Hello miina! I have a new chapter for you all but this is not part of the series. I was going to actually put this after chapter eight but the story took a whole different direction. But I thought you would all enjoy seeing this chapter-even if it is following all the second episode with- my own twist. I hope you all enjoy and please review!:D

Snippet #5: Kagome's First

One Week Later

What. The. Hell.

There were a bunch of trees in the room. I could hear the chirping of birds and all types of wild animal calls. The temperature was something from the tropical islands and made me wonder if I had been teleported somewhere without me knowing.

Or maybe I had walked into the wrong place?I thought looking at everything around me.

A whole week had passed. With it all the duties she had to complete, as the little sister of Sesshomaru Taisho in the human world had been finished. At least until the next time. Having dressed in slacks and a blazer though, no one had suspected she was a girl. If they had been a bit more observant they would have known. This had only made Sesshomaru smirk as well as look down more on his idiot associates. Those having been his exact words.

Finally I had completed everything. This let me have free time after school. The day of reckoning had, in the end, arrived.

Class had let our early that day so I had decided to head over to the club and get to know everyone a bit more and see if I could understand how all these Sups had gotten the bright idea to open up a host club in high school.

Walking towards where I could feel the auras coming from, I stopped I front of the curtain I had found Haruhi in front of yesterday.

Otori-senpai walked out wearing a gold necklace and armband. And that was all he was wearing on his upper body. His lower half was wearing a straight almost floor length garment.

Luckily I had seen enough half naked men in my Feudal days that it didn't surprise me or blush like I would have two or so years ago. As it was she only blinked up at him.

"What's going on? Are we having a wild exhibit or something?"

"It is the host's day of cosplay."

"Ah." Jotting down something in his ever-present notebook, he ignored me. Looking around I couldn't spot his two spiritual followers. His aura was also plainly human that day.

Maybe they had passed on? No there was something else to them than just ordinary spirits.

Seeing that the other hosts were behind the curtain I moved away from him and walked towards them.

"You do know this means that you will be dressing along with us as well."

Shit. That's what I was afraid of.

Luckily Shippō had let me borrow some books that detailed how a miko could make transformation charms. Though they only had the basic changing hair color and length, type of charms. With Shippō's help though, we had combined powers to be able to make a charmed necklace that would hide my assets. Through this I was able to get rid of the wraps that I had been wearing, making me smile in relief.

Although I now owed a favor to my devious, troublemaking Kit who I had no doubt would make me do something that I would not like. I shivered. I could only pray that it wasn't too horrible.

A smile lit my face. He was still running to school and home, so I guess it wasn't as if I wasn't getting started on my revenge.

"I guess, just don't let it be anything to-," pointing towards his outfit. "Like yours. I am not fond of showing off too much skin."

Wouldn't want all the scars showing up. Now when I got home I was going to have through the books once more to make something to hide all the old scarred over injuries. Not to mention all the bruises I had from this morning's workout at Sesshomaru's hands. He was still insisting on the morning workouts. Luckily I had not suffered as much as my kit that had to spar with him morning and evening.

"All the hosts are dressed as such." Pushing his glasses up he stared at her for moment before nodding. "I believe we can make an exception for this one time."

Closing the notebook with a loud 'whack,' he pushed the curtains open and directed me towards an empty stall. A rack was placed in the middle of the room, filled with the same type of costume he wore. On a vanity next to the large mirror there four accessory racks that held a dozen or more armbands and what looked like anklets.

A larger one held four necklaces. They were all so smooth that I imagined they were real gold.

How the heck did a high school host club even get stuff like this? I mean I know they were all rich but really where did they get money to buy real authentic gold jewelry? For less than a day even.

"You can pick whatever you'd like from the things here."
Shaking my head, I walked over to the clothes rack. Flipping through it I saw an outfit that was more extravagant than any other. Taking that out I touched the soft material. It was pretty but seeing that it was clearly for a female, she guessed it must have been put there by accident. The hosts were all male. Except Haruhi. But it was only the club that was supposed to know not the guest. If Haruhi was to wear this… She shook her head. Putting it back and she continued to look for something else.

Finally finding a dark marine garment she paired it off with a long silver shawl that would at least hide the scar she had from Lady Centipede. The long skirt would cover the ones on her legs, and if she put on the bracelets up to her elbow it would hide the ones there. Nodding her head in assent she passed the Otori boy and headed towards the dressing stall.

