AN: So as I'm working on the latest chapter of DRE, I decided to release this that has been on the back burner for a while. Unfortunately (or fortunately), due to the realease of Fallout 4, I've been draining all of my time into the game so I haven't exactly had the time to write anything which is exactly why there is such a huge gap between updates. Yeah, sorry for the long wait for those of you that enjoy and look forward to what I upload, but I haven't abandoned anything as of yet. If I do, I will be posting an update on something, somewhere.

Everyday Life With A Poi

Another beautiful day, another load of paperwork to do. Such is the way of life of a commander these days. Pushing papers, sitting behind the safety of a desk all day, constantly sending out our minions into the field and into danger is basically what we Admirals do for our job. Of course, I can't really complain since this is exactly what I signed up for.

"Admiraaal, are you done yet, poi?" A certain destroyer whined from the corner of the room.

"No, Yuudachi. I said that I'd finish sometime around lunch. That's why I told you that you didn't have to wait for me."

"But I wanna spend as much time as I can with you, poi."

"Yes, I know," I sigh and put down the stamp into the holder. "But I can't help it that Kongou accidentally blew up a part of the storehouse with fireworks."

The hair flaps on top of Yuudachi's head drooped like a sad puppy's ears as she pouted. "You promised Shigure and me that you'd hang out with us for the day though, poi."

"Sorry, but I'll be done soon. So just wait patiently, ok?"

The Shiratsuyu-class destroyer grew quiet as I continued to work. I understand why she's so annoyed with me. Since she just got her Kai Ni upgrade, she wanted to celebrate it, but because it would've been too hectic for the entire base to get involved, we settled for just having a small get together with her, Shigure, and me.


Base repairs and maintenance.


Resource acquisition.

"Poi, poi, poooiii…"

Tools and fairies.


Foreign prototype reinforcements, new ARI.

"... Poi…"

New prototype Ship Girl transformation body suit from the R&D team. What kind of crazy thing did those perverts think up of this time? Let's see here… A skin-tight suit that molds your body into that of any Ship Girl. Let the science of nanotechnology destroy all boundaries of gender and physique as you take on the physical form of your beloved waifus… So in other words, it's useless. As I'm about to toss the proposal into the trash, a brilliant idea comes to mind. If these things really do work as intended, I could totally skip out on doing work! Alright, approved. Sorry Kaga, but looks like you'll be doing all of the paperwork from now on.



I let out a shriek as Yuudachi popped up in front of my face and yelled. She snorted and fell to the ground laughing at my reaction.

"Ahahaha! Admiral! What was that? You screamed like a little kid!" she said while howling with laughter.

"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled while fixing my hat. "Very funny."

Yuudachi finally managed to calm down and was now wiping tears away from her eyes. "I wish I recorded that, poi. Everyone would've loved to see that."

Clearing my throat, I return my attention to the stack of papers on my desk as Yuudachi walks up behind me and places her chin on my shoulder.

"It's amazing how you do so much work to keep this base running, Admiral," she comments after watching for a while.

"Hm? I don't really think it's that much. All I do is sit here, write reports, and approve requests."

"That sounds tough, poi," Yuudachi frowned and paused to think about something. "I know! How about I give you a massage, poi?"

That sounds pretty good. I haven't been able to go see Akashi lately after all.

"Could you? My shoulders and neck have been pretty stiff."

"Just leave it to me, poi!"

I sat back in my chair and relaxed as Yuudachi flexed her fingers. A moment later, she began massaging my shoulders.

"Ah… That's good, Yuudachi."

"Ehehe. Told you that you could leave it to me."

"Mm… A bit harder, please… Yeah… That's it…"

"I'm pretty good, aren't I, poi?"

Letting Yuudachi work her magic, I close my eyes and slowly let myself slip away into bliss. This feels so good. Just as I'm about to drift off into sleep, the door to my office gets blown open again, revealing a panicking Shigure, and a flaming Kongou. In fact, in my drowsy state, it almost did look like she was on fire.

"Yuudachi!" the battleship shouted. "What do you think you're doing?! The Admiral's heart belongs to- huh?"

She paused and stared at Yuudachi who still had her hands on my shoulders. "What are you two doing?"

Shigure sighed and face palmed. "I told you that it probably wasn't what you thought it was."

"What? But… Huh?"

Looks like Kongou's brain ground to a halt as she tried to process the fact that she completely misunderstood the situation and most likely made a fool of herself in front of her love interest. It's really not that hard to tell that a lot of the girls on the base hold feelings for me. It's also not a secret that most admirals do get married to their ship girls. The only problem here for me is that I'm way too much of a coward to choose a girl.

A moment later, Kongou immediately took off out the door running and crying.

"Well," Yuudachi said. "There she goes again, poi."

I nodded. "Indeed. That's the sixth time this week."

"I'm so sorry about that," Shigure bowed and apologized. "I tried to stop her but…"

"Oh, no, it's fine," I assured her.

Ah, Shigure was always so nice and polite. It's amazing how varied all the personalities of the ship girls are. From stoic and quiet Verniy to the loud and hyper Naka. Of course, that's exactly what makes working here so worth it. Every day is an adventure with this crazy cast.

"Ok! Let's go, poi!" Yuudachi shouted all of a sudden.

Shigure glanced at me before asking, "Yuudachi, are you sure? Doesn't the Admiral still have work to do?"

"It's fine, poi! Right, Admiral?"

"Alright," I sighed and smiled in defeat. "Let's go. I was getting bored anyways."

Kaga was probably going to chew me out later, but oh well. I'll just have to take her punishment, whatever it may be.

"Admiral, say ah~."

