Pit stared into the blue water of Blue's tank. The beluga whale whistled at him then nudged her head against his prosthetic foot. He smiled at her and nudged her back.

"There you are!" Palutena called him.

Pit glanced over and saw Palutena making her way towards him.

"You know you're not supposed to be up here anymore." She said.

"I know." Pit looked at her sheepishly. "I just miss hanging with Blue." His eyes wandered back to the whale.

Palutena watched as he subconsciously grasped the necklace around his neck.

It had been three years since the merman left their lives. Pit's life had become an absolute mess. He returned to his deep depression. He stopped eating (which resulted with him becoming underweight then rushed to the hospital where he was forced to eat) and hardly slept. He never left the bathtub, he lied in it, curled up in a ball, grasping the esca necklace and cried. He ended up losing his home due to being unable to pay rent and bills. He lost his scholarship for school. He lost everything again. He wanted so badly to give up and end his life once and for all. It was just too painful to keep living. It was too painful not to have his true love in his life.

There was one night where he dreamt of his sister. He and Lizzie were sitting on the beach outside their home. They watched the dolphins leap out of the ocean and gasped when they saw a merman leap out. A merman that looked like Dark Pit. Pit jumped to his feet and ran towards the ocean but it was too late. The merman disappeared back under the water. He called out for Pittoo but the merman never responded. He frowned and hung his head. He felt a hand grasp into his and when he turned he saw it was his sister.

"That your boyfriend?" Lizzie asked.

Pit nodded. "He was."

"You would date a merman." Lizzie laughed.

Pit began to cry and fell to his knees. "I miss him so much, Lizzie." He glanced up at his younger sister. "I miss you."

Lizzie frowned and wrapped her arms around her brother's head. "I miss you too big brother but you don't have to worry about Momma, Daddy and me." She smiled at him. "We're okay, Pit."

"I want to be with you guys. Life is too hard without you." Pit wept.

Lizzie shook her head. "No, Pit. You must keep living. You have too much to live for."

"Like what!?" Pit snapped. "What do I have to live for? I don't have a family, I don't have the love of my life. I don't have a home or a freaking leg! I have nothing! There's nothing to live for!"

Lizzie smiled and pointed to the ocean. "That is what you have to live for."

Pit followed her gaze to the ocean. "What?"

"Remember? You wanted to become a marine biologist to save the ocean. That's what you must live for. The love of your life is in that ocean and it needs to be saved." She glanced at her brother and smiled. "If you don't want to live for yourself then live for him. Save the ocean to save him."

Pit stared at the ocean. The waves were crashing on the beach. He gasped when he saw a head pop out of the water and smile at him. Pit couldn't help a smile from forming on his own lips. He stood up and waved at the figure. The figure became Dark Pit, whom smiled and waved back.

"You're right, Lizzie. I can't give up on life when my true love is in that ocean. I will live to save him."

"Good." Lizzie smiled and hugged her brother. "Things will get better for you, Pit. I promise."

That was the big turnaround for Pit. His life began to pick way up after that dream. The inheritance money finally went through and he was surprised with just how much he received. He moved back into his family home, he donated a good sum towards Viridi's organization, paid off his debt, and he even bought himself a high tech prosthetic foot. He returned to work as a tour guide (he was no longer allowed to be up at the top of the tanks since he'd become a liability with both shark attacks) thanks to his new foot. He returned to school and ended up passing his classes, eventually receiving his bachelor's degree and was now aiming for his master's.

He truly dedicated his life to saving the ocean. His generous donation went to building a device that literally sucked out garbage, waste and oil from the waters which helped clean the ocean by a huge percent. He also helped save some endangered species with it. He even went out with his buddies to save marine life from waste and fishing nets.