Fifteen minutes later she was all dressed up, no one the wiser of her female status. Walking towards the large mirror she looked critically at her work. The long garment hugged her hips a little too much for her liking but there was nothing to be done to it. The shawl was wrapped around her waist once before it crisscrossed around her upper torso. Letting the flared flaps lose behind her, they swirled whenever she walked. The gold necklace she wore had a large black oval pendant that hung in the middle of where her breasts would have been. They were hidden very well so the shawl lay flat on a 'male' chest.

Bracelets covered her entire left arm, and a huge rust colored armband covered was on her right bicep. The only problem now was what to do with her hair. She supposed she could braid it but that would be simplistic. Seeing that today was exotic she didn't think that would go with all the preparations. Turning to the vanity she spotted the one thing that would finish up her outfit.

"Ah," said a small-disgruntled teen. Slowly she closed the book she had been diligently working on.

"They're going to be pissed if I'm late."

Running down the hallways of the large school she attended she finally made it to an 'abandoned' music room.

She opened the door and awaiting her was the exotic looking host while the room appeared like something from a far away land she had only ever read about.

Where am I?

"Welcome!" The entire host club said.

Including Kagome?

What the heck.

Mother up in heaven, this is the club I was forced to join last week. And for some strange reason so has Kagome.

A large toucan landed on her head. Ugh!

"Oh, it's just you Haruhi. You're late."The twins said in unison.

"According to my calendar, this is definitely still early spring."

"It is Haruhi. I was just as surprised as you." Kagome's voice said next to me. The twins and Kyōya-senpai were huddled together under a pair of umbrellas while Mori and Honey-senpai were running through the jungle-esque room.

"Huddling under the kotatsu table fearing the cold would be nonsense. Why else do we have this perfect heating and cooling system?"

"Tch." She was in position of woe. Kagome was starring after Honey and Mori-senpai with excited eyes.

"Do you have some criticism of our club's policies? You owe us a debt of 8million yen, Haruhi."

"Hmph," the dreaded vase.

"Otori-senpai." Kagome's voice was frigid in a way I had never heard of before. Their eyes met and a static electricity went through the air. Everyone had their eyes trained on them. Except of course the 'King.'

"Beautiful men do not bundle up in bulky clothing. It may be chilling early spring out in the world, but in our club we welcome our chilly little kittens to a warm and tropical aura!" His passionate and plainly idiotic sprouting broke through the tense atmosphere and made everyone return back to their normal selves. "Yes! Today, this place is a supreme paradise. A hot, hot island of everlasting summer!"

"I, on the other hand, feel a chill, in every sense of the word."

"I understand completely Haruhi." Kagome shivered slightly next to me.

I guess we were the only ones who found the words of the 'King' slightly disturbing.

Kagome is now open for business:

"Ano," a small blushing brunette began. "Kagome-sama you look extremely handsome today."

"Hm," replied another. "Those colors make your eyes stand out."

"You seem so mysterious Kagome-sama!"

Heart-shaped eyes were directed at her.

This was too much. She didn't know what to do!

Mind thinking quickly she instantly thought of the one person who always seemed to charm the ladies.

Leaning back into her seat she propped her leg up as she had seen Sesshomaru do a hundred times before. Her face turned away from her in shyness.

"Handsome? I only look this way so that you will always look at me. So that I can hold onto you a moment longer." I responded to the first turning my face away from her.

"My eyes my Lady are nothing compared to yours. The way they shine, the way that make me lose myself in them to never come out. You are the one who is enchanting me so easily."

Gently grasping the second girl's face she brought it closer to her. "Could it be that I could ever hold your attention if my mystery began to fade away my Lady? Would you toss me aside in favor of another who could catch your attention? No I would prefer you to look only at me."

"Ahhh!" All three quickly turned a burning red.

I guess seeing Mirouko always flirt his way through all the village girls actually paid off.

"Guess there's another natural." Hikaru said, spying the new host.

"Yeah but there's something that fits him better." Replied his twin.

"Hm," Mori-senpai agreed.

"Kago-chan is really good!" said the small 3rd year.

"I do believe that he is the mixture of our 'King' and Mori. He has the wild mysterious illusion, but his charming words don't fail to capture the hearts of our guests." Writing in his notebook Kyōya said thoughtfully.