I stared at the spoonful of shaved ice in Yuudachi's hand before staring at the destroyer herself.

"Um… Yuudachi…"

The destroyer grinned and held the spoon closer to my mouth. "Come on, open wide, poi."

I looked to Shigure for help, but she was just silently giggling to herself at my predicament. The current situation requires some serious strategic planning. The reason? We were sitting in the middle of Mamiya's during the busiest hour and here Yuudachi was trying to feed me. I've managed to keep the girls relatively in line so far, but if I let Yuudachi do this in front of everyone then I might as well be signing my will right now. On the other hand, I don't want Yuudachi to be sad when we're supposed to be celebrating.

Finally, I decided that I should just resign to my fate and deal with whatever consequences there will be later. I opened my mouth and let Yuudachi stick the spoon in my mouth. Huh. Strawberry.

"Ehehe. An indirect kiss with the Admiral, poi."

Indirect… what?

I looked up and saw Yuudachi holding her cheeks with half the spoon she used to feed me inside of her mouth. The sight of her hamster like state made me sweatdrop. If she was just licking the tip of the spoon which I used it would've made more sense, but she practically shoved the whole thing in her mouth… Well, maybe I was just picking up on those details because I was trying to ignore all the death stares I was getting. By the way. The weather looks wonderful outside doesn't it?

Just as I had feared, a moment later the whole café erupted into chaos as almost all the other ship girls swarmed our table all holding sweet treats of their own to try and feed me. And for some strange reason, almost all of those treats were popsicles. One after another, the girls all crowded around me shouting and desperately trying to shove their sticks of ice into my mouth.

"Admiral! Here, taste mine!"

That definitely sounded like Shimakaze.

"Me too, me too!"


"Don't forget about me~!"

Atago too!?


Kitakami? Why?!


Nagato! That's definitely Nagato! Don't think you can pretend to get away by not saying anything! I can still see you!

All the girls mentioned above and more took turns sticking their frozen treats into my mouth with seemingly no end until somebody finally managed to grab me and pull me away from that madness. Once we got far enough away, I took a deep gulp of air as I tried to regain my breath.

"Are you okay, Admiral?"

I looked up at the sound of Shigure's voice and nodded weakly. Bringing up a hand to my face, I tried to wipe away some of the leftover residue from the cold treats attack from earlier. Ugh, it was starting to dry so it was slightly sticky.

After silently lamenting over how much I needed a shower and a hot bath right now, I decided to take a look around us to check if any of the girls decided to follow us. There was no one around us to my surprise. In fact, it was just Shigure and I.

"Hey, Shigure, where's Yuudachi?" I asked

"Ah… about that…" the destroyer played with her braided hair as she tried to dodge the question. When I continued to stare at her, she finally relented and told me, "She acted as a distraction so we could get away."

Wait, so she was still back there? And she's the one being assaulted now?

"Yuudachi… I will never forget the sacrifice you made."

"Indeed," Shigure agreed and nodded solemnly. "It was for a noble cause."

As the two of us mourned the loss of our close friend, the sound of rapid footsteps closing in on us reached my ears. The sound made Shigure and I turn our heads in the direction they were coming from. Fear that the other girls may have found out that Yuudachi had taken my place and had found out was the first reaction I had, but once I saw who it was that was running to us I immediately breathed a sigh of relief. For more than one reason.

"Hey, poi! Are you two okay?"

""Yuudachi!"" Shigure and I cried when we saw the… wow. That is a lot of ice cream… I was about to run towards her and hug her, but after seeing her in the state she was in made me second guess myself unless I wanted the two of us to glue together in a gross, sticky mess of melted ice cream. Shigure, however, threw all regards to her own cleanliness out the window and decided to tackle her poor sister ship to the ground and hug the life out of her.

"Poi..!" Yuudachi wheezed. "Can't… breathe…"

It took a while for us to calm Shigure down, and luckily she didn't suffocate Yuudachi with her affections

Once the both of them were off the ground, and all of us were thoroughly covered in slowly drying melted ice cream, I apologized to Yuudachi. "Sorry that we couldn't really do much today."

"No, no, no!" the destroyer rapidly shook her head. "I had tons of fun today, poi! Right, Shigure?"

Shigure nodded and smiled. "Mhm. Today was great. We normally don't get to spend too much time with you, Admiral, so it was nice to have you just for us to day."

That's right. I'm always so busy with trying to manage the day-to-day operations of the base that I barely have enough time to interact with everyone. In a way, you could say that this was a nice change of pace.

"Well I'm glad you two had fun. Maybe we could do his again sometime," I suggested.

The two sister ships were about to answer me but stopped short and started staring nervously at something that was behind me. A cold feeling of dread slowly crept up my spine as I turned around to see who or what made the two destroyers tense up all of a sudden.

"Um… Hi, Kaga…"

The carrier stood in front of me looking extremely pissed off. In fact, I could practically feel the heat coming off of her.

"You weren't in your office when I went to check up on you," Kaga began. "Then, I heard that there was a commotion at Mamiya's café which I had to quell. Not to mention the whole place was in a complete mess. And now, I've finally found you and now I can see that you were indeed the cause of all the chaos that happened today."

I chuckled nervously at the sound of her voice growing colder and colder.

"To add to that…" Kaga paused to take that moment to grab me by the collar and lift me up into the air with one hand. "You barely finished half of the paperwork that is supposed to be done by the end of the day."

Frantically glancing at the two destroyers who were silently trying to make their mistake, I gestured for them to come help me, but all they did was offer me a quick prayer for safety before taking me off.

"Traitors! Come back here! Don't leave me to die like thiiiiis!" I shouted after their fleeing forms as Kaga began to drag me back to my office.