NOTE: This is Part Four of the Minami Edogawa series. You can access Parts 1-3 from my profile. This story will reference events from those parts, so while it is possible to enjoy Part Four standalone, you may be a little lost when I reference events you don't know about.

So here I am, ready to start another part of the Minami Edogawa series after two years of silence. If any of my old fans are still here, I took a break from fanfiction to work on original material and I'm just now starting this back up. You should notice a definite increase in quality of my writing because of this. Part Four has been heavily requested ever since Part Three ended, so I hope you all will enjoy this!

This part will feature the Kaitou Kid and a female Conan (Minami), which may be why a lot of you are reading this. So I'm just going to say this now: while there will be ship tease between the two characters, their relationship will remain platonic for the time being. I may write another story later featuring Kid and Sakura Kudo (Minami's adult form), at which point all bets are off, but this is how it is right now. The story's called 'First Crush' and not 'First Love' for a reason. So sorry to all the KaiShin shippers. I hope you'll at least give the story a try before you flame me. :D

Chapter One

Minami was in a pretty happy mood. For the first time in the months since she'd become a girl, she was actually enjoying her situation. She still missed being a boy, and being a man even more than that, but she'd learned to live with it. It helped that Haibara and Agasa had quit teasing her about it early on.

One of the more recent reasons for her being happy was that Agasa had finally repaired the bodysuit she'd damaged. Minami hadn't been allowed to use it anymore since she'd gotten shot using it, but Agasa had shown it off at a conference and sold the patent to a tech company, so he was getting packets of money in the mail every month, some of which he gave to Minami as thanks for testing out the suit.

Today, Minami was at school looking at the news on her phone. The biggest piece of news was a new heist notice from the Kaitou Kid.

In two days, at the stroke of ten,

I will pop in and take the Yellow Rose.

Kaitou Kid

The drawing was accompanied by his usual caricature, which seemed to be grinning evilly at her. "It looks like you can't go this time," Haibara remarked, peering at the note. "If you go as a girl and act the same way as normal, you'll blow your cover."

"Then I'll do something unique to 'Minami'," she said, turning off the display and grinning. "Something I'd never do normally that'll make me stand out."

"Well, you could always act like a fangirl," she said, smirking.

"Don't be ridiculous; I'm trying to catch him, not cheer him on!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But you will be coming up with a gimmick, right? Kid's smart; he'll see through you if you're not careful. He found out your true identity with little problem the first time, so it's not that much of a stretch to assume he'll do it again."

"I know, Haibara!" Minami said, shutting her up. "I'm working on it, OK?"

Haibara stared at her for a moment before going back to her work. 'Why are you so agitated about this, anyways?' Minami thought.


That afternoon, the upcoming heist was all Sonoko could talk about. "You heard about it, didn't you Ran?" she asked excitedly.

"Of course!" she replied. "He's going to try to steal that rose thing over at the Beika Art Museum, right?"

"Yeah! It's a yellow stained glass rose covered with jewels. Legend has it that if two people touch the rose petals simultaneously, they'll fall hopelessly in love! Isn't that just romantic? Maybe I should ask Makoto-san to help guard it!"

"But aren't you two already in love? What do you need the rose for?"

"It's to confirm it, silly! But you do have a point; maybe I should call Shinichi-kun to guard it instead."

"Eh? Why?"

"It's for you Ran! If you two touch it, then you two will stay together forever! So before Kid shows up, you and Shinichi-kun need to go in there and touch the rose!"

Minami looked between the girls with a look of disinterest. The chances of Shinichi showing up were pretty slim, so the conversation was pretty much pointless. Besides that, it was pretty embarrassing.

"So what if Nakamori-keibu and Kid get into tug of war with the rose? Won't that be bad?"

"Kid-sama won't let that happen!" said Sonoko determinedly. "The note said he'd pop in, so he'll burrow in through the pedestal and take it that way. If he does that, then the people guarding it won't touch it when he's touching it." She glanced pointedly at Minami at this point, which made Minami start it surprise.

"That's right, Minami-chan, are you going to want to go?" Ran asked kindly.

"Of course!" she replied at once. She must've seemed a little too into it, though, because Sonoko suddenly looked at her suspiciously.

"Why is it you want to go, little girl?" she asked suddenly. "It's because you like Kid-sama, isn't it?"

'Where'd that come from?' Minami thought, shaking her head and denying it as fast as possible.

"Oh, so you're only there because you want to save the rose? Sorry, but I'm not buying it."

"Come on, Sonoko, just leave her alone," said Ran. "As long as she wants to stop Kid, it doesn't matter why she's there, does it?"

"Maybe you're right," said Sonoko thoughtfully, still looking at Minami.

'Just what exactly is that girl thinking?' Minami thought.


Sonoko dropped her questioning of Minami, but she kept glancing at her suspiciously for the rest of the day, which was making Minami feel nervous. That was why she excused herself and went off alone. After walking around for a while, she ended up at Professor Agasa's house. As she reached the door, she heard it was very noisy inside.

"Oh, Minami-chan!" said Ayumi when she went inside. The four kids were busy playing a trivia game, so Minami took a seat nearby to watch. "It's me and Ai-chan vs. Genta-kun and Mitsuhiko-kun! Do you want to play?"

