It is no longer necessary to read this story to get "caught up". By all means, if you wish to read this, go on! However, if you want to dive straight into Inquisition, I have officially DISCONNECTED IT FROM THIS SERIES. The story itself does plenty to tell Xur's story, and I don't want any series continuity to hold me back.
The reasoning behind this is the fact that this story is outdated, and I find it better to simply declare it "legends" so to speak.
If you still want some backstory, I can recommend the first chapter of the Clone Wars, and the last five. The others are poorly written and do not stack up against the quality of Inquisition (not even remotely). However, I MUST WARN YOU. If you continue, understand that Inquisition may CONTRADICT EVENTS IN THIS SERIES, for the aforementioned reasons.
Inquisition is a full-force reboot of the Star Wars Eons story. In the span of two months, it is already the longest story I've ever written, and it is only getting longer.
Following the events of Revenge of the Sith (NOT Eons Episode II, which has also been declared "legends") and the Jedi Purge, Xur Eon fakes his death to become an inquisitor and bring down the organization from the inside. Based on Jedi: Fallen Order, Xur will be forced to make difficult decisions that may end up clouding his original plan in the first place. It is a harsh and gritty take on Star Wars itself (rated M), focusing mostly on the hardships and mental conflicts of being a force-wielder during the rise of the Galactic Empire.
It focuses mostly on this time, but between acts, there are feature-length interludes that stem back to events taking place during the final months of the Clone Wars (which is why this story becomes obsolete). If you are interested in the future of Eons, that is the place to be!
****END NOTE****