Seven months and three weeks, she was so beautiful. He was thankful that his mom got to go with her to appointments. He missed her so much.

When school was done he moved back to his mom's, he was going to UMKC, not his first choice but he had to be close to them. She had an appointment today, he was going to go wait out side of the Dr office. Just to be able to see them for a few minutes was all he could ask for.

When they got there Bay was sitting in the back seat, her mom was driving and him mom got out of the passengers seat. His mom looked at him and shook her head, something was wrong, he started crying.

He stayed out side , his mom texted him "please stay calm, she is going to the hospital, she has preeclampsia" he had read that this could happen with the diabetes.

He sat out side and waited for them to come out, an ambulance pull's up. This was real bad, he takes off running to it and they have Bay on a stretcher rolling her into it. Her mom sees him and grabs his arm and pull's him away " her blood pressure is high, I will ask her when we get there if she wants to see you, don't make this worse than it already is".

He is on his bike following the ambulance, all of a sudden the lights go on and it speeds up. Poor Bay, to think about what she was going thru. When they finally get there he runs up to it, they have her out already and are rushing her in to the hospital. He looks at her mom " she had a seizure, they are going to have to take the baby now"

He is running, " Bay you will be fine, I love you so much" he looks at her stomach and kisses it. She puts a hand out and touches his.

The love he felt in that touch was amazing, but he knew he did not deserve it. He started crying he was loosing it his mom walked up and held him.

She got him to calm down, all he had to do now was wait his baby was about to be here.

Dr Richard walks out and see's Emmett, she hugs him. " Bay will be fine, we were nervous but everything went according to plan, she is still out from the anesthesia, this is Dr Collins the pediatrician".

"The baby weighed almost seven pounds, he had a seizure but we expected that, we have him on oxygen, he should stay here for about a week until we get his sugar intake rite"

He walked out of the waiting room went down the hall and cried, for Bay for his baby, and for himself how different things could have been.

Dr Richard walk's up to him " we need to talk" he look's at her " Bay said that if you were here to bring you to see your baby, ya'll relationship had nothing to do with your son"

" I love her so much, I need to hold her and tell her everything will be fine" he typed in to his phone. She read it " Emmett you need to be a father now, that was what she was concerned about, that you would not love him"

" I love them both so much, she had to go through this alone, I would have been there please can I see him now"

"I think she loves you too, but so much has happened, you need to be there for him when she can't"

They walked to the NICU and they both got dressed to go see his son. " He looks just like you" she said. He was crying he hugged her, "thank you" he said.

The nurses let him hold his hand, he talked to him. How was it possible to love some one so much that he had just meant.

The nurses came running up, he let go of his hand, he was having a seizure. That was the scarcest thing he had ever watched, to here about it was one thing but to see it was heartbreaking.

He stood against the wall, his son was trembling, but he couldn't help him.

About ten minutes later they asked him if he wanted to hold him, he had tears in his eyes. They said for him to open his shirt and they took the oxygen off of him, he laid on his chest. He cried the entire time he held him.

After about fifteen minutes his breathing was getting labored they took him and put him in his bed with the oxygen on him again, they told him he could come back in a few hours.

Before he walk's out they put a wrist ban on him , it said Bledsoe, he looked at the baby's crib it had Bledsoe too.