"Are you saying that she will replace me!?" the 'King' cried out.

"You better watch out for your kingship milord!"the twins said snickering to the 2nd year blond.

"Kagome is just being her playful self, there is no need to worry about her trying to steal your throne Tamaki-senpai," said Haruhi, having been dragged away from her guests by the twins. They had insisted she be there to see how Kagome would be as a host.

"So then you don't think this is going to be her regular routine?" Kyōya-senpai asked her.

Haruhi looked towards her friend, who was easily enchanting her guests. It wasn't as if there was a reason not too. He did look quite mysterious with his hair down only held back by a silver metal head chain with a small diamond in the center, bringing attention to her kohl lined blue-silver eyes. The tropical island colors only seemed to bring out her ivory colored skin tone to attention. All in all she seemed to be something ethereal. Something untouched by time almost. "I don't know. He seems to be enjoying that role a bit so maybe."

Maybe the fear that he would be losing his throne, Tamaki-senpai decided to take matters in to his on hands.

"No! I will not allow this! Kagome-kun change your hosting style." Pointing a finger in the direction of her friend with his index finger and a demanding tone he continued. "We already have the wild type and the I am the 'King' so you have to pick something else."

Slowly standing from her seat she walked towards the angry 'King.'

"Oh?" He walked like a predator following its prey. It was captivating. Almost like those savages that were written about in the times of old. In an almost purring voice he continued. "Are you perhaps jealous Tamaki-kun that I would pay more attention to them than to you?"

Raising himself on his toes he slinked his arms around the red turning blonde, bringing him down to his level. The room was silent on the ongoing tableau in front of them. "All you had to do was ask me to pay attention to you, and I would do so in a second, master, I am a slave to your demands." The words were softly whispered almost pressed against his lips.

The blonde in his arms fell down in a puddle, steam escaping from his ears, body wracked in a burning blush.

All the females turned the same and 'Kyaahed' in unison before they slowly sank to the ground. Kagome seeing the shocked red turning Host club started laughing.

Haruhi shook her head softly sighing. Her friend would definitely make things more hectic than they were already.

Recovering from her taunt earlier, the 'King' turned back into the charming self and continued to enchant all his guests. It was hilarious the way the whole club had reacted to her teasing. But she blamed it on her kit. He was one to always cause trouble and having been living with him for more than two months, plus two years of the past, it was logical to assume it would rub of on her.

It was totally worth it though.

The 'King' had begun to avoid her for the time being. She guessed it would be for the best. He had started looking at her with suspicion and she guessed the vice-president had told him of her conditions. She had a feeling they thought she had ulterior motives for helping Haruhi with her debt.

Sighing she began to walk around the room, looking at the different type of hosting each host did.

Seeing Haruhi, she decided to join her so as to have some company.

"-will be sponsoring a dance party."

"Dance party?"Haruhi and I said at the same time. This was the first time she had heard about this.

"What will you be doing at this Dance Party?" Wanting to also know, she turned and looked towards the voice. There were two guests on the table while the twins were in front of them.

"We're renting the large hall in the central building…" Hikaru said.

"-and throwing a big main event there." Continued Kaoru.

Grabbing his twin's face, Hikaru seductively said, "Although, I really wanted to spend the time alone with you, Kaoru."

"Don't say that Hikaru. I'm the one who really wanted it."

"Brotherly love with a south tropical flavor!" their guest yelled out in unison, their eyes turned into hearts.

"The guest seem even more worked-up than usual, huh?" said Haruhi.

"Really? They seem to be this crazy all the time I've seen them."

"A little moderate exposure is popular." Otori-senpai said, scribbling something or the other in his ever-present notebook.

"Did you come up with this tropical project, Kyōya-senpai?" Asked Haruhi.

"Wow," I whispered. "Who would have thought it. Otori-senpai is the exhibitionist type. Then again it's the quiet ones you have to look out for."

The pen in his hand cracked hard on his notebook before he answered Haruhi's question. "I have no decision-making authority. This club's policies are all laid out by the King, Tamaki."

With an insincere charming smile, he pushed his glasses up. "Although I may have found it worth the effort to casually slip a photo book of Bali onto his desk."

"I guess I was right. Otori-senpai is definitely an exhibitionist." I jokingly told Haruhi, whose expression had turned skeptical.

Once more the crack of pen on paper sounded.

