authoresnote: I am on a role! For some reason the words just keep coming - not that I'm complaining! So I wanted to get this out whilst the words are still flowing. This is deffo not filler and I believe the longest chapter so far, I hope you enjoy it! also if you haven't already check out my beauty blog, and follow me on twitter - pixxievicki is the username for both!

song recommendations - centuries: fallout boy, take me to church - hozier.

If the heavens ever did speak, she's the last true mouth piece


'Be ready'

And so they were.

Three days later they had all piled into a rented minivan to take them down to New Orleans. With nerves they packed the car full of clothes, blood bags, food, weapons and other bits and bobs they would need. Elena had been in a panick all morning, forgetting things and double checking time after time.

It was only when Stefan stepped in to calm her down did she finally burt into tears. It had been a long time coming. The group knew Elena felt guilt at dragging them all into this, but they had all accepted their fate; when Klaus eventually came (as it wasn't really a question of if – he surely would have figured out by now why his hybrids were dying), he would come for Elena and none of them would let that happen.

And so they left. Stefan at the wheel, Elena on his right. They had all piled in, the group they had scraped together; Stefan, Elena, Damon, Bonnie, Jeremy (against Elena's wishes but they needed numbers), Matt and Tyler. They all knew what they were risking but were willing too regardless.

And so they drove in shifts, getting themselves down to New Orleans and staying in hotels along the way. Damon and Stefan could easily have compelled them into nicer places but they were trying to stay lowkey, regardless of their age the Salvatore Brothers were well known and didn't want Klaus to find out where they were heading.

As they grew closer to the state border of Louisiana they were all showing individual signs of nerves. Bonnie's hands were flashing and clicking with magic, Matt and Tyler were unusually quiet, Stefan had pulled over twice to let Elena throw up and even Damon wasn't his usual cocky self.

Stefan stopped as they hit the border of the City and turned to the rest of the group. 'Last chance to turn back, if anyone doesn't want to be involved you can leave now – no questions asked'

None of them moved but Elena spoke up 'Guys we shoudn't do this, there is way too much that can go wrong. Rebekah could turn and kill us all'

'There is a lot that could go wrong but we're willing to do this Elena, for you' Jeremy spoke softly but they all heard and all nodded, muttering agreements.

'Well then' Damon spoke from his position in the back, clutching a bottle of bourbon 'Lets get this show on the road'

Stefan nodded, and drove them past the line of the City, and then they were in New Orleans, it was risky, it was stupid, downright dangerous – but it was the only chance they had. All they could hope was that Rebekah would go along with them and not kill them all for trying betray her brother.

The meetings with Marcel had been going on for weeks, and the constant griping, arguments and fights had worn him out. Each night he had collapsed into bed next to Caroline. Once he had looked so tired she had burst into tears at the sight of him.

It had been horrible to see her cry over how he felt, but he had fallen into her arms and it had been okay in the end. As a human Caroline felt compassion like no other, always believing in the good in people, although her mind had been near destroyed by his Father she had never lost that.

Never lost her love for people. It was one of the main things he loved about her; her purity, love and innocence. They were all the opposites to his dominant traits.

There had been a time in his life when he had fazed out the memories of human Caroline. They had caused him so much grief to see her how she once was, how she could be if he had saved her. But then one night she had asked him to tell her a story, and he had started telling theirs; their human story.

Since then he had loved the memories, if only to remind him of what had been and what could have been.


'There was once was a young farm boy, already so strong'

'There was once a young farm girl, who lived for the song'

He smiled across at her, until she motioned for him to keep going with an inclination of her eyebrow. He rolled his eyes, she giggled and of course he continued.

'The farm boy, would work, sow and run fast'

'The farm girl, loved him so, she knew it would last'

He took her hand then, spinning her around and catching her. She laughed even more straightening the crown of flowers she had made for herself. They both came from average families, not high born nor low and so her dress was prettier than most but still quite plain, the flower crown however made her look like a high born princess.