Everyday his life got better but that didn't mean depression was free from him. He'd wake up in the middle of the night and weep softly while cradling his necklace. Sometimes he'd get up and walk to his bathroom and crawl in the tub or he'd look up at the framed paintings of Pittoo and cry. Some nights he'd walk out of his house onto the beach and stare at the ocean wondering where Dark Pit was right now and how he was doing. He hoped that he could see the difference he was making and see that he was doing what he wanted. He got his education and was aiming for higher. He was saving the ocean, one step at a time. And he was doing what he wanted, he just wished we could see the merman one more time.


Palutena pulled him from his thoughts. "Huh?

"You doing okay?" Palutena asked.

Pit looked up at her and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay."

"Palutena, you copy?" A voice came from the walkie piece in both their ear pieces.

Palutena held down the mic. "Yeah?"

"We have a customer up at the front that is trying to get into the aquarium but he doesn't have any money and is demanding to talk to you."

Palutena arched a brow. "Uh, okay? What does he want me to do about it?"

"Can you please just come to the front? He says you know him."

Palutena rolled her eyes at Pit. "Yeah, I'll be right there."

She threw a look at Pit and rolled her eyes again. "People, I swear."

Pit chuckled. "You're manager for a reason."

"It's a curse sometimes, I swear." She sighed and left.

Pit laughed and glanced back at Blue. His whale was nudging his foot again. He smiled and tapped her head again. Blue poked her head out of the water and whistled at him.

Pit sighed. "I know. I hate that I'm not supposed to be up here anymore. But Mr. Posideon says I'm a liability when I'm up here." Pit scoffed. "Not my fault I was in two shark attacks. Maybe if he didn't have sharks here in the first place."

"Pit, you copy?" Palutena called over the walkie.

"Yeah?" Pit replied.

"Can you come down here please?"

"Yeah, sure."

Pit gave a tap to Blue, whom started whistling at him and acted excited. Pit laughed and sarcastically replied, "Guess you don't wanna hang out with me anymore."

The boy made for the exit and descended the stairs. He watched Blue swim around happily and stare out the tank. Pit shook his head, not understanding Blue's craziness. He reached for the exit and pushed.

Palutena stood across the hallway talking to a customer. At first Pit paid no mind to him but watched Palutena's expression as she spoke to him and realized this person was a friend. Pit glanced at the person's back, not able to decipher who it was. He was wearing a dark gray beanie that hid most of his hair, a navy-blue tee shirt and black jeans. He seemed to be a little taller than Pit, but not by much. No matter how hard he thought, he couldn't figure out who this was.

His manager caught sight of him. Her emerald eyes lit up like the jewel they resembled. Her smile grew across her face and she couldn't help but giggle when she saw Pit. He cocked his head to the side, confused by everything. Palutena glanced at the person in front of her, speaking softly to him which caused him to turn around and face Pit.

Pit's whole world stopped. His eyes grew wide in disbelief, almost like he'd seen a ghost. His jaw literally dropped, a gasp escaping from it which he tried to cover with his mouth but he couldn't. He was frozen.

There that stood before him was the very person he was living to save, Dark Pit. But it couldn't be? Could it? No way! Dark Pit was a merman, bound to the ocean for eternity. There was no way this was his Pittoo. This had to be a doppelgänger of him. Right?

Pit finally managed to speak. "Pittoo?"

Dark Pit nodded and smiled. "It's me, Pit."

That was all it took to bring Pit's world crashing down. That voice he'd heard and dreamt of a thousand times rung like a bell in his mind. The dam behind his eyes cracked and Pit broke down in tears as he flung himself forward and into Dark Pit's awaiting arms. They clung onto each other for dear life, arms making their way around each other, feeling every inch of their bodies just to make sure this wasn't a dream. Their shoulders trembled and the only sound that came from them were their cries. They couldn't believe this. They couldn't believe they were reunited.

Pit slammed their lips together. It made him cry harder. He had longed for these lips for three years. He had longed for this hold, this musk. He had longed for Pittoo and he couldn't believe that they were here together.

