Young Macguffin stood at the back of the boat just as he'd done on his previous trip to Castle DunBroch, and like the first time around he was nervous. A few months had passed since the bear incident with the Queen. His father had thought it was high time he tried to win the fair princess's heart. When he tried to protest, his father had given him a stern look and that was the end of that.

It's not that the Young Macguffin didn't like the princess rather the opposite. He liked her too much. The bonnie lass had hit a bullseye not only on every target but on his own heart as well. He remembered what a sight she was when she pulled back her hood and revealed her fiery hair, curls bouncing slightly as she declared she'd be shooting for her own hand.

He remembered watching her, mouth agape as she hit his target and moved on from the next to the next all the while thinking red might be his new favorite color. The young lad didn't stand a chance against the princess, no he didn't stand a chance against Merida.

A slight thud took our young suitor out of his thoughts as he realized that the boat had docked already. Preoccupied by his own thoughts he had failed to notice that his clan was not the only one here. His father was busily exchanging "greetings" with the other lords. He looked around and spotted Wee Dingwall close behind his father. The wee lad had a far off look on his face and his eyes focused on nothing in particular.

Looking around once more he soon spotted Young Macintosh flexing his muscles as a group of girls screamed and swooned for him. Young Macguffin heard Lord Macintosh boasting to the other lords that his son had the best chance of catching the princess's attention since he was the best looking of the bunch. Lord Dingwall rolled his eyes and said wee Dingwall was a far better match since he was closer to the princess's age. Lord Macguffin proceeded by saying that his young lad was stronger than the other two put together and that strength would impress the princess.

He groaned a bit. It was times like these that he wished his father would keep his nose out of his business. Sure, he had a small chance because Wee Dingwall said himself last time he didn't want to be there. Plus, Young Macguffin could tell Wee Dingwall wasn't all completely there, but when it came to Young Macintosh his chances looked slim. Of course the Princess would pick Macintosh and not him. He was better looking and very popular with the lasses if the group of girls following him had anything to say about it. Young Macguffin was none of these things, he wasn't the popular sort and talking with girls was always difficult on account of his shyness…and accent.

How could he possibly have a chance with the Princess?

It didn't stop him from trying though.