Across from us Honey was showing off the floors that had been in back room til then.


"Honey-kun, you're so cute!"

"Oh! Takashi," he quickly and nimbly climbed up his guard. "Look now we match!"

It was so cute!

It took all my will power to not go over there and just hug him to me.

"Haruhi-kun," said one of Haruhi's guests. "Aren't you going to wear a south tropical outfit?"

"I'd sure like to see that." Said another.

"No, I," stammered her friend. "I just think that it's natural to wear an early spring outfit during early spring."

"Ah, Haruhi-kun," slowly walking up to her friend she said hugging the small female to her. "If you were this faithful to the weather, I would change early spring to summer so that we could catch a small glimpse of you if only for a second to let us last through the harsh winter that would soon follow."

The girls at the table turned red and hearts began to sprout through the air. It seemed Otori-senpai was right. A little skin exposure went a long way to please the guest. Or the thought of it at least in Haruhi's case.

"Kagome," seeing that Haruhi was getting irritated she decided to leave her friend.

Walking to her designated table, she was stopped half way.

"Excuse me," a delicate sounding girl said behind her. "I think I am your next guest."

Turning to the voice, she saw a shorthaired brunette. "Of course my Lady, you are?"

"I'm Kasugazaki, Kanako. 2nd year class B." Grabbing onto Kagome's face she continued. "You are definitely as mysterious as they've said. I've decided. I'm going to make you my new favorite."

"EHHH!" I heard in the background.

I guess the King avoiding me was going to continue on.

We were all still in the clubroom. Tamaki was in a table separated from us and eating ramen. What was it with the people she hung out with and their obsession with ramen?

Sighing she continued to look at the sulking King.

"I can't take this anymore."

"Hey boss why don't you stop eating that commoner's ramen and come over here and help us plan the dance party." Hikaru yelled out to the King.

"Does it really bother you that Kasuga-sama has taken a liking to Kagome?"

"He shouldn't be surprised. She's had the illness for awhile now, hasn't she?" Kyōya continued to type on his laptop, not looking away from it once.

Illness? Her aura seemed perfectly fit. A little sad around the edges, but I mean we all have times like that.I thought to myself looking at the table.

"Illness?" asked Haruhi.

"The wandering host-hopping disease." Hikaru said.

Kaoru continued, "Otherwise known as the never-the-same-boy-twice disease."

"Usually, our regular customers designate the same host in perpetuity, but she tends to change her favorite on a regular basis."

"Up until last time she was with Tama-chan, right?" Honey asked in his cute little voice, holding onto his favored bunny.

"Ah, this is because he had his guest taken from him." Haruhi said disinterestedly.

"Hm, Tamaki-senpai, I'm not interested in girls so you don't have to worry about me taking her away from you." I said not really putting attention to my words. At that moment I was feeling a little melancholy. Seeing him eat ramen and the way he was sulking was reminding me of Inuyasha. It had been awhile since we had spoken on the phone.

"Ehhh?!" Five of the hosts said in unison. Even Kyōya's typing had stopped.

Blinking my eyes towards them I tilted my head, "Hm?"

All were looking at me intensely and in disbelief. Except for Haruhi, she just seemed surprised.

"Y-you just said you're not interested in girls?" Tamaki-senpai said.

"Yeah," I said. "What about it?"

"Wow," Hikaru said. "Who would have guessed-"

"-that the manly and mysterious Kagome would be so openly gay."

"Manly?" she asked. "Gay?"

"Well then. We learn something new everyday." His typing continued, this time more furiously than before.

The 2nd year blonde had turned a bit red before he finally stammered, "so then you were serious earlier in the day-?"

"Earlier in the day?" looking at the boy with confusion she tried to recall what he was talking about.

"When you told him he was your master." Haruhi helped her out.

"Oh that," she said finally remembering. Smiling a bit wickedly, walking over to him. "No I wasn't. Unless you want it to be…"

Leaning close to him she whispered in his ear, "master."

Air whistled out his ears.

Smothering her laughter she turned towards the other hosts who were starring at her. "What?"

"Kagome behave." Haruhi sighed.

"Hai~" she said. "Spoilsport."

"I wasn't jealous! That wasn't it! That's not why!" he yelled at them all once he got over his flustered state. "I'm at the limits of my patience! Haruhi start dressing like a girl!"

