Reviews for Family Can Heal the Broken
Maddy chapter 13 . 1/31/2017
oh my gosh i loved this story it was so intense but when i was done with this chapter i had such a happy feeling inside and the way you expressed each characters emotions and relationships was beautiful thanks so much for being an awesome writer!
CoffeeIntoCode chapter 12 . 8/27/2015
I just found this story last night and was up until almost 2am reading it! I would have reviewed then but I was so tired haha but I couldn't stop reading! I cried so much reading this and part of me wanted to stop but I needed to know what happened! Stiles...Ahhhh my baby! Don't hurt him! I was kind of upset that Scott did choose Liam even though I knew it was part of the plan! It would be such a hard choice though, Liam or stiles...I love them both so much but anyway I really loved this story and I can't wait to read the last chapter...please let it be a happy ending! Stiles needs it!
VickyP chapter 12 . 8/26/2015
FantasyFr1k chapter 12 . 8/26/2015
OMG such a great chapter as always! The end with the pack talking to Scott (especially the Allison bit *sniffles*) was so amazingly written and emotional! :')

Can't wait for the final chapter! I'm almost sad this is ending. Although I was disappointed that the hunter doctor now wants to kill Stiles instead of making him kill everyone right then and there. I would've expected him to die cause Stiles would trick him into believing he'd gone to his side (sort of like what happened in this chapter with him lying and saying that he was going to kill Liam to get back at Scott for handing him over to the doc), and then he would let his guard down and Stiles would then be able to somehow finish him off. But, oh, well. You're the author so I guess it's OK. And now that I think about that you DIDN'T DO THAT (which would be kind of predictable) is a testament to how great this story is :')

Whatever the case, I am really looking forward to the finale to see just what happens to everyone in the end! I hope for major feels and shocks just like the rest of this story ;)
FantasyFr1k chapter 11 . 8/14/2015
This chapter was so great and totally what I wanted from a flashback chapter! I cried at the Melissa part, it was so beautifully tragic :')

Can't wait for the final 2(?) chapters, I'm sure the end will be just as bad*** as the rest ;)
DeanGirl4ever12 chapter 10 . 8/6/2015
So is that guy any relation to Theo? Just wondering because they're both such creeps. :) I really love how Scott is sticking with Stiles through everything!
orionastro chapter 10 . 8/5/2015
very good new chapter , poor stiles, that crazy guy that made him do it , must die , a very painful death ,and send to hell immediately, so suffer an eternity of pain, Cant hardly wait for the next chapters .
Taylormh98 chapter 10 . 8/5/2015
LOVED THIS. Sciles gives me life. I'd love to see another story about everything!
FantasyFr1k chapter 9 . 8/3/2015
Oh, dear lord. You are an amazing writer! I just read all of the released chapters for this in one sitting. I couldn't stop. You're THAT good. I just love how you slowly reveal both the psycho doctor (who really needs to meet a horrible and painful demise, btw) and his plans. And the ''lessons'' to Stiles-and the way you use them to develop his internal struggles-are so twisted yet immensely interesting. I just love dark stories! Thank you so, so much for taking time out of your day to write this and share it! Can't wait for the next update, poor Stiles :'(
OrangeColorSky chapter 3 . 7/30/2015
Good, but there seemed to be a lot of content between chapters 3 and 2 that are missing, will that be brought up eventually?
OrangeColorSky chapter 1 . 7/30/2015
Nice, shocking, start. Excited to read more.
DeanGirl4ever12 chapter 9 . 7/30/2015
I just want to hug Stiles right now! Great job and if you're still thinking about a Scott flashback, I think it'd be interesting. :)
Taylormh98 chapter 9 . 7/30/2015
I'd love a Scott flashback! And this was wonderful, as always :)
Guest chapter 7 . 7/23/2015
I absolutely love the story but I wish for more of a Sterek feel to it. Maybe it is a slow build, but I really do not see any chemistry working its magic. But you are the author so it may reveal itself later on.
DeanGirl4ever12 chapter 8 . 7/25/2015
That guy is just completely despicable! Stiles was gone for a whole year?! Anyway, another great chapter and, as always, I look forward to the next! :)
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