god forgive me for what the hell Im doing...

ahem! so, this is a new RinxLen Modules parody story. It's very stupid and may cause brain damage to those wholl read it. not only that but it also contain many fucked up pairing. no LenxLen here. you have been warned. Also, the modules personalities here are my preferred ones, they aren't canon!

oh, and Ill update Ningyo no Yoru, don't you worry.

i guess…

Journal, Enrty no. 1

Dear, diar—journal! Journal damn it! Diary sounds so girly, eww. Oh, um, anyway, Kagamine Awesome Rin here~! ;) So, as you can see, I bought a dia— journal, becuz of my annoying mirror image... You see, yesterday, Len came into my room holding a bag of chips (without offering them to me! -.-) and begun lecturing me abt how I'm so forgetful (HAHAHA, no. ._.) He also said that I should start being mature at my age. Yeah, right! Coming from the guy who did nothing but to hang out with his friends! :C

So, after that, I decided to ask. "The hell is your problem? Suddenly barging inside MY room without knocking first!" And then he replied with his gayish voice XP "Excuse me, but this is also my room." I know, its our room, okay! It's not like I'm thinking it's my room only cuz he's always out...yes, I totally remembered that it's our room! I'm just testing him...

Ahem! Resuming my story, I complained after that, "God, you're annoying! Just go out with your friends instead of bothering me!" -.-

That's when his annoying, childish, gayshit aura was replaced with an intimidating one.

"How could I? When you ate all of my cookies...forgetting that it's mine.. mine... mine." HE'S FUCKING SCARY, HOLY FLYING PANTY COWS—Even I the awesome Rin will admit that I'm sometime scared of him! Q.Q I-I mean! It's not entirely my fault! He left the cookies just lying on the table, waiting to be eaten! ...H-he's been obsessed with cookies lately, especially banana flavor ones...which is weird.

And also, he's a bipolar…

No, he has a split personality! ( ; _ )

Well, after freaking out a bit (internally of course!) I decided to calmly ask him. "What do you want me to do anyway?!"

His answer is; "Buy a diary, and reread your entries every day, it will help you improve your memory, and maybe attitude."

He's insulting my awesome personality?! Just because I am totally more mature, more awesome, greater, kinder, more intelligent, more talented than him doesn't mean he could insult me and my personality!

...I think I love myself too much. O.o

I am not a narcissist I swaer!

A bipolar and a narcissist—NO. .

Ugh, so anyway. After the gay guy exits my room, I decided to find Transmitter (Mah best friend :D) to come with me and buy a diary, well, i-it's not like I'm considering Len's suggestion! It's have been in my mind to buy a dia— journal for awhile! It's totally my idea! My awesome idea! HO!

Back to the story, I couldn't find Mitter, so I went for Black Star instead, who's being chased by a wild Aitetsu O.O (I don't know what his deal is, and I don't want to know.) We have like to literally run away from him, on our way out, we ran into Pubksih, Reactor, and Cheerful Candy, (A.K.A The love triangle! /3) with the two girls fighting over him again. Lucky bastard...not, every time he tries to stop the two girls, he'll get a punch from Reactor XD

But, really, what's Tetsu's deal is? O_O

ASDDGHJKLLB. My hand is aching, I'll continue writing tomorrow... maybe…


Blue Moon posted on Black Star's wall

Go to sleep, Kuro!

Reactor, Transmitter and two others like this


Black Star: No

Punkish and Receiver like this

Blue Moon: We still have a live performance tomorrow, remember?!

Reactor like this

Black Star: Then please do explain why you're still wide awake.

Punkish, Receiver and Transmitter like this


Receiver like this

Receiver: Nice, dude, nice! X)

Transmitter like this

Blue Moon: Will you two go to sleep too?! Yes! Just do that! It'll be good for your health and for my mind.

Reactor like this

Reactor: Ao have a point.

Punkish: T.T W-why are you siding on him! Aren't you fighting your love for me earlier?!

Reactor: Hell, no. I'm just encouraging Candy to go away from you, you'll be a bad influence to an innocent girl like her.

Punkish: Ho~ So, does that means you can be with me becuz you're no longer innocent~? ;)

Punkish: ...Is that Chainsaw I'm hearing outside my room?

Punkish: Reactor, no wait! I am just—HELP! jokingahhahsjehjwiwisjHJAJAWNNSNANABXBJSKW

Black Star: Alryt, I'll sleep now, things are already starting to get disturbing.

Blue Moon, Receiver and Transmitter like this

Append Rin: :D

Text Messages:

From: Blue Moon

To: Suou

You still up, Suou?






From: Suou

To: Ao-san







From: Blue Moon

To: Suou

So, you're still awake! We have a performance with you and Tetsu tomorrow, right? Go to sleep.






From: Suou

To: Ao-san

I can't 0.0






From: Blue Moon

To: Suou

What, why? Nightmares? Want me to send Kuro over there?

Where's your brother?






From: Suou

To: Ao-san

No need to, it's just that I'm hearing weird noises outside...

And Tet-nii-sama is outside, I don't know where.






From: Blue Moon

To: Suou


Oh, okay.






From: Suou

To: Ao-san

Um, does the sound of the Chainsaw and screaming count as an example?






From: Blue Moon

To: Suou



what is this?! the outdated Suou have a cell phone? well, its just a parody anyway~ oh and she doesn't seem that shy in text messages doesn't she~?

heh, well that's for toady!

bye byes~ don't forget to review!