Hey guys, Jack here with an update for all you Chain Lightning fans. The sequel, Rolling Thunder, has been posted and can be found under the Legend of Korra tab or on my profile page. As I've mentioned before, there are some stand alone crossovers that will be published as well, the first of which being Beyond the Mirrors Edge, a team up between Avatar Conner and myself which features another interaction between Alex and Jason Oru.

Now you don't have to read the crossovers in order to understand the plot of Rolling Thunder at all, but it they are set during Alex's six month journey between the two main installments, so if you want to know what he was doing during that time then by all means please go read. Again, reading them is not required to understand the plot of the sequel, but it will give you guys some of a leg up.

But other then that, Happy New Year, and I'll see y'all in the next one!