Reviews for Expectations
SawuScimitar74 chapter 16 . 5/11
Such a great ending to a wonderful story. Merida said yes to Young Macguffin! I liked the reactions of their respective fathers. I bet they are both very happy and proud of their children for agreeing to marry each other. You did a great job on keeping everyone in character, and paying attention to the small details. Please keep writing! I can't wait to see what else you have written!


SawuScimitar74 chapter 15 . 5/11
Young Macintosh can be funny at times even with his arrogance.
SawuScimitar74 chapter 14 . 5/11
This was a great chapter to read. Well done!
SawuScimitar74 chapter 13 . 5/11
Hopefully he will eventually work up the courage to ask her. Young Macguffin deserves to be happy with her.
SawuScimitar74 chapter 12 . 5/11
Young Macintosh sure has some nerve calling Young Macguffin an idiot. Young Macintosh will never be a good match for Merida.
SawuScimitar74 chapter 11 . 5/11
I liked the talk Young Macguffin had with his father in this chapter. Hopefully Lord Macguffin will become a grandfather in the future.
SawuScimitar74 chapter 10 . 5/11
That was some cute interactions between Merida and Young Macguffin. The end of the chapter was so sweet. :)
SawuScimitar74 chapter 9 . 5/11
You're doing a great job with this story! Please keep it up!
SawuScimitar74 chapter 8 . 5/11
I liked the talk with Merida and her mother. It was interesting to know how she met Fergus. :)
SawuScimitar74 chapter 7 . 5/11
I'm glad that Young Macguffin said that Merida is not something to be won, because she really isn't!
SawuScimitar74 chapter 6 . 5/11
I liked the translations from Young Macguffin's accent. I will admit that I had some trouble understanding what he was saying when I saw Brave for the first time.

That was a sweet moment between him and Merida. :)
SawuScimitar74 chapter 5 . 5/11
Nothing like the lords getting into arguments.

Nice work!
SawuScimitar74 chapter 4 . 5/11
Young Macintosh is too arrogant for my liking. Great chapter by the way.
SawuScimitar74 chapter 3 . 5/11
That was a noble act by Young Macguffin. That says that he has a selfless side to him. I hope he will end up with Merida in the end.
SawuScimitar74 chapter 2 . 5/11
Great chapter! Glad that Merida was able to make it out alive. Personally, I think that of the three suitors, the best match for Merida would be Young Macguffin. He may be a shy lad, but he means well. That is what I like about him. :)
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