Minami wasn't really interested in the game, so she just said, "Nah, I'll just watch right now. Who's winning?"

"The girls," said Mitsuhiko in an annoyed tone. Reading off a card, he asked Haibara, "What is the purpose of a push-up bra?"When he realized what he'd just said, his face went bright red from shock and embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, but WHAT?" Haibara snatched the card from Mitsuhiko, read the contents, and then ripped it up. "Just what was he thinking including a question like that?" she said, looking murderous.

'Just what kind of kids' trivia game is this?' Minami thought, stunned.

Ayumi suddenly shoved a paper in Minami's face saying, "Minami-chan, if you're not going to play, then you keep score!"

"Fine," she agreed, taking the pencil and paper from her. Since the last card was no more, she didn't give the girls a point.

Haibara, who still looked annoyed, took a card and read, "Kojima-kun, during Episode 86 of Kamen Yaiba, what was the name of Yaiba's new girlfriend and what was her role?"

"Oh, I know!" Genta said suddenly. "Her name was Tomoko and she was the daughter of the bad guy! She was only dating Yaiba to try to figure out his secret identity!"

Minami didn't know the answer because she didn't watch the show, but from the stunned look on Ayumi's face, she figured he was right. 'OK, so the score is 12-5 in the girls' favor,' she thought, giving the guys a point.

As the game continued, Professor Agasa entered with cookies, which everyone except Haibara took one of. She prevented Agasa from taking one for himself, though, which made him sigh sadly. She was also staring at him suspiciously.

"How many prefectures are there in Japan?" Genta asked Ayumi.

"There are 46 prefectures!" Ayumi exclaimed.

"Sorry, Ayumi-chan, but there are actually 47," said Mitsuhiko apologetically.

"Eh?" Ayumi exclaimed. "Since when were there 47?"

"Since the Meiji period, specifically in 1888," said Haibara. "Still, it's pretty impressive you got so close."

"Really?" Ayumi asked, who was looking down.

"Of course!" Minami butted in. "With such large numbers, it's all too easy to get mixed up, so don't feel bad!"

Now Ayumi looked much happier. "Thanks, guys," she said quietly, smiling gently. "Then I'll ask the next question!" Taking the card from the box, she said, "Mitsuhiko-kun, what is the ancient capital of Japan?"

"Kyoto!" Mitsuhiko exclaimed.

As the kids continued, Minami turned to Agasa and asked, "Did you come up with all these questions, Hakase? That bra question shouldn't have been in a kids game."

"Subaru-san and I did," he confirmed. "I had him double check the questions so they weren't too hard or too easy for anybody. But there shouldn't have been any adult questions…"

"What do you mean 'for anybody'? Aren't they all the same?"

"Actually not. We made up a set of questions for each of you five based on your interests and your intelligence levels. For example," he took a card off a stack the kids hadn't touched, "Shinichi, here's one of yours. Let's see…Name the four Holmes novels in order of original publication in England."

"Oh, that's easy; they're A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of the Four, The Hound of the Baskervilles, and The Valley of Fear."

"Well, of course you got that one; it's one of the easiest ones in your stack. Now, let's see how Ai-kun will handle one of her hard questions."

Mitsuhiko had picked up one of Haibara's cards and read, "A beaker in a lab contains a clear liquid. A label on the beaker reads 'Warning: contains acid.' A test of the liquid shows that its pH is .3 at 1 N. Identify the liquid."

Haibara stared at him for a minute before rounding on Agasa and asking. "I thought you said these questions were supposed to be hard. The answer is sulfuric acid, of course! That question is really obvious!"

The three kids stared at her with identical confused looks. Haibara suddenly realized what she'd done and slowly sank down in her spot. "Uh, well, I mean the question is basically just a simple science fact written as a question. So you may want to fix it when you go through and remove all the more risqué questions."

Agasa and Minami shared identical sheepish grins before Haibara picked up one of Genta's cards and read, "How do you write 'baked potato' in kanji?"

"Get me some paper!" Genta shouted, looking absolutely gleeful. Ayumi got it for him, and he went to work on writing it while Mitsuhiko looked over his shoulder and tried to help.

"Kudo-kun," said Haibara, seeing the kids were distracted, "I was thinking that for the Kid heist, you may need some assistance in keeping your new cover. Would you mind if I went with you to assist with building it?"

Minami was very surprised, but she recovered quickly. "Well, if you want to come along, that's your business. I'm just hoping that Kid doesn't recognize you from the train incident."

"If he'd done that, he would've said something by now," she reminded him. "You've faced off with him several times since then."

"True enough," Minami grinned. If Haibara really wanted to tag along, she couldn't exactly stop her. But there was something odd about her. It wasn't anything bad, just different.

In case you haven't noticed, the Minami Edogawa series is significantly goofier in tone than most other stories I write. So expect a lot of outlandish stuff in the chapters ahead. The previous parts had Minami tossing banana peels, a murderer in a skydiving suit, and Heiji nearly getting put in a dress, so there's virtually no limit to what I'll do as long as it's not something adult. I welcome ideas by you guys, too! Reviews and PMs are both fine if you want to comment. And don't forget to leave a favorite if you like it.

The bodysuit they mention comes from the latter half of Part Three, BTW.

Next chapter will be the first part of the Kid heist, so look forward to that.