So, I've gotten a lot, and I mean A LOT of requests to continue this as a full story, and all I can say is: it's unlikely to happen any time soon. I adore writing Icarus with all my heart, it's such a fun ship to write, but there are a few things:
1) I hate writing things that conflict with the canon unintentionally. For example, in The Old Man, it's breaking the rules of the canon definitely and with a purpose. I have a clear idea of where I'm going to go with it, and what I will do based on various possibilities of what could happen in the show.
Now someone suggested that I have Jaune do more investigation into the framing of Yang, which I agree would make the story more interesting and also give more material to weave the potential romance around. That being said, what if I come to a totally ridiculous conclusion, something vastly different from what will actually happen, like that time that we all thought Neo was impersonating Pyrrha in the elevator?
Sure I could rewrite, but that would take a lot of effort that I don't really feel like doing when I could be working on Intensive Counseling, The Old Man, or Friendly Advice, (and maybe Fallen Angel, if that becomes a thing).
As a part of this, I think I should make my intentions clear: my one-shots are meant to be dropped straight into the canon. No set up, no nothing. All you need to understand what's going on is to have seen the show.
2) And more importantly: I've got no ideas. I can imagine a dozen different ways that Yang could fall for my boy, but I'm already using most, if not all, of those ideas in Friendly Advice and its unnamed sequel, so it would be redundant to just stick those ideas here. There's not much special about this scenario that changes some of the conventions I already have in my head about how Jaune and Yang feel about each other.
Now: I love Us Blondes. It's one of the best ideas I've had run around my head in a very long time, and I am eternally grateful for all the praise and kind words you folks have sent in. Am I going to do more one-shots? Absolutely. Am I going to do more YangxJaune one-shots? You bet your butt. I almost may have this interaction be canon in my other stories, such as Friendly Advice and other one-shots. I won't have it be a major plot point, since doing that would require people to go back and read this to have any context, and that feels unfair to me.
However, I have given permission to SunwukongMogar to continue this as an independent story on his channel. I may write stuff that contradicts his stuff later, but that just means we have two different possibilities set up.
Should I (for whatever reason) change my mind and decide to continue Us Blondes, it won't be until after the end of Volume III.
Thanks again for reading, and don't forget to check SunwukongMogar's page if you want more blonde goodness!