AN: I have had this idea for like two or three months now, but my freaking muse would not cooperate! Luckily, as odd as it sounds, I had a ten hour car ride back from a family vacation where I finally got some time to focus on this story! Also, I have a really bad cold right now so if things are off or weird blame my fever. Story and chapter titles from a TDG song, One Too Many.

Honestly, the Winchesters were the ones to blame this time. How dare they ever actually expect something to be simple for them? They'd already had two wins in one day. Not only had they managed to find the First Blade, but they'd also been able to do so with minimal torture. See? It was a pretty great day.

Well, for a while.

Just because Crowley had been willing to help them for once, it didn't mean a damn thing once he'd laid eyes on Sam Winchester's bleeding face. It was then that he had a moment of clarity. He'd never been able to experience the same type of feeling with other human's blood because the first blood he was addicted to, Sam Winchester's blood, is unlike any other human's in the entire world; it was tainted.

But, it was tainted oh so beautifully. Drinking it wouldn't quite be vampirism because it wasn't completely human, but it also wasn't cannibalism because Sam also wasn't completely a demon. His blood was special, and Crowley wanted- needed more.

He'd played his part well though. He'd gotten Dan loose and Dean had killed the bastard that had had the nerve to cut Sam and allow all that blood to go to waste. Crowley had kept his distance from them both until they'd all made it back to the poor excuse for a car that Dean drove.

Watching Dean's smug and usually far too high and mighty demeanor vanish when he'd seen what Abbadon had done to that phallus on wheels brought Crowley more joy than it should have.

As smart as Sam typically was, he did something pretty stupid just then. He leaned over to Dean and whispered quite loudly about how leaving Crowley alive was now unnecessary now that they had the blade. Seriously, did he think Crowley didn't have ears?

The second they both turned around Crowley simply flicked his wrist and sent both boys into the Impala pinning them immobile against it, and causing Sam to drop the blade.

"One thing about forcing sobriety upon someone," he explained as he beckoned the blade to himself. "Is that sobering thoughts then to come with them."

"You know that blade's no good to you without me." Dean pointed out.

"Don't interrupt, I'm sure your mother told you that at least once before she fried."

"You son of a bitch!" Dean growled as he uselessly yanked against the invisible force that was pinning him down.

"How many times have I been over this? It's son of a witch." Crowley corrected with a grin.

"You really like hearing yourself talk, don't you?" Sam ground out through his teeth.

"Suppose I can't blame your mother for never teaching you that, can I, Moose? And I highly doubt your alcoholic father gave enough of a damn to try and teach you decent manners."

"If you have a point just get to it already." Sam snapped.

"Actually, I was going to thank both of you. Cutting me off made me realise something. I wasn't craving any old human's blood." A classic villainous smile crept onto Crowley's face. "I was craving Sam's."

Both Winchesters' eyes went wide at that. "If you touch my brother," Dean warned. "I swear to God, I'll kill you!"

Crowley huffed. "Fine, Dean, whatever you say." He grinned again. "Look, no hands."

And before Dean could protest, Sam and Crowley both vanished.

Lacking both a brother and a blade, Dean smashed his fist into the hood of his car in a bout of rage. He seemed to be having an abundance of those lately. He had no idea if Crowley had the intention of killing Sam, but that didn't matter. Dean wasn't gonna let Crowley hurt his brother.

Sam couldn't help but let out a scream as a knife scraped against bone for about the sixth time.

Crowley had wasted no time in getting him trussed up and finding a few bored minions who were more than willing to make Sam bleed. Sam could usually hold out for quite a while before he started screaming, but when there were four demons working him over at once, keeping his resolve was a hell of a lot more difficult.

He at least tried to be grateful for the fact that the demons had set buckets below the table he was currently tied to, rather than cutting him and having Crowley suck the blood right out of him like a leech.

He gritted his teeth and snapped his eyes shut once more as a tip of a blade nicked the sensitive skin of his inner arm. He managed not to scream this time, and simply tensed his muscles, futilely pulling on his bonds.

"That's enough now, boys." Sam heard Crowley command, followed by the sighs and grumbles of the disappointed demons. Sam swallowed, allowing himself to accept that the pain was over, at least for a little while.

If he hadn't just endured ten straight minutes of torture, Sam would probably come up with some sort of retort to Crowley, but since that was the case, he just closed his eyes and relished in the break in the agony.

Sam figured he briefly passed out, because when he opened his eyes again, Crowley was already riding his high from the blood. He was moaning in a way that made Sam twitch in discomfort, and when Crowley looked at him his eyes were almost completely pupil, and it would be a lie to say it didn't put Sam on edge.

"I've always thought you were sick," Sam said once he had the ability to focus long enough without wanting to vomit. "But you've really outdone yourself this time."

All Crowley did was snap, and then a white hot pain tore through Sam's body as soon as the remark had left his mouth. He arched his back, only causing the many wounds on his chest to tear open anew, sending more blood trickling down his abdomen. Distantly, he could hear the distressed and garbled sounds he was involuntarily making, but he was too busy thinking 'Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop!' to try to silence himself.

By the time the pain finally ceased Sam couldn't bring himself to open his eyes, not even when Crowley began to speak to him.

"You're really in no position to be rude to me, Moose." Even now, Crowley sounded just as smug as he always had. "And besides, not like you of all people can judge me for having a bit of a blood addiction, now can you?"

Sam gritted his teeth at the grim reminder. "But I can tell you that it won't end well. Take it from someone who knows."

"I'd be more inclined to believe you if I didn't know you were just trying to save your own skin."

Sam scoffed. "It's not my skin I'm worried about, Crowley."

There was another snap, and the pain returned. Sam thrashed and seized in his bonds against his will, and he wasn't sure if the liquid dribbling from his eye was a tear, or blood.

It finally cut off again, and Sam took a few moments to regain his senses. "Wh-why are you doing this?"

"You mean teaching you not to speak out of turn?"

"No, all of this. Is a little buzz really worth having Dean on your ass?"

"Dean Winchester doesn't scare me."

"Well then you're an idiot."

The snap was expected, but that didn't make it hurt any less. In fact, Sam was positive that this bout was far worse than the other two. He writhed and writhed in his bonds until they creaked, and he was pretty sure he was beginning to bite through his tongue.

"You feel that I take it?" Crowley asked casually once the pain had once again receded.

Sam couldn't help but roll his eyes, regardless of the consequences. "No, I'm just having a freaking seizure over here cuz it's a little humid out." He thought bitterly.

"That's what your blood gives me. It's not just about the high, Moose. There's power in your blood. Not quite human, but not quite demon. It's my own private stash, and so long as I'm not too greedy, I'll never run out."

"Don't do this, Crowley."

That cocky Crowley grin was the only answer Sam received. Crowley turned his back and flicked the only light source in the room off, leaving Sam in the dark, and in a lot of pain.

And to think Sam believed Magnus was his biggest problem of the day.

AN: I know nothing about drugs or highs or that kind of crap, so if how Crowley acts when he's on Sam's blood is wrong, that'd be why. Unfortunately, it is summer so I'm probably more prone to procrastinate on my writing so I apologise in advance if I can't get it up to post the final chapter too quickly. But, it is mostly written which is why you get a-

Sneak Peek: "The far too toothy smile gleamed in the poorly lit hell Sam was currently trapped in..."

Drop a review if y'all are enjoying and have the time! Hope to see you soon!