The movie was finally done, he thought he had done a good job, but he would see what his grade would be. Everyone from the movie was having a party, he did not feel like going to his dorm room so he went. They were all talking asking who that gorgeous girl at the beach was, he could not say "ex girlfriend", it was his Bay the love of his life who had cheated on him. Skye told them who she was, he just drank more, they all had feelings about it. The guy who was the actor in the movie just could not get it, she was drunk little like she was, he just couldn't believe that Emmett would brake up with her.

The next morning his head was hurting, he drank so much to try and forget, it did not help. He sat up in bed and there was the director's chair she had bought for him. He looked on the nightstand for a picture of her she was so beautiful, he had caused her so many tears. He said that they weren't connected anymore, he just could not say that it was because she had cheated, Daphne said it was rape but it wasn't he talked to Bay. Just because you can't remember having sex does not mean it was rape.

He just held onto the picture and went to sleep, when he woke up he was bound to feel better.

She could not stop crying, she left the beach and went straight to the airport. They did not have a flight till the morning, she booked it and went sit down. She looked at her phone, Emmett was so handsome she loved that picture. She took her phone and her laptop and put them at the bottom of her bag, it would be awhile till she felt like looking at her wallpaper again.

She was finally home, she got a cab from the airport. When she walked into the house everyone looked at her, she just started crying again. Her mom took her hand and led her upstairs. When they got into her room she helped her change, kissed her on the forehead and left.

John was so upset he had told her to tell him her side, they loved each other, he would understand. They face timed Daphne and told her that Bay was back, and it wasn't good. Daphne went there she walked up to her room. She knocked then went in Bay was packing all of the Emmett's stuff , tears were rolling down her face. They talked about what had happened, disconnected is what he said, really he thinks she cheated, she packed everything that would remind her of him and gave it to Daphne.

Two weeks had passed, the most miserable weeks of his life. He texted her and tried to face time her, her phone was off , he tried to skype but there was no answer. He wanted her back, he needed her. He had to apologize, it could not be forever he would not make it.

He texted Daphne, 'tell bay I love her and I'm sorry', she read it and replied 'it's done don't even think about calling me again, you broke my sister'

Bay was painting, she had found an old radio, to listen to. Her phone and computer were in her room, she could not bear to look at them. She got out a razor blade, to etch a drawing in her painting. When she was done, it looked awesome she went to sit on the loveseat, how she wished she could send him a picture. That was done she had caused him pain, now it was just her and her paint.

She dropped the razor blade on her foot, it hurt , maybe this is what she deserved. She went to her room and took a bath, when she was done she stood in front of the full length mirror. She had bought the box of razor blades with her, she got one out and looked at it. Finally she cut her thigh, it hurt so much , she cut the other thigh. She felt so much better, she deserved this pain.

He just couldn't believe that he was on academic suspension, he would have to go home and maybe next semester they would let him back in. He boarded the flight for KC, it had been so long since he was home, since he lost Bay. He texted his mom that he would be coming home, he could just about imagine the speech she was planning.

She picked him up at the airport, she looked lost, he apologized to her but she said when they got home they needed to talk. He was worried he new it was something bad. Finally she sat him down in the living room, "I need to talk to you about something, it's about Bay," she signed. Bay oh how he missed her these last three month's, it was the reason he was drinking and smoking pot, to numb the pain. "Please tell me she's alright" he signed. She had tears in her eyes, "she is fine I think, she comes home tomorrow, just let me tell you the story," she had a box of tissues on the coffee table, she pulled one out to wipe her eyes,

She told him how depressed she was when she came back, her phone and her computer were hidden in her room. She said how about two weeks later she was painting, and she got a razor blade to put something into the picture. He was just looking at her, she said that bay has been in treatment for six weeks. He gets up and starts pacing, his Bay, he looks at his mom "drinking," his mom shakes her head no "drugs" she shook her head no again "please tell me" he signed. She took another tissue ,"cutting" she signed.

She was holding him they were both crying, the love of his life, the only person who knew him through and through. They sat there for a long time, he looks at her "how did you find out about this" he signed. She continues her story "about seven weeks ago Daphne needed something in Bay's bathroom she walks in and saw her cutting her self, she runs out to get Regina, J&K were out of town. Regina called me so I went to her house, so I went up to her room by my self and knocked, she answered and everything looked fine she was talking and laughing. Her bathroom door was closed, I told her I needed to use the restroom, she said hers was broken for me to use the one down the hall, I got up and put my hand on the door knob. She got up and stood between me and the door. She was crying so much, I opened the door.

Emmett was crying why did he not come home sooner, his Bay was broken. "Mom what did you see in the bathroom" he signed. "You know that full length mirror she has against the wall she would use that when she was cutting" he started crying again, "mom I bought her that mirror at a flea market" he signed. "There was so much blood, so I took her and just hugged her we both cried I sat down with her and asked why would she hurt her self, she said she deserved it".

He could not take It any more and just left her there sitting on the couch, he went into his room and cried, he cried till he fell asleep. When he woke up he was not feeling any better he walked into the living room his mom was reading. "Tell me the rest please" he signed. "We talked for about two hours, the pain she felt was from Tank and you because she believed that you thought she cheated and that's why you broke up with her. I talked to her about the assault again ,it was an assault you know that right?" she signed. "She was right that why we broke up, why do you say it was an assault?"

She got up her poor son, she thought she had raised him better than that. "Emmett ya'll had fought about that girl from USC, you got up and left so she was already insecure about the relationship. She went to the party she had told you about and got drunk. Travis even told me how drunk she was he watched Tank pick her up and carry her to the room, then he came out and partied some more. Then they had sex, you really think she was in any shape to give her consent.

"So it was an assault, she was sexually assaulted, and I just cant believe you would leave her to deal with this alone." Emmett just sat there, he just could not believe he could do that to the girl he loved. He started crying. "I made her get undressed, I did not know if I had to bring her to the hospital or could leave her home, her thighs were cut the in upper part, and her breasts had two cuts those were the ones she had did earlier, I had brought some cream with me and put it on all of her fresh cuts, she did not know how long she had been doing it, probably for a month maybe a little more" she signed. He just sat there with his eyes closed. "How many," he signed. She waited for him to open is eyes, "I don't know I would say about forty that I could see, some had healed already, she said some days she wouldn't and other days she would. She said that it felt good to feel the pain that she had probably made you feel," she signed.

"I face timed John while you were in your room and told him you were back for a few months. He said that he would let Bay make the decision about weather or not she wants to see you. She is happy now and she knows what happened was wrong and she should have talked to someone. John said she got into a school in Illinois that's where her treatment facility was. She will be home for about three months" she signed.

He went up to his room and sent her an email, there were about sixty that weren't opened.

Bay, I just cant say how sorry I am , I was the one person you could talk to about anything, and I left you, I love you so much that will never change.

You said if I broke up with you it would be forever, can I please have another chance. Three months have passed since I broke your heart, I broke mine too.

Please email me or text me

I love you so much
