The Not So Blind Date

The clink of glass and expensive cutlery filled the silence that hovered over the restaurant between momentary lapse in polite conversation and laughter. Hyuuga Neji shifted uncomfortably in his seat and tried to busy himself with browsing through the menu. His date was half an hour late and as much as he hated tardiness he was hanging on to the hope that he hadn't been stood up.


It was a terrible thing.

He, Hyuuga Neji refused to be seen leaving a five star restaurant unaccompanied. He would much rather wait it out or if it came to it, call one of his cousins to dinner and play it off as having been waiting on her all along. But he absolutely would not walk out alone, especially not after being seen at a table set for two.

It would hurt his image too much.

Hyuugas did not get stood up.

He didn't even know why he had agreed to do this in the first place. Surely he knew that accepting to go on a blind date with Naruto's old classmate meant that he would end up doing exactly what the Uzumaki wanted. That was to get preoccupied with his own affairs and be too busy to stick his nose in Hinata's business—which Naruto was apparently now a part of?

Neji took a sip from his glass of water, leaned back in his chair and straightened his tie. He had the niggling suspicion that this Sakura character would definitely not be his type. Sasuke's description of her and the mere fact that she had been suggested by Naruto hinted that she probably wasn't anyone's type for that matter.

But to be fair to her, the Uchiha rarely spoke highly of anyone.

Still, Neji had accepted. Why? Because he had grown tired of playing third wheel to his cousin and that calamity of a man she called her boyfriend.

He flicked his wrist and goggled at the time. Forty-five minutes passed the hour. Time was something that he didn't have enough of for it to be wasted like this. He was already starting to dislike the damn woman without first having met her.

"May I take your order sir?" The waitress strode over to his table for the umpteenth time of the night, swaying her hips and toiling a strand of her long blonde hair around her French-manicured fingers.

Her uniform was much too tight—much too short. Neji was never one to blatantly stare but when it was so up in his face there was very little he could do about it.

"Just a few more minutes," he told her coolly.

She leaned over, the deep cut of her blouse leaving little of her bust to the imagination. "Well can I get you anything in the meantime?" She asked in that sultry kind of voice she had adopted, apparently just for him.

He cringed and read her name tag.

Ino Yamanaka.

Neji shifted through files of memory until he came across a cheerleader back in high school. Appraising white eyes raked over her fair features, they were stunning—not quite what he remembered of the firecracker who dated almost every guy on the football team—but stunning nonetheless.

"Another glass of water would be fine," he said and as she leapt up at the opportunity to be of service to him and he caught a glimpse of her behind.

Neji almost chuckled.

Yes. That was Yamanaka alright.

"Excuse me," a soft, velvet purr jolted him out of memory late. "Are you Hyuuga Neji?"

"Who'd like to know?" He asked, turning around.

"Sakura Haruno."

If jaws could be unhinged his would've fallen off and unto his lap. All he saw was that obnoxious head of pink hair. Was this some sort of sick joke?

What was she? A punk artist? A deejay? Those were the only professions he could think of where colourful hair was probably a prerequisite for the gig. Surely those rosy tresses could not be natural.

And Hyuuga Neji did not do unnatural. He would not be seen with anything or a anyone that was even vaguely affiliated with the abnormal.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and hissed out a breath. Naruto had said she was a pediatrician and Neji couldn't help but think that she took her job with children way too seriously.

Pink hair? Seriously.

She stared at him from beneath those long lashes of hers and Neji couldn't help but grimace at her eyes. They were the glimmering colour of emerald, sparkling in the dimly lit space like a fresh sheen of morning dew. It irked him.

The colour took him back to the days of flatting with Rock Lee during college. It had been such an upleasant experience that since then Neji developed a severe dislike and aversion to the colour green.

"I'm sorry I'm late," she apologized but made no attempt to sit down. "I got caught up at the hospital."

Of course, he mused grimly.

"Please have a seat," he politely offered, grudgingly rising from his own chair to pull out hers.


Sakura swallowed, and followed his fluid movements in conflicting states of awe and complete bafflement. Hyuuga Neji was built like a God, he looked like one as well. But holy shit his eyes—

Was he blind?

