A/N: I know on the synopsis it says its a one parter, which I will definately change! However it is 2 parts, which I hope you'll enjoy!

The hour was late. Tom was settled back in bed, Katie was still sleeping soundly, and the house was quiet once more. All except Jill and Gordon, who were sat together on the sofa, still absorbing Jill's exciting news. This was to be their last Christmas as a family of 4.

Gordon hadn't stopped smiling since he'd found out. He'd made no secret of his desire for a child of their own. Jill, on the other hand, was less than enthusiastic about the impending arrival, yet felt as if a weight had now been lifted. It would've been a matter of time before Gordon realised. She'd begin to show, or the morning sickness, that she'd been hiding, would become more obvious. Gordon rarely missed anything, although he was a notorious worrier. Known for being overprotective, worried about the slightest thing. A baby, he'd decided was the best present he could wish for.

"Why don't you get some rest? I can finish off down here." There. There started the worrying, although his bedside manner was stuff of legends. The smile. The smile that could make anyone do as he asked.

"There's lots to do. How can I possibly? You've been working all day." Gordon nodded in agreement, however his case for her was stronger. Yes he'd been up a long time, yes he'd been working. However his thoughts were very much with Jill as opposed to himself. He frequently retired late, as it took some time to unwind after a busy day.

"Honestly. I'll finish off. I'm sure some bits can be left for tomorrow. " Nodding reluctantly, she agreed. As usual, Gordon knew best.

"Besides. Henry's coming tomorrow. The children are looking forward to seeing him. He's staying for a week or so, which means you can take it easy." Common sense prevailed. Jill had forgotten about Henry's visit, however he came as a welcome relief. The children would spend a lot of time with him, leaving them with some much needed time together.

"Yes, the spare room's all ready. The children have decorated it as well!" Gordon smiled, the image of Tom and Katie, a big box of Christmas decorations and free rein to do as they wished was a pleasant one. He hadn't seen the results of their hard work, although he was sure he'd see it all tomorrow. He knew the children would take great delight in showing him.

"You're right. I think I will head up to bed. Busy day tomorrow" Gordon nodded, knowing how chaotic Christmas day usually was. Only this year, for the first time Jill was to be on call, much to her displeasure, and Gordon's annoyance. He watched as Jill rose to her feet, and headed upstairs.

"Night love." He whispered, finishing what was left of his whisky. He'd forgotten to ask Jill what jobs needed finishing, but it all seemed irrelevant now, for he had bigger things to think about.

The house looked very festive. Christmas lights adorned the tree, cards lined up neatly above the fireplace, paper chains above the window. They'd definitely worked hard. That was clear to see, however his mind was wondering elsewhere. They had a long way to go, but the fact she'd told him on her terms was good enough for him for now. He knew how hard it must've been for her.

She'd never spoken about a baby of her own, yet she was wonderful with them at work, which was a delight to see.

He secretly hoped she wasn't called out tomorrow. Christmas was a family time that he cherished, especially after Jill's revelation. Their last Christmas a family of 4.

Everything looked so organised. She'd written down her instructions for Christmas dinner, which was always a treat. There were cake tins stacked on the table, full of bits she'd made with the children. Washing up all done, he really didn't know how he could be of help.

10:30pm. The house was silent, Jill he'd guessed was in bed, conserving what energy she had for a busy day tomorrow, the decision was made, therefore, to also retire for the night, as he knew the children would wake early.

He too had decided to retire for the night, looking forward to what Christmas may bring.