"Ah?"Haruhi and I said at the same time. Where had this even come from?

"You were sulking just because Haruhi is dressing as a boy?" I asked in disbelief.

"Hai!" he shouted out. "Why does she have to be so woefully popular with the girls, when you yourself are a girl?"

I wonder what he'll think if he knew that I was a girl too. A small laugh left me before I could control it.

"The only ones who know you are a girl are in this club!"

"She opted out of taking gym classes," appearing out of nowhere Hikaru said.

Attendance numbers are all mixed together, so no one call tell." Kaoru said on the other side of the King.

"That's enough Haruhi!" The King appeared with a large chest. "Now you listen to Otō-san wants to see you the way you were back then!"

"Please don't go blowing up my photos without asking me!" her friend yelled to the King.

Hanging the photo on the wall we all surrounded it.

"The more I look at this picture, the more I marvel at it. How can this-" they said looking to the photo. "Turn to that." They all remembered the way she had been the first day of school.

"Wow, Haru, you're so pretty with your long hair!" I said. She truly was. Her doe eyes were framed beautifully with her bangs. They almost reminded me a bit of Inuyasha's.

"The day before the entrance ceremonies, I had some gum stuck in my hair from one of the kids in my neighborhood. It was such a pain to get it out that I just decided to cut it. I didn't care if I looked like a boy."

"Don't refer to yourself as a dude!" cried out Tamaki-senpai.

"I actually understand Haruhi," I said breaking into Tamaki's hysterics. "I had gum stuck on my hair and my Okaa-san had to cut it off almost to my ears."

"Okaa-san~!" he yelled even louder. "Haruhi is using dirty words!"

"I'm sorry but who is Okaa-san?" Hikaru asked the question we had all been thinking.

"From a club position standpoint, I guess I am." Kyōya said, looking at his desolate President.

"Pfft!" I couldn't help. Kyōya, Okaa-san? The way Tamaki was acting, he seemed to be embracing his feminine side more than Kyōya ever would.

"Look, I don't understand why you're crying," an irritated Haruhi said. "Working as a host I can pay more of my debt before I graduate than by being an errand boy."

Kyōya and I looked eyes before Hikaru's voice brought our attention back to the rest of the host. "Hate to change the subject, but do you have formal dancing experience? You'll need it at the party."

"N-no," her face turning into anxiousness. "But the party doesn't have anything to do with my quota right? I'm not all that interested in going to events so, if I could be excused-"

The King rose to his feet. "No, social dances are common practice for a gentleman. If you want to be a host that badly, you're going to have to show us how far you are willing to go Haruhi-kun. If you cannot master the waltz in one week, and demonstrate it to us at the next week's party, then I will expose the fact that you are a girl and bust you back down to errand boy."

I'm sorry Haruhi! I promise to help you somehow!

The next day:

"Quick, quick, slow…quick, quick, slow…"

"Good, Haruhi-kun. On slow bring your feet together. The gentleman always leads. Be sure to look at the girl you're dancing with."


Kasuga and Haruhi were dancing the waltz and had been since class let out. I had asked Kasuga if she could show Haruhi. I had learned how to waltz last night with Shippō's help, but since I had learned to dance as the gentleman I couldn't very well help her. Both Sesshomaru and Shippō found it funny that I had to learn to dance as a boy. It was then that Sesshomaru had added to my already tight schedule. He would be contracting some instructors to teach me all the dances I should know for my now social standing. Not to mention some of the more complicated demon dances as well. Looking over the two, I could see that Haruhi was having some problems with learning the steps.

Walking over to them I interrupted them, "Haruhi do you need to see the dance before you can get the steps or do you want to continue practicing like this?"

"I think that Haruhi-kun is actually learning pretty fast Kagome-kun," Kasuga said. Letting go of Haruhi she put her arms around me. "But I wouldn't mind dancing with you Kagome-kun."

"You're looking gloomy boss." The twins said in unison.

"I bet it's because he wanted to be the one Haruhi practiced with." Said Hikaru.

"He's too tall to stand as a woman for Haruhi." Kaoru said.

"Thank you so much for letting me practice with you Kasugazaki-san." Haruhi said.

"Ara Haruhi-kun, Kagome-kun asked me to help you. How could I refuse my favorite host," Kasuga said jokingly.

"I really appreciate it too my Lady," grabbing her hand I told her.