'The farm boy loved her too, more than his soul'

'The farm girl would share her hearth, home and bowl'

She giggled again and pulled him down to sit with her under their favourite tree. It was a beautiful tree with white flowered petals in spring. He gave the tree a shake and the petals rained down on them. She ruffled them out of his hair affectionatly, and he stroked hers, never misplacing the petals: he knew how much she adored them.

'The farm boy, would one day make her his bride'

'The farm girl was so sure, on horse together they would ride'

He smiled at her and bought his lips down to hers, abruptly cutting off the tune. She smacked his shoulder lightly, giggling all the while. As he released her she sat up and raised her eyebrow again. She crossed her arms as though mad and he laughed, his voice clear and loud, and that set her off too.

'Nik!' She whined her voice beautiful and gentle, except for when she was angry with him, when that happened (albeit rarely, then he called her banshee and she screamed at him even more). 'You didn't finish the song'

'I know love, I got distracted by your beautiful lips, can you blame me, that I want to kiss my betrothed?' He looked meek for a moment, sturggling to keep up the facade. She rolled her eyes at him and pulled him into her arms, they lay for several moments in a locked embrace, kissing, his hands rife in her hair, hers on his chest. It was wonderful, and so very peaceful.

He gently swept his lips over hers one more time before pulling back. She looked at him confused, and he placed a finger to his lips, before speaking himself 'Didn't you want to continue the song?'

She laughed loudly and nodded her head, falling to rest on his chest as he lay down on the grass. His hands continued to play with and stroke her hair, and she snuggled into him.

'The farm boy knew with no other than her he would lie'

'The farm girl, pledged to be with him till the day they would die'

As they finished the song (the one they had created in the early days of their relationship, adding more verses as weeks and months passed), and Klaus pulled Caroline up, sweeping her into his arms. She laughed and smiled as he swung her round, taking off her flower crown to protect it and placing it on his head as her blonde locks swung free.

He laughed with her, it was perfect, wonderful, and doomed to end.

Flashback End

They checked into a small, quiet motel on the edges of the city. Again they didn't want to draw attention to themselves, and of course checked in under fake names; cash only. They kept their faces as hidden as possible, with Stefan going as far to smuggle Elena in through a back door, rather than risk anyone seeing her in the reception.

As they moved into their room (one family sized, three double beds and a sofa they would have to share, no one wanted to risk going back and forth from different rooms), they all sat down, reciting the plan yet again.

It felt engrained on all of their brains now but they knew it was necessary. This plan already relied on a hell of a lot they couldn't control not going wrong, the best way they could prepare was to be sure that the stuff they could control went off without a hitch.

'Okay, so we'll get to the tombs, and I'll cast a cloaking spell to make sure no one see's us at the entrance, I'll then use a simple sleeping spell to knock out the guards' Bonnie recited her bit, it was simple magic, she was sure of it, she had been practicing a ton.

'Then Jeremy, Bonnie and I will remain outside acting as guards of the place, and to Bonnie to ensure she can keep the cloaking spell up' Matt spoke then, his voice quick; he was the only person here who didn't have any supernatural abilities, and it made him nervous.

'Then Elena, Stefan, Tyler and I will head down to the tombs, we'll find Rebekah's coffin, and open it up' Damon spoke next, even he had put down the liquor bottle, knowing the importance of getting this right.

'I'll be the first to see Rebekah and take out the dagger, I'll ensure she see's me first so she knows that the people saving her are friends not random people or enemies' Stefan nodded then, he wondered what it would be like to see her after all of these years. Of course he was completely devoted to Elena now but it would still be interesting.

'Then we hope she doesn't kill us all' Tyler nodded, he had agreed to come not only to protect Elena but to ensure Klaus didn't start messing with people of his species. He didn't know many werewolves but Klaus had already wronged him and he couldn't bare the thought of any other wolfs suffering.

'We'll go in the dead of night, take one van between us, wear black clothing and be extremely careful' Elena recited off the logistics, she was good at that, though her hands were shaking.

