Hey guys! I've read a lot of these stories and I adore them! I read a really good one recently and decided to write one of my own! So, here you go! Tell me if you like it via reviews. Also, no cursing on the reviews. You can criticize it, but I detest swearing.

Harry POV

Hermione, Ron and I were searching for a compartment when we first saw him. We had walked throughout almost the entire train, but so far, every compartment was full. Finally, we reached one with only one occupant. I slid open the door.

"Excuse me, but do you mind if we sit here? There's nowhere else." Hermione asked.

The guy didn't answer. I stepped into the compartment.

"He's asleep." I told Hermione and Ron.

We sat down. I studied the guy across from me. From what I could see, he was tall and strong looking. His raven black hair fell in front of his closed eyes. A jagged scar ran down from the inside corner of his right eye to his jawbone.

Hermione gasped. "I wonder where he got that. It looks like it was painful."

I was wondering the same thing. I had never seen him before. Who was he and what was he doing here?

I woke up to Hermione shaking me.

"Harry, it's time to put our robes on. Do you suppose we should wake him?"

I sat up. The guy was still asleep. I got up. I reached out and just as I was about to shake him, his eyes snapped open and his hand shot up and grabbed my wrist in a vise-like grip.

"Woah there mate!" Ron said. "We were just trying to wake you up."

The guy's gripped released and I pulled my hand back. I got my first good look at him. His eyes eyes were green, like mine, except his were sea-green, swirling like a storm, flecked with gold and blue.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Names have power." He said simply.

I nodded. "I'm Harry Potter." I expected his eyes to go wide and for him to look at me with shock. Instead, his eyes glinted for a second and he nodded.

"Percy, Percy Jackson."

Hermione POV

Percy was amazingly cute. I fell in love with him the second I saw him. His swirling green eyes focused on me and I blushed.

"I'm Hermione and this is Ron." I said.

Percy nodded and left to go change.

Harry POV

When we reached the castle and all the first years had been sorted, I noticed Percy was missing. I was about to ask Hermione, when Dumbledore spoke up.

"We will have a new student this year. Now, before I go on, I must tell you that I am taking him in for your protection."

"Who is he, Professor Dumbledore?" Someone called out.

Dumbledore paused before answering, "Voldemort's grandson"

The doors opened and Percy Jackson strode through them. I couldn't believe it. Voldemort had a grandson and he was now living at the school. I was certain I would die this year.