Dipper was, yet again on another monster hunt. He had found strange footprints leading to the forest, it could have possibly been a troll, yet he wasn't sure and wanted to find exactly what the creature could be. Evidence was a necessity.

Mabel, of course, thought it may have been a unicorn of some sort.

Her twin disagreed and set off.

Mabel stayed back at the shack, talking about making a new sweater for her pig Waddles. She gave him a walkie-talkie just in case he found the magical creature.

"Ugh, where is it? I've been walking for like hours already..."

He looked up at the darkening sky. Clouds were easily forming, threatening for an incoming storm.

Dipper didn't stop to go back, though. He still needed to find what the thing that made those footsteps was.

It clearly wasn't a unicorn like Mabel had suggested. He would hardly believe it and needed to find evidence for sure.

His walkie-talkie buzzed and soon enough his sister's voice came through.

"Dip, you there? Over."

He clicked the button by its side. "Yeah, wassup? Over."

"You find that unicorn yet? I don't know if I should make it a pink or a blue sweater... Over."

Dipper, sighing, shook his head in frustration. "Weren't you making one for Waddles? Over."

"Well, I finished it. I think I bedazzled it too much, though. Let me know when you find it, bro-bro. Over."

Dipper easily placed the walkie-talkie back into his bag as he impatiently searched through the journal. "There's gotta be something in here that'll help me out. But what could it be?!"

And, just as he spoke, rain began to pour down on him; effectively soaking the journal before he was forced to put it away as quickly as possible.

The walkie-talkie sounded over the loud thundering rain.

Chsshh. "Dip-" chchch. "Dip, it's raining like crazy." Shhhchh. "I think- come back- quick. You're gonna- sick. Over."

'Ugh, I know Mabes.'

Snatching his own walkie-talkie and replying with a "Roger that", he rushed through the forest as the rain began to poor ever greater.

Was it the rain, or was he hearing the sound of distant rumbling... From the ground?

It definitely wasn't the rain, for when he turned, he wished his curiosity had not gotten the better of him. He was terrified beyond comprehension.

There was a rocky figure standing itself up, unfolding from its slumber and setting its sites on Dipper who could hardly move. The troll was upon him in a mere second and he seems too afraid to do anything.

Was it a cold chill of fear dunning through his spine or just the rain? He couldn't tell, but he honestly wished Mabel was here with him. She would have snapped him out of his daze in a flash.

He was pathetic without her.

What else could be do, but run? So, that's what he did.

It was hard at first, rushing through the many branches and tree roots. What was harder, though, was the steep hill soon following, the rain rushing down on him, and the troll directly behind him trying to snatch his feet into the air. He was running out of breath and didn't know how much longer he could go.

By then, he spotted an empty log tucked away beside boulders at the bottom of the hill. If he could only get there-

He spoke too soon. His body had gone tumbling straight downwards, rocks cutting into him and branches jabbing at every part of his body. His head had hit the ground several times by now. And that thing was still after him! It was pursuing him with the greatest of ease he could hardly understand it.

'Damn, this really sucks.'

His body hurt, a numbing and painful feeling only in comparison to being hit by a car. The hill had been so steep he had even been sent through the air multiple times.

He couldn't get up for some reason. He felt as though his entire body was being weighed down by a miraculously invisible pile of stones.

And if that had hurt, the incoming rock landing on his ankle...was far worse...

He screamed bloody Mary through the shattering lightning and rain. The pain was hardly bearable. Dipper had never experienced such excruciating pain in his entire life. He could hardly breathe at all.

The troll, as it turned out, made it down the hill along beside the Pines and effectively lifted a rock with its great strength before tossing it directly on its prey.

What was more far fetched than the pain, was how the monster didn't even bother giving a second glance at the crying boy. It merely walked away, minding its own business and ignoring the horrific screams.

Dipper was left there with wet, hot tears streaming down his face. He could hardly help but yelp constantly, attempting to alleviate the pain coursing through him by moving his foot away which only helped to cause more.

The rain continued to pour down on him. His screaming had soon ceased when he could no longer, but his body began to shiver incredulously from the cold as blood seeped from him into the wet grass beneath him.

If only he could have made it to that shelter some feet away. He was lying on his stomach, silently thanking that at the least he was spared from the downpour of water to his face. His cap still upon his head was at least providing some coverage from the freezing downpour. But, everything still hurt miserably.

The buzzing of a radio sounded through the rain and Dipper instantly felt relief wash over himself.

From within his backpack, it whizzed to life and a girl's voice broke through. "Dippinsauce. Come in, Dippinsauce. It's storming, why aren't you here? Over."

He struggled to pull the bag from around his shoulders but succeeded either way. He shakily held the button. "M-Mabel...I...I'm not...I'm in some t-trouble. Over..."

It was silent for a moment before replying. "What kind of trouble? Are you being chased down by a unicorn... You alright, bro? You don't sound too great. Over."

"I w-was chased by some troll...ghu...it kinda m-made me fall down t-this st-steep hill and- and it threw a b-boulder at me- my ankle is pret-pretty messed up. Can't get back...Over."

"Oh my gosh. Okay, let me get Grunkle Stan. He's gonna help me find you. Just...stay where you are, Dip. Over."


Dipper was scaring himself. He had sounded so weak and pitiful that he was beginning to feel fear crawling its way up his spine. He was losing breath so quickly, he thought his lungs would collapse. Dipper was terrified.

"Dipper? Kid, you there? Over."

The radio hummed.

"Y-yeah...Grunkle Stan...I do-don't feel so-so good. Over."

"Alright, kid. Listen, I'm gonna find you. Just stay there and try not to move. Uh, what do you see around you? You're in the forest, right? Is there anything recognizable? I can find you easier that way. Over."

Dipper looked around, searching for a hopeful sure sign of natural deformities. If he did, he could be found and helped...he was hurting bad now.

There, a tree with strange branches stood and not to mention the large hill in the center. It was hard to miss.

He clicked the walkie-talkie in a second. "Gru- I see a tree...it has three branches...it- it's white, too. Kinda...and I'm on t-the opposite side of the only hill I s-see. Over."

The radio hummed on the opposite side and in a moment, Stan replied. "Okay. Okay, kid. Just stay there, we'll help you out."

Mabel chipped in, her voice glazed with concern. "Don't worry, Dip. We'll find you, okay bro bro? Over."

"Please hurry...over."

He laid his head back, tucking away the radio safely back into his bag and away from the pouring rain.

He was soaked now, he felt the cold seeping through his clothes and plastering his bones. His body shivered so miserably he could hardly contain any of his tears.

But, he was lucky. Here he was with a boulder eating at his ankle and in the freezing rain while waiting for rescue from his soon to be there Uncle and sister when he could be hanging off a ledge of a cliff or hanging by the ends of his strings for his very life. Here, at least he was lucky. Here, at least there was hope.

Well, here's my first chapter, and I really would like to hear some feedback. Kinda pissed at how Gravity Falls is ending soon so I thought, hey, let's write a fic, hopefully it'll make me feel better. Kinda did (With the help of Over the garden wall as well, lol).

Anyways, review please. I wanna know if it was good or not.

Arigatou, see you soon!