She softly laughed before raising the small teacup in front of her. "Oh my! You got new cups? Ginori right?"

"You do indeed have a keen eye. They arrived only yesterday. Lately our club has been seeking to improve its tea sets." Kyōya replied. There was an air of satisfaction around him that put me in alert.

He's up to something. I thought, narrowing my eyes at him.

"I see. What a pretty color. It's so lovely."

At that her aura changed drastically. The colors before were somewhat subdued and low, but only talking about the tea set made it rise to colors of-love?

"You must really be into tableware, huh?" Haruhi said.

"N-n-not really, no, I don't." Kasugazaki stammered. "My word, what are you talking about Haruhi-kun?"


"Hello, I've brought the teacups that you ordered."

"Ah, thank you. Every item you chose for us is very popular with the ladies." Kyōya told the newcomer. "It's very impressive."

"That's good to hear."

"Are you a dealer?"

"I'm just a regular student. I'm wearing a uniform, see?"

Both Haruhi and Kyōya were speaking with the male student but I had stayed behind with Kasugazaki. Her aura had dropped significantly. A worried frown adorned my face.

Could she and the boy be involved?

Their auras seemed compatible with one another and seemed to call out to one another. Staying quiet she saw everything that was happening.

She started laughing, "Haruhi-kun you're so funny. Still I can't blame you. He doesn't look like the heir of a first-class corporation, after all."


"His family business, Suzushima Trading. It is a company whose business centers around the importing of tableware. Currently it had the top market share in the country."

"Oh yeah?"

"So whenever anything exceptional come in, we've asked him to send it our way. That's because we trust your eye for these things, Suzushima-kun."

"Hm?" he said breaking eye contact with the girl next to me. "Oh, no. My eye still has a long way to go."

"You're studying abroad in England starts next month, was it?"

"Yes. Well I'll be off."

Slowly the door closed behind him.

Hearing footsteps I looked to see Tamaki making his way over to us. "Are you enjoying the Host club?"

"Are you close to that man that who was just here?"

"Huh!? N-n-not really, no. I'm not. M-my word what are you talking about Haruhi-kun?"

Before anything else could be said she stood up, made her goodbyes and left.

"Haru-chan! You know what? Suzushima-kun is Kasuga-chan's fiancé."

Barreling his way towards us Honey jumped up on Haruhi's shoulders.

Smiling softly at him, I pulled him away from Haruhi and to me. She seemed to be almost having a heart attack, "Is that so Honey-senpai? There was something pulling them together."

He looked at me before letting me cuddle him closer.

"How long have you known Kyōya?" asked Tamaki.

"About him being her fiancé?" Kyōya turned away from the door and towards the King. "I do, of course, conduct general research on our customers. The two are childhood friends. Their arrangement appears to have been arranged by their parents. It didn't particularly seem to be information we could use, so I just left it alone."

"I see."

"Hm." I guess they were connected them. Although their engagement came from their parent's arrangement, they seemed like the kind that would be full of love and happiness. Squeezing Honey to me, I tried to think of a way to tell them that they belonged together without announcing myself as a miko to a pair of humans.

"Alright then," Tamaki-senpai's voice broke through my thoughts. "Let's examine our strategy."


"Which one?" We all asked together.

"Ouran Host Club exists to bring happiness to the girls!"

It was something beautiful to see. His aura shined with determination and something soft. I guess when it came to making people happy he could turn into a completely different person.

One week later:

"My little lambs we have gathered here tonight," Tamaki-senpai said over the mic. "Ouran Host Club welcomes you to this dance party."

We were all dressed in our best suits. The hall was immense, filled with the sparkling auras of the young girls that had been invited. It was actually a pretty amazing thing. Their happiness was almost a physical thing.

"We invite you to enjoy yourselves to your heart's content, as you dance with the Host Club members." Kyōya said. "In addition, the guest who is recognized as the best dancer and is chosen as tonight's queen will receive and impassioned kiss on the cheek by the king."

"Good Luck," with a wink and flick of his hand, "my darlings."

All the girls turned wild.

What was with this female population? How could they turn crazy with just that?

"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief. Some had even fainted at that.

Haruhi released a sigh next to me.

I guess we were in accord. Again.

"Haruhi, your enthusiasm is low."

"I'm not used to this sort of thing."

