A/N: Thanks Babe. For everything x



Coldplay- Yellow

Realistically, fairy tales were warning stories that were meant to convey a lesson. Usually aimed at young women, warning them about the perils of free thought and of having an independent streak.

Fairy tales and their happily ever afters weren't real and the truth was; happiness didn't exactly run smooth.

Things sometimes got messy and confusing and scary and fucked up but it was what it was. The road to happiness could be an ugly one.

So this, Hermione acknowledged, was where she was in terms of her love life.

She was still in the dressing room. Sirius' music blaring through the walls, the discernible beat pounding into her.

Honestly, she didn't know why she was still sat down but she was. Logically, she should have left a long time ago.

The Marauder had made his feelings known when he'd walked out. Right? That was hint enough really, especially since he'd stopped and almost said something but hadn't. He'd just left and that in itself had been a non-answer so he expected her gone.


She didn't know. Everything was so... confusing and scary.

The brunette looked down at her fingers. She'd found one of his guitar picks and had been playing with it for the last half hour. Twirling it as she'd thought, but now she'd practically ran out of things to think about. Her head was a recycled jumble of What Ifs? and What Did It Means? followed by a fuck ton of insecurities.

So she focused on the way she twirled the name brand pick between her fingers. She'd concentrated a bit too much TBH because she didn't hear the two women until they barged into the dressing room: A teary-eyed Daphne followed by a stern looking Luna.

Hermione stood, dark eyes growing wide as her mouth fell open. Ready to defend herself because although she was crying, Daphne looked half-mad with desperation.

'Go. Away!'

'Daphne,' Luna said through clenched teeth as her hand circled the blonde's bicep, yanking her backwards. 'Stop it!'

'No!' Daphne shouted, tearing her arm away from Luna's grip. 'She needs to leave! He's mine, she had her chance and she ruined it!'

'That's enough! You're making a fool of yourself.'

The pretty blonde shook her head, beautiful eyes glistening with tears and anger as she took a threatening step forward. Hermione's throat locked as her mouth ran dry, her heart beating wildly against her chest, her body primed for whatever. Somehow, Luna managed to get in between them.

Daphne shook her head as teary eyes stared Hermione down, anger tinting her words. 'You left. You ran away from him and he was a mess. I helped pick him up. Me. Not you!'

'Daphne,' warned Luna.

'No. No!' The blonde turned her eyes to Luna, backing away as she pointed a finger at Hermione. 'You know what she did. You saw him. She left him, she made her decision, she doesn't get to come back and act like everything is okay. Not now, not now that he's mine!'

Hermione... froze.

Thinking an Unpleasant Thing was one thing, having it verified was another and the thought of Sirius and Daphne together was Unpleasant As Shit. As were the visuals that followed. She felt herself wanting to scream and rant at the fucking blonde... but she couldn't. Because nothing Daphne had said was wrong.

In this case, Hermione had been the other woman. Fucking hell, they'd had sex minutes after the chick had left the room. He'd bent her over the same damn couch he and Daphne had been sitting on... There was nothing for Hermione to justify. Silence was all she had.

And it sucked.

'Leave,' the blonde demanded, her tone final.

Before Hermione could even think about what to say, Luna intervened.

'He's not yours Daphne,' she started. 'You know it. Sex doesn't mean anything.'

Hermione flinched because yeah... it didn't. Sometimes, sex was just sex...

In front of her, Daphne reacted pretty much the same way.

'It's not like that. He and I... it means something. It does.'

Luna took a step towards the blonde, her tone firm and matter of fact- business like. It was the same tone she'd used on Hermione when they first met. 'It means something to you, not to him. And you know that.'

Daphne's tears ran down her face, making Hermione feel like a voyeur. It was wrong for her to see this, not when she was the cause of it.

She should've just stayed away.

'He talks to me! Tells me things, he didn't before,' Daphne pleaded with Luna, the whine in her voice begging the other blonde to understand and agree. 'You don't know because you've never been with us when we're alone.'

'She's still his wallpaper.'

Hermione's heart stuttered, her eyes moving to the back of Luna's head. Daphne... crumbled. And the guilt she felt multiplied by a million. Still, Luna didn't stop. The taller blonde's voice never wavered. It remained kind and very matter of fact, even as she tore down Daphne's dreams brick by brick.

'He still has her name tattooed on him. He still has her ring. He's almost called her several times. When he's not with you, he finds girls that look like her. You've only been a distraction.'

'Luna,' Hermione hissed, finally having found her voice. 'That's enough.'

