Happy Holidays

Disclaimer, Rugrats and Mega Babies belong to their original owners and no infringement is intended. Zack and Celeste belong to Celrock, Jesse belongs to Jesse-Borrow-Stories, Savannah belongs to DemonAloisTrancy, Rosie belongs to Nairobi-harper and Peter belongs to TCKing12.

Additional Notes: Because of the recent Controversy surrounding the use of author usernames in our stories here on , I've decided to replace the authors in this story with stand-ins using the names that Celrock has laid out.

Soyer = Sovietlollipop (me)

Sesealia = Celrock

Zambrea = DemonAloisTrancy

Hunter = Olaughlinhunter

Pete = TCKing12

Jessie = JJJB

Tammy = Nairobi-harper

It was Christmas Eve in Yucaipa, California where everybody, including the Rugrats, their parents and even the various Fanfiction authors and their OCs were heading Stu's and Didi's in order to celebrate.

Meanwhile over at Drew's, Soyer was helping Angelica Pickles and her friend, Zoey Anderson, get ready for the party.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" shouted Angelica, "or else we'll be late and miss out on all the sweets!"

"Calm down, Angelica" ordered Soyer, "we still gotta wait for Lazlo to pick us all up, remember."

"Well I hope she hurries" said the blond, "because I'm starved! I haven't had a cookie in over three hours!"

Soyer rolled his eyes and chuckled to himself as he handed Zoey her winter jacket.

"Are you looking forward to the Christmas party, Zoey" asked Soyer.

"Uh, huh" replied Zoey, "this is the firstest Christmas I gets to celebrate here in Yucaipa."

"Hey, Soviet" asked Angelica, "can you hand me my benne?"

"Here you go, Angelica" said Soyer as he handed his friend the winter hat.

"Are we all set" asked a voice from the hallway.

Just then, Drew walked in wearing an elf hat which made both Zoey and Angelica laugh. Even Soyer chuckled at the site of it.

"Oh, Daddy" laughed Angelica, "I didn't know you were one of Santa Clause's helpers!"

"Well, Santa dose need us parents to help him out this time of year" said Drew. "Is everyone ready?"

"Pretty much" replied Soyer, "we're just waiting for Nurse Lazlo to arrive."

Just then there was a car honk from outside.

"Oh, that must be her" said Soyer as we walked over to Angelica's room window and looked out. Lazlo's bright red Mega car was parked out in Drew's driveway.

"Yep, she's here" said Soyer, "let's all, huh…"

Before the author could finish his sentence, Angelica and Zoey were running out of the room and down the stairs.

"I get first dibs on all the cookies!" shouted Angelica with glee.

"Angelica, calm down!" ordered Drew as he and Soyer followed the two little girls. Both grownups had their hands full with the various presents for everyone as well as a box of fudge Soviet made for the party.

Angelica opened the front door and stepped out with Zoey. The blond was dressed in a satin purple parka with orange fur lining. Zoey wore a similar parka only hers was blue with white spots (styled like a leopard's) and black fur lining.

"Hello, Angelica, Hello, Zoey!" called Lazlo from her car.

"Hi, Nurse Lazlo" called back Angelica and Zoey. The two girls ran over to the Mega car as Drew and Soyer followed out of the house.

Drew was wearing a gray jacket with a green scarf and of course his elf hat. Soyer was dressed in a Red Army jacket along with a red scarf and an ushanka.

As everyone was heading to the car, Angelica tripped and fell, face first, into the snow.

"Angelica!" shouted everyone in panic.

"I'm okay" said Angelica, getting up.

"Princess" scolded Drew, "You need to be more careful."

"I know, I know" said Angelica as she followed Zoey into the Mega car.

"Hey, Zoey, Hey, Angelica" said Meg.

"Hi, Meg" said both Zoey and Angelica.

"Hey, pretty ladies" said Derrick in his flirty voice.

"Hello, Angelica and Zoey" said Buck, "Merry Cwistmas."

"Merry Christmas" said both Angelica and Zoey as they climbed into the back seats.

Soon Soyer and Drew had put the gifts in the back and were also getting into the car. Drew got the front seat next to Lazlo's and Soviet got into the back with Angelica and Zoey.

"Merry Christmas" said both Soyer and Drew in unison.

"Merry Christmas" said the Mega Babies.

"And Happy Holidays" said Lazlo, "are we all set for the party."

"Uh, huh" said Drew.

"I've even made some fudge for everyone" said Soyer.

"I loves fudge!" said Buck.

"Well wait in line, mister" said Angelica, "because I get first dibs!"

"Now, now, Angelica" said Soyer, "remember, we have to share."

"Oh, okay, okay" grumbled Angelica.

"So, Megas' asked Soyer, "how are you three doing?"

"We're doing great, mister Soviet" replied Meg.

"I can't wait until I get to see what I got for Christmas this year!" shouted Derrick with joy.

Soon they arrived at Stu's and Didi's place where everyone else's cars were parked. Lazlo, Drew, Soyer, Angelica and Zoey all got out and helped each other carry presents to the front door. Once they all got up to the porch, Meg rang the doorbell and a few seconds later, Didi Pickles answered.

"Oh, you guys made it" said Didi, "Come on in, the party's going. And Merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas" replied the new guests together before they all went and put their gifts by the big tree in the living room next to everyone else's. Once they did they joined in with the other guests.

Along with the Rugrats' parents and their relatives, several authors, including Sesealia, Pete, Zambrea, Tammy, Hunter, Brian, Jessie and all their OCs.

"Hey, Sesealia" said Soyer.

"Hey, Soyer" said Sesealia as came up and hugged her friend, "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas" returned Soyer as he hugged his friend back.

"Hey, Soyer, Merry Christmas" said Zambrea.

"Merry Christmas" returned Soyer as he hugged his other friend.

As the authors were hugging and giving each other Christmas wishes, Angelica, Zoey and the Mega Babies approached the other Kids.

"Hey, everyone" said Zoey.

"Hey, Zoey" said Tommy, "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas" said the other children.

"So what are you guys up to" asked Meg.

"We're getting readys to eat" said Zack Wehrenberg. At that moment, Didi announced that it was time for dinner and everyone got their plates.

"So" said Tammy to Didi as the two were getting their food, "it must be cool to actually have it snow here on Christmas day?"

"It sure is" said Didi, "The kids love make snow angels out there.

"And even better" cut in Stu, Pickles, "With my latest invention, The Stu Pickles Snow Man Maker, winter fun will never be the same again."

"Oh, I can imagen" said Drew.

"Okay, who asked for your advice" grumbled Stu.

"I'm only trying to help, Bro!" snapped Drew.

"Well, I don't need your help!" snapped back Stu.

"Oh, quit being so inconsiderate!"

As the two Pickles men were arguing, the Fanfiction authors along with Peter began to chuckle to themselves.

"I can see that Stu and Drew are doing their usual Christmas family tradition" said King Peter Albany of the Confederacy.

"I'll say" replied Sesealia.

Suddenly there was a loud crash from the living room causing everyone to gasp and head out to see what all the commotion was.

End of Part One

Notes: So, here's the first part of my little Holiday story I'm working on. I know it's a little rusty right now, part of that is because I'm still tired from my Christmas party. But anyway, I hope it's enjoyable. And Happy Holidays.