"Me neither." I sighed next to her. Fainting fan girls, this was definitely new to me.

"The only dance party I've ever been to is the bon-odori festival at the neighboring park."

"Hm," I agreed. Even the shrine festivals weren't this hectic at home.

"You probably cant call that a dance party," Kyōya was scribbling in his ever present notebook. "Well you're here anyway, so why don't you try the cuisine? There's a real spread."

"A spread?" Hesitantly she asked, "W-with fancy tuna?"

Her eyes down cast a small rising blush all in all…

So cute!

A pen snapped.

The twins hugged each other.

Then Tamaki jumped from the staircase to us.

Before I could even reach my kawaii friend, the twins rushed over and wouldn't let me get close to her.

"Kyōya get some fancy tuna."

"Oh you poor thing, you." The twins were rubbing their faces on top of her while I stood next to Honey and Mori-senpai not sulking.

"Stupid twins," I huffed.

"Kagome-sama," a voice said next to me. Turning my eyes away from the dance floor I looked into Kasugazaki-san's face. She was standing in an aquamarine dress and light blue shawl.

"Ah," I said fully turning to her. "Kasugazaki-sama, how do you do? Are you enjoying the dance party?"

"Īe," surprise widened my eyes. "I might enjoy it if you would dance with me Kagome-sama?"

Chuckling I held out my hand for her. "Hai, Kasugazaki-hime."

Holding her close to me, I heard a small squeak, before two small tornadoes made their way to the staircase. I guess the Host were preparing. I guess I had to as well.

Grabbing hold of the young girl, I twirled her before bringing her close to me. "Kasugazaki-san," I said seriously, looking over her head. "I have something to tell you."

"What is this about? Why did you grab me so suddenly?"

"Never mind that," Hikaru replied shoving a wrapped bundle into my hands. "Go get changed."

"Yeah, " with a shove Honey-senpai I was pushed inside the curtains in front of me.

"Having an 'accident' happen towards the end of the night would be more thrilling." I heard Kyōya-senpai say. "Remember Haruhi, your limit is 20 minutes to the party climax. We've already called Suzushima to the classroom across the hall."

The twins began to put make-up on me and saying something or the other. At this point I was really just praying for the night be over and done with. Lucky Kagome got to stay outside and just enjoy eating and whatever else he wanted.

The doors opened in a bang, "What is taking you guys so long?"

Standing from the seat I tried to adjust to the heels.

It was not working. They were really so bother some!

"What do you thing milord?"

"Wow," Honey-senpai said. "You look so cute!"

"My face feels heavy," I grumbled. "And it's hard to work in this shoes."

Trying to balance myself I stiffly walked out of the room.

"Good luck Haruhi!"

Making my way, I finally reached the classroom where I was supposed to meet Suzushima.

Standing by the window he held up an envelope, "You're the one that wrote this letter? You're totally different from what I imagined."

"Letter?" I asked confused.

"I'm in love love! From the first time I saw I couldn't take my eyes away from you. I have been head over heels in love with you. My heart beats so fast and I feel like it's stuck in an ever fast pace. -"

Who wrote such a stupid letter?

"Huh? Have we met before?" he asked looking more closely at me.

"Īe, we've never spoken before!" I redirected chuckling.

"I'm sorry. I appreciate what you've said but I cannot respond to your feelings. I already have another girl who is dear to me."

"Suzushima-san is it your…"

"Unfortunately she isn't my girlfriend. Or I should say she's through with me. She'd be better having a more dazzling, self-confident man. That's also why I want to change, as well. Looking at the world, I want to become an even greater man. I know it's selfish of me, but I wonder if she could wait for me?"

"Yeah you're right," I said. "That is pretty selfish of you."

He responded as the dramatic people I seemed to always be around.

"But maybe she would wait. You'll never know if you don't tell her how you feel. You obviously have strong feelings for her so why not go ahead and talk to her."

He raised his hand towards me but before he did anything the door opened.

Turning we saw Kasugazaki-san standing in the doorway.

"Kanako-" he whispered softly.

"Oh, sorry. I seem to be interrupting something. I'll just- "

A few tears managed to run down her face before she ran out of sight.

"Kanako!" He ran out after her. Seeming not to notice anything but the young girl he obviously had feelings for.

Kagome was leaning against the wall next to the door. Tamaki walked towards me watching the boy follow his dear one.