'It's the truth,' Luna justified, turning to face her. 'And the only reason it's hurting you Daphne, is because deep down, you know that everything I'm saying is true.'

There was an ugly silence that followed. Finally broken as Tourjours Pur's riff started in the background. The roar of the crowd easily dwarfed Sirius' playing.

'Leave. Please,' whispered the crying blonde. 'You're not right for him. You're not right, because you're not willing to fight for him. That's all he wants. To have someone who will give as much as he does. To stick with him and not run away when things get hard and that's not what you do. It's not what you do. Please, just leave.'

So she did.

Hermione stood outside of the arena as Daphne's words played over and over again in her head, The Marauders music reverberating around her.

Nothing she'd said had been wrong. Nothing.

All Sirius had wanted was for her to fight as hard as he had. All Hermione had done was run.

Well, no. Daphne had gotten one thing wrong. ...That wasn't who she was anymore.

THAT Hermione had been afraid of living. Of change and circumstance. Of being anything other than herself. Old Hermione had stuck by her parents' playbook. This Hermione studied Physics and depended on no one. THIS Hermione did as she pleased.

Really, Daphne had been wrong- or hopeful.

Hermione took deep steadying breaths and waited for the phone to stop ringing.

'What happened?!' shouted an overexcited Lav.

'I just broke up with Dean,' she answered, clenching her fists. 'Fucking hell I'm shaking.'

'Yeah well, it's the first time you've ever broken up with someone isn't it? Second time I mean... and officially. Congratulations! How's it feel?'

'Thanks and it's shit. He yelled and called me a slag. Said he could hear the band playing in the background and that he hopes Rita does right by me. Arse.'

'That's fucked up yeah.'

'But it's kinda fair.'

'A bit. But I doubt he means it babe. Not to defend him or anything but that doesn't tie in with the Dean we know.'

Hermione nodded, 'I know. He's just angry but still...'

'Yeah. But still,' Lavender sighed. 'So what are we then?'

'I don't know... We had sex and then he left to play without saying a word. Oh my God Lav, a girl named Daphne was on his lap when I walked in and...'

She told her best friend everything. Every shitty second of it and after it was all said and done, Lav stayed quiet.

'What do you think?' she asked after making sure the call hadn't cut off or anything. Her usually loud bestie had been far too quiet.

'I think you need a do-over. Something less... glitchy. Like, you going to see him and he's alone in a room and you two talk for hours about this, culminating in some deep and intense lovemaking. I know! How do you feel about using some of that music money and looking into investing in a time machine thing?'

'Lav!' she growled, exasperated. 'Can you not right now please? I'm stressing the fuck out and do not need you talking about time turner ... things. It's stupid and fucked and I need serious okay?'

'Damn girl. Again? Didn't you just have him?'


Sorry' she laughed. "Just trying to relieve the tension.'

Hermione shut her eyes, nodding. 'I know.

'Come home,' she said as opposed to telling her what she already knew.

That Hermione was not that person. She was not the fighting type.

'No,' she replied.

'What?' Lav said. Her tone sharp and shocked. 'What do you mean?'

In her mind's eye, she could see Lav sat up in bed, eyes wide and eyebrows up with surprise.

'I'm going to do a thing, because Daphne's right. Sirius needs more. And- and I know what to do. I know how to show him that I'm in this if he wants me.'

When she spoke, Lav's voice was cautious if a bit excited and curious. 'What are you going to do Hermione?'

'Something wildly out of character,' she laughed, her hands shaking even more.

'Babe... are the paparazzi going to be around again?'


'Cool,' she laughed. 'I'll text Daddy now and let him know we'll need guards posted outside again.'

'I'm scared,' Hermione admitted, her hands sweaty. 'Shit could back fire on me.'

'Maybe,' replied Lav, sober now. 'But is whatever you're going to do worth the risk?'

Sirius' face flashed through her mind then. His smile, his laugh, his lips and his touch.


'Then go get him.'

Dude and a giant of a man next to him, were watching her.

She remembered the bloke from last year, the same one who'd gone to Godric's Hollow to pick up Sirius' bike.

The man was huge and scary looking but underneath his beard and long hair, she saw a sweet smile and twinkling eyes.

Dude on the other hand looked curious.

Eyebrows up, a slow smile started to pull at the edge of his lips.

Still neither one of them tried to stop her when she took one cautious step forwards. Turning to face them, making sure no one would tackle her or anything.

Both smiled but didn't move.

So she took one more step and then another.

