
lumutness presents...

A Living Ghost

(HPxDP drabble collection of sorts.)


Danny Phantom © Nickelodeon
Harry Potter © JK Rowling

Drabble. No real plot, honestly. I just wing it from here. Also no pairing.



Drabble 4.
Say Hello

Their first meeting sounds like a chliched romance novel, really.


"Can you believe it, Ron? The author of this book is actually a muggle! He was a witch hunter, no le— "

A violent bump.


"OWW—Hey, watch it!"

Crash. Fall. Twist.

Drop the book.

Hit the floor.

Rub your buttocks.

...and blink.

Proceed to stare for five heartbeats.

"Oh." Hermione said intelligently, "You are—"

"—you are a girl!?"

That sreeching voice made Hermione instantly frown. Is there anything wrong with being a girl?

Aquamarine eyes blinked at her once again. Inky black hair. Yellow robes. Hufflepuff. The expression on that face was dumbfounded.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to insult—ugh, I thought the snake boys were at it again. You know, the green ones." Hermione continued her observation as this boy gave her an unapologetic grin.

It was the new kid with American accent.

The kid rose to his feet and dusted himself, then extended his arm to reach the bushy haired girl, "You okay?"

"Yeah," Hermione accepted that offer, "thank you."

She watched curiously as he crouched to pick her book up, "Ghost again..." he sighed in a hushed whisper, "Johnathan Nightingale?" His eyebrows rose up in mild surprise.

Hermione instantly perked up, "You know this author?"

"Uh," he winced a little, "I have heard of his name, that's all. Didn't know he was a wizard."

"Really? Where did you hear it? Actually this is said that he was a muggle, but—"

"Aren't you the new bloke from Hufflepuff?" a voice interrupted suddenly.

Said bloke groaned indignantly ("Canwepleasenottalkaboutmydorm?") as he facepalmed into his hand. Oh, yeah. Hermione forgot for a moment there that she was with Ron—and Harry.

"Um. Hi," Harry waved almost too excitedly, "maybe we should introduce ourselves first?"

"Oh, yeah." Hermione nodded, "I'm Hermione Granger. This is my friend Harry, Harry Potter," no recognition to the name of The-Boy-Who-Lived. Was he a muggleborn? "...and this one is Ronald Weasley. We call him Ron."

"Oh, um. Hi, I'm Danny. You know me. They kinda shouted my name at the Dining Hall on the first day," he rubbed the back of his neck as he said that, "Sorry to bump at you like that."

"Are you from Ilvermorny, mate?"

Danny blinked twice.


"You know, school. I heard they have one like Hogwarts back there in North—"

"Fenton!" A rushed steps. Hermione remembered that voice. The newcomer panted as he walked towards their direction, "...I'm sorry you have to wait long. I promised to give you a tour around Hogwarts, after all, and—"

Danny turned his face towards that voice, "Geez, Cedric, just call me Danny, will you? Besides, I didn't wait that long,"

Cedric Diggory.

"I see you finally made new friends," he looked amused.

"Yeah, yeah, tease me whatever." Danny rolled his eyes, and then turned again to face the Gryffindor trio, "Uh, guys? Gotta go. Catch you later!"

"Wait. I just arrived here—"

"C'mon, Cedric. We don't want you to be late again—"

Danny waved and caught Cedric's arm, before their figure dissapeared into a crowd of students. Hermione's eyes lingered, and her brain began to work its machinations.


("Johnathan Nightingale?")

("I have heard of his name, that's all...")


She held her book tighter, and smiled meaningfully.

AN: I have a hard time with Harry's characterization (I have a... fuzzy explanation on why was he so excited, though), and since I only watch HP movies and one HP novel (the 5th book) in Bahasa Indonesia a long time ago, it's truly not enough reference to start. Especially if we are talking about Hogwarts' resident ghosts. Any advice about this?

And before somebody ask: no, there will be no romance.