"Didn't we just complicate things?"

"They're the ones that complicated it in the first place Haru," Kagome's voice was unusually serious. There was no hint of teasing or joking. "They have a bond so strong that they shouldn't have to be afraid of speaking their feelings. They need to learn to trust in each other, not to the insecurities of their mind."

"Hm," Tamaki said. "And he did go running afterward, so that tells you what will really happen ne?"

A smile made its way to her face.

Ouran Host Club... exists to bring happiness to girls huh?

"And now ladies and gentlemen, this enjoyable evening has at last come to its final song. The Host Club's last waltz falls upon this couple."

A tense silence fell in between the couple under the cherry blossoms. Their emotions were up and down. Making me get a headache at the twisting colors. Finally Suzushima decided on determination.

"Kasuga-hime," he bowed low to her. "May I have this dance?"

Her turbulent emotions settled in shock, disbelief and finally to deep happiness.

Eyes connected, as well as their emotions. Their auras danced with one another. It was almost as if rejoicing in being able to be together, to hold onto the other and not let go.

A smile filled my face. It was something beautiful to find that other half of you, to find the person who could so easily lift your spirits with a single glance.

They finally had their happily ever after.

"Yes," her voice whisper soft.

We watched as they danced, their eyes never leaving one another, each showing the love they had for the other.

"May this awkward couple be forever blessed!" a thrum of power went through me at his words, making me turn sharply towards the King.

What was he?!

This was the first time in this era that I had felt something like this. I thought only holy men/women had this.

"And now we will be announcing the queen of the ball-"Hikaru's voice broke me away from my thoughts.

"Congratulations Kasugazaki, Kanako-hime."

The guests and the host broke into applause surprising the young couple underneath the cherry blossoms.

"Now then, the blessed kiss from the king…"

"I'm on." Said king said confidently a smirk on his face.

"Has been switched to Higurashi, Kagome!"

"What!" for once the King and I were in accord.

"After all Kyōya-senpai said that having an 'accident' happen right at the end would make it more thrilling."

"It's just on the cheek right? Go ahead and accept it to commemorate your graduation of host-hopping."

"Why the heck did you guys pick me for?" I asked the twins angrily. "Why not let the king do it since he was suppose to anyways?"

"Because we-" Hikaru said.

"-were bored." Kaoru continued his brother's sentence.

"We will discuss the benefits of doing this," replied Kyōya.

Haruhi's debt.

Damn, I couldn't let this chance go.

"Well as long as it's a peck on the cheek," I grumbled. It's wasn't uncommon for pack to be affectionate so it wouldn't be too bad.

"Don't let that flirt take advantage of the princess!" I heard Tamaki-senpai yell while I was walking down the steps. He was unbelievable. I sort of wished to tell him I was a girl so he could get in his head I really wasn't interested in girls. Then I saw the way he acted with Haruhi and shoved that thought away.

"Hey, do you think this could be Kago's first kiss?" honey-senpai asked them.

"We don't think so," replied the twins. "He's to big a flirt to not have been in a relationship before."

"That low-life flirt will not ruin Princess Kasugazaki!"

Breaking away from the twins he ran done the steps towards the close couple.

Kagome had Kasugazaki chin in her fingers tilting her face to give her the kiss in her cheek.

"Hold that kiss!" Kasugazaki turned at the exact moment that Tamaki tripped on a banana peel that had harmlessly been laying there, pushing the person in front of him in to the other one, which caused two female lips to connect.

Wide brown eyes stared into wide silvered-blue ones.

Twin gasps erupted from the two males standing behind them. Quickly jumping apart they heard the cheers of the guest that had seen everything.

"Wow," she mumbled to herself, a small blush rising on her cheeks. "That was the first time I've kissed a girl."

"Ehh!" Four of the eight hosts yelled out.

"Kagome is he-," yelled one.

"-Blushing!?" exclaimed the other.

"Kago-chan you look so cute!"

"Yeah Kagome, I never would have thought that you could blush." Haruhi said laughingly.

"Hn," Mori-senpai said.

"F-first time with a girl?" Tamaki's voice sounded muffled. "So you've kissed a boy before!?"

Blushing even harder than before she yelled at him "Shut up you stupid king!"

Never noticing the frozen state of some of the Host and the small giggle of another.

It was then that the Host became a bit more curious of their mysterious host.