'And the dead of night as you so poetically put it' Damon paused for effect and rolled his eyes, receiving glares from most of the group 'Is in one hour, the suns setting, we need to get over now'

They all looked shocked then, Elena especially, her hands continued to shake, her foot tapping now too.

'What tonight?' Matt spoke up first 'Surely thats a little soon?'

'The sooner the better Matty boy' Damon spoke as though he were joking but his eyes boared into each and every one of them, indicating his seriousness. 'The longer we stay in town, the longer we could be detected. Klaus could be here, he often vists and sets up here, and if he's not we know he's got tons of spies in this region. We need to move quickly or risk exposure before we even make it to the tombs'

Many of them had been prepared to argue, but they all saw the sense of Damon's argument. It would make sense to do this as fastly as possible, no matter how nervous they all felt.

'Bonnie, you ready?' Stefan turned to her, concern in his eyes. Bonnie would most likely be exerting herself the most (if all went to plan), and as she nodded, a small smile flickering on and then quickly off her features, he copied her nod.

'Then let's get going, grab everything we need and meet downstairs in five minutes' Stefan nodded, scooping Elena into his arms. She squealed slightly as he walked to the window, preparing to jump out; again aiming to minimise her exposure. 'I'll pull the car around' And he jumped.

The remaining group members nodded at each other and began packing. Tonight was the night they would potentially save their best friend and start in motion the craziest plan ever concoted. Or they would all die.

'Nemo videre potest quod non, nemo videre potest quod non, nemo videre potest quod non' She was chanting the same thing over and over again clutching her Grams Grimoire. She clutched it to her chest as she recited the words over and over. She was keeping the shield up, making sure that the fog she had constructed minutes earlier didn't waver. Two guards lay asleep at her feet, unharmed.

Bonnie nodded her head and Jeremy turned to the group on the stairs.

'Go now!' He spoke in an urgent whisper and with a hurried pace, Stefan, Elena, Damon and Tyler descended into the tombs. They all ran across the floor as soundlessly as possible, Stefan carrying Elena to ensure her footsteps didn't wake any of those in the floors, or any of those who could still hear.

They moved quickly and quielty and soon they were at Rebekah's crypt. It had been Stefan who knew that Rebekah would be kept here. Klaus had adored this place and had daggered Rebekah here, it only made sense that he would leave her here. Stefan hadn't known this for sure but he had hoped. His hope had payed off.

The coffin she was in was golden, and the youngest Salvatore recognised it immediately. He motioned them forward placing Elena down, and slowly but surely lifted the casket with the help of Damon and Tyler.

As the lid lifted he saw Klaus's sister. She was dressed in the same clothes she had been in the night Klaus had stolen his memories. Her skin grey and veined, a dagger sticking out of her heart. He nodded at the rest of the group, and they all looked nervous.

Elena shuffled to the back of the boys, shielding herself from view. Stefan remembered how jealous Rebekah could get, he didn't want her going crazy from the get go. Nodding to everyone, he leaned forward and pulled the dagger loose. It was easy to tug away and as he did, the complexion and texture of her skin immediately began to change.

'This is it' He nodded, holding the dagger still aloft in case she decided she did want to kill them all and he needed to ram it back in. The rest of the group melted back slightly, giving Stefan his chance to get through to her.

Her eyes fluttered open, her skin was the same pale colour again, and she glanced around first over her head and then her eyes locked onto Stefan's.

'Stefan' Her voice was quiet, almost a whisper, and she reached a hand up to touch her face. He dropped the dagger by her side, he couldn't use it on her, they needed her. He just hoped she wouldn't decide to kill them.

'Hello Rebekah'

there we go! I hope you liked it, hope you enjoyed it! any questions feel free to ask in the reviews.

also the latin translates roughly (took me ages!) to: 'no one can see that is not'.

also the song is written by yours truly, took me forever! its so hard to find rhyming couplets, don't know how poets do it!

as always please review/subscribe/follow/fav - and check out my beauty vlog, twitter, instagram - all under the username pixxievicki.

see you soon!
