Saving Ma
Summary: After Frank proposed to Natalia, Rafe Ave and Emma team up to help their moms.
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and I do not make any profit from this A/N: I stumbled on to Otalia while I was laid up sick last year on you tube. I was disappointed in the way they had written their story. I then found the fan fic sites and found so many wonderful stories that fixes or totally made the story better. This will be my first attempt at an Otalia fan fic so please review and let me know what you think.

Chapter 1

Rafe had been pacing his cell since yesterday when Frank came and asked him for his ma's hand in marriage. He told him it was her choice not his and to ask her. He was so confused. He wasn't even aware that they were dating. Frank had said he would ask her that night.

He stopped and looks up to the ceiling questioning everything. "Did they break up? No I just saw them here last week, they seemed fine." he spoke to himself trying to puzzle it out.

What he needed was more information. He could write a letter to Emma or Ava but that would take too long. He started pacing again. How could he get more info? He needed to talk to his Ma.

Before he could figure out anything the guard came to his doorway. "Rivera, your attorney is here to see you."

Rafe perked up. Mel. She could help him. He followed the guard to one of the rooms they used for visits to the attorneys or other official people. He entered the room and saw Mel sitting at the table sorting through papers.

He took his seat and waited until the guard left to speak. "Hey Mel, what's up?"

Mel looked up and smiled. "Well Rafe, as you know I filed an appeal for you a couple of weeks ago and was able to get it pushed through. You will have a hearing in two days."

Rafe was floored. He knew they were working to get him out but didn't think they actually would. "Wow, two days. Then where's Ma and Olivia? Why aren't they here with you?"

Mel sighed "I haven't told Olivia yet. I just got the call this morning and when I called, her assistant said she was in meetings all day. I'm sure Olivia will make sure your mom is there for the hearing."

Rafe was confused. "You realize that Ma is her assistant. You could have just told her."

Mel shook her head. "Rafe, your mom doesn't even know I am working on your case. Olivia hired me. I don't think she even tells her that it's her helping you with everything. She wouldn't let me tell you if it wasn't for me being required to answer your questions."

Rafe was floored "But why? Why would she do all this for me and not want us to know? And what else has she done."

"Well when you were having that problem at the other jail she got the governor to give your mom a deal that got her over market value for her old house and got you moved to this jail." He knew about the deal but not about Olivia's involvement.

Mel continued. "When your mom lost that money Olivia gave up her job at Galaxy to get it back for her. When you were having problems with that inmate last month is was Olivia calling in a favor to get him changed to a different cell block and away from you. Natalia told Olivia about the problem you were having and it took her two days to get him moved, and she never told your mom she did it. There's been so many things Rafe, it would take all night to go over them."

Rafe was shell shocked. "Why the secrecy?"

Mel shrugged. "I'm not sure. I'm just paid to do her bidding. Speaking of, you will have a suit delivered the morning of the hearing. You need to be ready by 2. Hearings at 3 and I will meet you at the courthouse at 2:30. They are reviewing your medical problems and the fact that you have been in the infirmary for illness and injury 15 times this month alone."

Rafe just nodded. "Ok sounds fine." he paused than looked back to her. "Do you know of anything else going on? I mean did Ma and Olivia break up or something?"

Mel just looked dumbfounded. "Um, I don't know what you're talking about. As far as I know they were never together." At his shocked expression she chuckled. "Look, it shocks me too. Those two are obviously in love with each other and are meant to be together. They just haven't caught up to what those close to them see."

Rafe just looks down defeated. "Oh, I guess that explains Frank."

Mel was the one confused now. "Frank? What does he have to do with it?"

Rafe shrugged. "He came by yesterday and ask for Ma's hand. He was going to propose last night."

Mel was about to reply when her phone rang. "Hold on a sec, that's Olivia now. Hello Olivia,"

"Hey Mel I got your message. What's up?" She asked in a hushed tone.

Mel chuckled figuring Natalia was nearby. "I got a call this morning. Rafe has a hearing in two days at 3 o'clock. I'm here with Rafe now briefing him."

Olivia sighed in relief. "That is wonderful Mel. I'll meet you there at 2:15 so we can meet up with Rafe."

"What about Natalia? Shouldn't she be there as well?" She ask and Rafe looked at her confused.

"I really don't want to get her hopes up in case he doesn't get out. If he does I'll just bring him home."

Mel whispered to Rafe what she had said. Rafe shook his head asking for the phone. Mel handed it to him. "Hey Olivia its Rafe. I don't think that's a good idea. Ma will be mad at you if she finds out."

Olivia sighs "I just don't want to upset her if it's not necessary."

"Trust me Olivia she will be furious with you if I don't get out and you didn't tell her about the hearing. She will also be upset with you if I do get out and she wasn't there to see it. Just tell her and take your lickins for hiring Mel without telling her."

Olivia just sighed again. "Your right. Ok I'll talk to her about it."

"Good, and tell her to come see me tomorrow during visitors hours I really need to talk to her." he says and hands the phone back off to Mel.

Mel finishes her call with Olivia and finishes her instructions for Rafe and he is led back to his cell. Once he is there he sets out to figure out how to get his moms together. Ever since he was arrested and Olivia had had that talk with him, being "as gentle as a lamb" he has started to look at her differently. He watched from afar and listened to his munchkin when she came by, she sent him letters and even sent him a copy of her My Two Mommies report. He even started getting letters from Ava after Christmas. Even she thought they were together. (He really needed to talk to his sisters.) Olivia came to see him every week with or without his Ma. Asking after his health and how he was being treated. Some time ago he had started to see her as another parent, he's not even sure when. She treated him like she treated Emma and Ava. He fell asleep forming a plan.