well, Snape finding out that Harry lived in a closet for Christmas *would* make Snape want to adopt him...
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