Later that evening, Anne sat on the floor, stroking the six week old cocker spaniel snuggled up against her.
"He looks content," commented Aramis. He was stretched out on the floor next to her, a throw pillow from the couch stuffed behind his head.
Anne smiled. "So do you."
"Thai takeout and good company will do that."
She laughed. "I needed something to erase the memory of what we walked in on earlier."
Aramis smirked. "So the image of the prim Ms. de Winter, clad only in a crimson bra, matching panties, and her stilettos—sprawled across your desk with Athos-was a bit disturbing? I can't imagine why. But how do you think she ever got him to-"
"STOP!" Anne covered her eyes with her hands. "I don't want to think about it! Seeing it was bad enough!"
He chuckled, then sobered. "And how did you feel about Louis taking Ninon out for a drink?"
"Aramis, didn't you hear what he said?" Anne's voice was edgy. "It wasn't a date, it was a business meeting."
"Anne." He covered her hand with his own. "Why do you let him treat you like that? You deserve better."
Her eyes filled with tears, and she bit her lip. "I know I do. It's just-we grew up together—went to the same events at the Country Club, attended the same private school. He was my escort at the Symphony Ball when I was 18. It was always assumed that we would marry."
"This isn't the 17th century," Aramis said quietly. "You can make your own decisions."
Anne looked down, and laced her fingers through his. "You're right. Perhaps I should practice on you."
He kissed her fingers. "Go ahead. Pretend I'm someone you are in love with—someone who wants you for all the right reasons—who would cherish you if given the chance."
She stared at their joined hands, then took in a breath. Leaning towards him, she brushed a stray lock of hair back from his forehead, then murmured, "I am Anne. I am my own person, and this is my decision." Her kiss was shy at first, but when he deepened it, she responded almost immediately. The thrill that pulsed through her body was like nothing she had ever felt with Louis. Her fiance's kisses were—acceptable. They were even affectionate at times. But this was something completely different. Something amazing. She suddenly had the feeling that her life was just beginning.
Athos and his Anne were lying on the floor of his apartment. The Christmas tree she had persuaded him to buy on the way home had been manhandled into a stand. They had eventually gotten the lights on the tree, after a rather prolonged makeout session on the couch.
"Do we really have to get the ornaments on the tree first?" Athos' voice was low and seductive as he trailed his lips down Milady's neck.
"I am not making love to my husband under a bare tree," she murmured.
"No matter what I say—or do?" he asked, moving down to the sweet curve of her collarbone.
"I shall remain strong," she whispered, her eyes dancing. "After all, I didn't give in to you in that dreadful office, did I? Even though I wanted to?"
His hand slid to her hip. "Anne and Aramis sort of ruined the mood."
"The look on her face!" Milady began to laugh hysterically.
Athos grinned. "I had no idea you were that limber."
"You obviously have forgotten some of our escapades. Remember the time we locked ourselves in the bathroom at d'Artagnan's Fourth of July party?"
"I do seem to recall our own fireworks show." He took her hands in his, and became pensive. "Do you think there is a chance for us to start over?"
"I hope so." She looked up at him through her dark lashes, her green eyes searching his. "We both hurt each other so much, Athos. I want to let go of all the anger, all the bitterness…because seeing you again made me realize that it will never be over between us—until we are both dead."
"That's a rather depressing thought," he said dryly.
"Perhaps—or a liberating one. What do you say we spend New Year's together? Go away, just the two of us….do you still have that cabin in New Hampshire?"
"At Duck Lake? I do." He was silent. "Remember the time we found the baby owl, and nursed it back to health? What did we name her before we released her?"
"Dagny," she whispered. "It means new day."
"And so it is," he said, kissing her once again. "New Hampshire for New Year's it is."
I shot Athos last Christmas, so I decided to be kinder to him this year... Much love to all my readers!