They pulled away for a moment, only to look at each other and embrace again. They stopped crying and instead began to laugh with true bliss.

"I can't believe you're here." Pit said, breaking away from their hold to stare into those ruby eyes. "How is this even possible? How're you human!?"

"I'd like to know that too." Palutena chimed in.

Dark Pit chuckled and wiped away his tears. He looked at his favorite humans and began to explain. "It's honestly a miracle I'm a human. I didn't think it was possible. I thought we couldn't become humans and all those stories about us were just that; stories." He glanced at Pit and frowned. "I nearly killed myself when I ended things between us. I can only imagine the damage I caused you."

"You have no idea." Palutena replied, darkly, folding her arms.

Dark Pit looked at her sheepishly then pressed a hand on his cheek. "I felt the idea."

Pit then realized that Pittoo's cheek was red and swollen. He gasped and looked at Palutena. "Palutena! Did you slap Pittoo?"

"He deserved it for what he did to you." She replied.

"She's right, Pit. I did deserve it." Dark Pit agreed. "But I had no choice. We had no future together while I was a merman and it killed me being apart from you. I watched you sometimes, attempt to clean up the beach in your crutches."

Pit gasped. "You watched me? You were still nearby?"

Dark Pit nodded. "I wasn't at first. I swam as far away as I could but after a few months I returned because I wanted to see if maybe I could see you one last time. And I did. I saw you cleaning up the beach. I started to follow you too, whenever you were on the beach or when you and your organization went onto the ocean to free trapped sea creatures. I followed. I even spoke to you once."

Pit gasped again. "The whale shark! I thought I heard you but I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me."

The former merman nodded. "I watched you untangle that whale shark from the fishing net. He was very grateful for that. I knew then that I couldn't bare to be apart from you anymore and vowed I'd find a way to be with you again."

"That's what you said to me, isn't it? That's what you said in your language."

"Yeah. I returned to my home waters and spoke to my matriarch. She was less than pleased to see me to say the least."

"You have a matriarch? What does your matriarch look like?" Palutena asked.

"She's huge." Dark Pit glanced at Palutena, eyeing her size. "You're about the size of her eye."

"Holy shit."

"Yeah, she dwells at the very bottom of the sea where it's too dark to see and only my kind could live. She's very pale with blue eyes which I hardly see any more since we use our night vision to see down there. She has a marking over her left eye. Her hair is so black that there is no shine to it and very very large eels coming out of her hair."

"Huge Eels coming out of her head?" Pit squealed.

Dark Pit nodded. "They nearly devoured me as I tried to appeal to her."

"How did you appeal to her?" asked Palutena.

Dark Pit began to explain to them how his matriarch screamed at his return.

"I told you never to return to these waters, yet here you are! How dare you!" She had screamed so loudly it nearly deafened him.

"I know! I shouldn't have returned and I don't deserve to stand before your presence nor ask you for your help but you are the most powerful matriarch in the seven seas!"

His matriarch smirked and relaxed a little. "You've got that right but what makes you think I would even bother to help you. You don't deserve it. You don't deserve anything but pain and eternal suffering." Her smirk turned into a twisted scowl. "You nearly wiped my people out of the ocean! You're lucky we've had some successful reproduction."

She then fell silent and studied him. He was different. He wasn't the merman that stood before him so long ago. Something about him had changed. "You are different now."

Dark Pit nodded. "I have a name."

"A name? Merfolk do not have names."

The merman took a deep gulp of water. "A human gave me a name."

His matriarch's expression changed into anger. "Another human!? Did you expose us again?! You are the dumbest merman in this ocean! I should just leave you out into the sun to dry to death!"

"It's not like that at all! He saved my life."

"A life hardly worth saving."

Dark Pit glared at her. His body began to tremble with rage and before he knew it, he was in his true form. "Look, I'm not taking your shit anymore! I came here to ask you to turn me into a human!"

"Why in the ocean's name would I do that? To expose us more?"

