Reviews for A Living Ghost
Jade chapter 4 . 12/17/2019
Rough having an ice-themed danger-dar you can't shut off.
Danny's a Puff and the badger thing is just icing on the cake. Personally, I don't think being pure-blooded is a requisit for Slytherin, it's just that everyone who takes great stock in it (or appearence of it) is more likely to be a scheeming social climber. A muggleborn Slytherin who's ambition is to screw those twits over would be both hilarious and only unfeasable because the balls they'd need for that would squarely land them in Gryffindor.
Is Harry excited because Danny looks like James?
Serulium chapter 4 . 12/27/2018
Yo, I am SO sold on what house you put Danny in. Before reading this, I just sort of assumed Gryffindor like everybody else, but as soon as I read your reasoning, it was like sun coming out and clearing the morning mist! It just makes perfect sense! Danny isn't inherently brave, he chooses to be brave because of his loyalty to his friends and family and to the people he protects. No kidding, after reading that, I had to sit down and just think about it before I could continue reading. It rendered me completely speechless. I'm still kind of shocked. Now that you've said that, I cannot imagine Danny in any other house.

Anyway, back to the story itself. I am loving this story so far. I have no idea why Danny is there or if he can actually perform magic or not, but I'm excited to see where you take this. So far you have kept the story simple without trying to dump a ton of exposition about the plot, which is what makes it so compelling. The story is flowing naturally, and I'm left curious to see what happens next! Keep up the good work!
Soap234 chapter 4 . 2/4/2018
This story is amazing! Please keep writing!
LK2 chapter 4 . 12/18/2017
Thanks for the chapter and please keep up the good work (-)
Lexosaurus chapter 4 . 11/22/2017

IS DANNY IN A THING WITH CEDRIC? Cuz if he is I'm SO FOR IT omg I think that would be adorable!
Guest chapter 3 . 8/15/2017
Dang man! Can't wait to see more!
Voldemort chapter 3 . 6/8/2017
I've always preferred a Slytherin Danny but I like you're Hufflepuff. My entire family is made up of Hufflepuffs except for me, I am the lonely Slytherin.
Guest chapter 3 . 2/9/2017
Love your drabbles! Thanks for publishing them! 3
dontaskk chapter 3 . 1/20/2017
oh my god! i would love it if you turned these drabbles into full stories!
FariyFlare chapter 3 . 1/8/2017
lol nice choice, we better not let Vlad hear about this, or should we? Danny: You wouldn't dare... Me: Try me? Or should I say try us? Dannysends the 'scary eyes' my way- Me: Can't you take a joke? Danny: I can, but not if it involves a certian Fruitloop knowing that his little nickname or pet name towards me means something else now and then starts teasing me with it. Merolls my eyes- Yeah I know, I wasn't really planning on telling him at the moment knowing what a Fruitloop Vlad is and how he may take a chance to use this time when you are away from Amity Park where you can't protect them, meaning that one of his plans to get rid of Jack and marry your mom or something else evil may work without any interruptions. Danny: That's good to hear. -turns his gaze towards the readers, you guys- And don't even think about it ether or you may just well regret it. -his eyes glow green for a moment to show how serious he was-
Lexosaurus chapter 3 . 1/7/2017
NieEngel chapter 3 . 1/7/2017
YUS! I love it when people put him in Hufflepuff xD
It makes sense, it's funny because of the badger thing and way less cliché than Gryffindor. (Though Slytherin or Ravenclaw can make for interesting stories, too. To be honest I've never seen a fanfiction that put him in Ravenclaw and only one other that put him in Hufflepuff, but boy, was that one good. Slytherin can work as character development for Harry and Ron if they're featured, though, them learning that not all Slytherins are bad. One thing I feel is missing in the books is overcoming the barrier of the houses, sure they all work together in the end, but only begrudgingly and as read in The Cursed Child it doesn't lastAnyway sorry for writing so much unrelated stuff.
I really love this fanfiction and hope that it continues to stay just as awesome
Guest chapter 3 . 1/6/2017
-cackles like a maniac- I like your sense of humor~! B] It'd be really interesting if you continued this. I'm curious as to who sent him there, and why. I'm also interested in seeing if Hermione ever finds out what a halfa is.
Makolik chapter 3 . 1/6/2017
While it maybe short. I will not deny... You made me snort with the badger joke.
Marisandini chapter 3 . 1/6/2017
You're reason is good and all but I believe after reading the chapter you just want to make this joke, do you?
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