She was on stage. Off to the side anyway, hidden by huge loudspeakers but she was. The crowd was massive. People as far as the eye could see. Dancing and jumping en-masse, individual movements, when seen from afar, merged into a singular entity. They were clapping along to Fire Whisky, singing the chorus.

James, fully in control of the crowd, was in his element. A lascivious grin on his face as he sang to a girl in the front row- a redhead with a pirate smile and sin in her eyes. Hermione blinked and turned around, searching for Lily, realising that she'd not yet seen her.

The brunette shook her head and turned her eyes back to the stage, knowing she was procrastinating.

She was going to vomit. She was, she could feel the vile burning her throat but there was no going back. Not if she wanted him. And she did.

More than anything else in fact.

Sirius... he meant the world to her. It was time for her to let him know that.

Hermione pulled on her bun, letting her curls loose, knowing he liked her hair that way. He'd told her as much and right now, she needed all the help she could get.

She arranged her curls to frame her face and took deep steadying breaths, waiting for something. She didn't know what. A sign maybe, which was stupid as hell but nonetheless true.

So there she stood, listening to the crowd join in the song. As Sirius made his guitar wail and Remus pounded away at the drums with pure, raw energy.

The arena was humming. The crowd was wild. Sirius played on.

One deep breath.

And then another.

Hermione licked her lips and stepped on stage.

Peter, closest to her, spotted her first. He did a double take and laughed, dipping his head as she walked past him.

By now some in the crowd had noticed her and an accompanying roar followed. People whistled and shouted their approval.

Remus saw her next and the mad idiot stood in triumph, drumsticks in hand as he openly cheered. Crazy smile in place, he raised both arms in celebration before bringing them down in a thunderous beat.

James and Sirius turned last and almost as one.

'Oh shit!' laughed James into the mic as he turned to face Sirius who looked visibly shocked. The Marauder dropped his guitar to his side as James Potter sat down by Remus' kit.

Her legs were shaking.

Her tummy was fucking churning and she wanted to turn the hell away but no. Fuck. No.

She walked slowly, because she had to make a point. And also because if she walked fast there was a danger of falling on her arse but that was beside the point. She finally reached him, after what seemed like ages and opened her mouth. Knowing what she needed to say, having practiced the words earlier.

'I'm sorry.'

Sirius just shook his head, eyes moving past her to the cheering crowd. 'Hermione what the fuck are you doing? C'mon, let's get you back stage.'

He reached for her hand and she held on tight, desperate and hungry for him to not let go. 'No. Listen ok? Please?'

The Marauder studied her face, anxiety in his eyes. But not for himself, for her, because he knew how she felt about being seen. As if to prove her right, he moved, blocking her from the fans.

She steered him back, desperate to prove her point, still holding on to him with clammy and shaking hands.

Sirius shook his head. 'What do you want Hermione?'

'You,' she replied simply. 'And if you'll have me, I'm in. Completely and fully, no running... I'm yours Sirius. I've always been yours.'

She watched his eyes change. Saw him thinking as he turned over her words for what seemed like forever. And then, a familiar twinkle shone in his eyes as a side smile pulled at his lips. The pain in her chest lightened and hope flared in.

Hermione didn't really know where to go from there. Too many things were still up in the air. She could see it in his eyes too but all that would have to wait.

For all she knew, it wouldn't work out... Or they could be a lifetime thing.

But it didn't matter because eventually they would get there and shit would work itself out.

Sirius was her rock star ex-husband-turned-on-again-off-again-boyfriend; any version of a happy ending for them was never going to be anything other than chaotic and distorted with varying degrees of rhythm. Like his music.

The Marauder smiled at her then, properly smiled, and her insides burned to life.

Yeah, everything was going to be okay... And if not, she'd just beat him to death with his guitar, no problem.

Grey eyes roamed over her face before he nodded at the crowd with a tilt of his head. 'They're expecting a kiss you know?'

Hermione smiled, happy tears forming and falling faster than she could wipe them away. 'Is that right?'


'Then we should do it you know? I'm all about pleasing the fans nowada-'

Sirius stepped closer to her, invading her space and staring down at her as the fans screamed louder. His intense gaze moved from her lips to her eyes and settled there.

'Don't run again.'

'I won't.'

Calloused hands pulled her in as his lips met hers.

The crowd lost it.

It was romantic AF.

The End.

A/N: That's it. Crazy as all damn hell and a joy to write... Pick is done. Thank you dear reader for giving this fic a try. If you've not done so before, now is a good time to review.

Thank you all for reading.

-Erica x