—they were like the colour of ash remnants of a roaring fire. They were beautiful, irrespective of their defect and she supposed to some extent it was their flaws that made them beautiful. Those eyes, they never got to witness any of the ugliness in the world. She envied that about them.

But Naruto had certainly outdone himself this time, Sakura growled inwardly. He just took the meaning of "blind date" to a whole other level.

"Please have a seat," he urged in the most cajoling of voice. A voice that reverberated like the roar of thunder in Sakura's ears but ironically enough, rang in her chest like the voice of a thousand angels.

She was surprised that Neji was able to find the other side of the table so easily and pull out her chair. Her upbringing forced her to close the distance between them and go to his side. She could hear her mother's voice—in her head—lecturing her on the need to care for the less-fortuned and disabled. It was partly why Sakura went into the medical field.

But looking around, as disabled as Neji was, he certainly wasn't less fortuned. Not even on her salary could she frequent restaurants like this one.

"Let me take you back to your seat, you didn't have to do that," she told him sweetly and wrapped an arm around his waist for support.

Neji looked visibly startled by the sudden closeness and Sakura couldn't help but flush as well. His body felt like a tower of firm and assertive strength against hers. And he smelled so damn good–exotic even.

She could recognize the brand of cologne he used–one of her favourites–intermingling with the outlandish aroma of sandalwood and cinnamon.

"What are you doing?" His rasped, the harsh sound was like shards of ice had lodged themselves in his throat.

Sakura had to fight the urge to raise her hand to his cheek in a gesture of reassurance. She had dealt with blind patients before, she knew how distrustful they were of a world they never truly felt they were a part of. It must be tough being blind she thought. A life without sight didn't seem like much of a life at all.

"You didn't have go through the trouble of doing that," she laughed, leading him back to his chair.

Neji stared at her as if she had grown two heads and Sakura wondered how a blind man could have such a compelling glare. It was almost as if he could see through her soul with those white eyes. And if the scowl on his face was any indication he didn't like what he was seeing.

"You mean I didn't have to behave like a gentleman?" He asked dryly.

Once he had settled back into his chair, she found her own and indicated for the waitress to come to their table. Outwardly she appeared calm–not that it would make difference if she didn't, it wasn't like her date could see her–but she was freaking the fuck out on the inside.

She didn't know the first thing about engaging a blind man in conversation. What would they talk about? Certainly not the latest blockbuster film, he clearly haven't seen it.

Sakura kept a tight lip, she didn't want to embarrass herself–didn't want to embarrass Naruto, and most importantly she didn't want to offend Neji. It was best to maintain a dignified silence, right? But they obviously couldn't go through the date without having spoken. He would pick up instantly that something was wrong and feel at fault. She didn't want that.

She clearly her throat loudly and tried to diffuse the situation with a little humour. It has never hurt her before, so why should it start now? "I guess I should've made more of an effort to be punctual, huh?"

He grunted. "You think?"

Okay, so no punctuality jokes, Sakura mentally tick off in her head as she accepted the menu that was woodenly handed to her by the waitress. For reasons she was unaware of, the woman's blue gaze was near arctic when they fell on her.

"Would you like me to order for the both of us?" she asked casually while she glossed over the pages of the menu.

Some of the meals could pay her rent for a month.

"That won't be necessary, I've ordered already," he told her, equally as casual.

That bothered her for some reason. It was almost as if he was forcing himself to be that way. Still she managed to keep the barb out of her voice when she asked. "You did? How?"

He elevated a brow. "What do you mean how? The menu of course."

"Wow, no wonder you're willing to spend so much money on this place," she commented idly. "Who would've thought they had menus printed in Braille?"

"Excuse me?"

Sakura took a noisy sip of her water, "You know–" she whispered playfully indulgent, "–special menus for your kind."

"My kind?" he hissed out incredulously.

She gave a self-conscious bubble of laughter and touched her chest. "Had I known you were–you know," she tried to explain. "I wouldn't have spent so much time in my car putting on makeup."

Neji seemed to splutter in disbelief. Whether it was over her honesty or the fact that she had actually made an effort to look nice for him, Sakura didn't know.


"I wanted to make an impression," she perked up with a blush that he thankfully couldn't see.

"Showing up almost an hour late was impression enough," he admonished. "And not a very good one, I might like to add."

