Chapter 1
"You did well today." Rita said whilst leaning on the door frame to the clinical leads office.
"Uh, well thanks, I suppose." Dylan replied not looking up from his overflowing pile of paperwork.
"Me and the team were just about to go and get some drinks if you'd like to come and join us?" Rita asked.
Dylan looked up and was about to say something but was stopped in his tracks. Wow. Never before have I ever seen such beauty. She looks so perfect, why have I not noticed this before. The way her hair perfectly frames her face; her outfit sitting beautifully on her figure. DYLAN STOP. WHY ARE YOU THINKING THESE THINGS? STOP.
"Uh I would normally would but um I have to get through all this paperwork." Dylan answered hoping that she hadn't noticed that he was thinking about her.
"That's okay. Dylan?"
"Yes?" Dylan looked up at her again.
"If you ever need any help, you know with the paperwork I'm happy to help." Rita's cheeks turned a light pink.
"That won't be necessary but thanks anyway. See you tomorrow Rita."
"No problem, see you tomorrow Dylan."
Rita walked away from the office. Dylan just stared at her. He fell onto the chair and buried his face into his hands.
How could he possibly be falling for another woman ever since the disaster of the last time?