/So I guess this is set after season 4, at least there isn't any season 5 (because that doesn't start until Monday, be excited) but I didn't really think too much about timeline for the plot. It's just a little idea that popped in my head after Liam was bitten. Warning: there is a character death, sorry. But it will get better and heart warming I promise./

Chapter 1: A Rare Morning

It was a rare morning, but it was a good thing, a good rare. For the first time in a long time Stiles was awake early on a Saturday morning for no reason and Sheriff Stilinski didn't have to leave so early for work. So there the father and son sat, eating breakfast and talking, something they hadn't done in a long time. It was something the two missed more than anything else. Life was so much more complicated now, with werewolves, foxes, alphas, coyotes, Darachs, Oni, Nogitsune, banshees, and dead pools but that didn't change how much they loved each other. Maybe it even brought them closer.

Stiles had been a miracle. Claudia, who had been diagnosed only weeks before discovering she was pregnant, had to refrain from medication while she was pregnant and everyone worried that she would take a turn for the worse and the Sheriff would lose them both. For nine months Stilinski was in a constant state of worry and fear. When he got a call while on patrol that he was needed at the hospital his heart sank. He was so afraid he would get there to find he had no family. But when he arrived, there was Claudia, looking gorgeous with sweat covering her beautiful face, dark circles under her eyes, and a stunning tired glow...holding a swaddle of blue blanket. As soon as she saw him she smiled, "He's here, sweetheart, he's finally here. You're a daddy." She held out the swaddle and the Sheriff took the small being into his arms.

With a breath of relief, he looked down into that perfect little sleeping face and he never knew there could be something so wonderful in the world. He never knew he could feel this way. He loved Claudia, she was everything to him but in this moment he felt this extreme joy, an extreme love, a new love. He knew at that moment that he never wanted to let that little baby go. He loved his son more than anything in the world.

Stilinski would do anything for his son but as much as he tried to protect his boy, Stiles always managed to get himself into trouble and out of it amazingly enough. He has raised his son to care about other people, to be loyal to his friends, and to be a hero even if he never saw himself as one. He hadn't meant to, he never wanted his son to live such a dangerous life but he couldn't help but be proud. His son might not be the true alpha or some powerful supernatural creature but he was still a hero. He was always there for his friends, he always had a plan, and he didn't think twice about putting his little fragile human self in the line of fire if it meant saving someone, even if it was only a stranger. He was proud even if it did scare him to death. But there were so many days when the Sheriff would catch Stiles working intensely on the computer or still sound asleep and all he could see was his little boy, that little baby who he vowed to protect and love with all he heart, all his being. And to have one normal morning where they could just sit and be father and son mean the world to him.

"So, dad, is there anything interesting..."

"No," The Sheriff stopped his son before he could finish. "We are not talking about work, mine or yours. Eat your pancakes and tell me about school." He took a bite of the food his son and him had made just a few minutes ago. "This is a normal morning between a normal father and son so we will have a normal conversation."

Stiles laughed and stuff a bite of pancake into his mouth. "Yeah, I don't know when you became delusional but we've never been normal. Even when mom..." Stiles paused, waiting to see his dad's reaction but when there was no sadness seen outwardly he continued. "Uh, even when mom was around we weren't normal. You practically had to hold me down every morning just to get me to sit still long enough to eat. Hell, I had crazy rants to tell back then. Then you would race off, late for work, and mom would try to get me to school on time. I'm too much of a handful to be normal. So we might as well talk about something insane, like a mass murderer or animal mutilations or..."

The teenage boy never got a chance to finish his sentence, the front door slammed open ruining their as close to normal morning they had had in a long time. The Sheriff jumped up, pulling his gun from his belt. But he didn't get a chance to use it, a loud bang ripped through the air and a bullet ripped through his shoulder, sending his gun flying to the floor in the direction towards their unwanted guests. "Dad!" Stiles started for his dad but in a split second he was being held tightly, his arms secured behind him. "Let me go! I can have a whole pack of shifters here in a matter of seconds!" He wasn't sure how he would get his friends here but they were his only threat, his only weapons really.

The Sheriff held his shoulder. "Stiles, calm down." He gritted his teeth, ignoring the pain trying to find a way out of this situation with the lowest number of casualties as possible. "What do you want?" He looked up at the small group of men (including one woman), all wearing combat boots and guns. "I'm sure we can work something out. This doesn't have to be violent." He used his best negotiator voice.

"Dad! They shot you, it's already violent!" Stiles struggled against the muscle holding him. He couldn't stand to see his dad hurt.

One guy, obviously the leader of the pack, stepped forward. "I'm not here for you Sheriff. I didn't mean for you to get shot, Jimmy is just a little too trigger happy. So I apologize for that. Honestly, we had hoped you were already at work but we are on a strict time schedule so we had to improvise." He pulled out a syringe. "If you let me take your son here without any fight then there will be no casualties, no trouble at all. I've been promised a lot of money if I bring him in unharmed. And unlike Jimmy, I don't like to have to use my toys." He patted his gun with his free hand. "Do we have a deal?"

The father looked to where his gun had fallen. He knew he wouldn't be able to get to it in time and there was no way he could take them all out while assuring his son's safety. "Look, I'm sure we could make some kind of deal, something other than taking my son. I'll pay you." He glanced over to everything in the world that mattered to him and all he could see was that blue swaddle. "You can't take him. You are not taking my son, not over my dead body."

"Well if you feel that way." Before there could be another thought, a gun shot went off and the Sheriff hit the floor in a puddle of blood.

Everything stopped. His heart fumbled, his lungs stopped working properly, and a ringing filled his ears. Stiles couldn't function; he couldn't believe what was happening right in front of his eyes. He had to be dreaming. This couldn't be real. There had been enough terrible things to happen to him in his life, especially in the past five years, he couldn't lose his father. He just couldn't. "No..." It was the only thing his mouth could manage. His body went numb, he couldn't think, he couldn't move (something he never thought possible). It was barely a vague notion that he was being man handled.

It wasn't until he was pushed out of the kitchen, away from his dad, that everything snapped back into reality. Everything became loud, louder than the gun shot that ruined his life. Everything became bright with red, as if there was nothing in his mind but killing the sons of bitches that did this, that caused this nightmare. And suddenly he was flailing around. He was fighting with every ounce of his being, yelling obscenities. He was even yelling for his friends, praying one of the supernatural ears would hear him.

That's when there was a prick in his arm and everything went black. He was floating away to some other world, a world where he hadn't watched his dad bleed onto the kitchen floor. He tried to call out for his best friend, hoping maybe someone would save his dad. He didn't care about himself anymore, he was floating into a peaceful darkness, and he only worried about the man who had loved him since he was a baby: the man who had been his hero ever since he could remember, the man who was always there to hold his hand, and the man who looked out for him while no one else heard his screams in the middle of the night. His only family left.

If his dad was gone, if his only family was gone, there was no reason to fight anymore, so he let the darkness in. He let himself float away. Why would he even try to fight in the first place? He was just a worthless human, a stupid little boy who couldn't save his dad...

/I've written a few chapters for this story already so let me know what you think and if I should continue.

Thanks for reading, please review, and have a great day! :)