Sakura laughed again. He looked adorably peeved, she just wanted to pinch his cheeks but had to refrain from doing so. Damn she really had been spending too much time in the presence of kids.

"I know but hey," she shrugged. "We both have our shortcomings."

"And what might mine be?" He asked arrogantly. He didn't even seem the least bit interested in an actual answer but she gave it to him nonetheless.

"The obvious," she tossed back a lock of pink hair from her face. How could she say this without sounding like an asshole or like she was discriminating against his kind?

Fuck, just the mere thought of them as "a kind" was discriminatory. Curb your tongue Haruno, Sakura warned herself.

"Being?" he pressed tartly.

"You're blind."

There she said it.


Neji's jaws did drop this time. "I'm what?"

Sakura rolled her eyes. Oh boy, she thought. Not only was he arrogant, he was in denial too.

Neji's lips thinned to a flat line. The nerve of this woman. She shows up forty fucking five minutes late and pulls this shit? She wants blind? He would show her blind.

Ino returned to their tables, balancing their orders on a silver tray. She had unbuttoned another one of her buttons and Neji spitefully fastened his eyes on her. Sakura made a strange startled noise but defty recovered, seemingly reminding herself that he was "blind" and hence unaware of what was in his line of vision.

The blonde flushed, "Like what you see, I presume?" she winked at him.

Neji slammed his eyes into Sakura's appalled gaze as he returned–in the same husky voice Ino had used. "Maybe."

"How about you call me sometime?" She proposed, fishing a card from the pocket of her apron and stuck it in that of his own jacket.

Sakura blinked.

He patted his pocket and smirked. But his eyes never left Sakura's face. "Maybe."

"Maybe baby," Ino sang, stalking off into the direction of the kitchen once more.

No doubt she had plenty more of those "business" cards where that one had came from, Sakura mused. But judging from how busy the blonde was being kept, she'd say Ino was probably out of the ones she had taken to her shift for the day.

She jammed her fork into her salad with more force than necessary, "I see your impairment hasn't affected your career as a professional womanizer," she snapped. "Or do you use it to guilt them into your bed?"

He had the audacity of smirk and ask, "Can it guilt you?"

Her face morphed through every possible shade of red. "Don't try to be cute."

Neji released a harsh bark of sarcastic laughter. "I don't have to but clearly you have to," he countered with biting irony. "At least now I know why you got here so late."

"At least I knew how to get here on my own," she muttered beneath her breath, jolting in surprise when Neji told her that he had heard what she said. "I forgot that when one sense is loss another one is sharpened," Sakura derided.

He chuckled again. "You're more blind than I am." Then he leaned forward, pale orbs sparkling with mischief. He might as well get a kick out of her denseness. "Describe yourself for me."

That one caught her off guard and the fact that their faces were so close sent her heart hammering against her rib cage. As blind as he was, his eyes were stunning. Like chips of Pearl.


"Indulge me," he said. "I'll like to know who I am being seen in public with."

This arrogant motherfucker, she mused.

"That woman didn't have to describe herself for you to decide whether you wanted her number or not. So why should I have to?" Sakura pointed out, unsure why jealously should've seared through her at his shameless flirting with the 95% plastic, 5% silicon blonde waitress.

"If you won't describe yourself, at least describe me," he prompt softly.

This self-absorbed motherfucker, she grouched and gave a shocked squeak when his large, warm hand settled over her small one.


"I don't have the liberty of a mirror like most persons," he said in pretence self-pity. "Like I said, indulge me."

"Were you born this way?" she had to asked.

It made no sense describing his appearance to him if he had never seen anything in his entire life. How then would he be able to discern what he really looked like?

"No," he said after a brief pause.

"Okay," she agreed with uncertainty. Words would be inadequate in describing his beauty and Sakura had a hunch he was aware of that. For all she knew this was just another ploy to further humiliate her. The look on his face however was so sincere that she had been sold. "Well you sort of look ethereal."

"Ethereal?" The word roll off his tongue almost smugly and Sakura's flushed deepened.

Neji wanted to laugh but he couldn't, not without seeing this through to the absolute end.

"Yes," she swallowed, she took courage in knowing that he could not see the impact the feel his skin against her own was having on her. "You look like you've been removed from a fairytale. Kind of like an elfish prince."