"No! Because I'm in love with the human who saved my life! I thought all humans where bad after Pandora but he isn't-"

"He!? You claim to be in love with a male human!? There is no such thing as love let alone being in it with the same sex!"

"Well I am and I don't care if I'm a freak or a reject for it. I'm in love with a male human that is trying to save our ocean!"

"Humans destroy, they don't save our ocean."

"This one is."

The matriarch narrowed her eyes and leaned closer towards him. One of her eels swam towards him. It stared at him then it's eyes flashed white. Dark Pit felt it invade his memory, seeping through his past year. Then eel's eyes returned to normal then slid back towards the matriarch. She was quiet while she processed what she had seen. When she spoke, her voice was gentle.

"I don't believe it. This human is trying to save our ocean." She spoke in disbelief.

Dark Pit nodded. "He is a good human and I want to be with him; I want to be human."

The matriarch looked at Pittoo, studying him, then sighed. "You were either stupid or wise to come to me seeking for such transformation. Indeed, it can be done. I am the only matriarch powerful enough to turn you human."

Dark Pit's expression brightened which the matriarch continued. "Do not appear so happy about it. Becoming human is a painful and torturous process. I have only done this transformation twice. There will be times where you will feel like death and you will almost die. It's a process that takes three years of constant suffering and even then, you will never be a real human."

Dark Pit looked at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"You are a creature of the sea, eternally bound by its waters. No matriarch, no matter how powerful, can transform you into a true human. We are all part of Mother Ocean and her moon. That is why the process of becoming human is so torturous. I must use my magic, which will drain me at times, to get your body to transform in the day and at night. You will be human by day but when the moon is out you will revert back to a merman."

"I will take what I can get. I don't mind being a merman at night if I can still be a human at some point." Pittoo replied.

The matriarch nodded. "I warn you though. On full moon nights, you must return to the ocean or you will die."

Pittoo frowned. "I'll have to stay in the ocean until the waning gibbous."

She nodded but smiled softly. "During a new moon, you will stay human. Are you ready to endure three years of nothing but horrendous pain?"

Pittoo nodded. "I'm in worse pain now being away from him."

"Very well. Then we shall proceed the ritual tomorrow when the moon is high."

"Thank you." He turned to swim away when she called for him.

"And Traitor, don't think I am doing this for you because I am not. I am only agreeing to making you human because of that boy. I've never seen a human so selfless as him. You are his reward for fighting so hard to save our water."

Dark Pit smiled. "Thank you, Matriarch."

Dark Pit glanced at Pit and smiled after he told him the story. "I'm here, a human, because of you, Pit."

"I-I can't believe it." Pit overlooked Pittoo, his expression softened. "But Pittoo, didn't it hurt becoming human?"

Dark Pit smiled and cupped Pit's face. "Nothing hurt more than being away from you and it was all worth it. Now, I can be here with you. We can have a relationship now. We can do things we couldn't do before because I was afraid humans would see what I am. We can have a life together."

Pit smiled and began tearing up. "That's all I ever wanted; to be with you forever."

"And you have me forever. I am now both your human and merman." He pressed their foreheads together. "Will you forgive me for hurting you?"

Pit began tearing up and nodded. "I will forgive you under one condition."


"Move in with me."

Dark Pit nodded. "I will live you. I honestly don't have anywhere else to go besides the ocean."

"Well I moved back into my family home. It's right on the ocean. It should help you on those full moon nights."

"That is very convenient." Dark Pit chuckled and asked. "I will still have to sleep in the bathtub at night."

"We can figure something out." Pit laughed. He sighed and took a deep breath. His smiled widened as he gazed deeply into those red eyes. "I love you, Pittoo."

"I never stopped loving you, Pit. I'm ready for our life together."

"Me too."

A/N: Thank you everyone for your favs, reviews and interest in this fic. I'm sorry for destroying your hearts but hopefully I made up for it with this ending!