Reviews for Actions and Memories
917brat chapter 5 . 12/22/2016
this is so wonderful and I would truely love to read mroe of this so please update again soon.
KuroKat013 chapter 5 . 3/1/2016
Kagomes first kiss with a girl! Squeal!
SKitsuneDragon chapter 5 . 3/1/2016
I love your story, but one problem that I found is that some times you use she and her for Kagome when people that do not know seems like they know.
o0-SilverMoon-0o chapter 1 . 2/15/2016
Hahaha Sesshomaru, Shippo and everyone is like a mother taking fotos of their daughter! This is so great!
Tolazytologin chapter 3 . 12/22/2015
You write a good Seshomaru! I wish to see more!
Tolazytologin chapter 1 . 12/11/2015
He's in for it now...
I would love to see Kagome call Shippo Aka-chan at school if his disguise has red hair. She would have the perfect reference to his hair and a way to embarrass him by calling him a baby in front of her classmate.
MonchromeMemories chapter 1 . 12/10/2015
XD Awesome! This is just too much to handle! I love it! I wonder is this going to be turned into a omake series?