He chuckled.

Yes, Sakura concluded. She definitely has been spending way too much time with children. Elfish Prince? Fairy-tale? Somebody shoot her now. Well it was too late to take it back anyways.

"Fine bone structure–delicate even," she said, running her eyes accessingly over his features and trying to employ the most appropriate kind of vocabulary where necessity. "And a straight nose, slender and bit upturned–arrogantly sculpted," without conjuring the will to do so, her hand rose to her jaws. "High cheekbones and skin as soft as silk. The finest satin."

Neji was rolling over and dying of laughter in his head but he kept a straight face, "And what of my eyes?" he asked.

Her hands traced his jaw line and stopped at the corners of his lips. She pinned him with those eyes–eyes the colour he hated the most. Thanks to Rock Lee and Professor Gai in college. The colour suited her however, he admitted. She wore green well. And pink. And everything else.

"Sleek black lashes, silver eyes and thin lips," she husked out, licking her own. They had gone dry, not from the thirst for water but for the thirst of her companion's lips.

Her stomach muscles were tight as the dark, deep drawl sent an odd chill down her spine. "Are they soft?" He asked.

She nodded stupidly and licked her lips again. "Yes, like cotton beneath my fingers."

"Are you sure?" He managed to ask, his very lips tingled from her light touch.

Sakura couldn't think straight. How could something so innocent be so intimate at the same time? But she realized her mistake, in describing him she was developing an appreciation for his looks.

"Sure about what?" she asked, sounding distant.

"Their softness," he answered in a similar tone.


She wasn't sure.

She wouldn't be until she felt them against her own. In fact she was so desperate to have that wide, sensual mouth on hers she felt she would have to remove her hand from his face and clenched them to prevent herself from pulling him in.

She had never felt anything quite like this shameless craving before. It felt as unreal as a dream–as unreal as his mythical appearance.

"How about I give you the opportunity to be absolutely certain?" he smirked.

Oh God that half-a-smile. It was fucking lethal.

But when his mouth found hers, teased at her tender lips with a series of sensual little nips and tantalizing expertise, Sakura conceded that no dream have ever lit such powder-keg of response in her.

Suddenly she was pushing forward, bumping painfully into hardwood of the table. She wanted to feel the hard, muscular contours of his powerful frame, her hands flew up to link round his neck.

Thank God she was sitting because her knees felt too wobbly to hold her weight up.

"Ugh!" From deep in her own throat a tiny moaning, pleading sound emerged as frustration at his teasing built to an unbearable degree.

Neji reacted then with a hungry, satisfying urgency that pierced her quivering body with the efficacy of a burning arrow thudding into a willing target. Suddenly he gave her exactly what she had wanted without even knowing it.

As he drove her lips apart in a devastating assault of erotic intensity, her very skin-cell seemed to spontaneously combust in the whoosh of passion that sent shock waves through her.

"Like cotton?" He asked, lifting his arrogant dark head.

Bereft of his mouth on her Sakura blinked. Had she really just made out with a fucking blind man? But even has she fought to gather her thoughts her body was sending out frantic signals that the only place it would ever be happy was against this handicapped man.

That kiss had been too electric for it to meant anything other than soul mate. More like bedmate, the more skeptic side of her argued.

Neji's voice dragged her back to earth, "You haven't told me how broad my shoulders are yet. Keep going."

Sakura paled. He was signing his checkbook– legibly at that and in a straight line. No blind person could do that. Then she watched in horror as he counted a couple dollar bills off to tip the waitress. There were a couple twenties and hundreds amongst them and she knew he couldn't have coincidentally skipped past them.

Her lush mouth rounded into a soundless circle and slowly closely again, for she was so disconcerted she could think not of anything to say. So this motherfucker really wasn't blind at all?

A/N: Haha this shit is so fucking random and pointless. Anyways I wanted to make a collection of NejiSaku oneshots but since the fandom died, why bother? If anyone is interested please let me know. If I have an audience for it, I will turn this into a drabble collection. If not, fuck it. This will read as completed for now.

If you want a oneshot collection, I am willing to take prompts and I am open to a title change for this because obviously, "The Not So Blind Date" wouldn't work for the entire series. Thanks for reading, reviews are always appreciated.