To say the Emmett felt bad was not even covering it. They had an assembly at USC about date rape and how everyone should watch out and take action if they see it happening. He felt like the whole world was telling him what an ass he had been. He tried calling her but she apparently changed her phone number, emailing her but she closed her account so he tried to talk to Daphne but that got him nowhere. He just wanted to see how she was doing and apologize. Two months and he could not sleep when he tried he would dream about her on the beach the night he broke her heart. He finally realized that they were one and his heart felt like half of it was gone.

Bay was trying to get her life on track. She tried to go on a date once but when he tried to kiss her all she could see was Tank. She finely remembered what happened that night, she thought it was Emmett she kept signing how much she loved him and never wanted to fight again. She could not say she was raped , assaulted was more like it. She felt cheap and did not know how anyone who knew could want her again, Emmett sure didn't. About a week after she got home from LA she changed her number and got a new email address, she had to start new life with out anything to remind her of Emmett.

Travis got a face time from Emmett he asked him to pick him up from the airport on Friday he was going to try to get Bay back. Travis was freaking out he couldn't believe that Bay who was so fragile would even think about going back to him, he left her when she needed someone and Travis and Garrett were there when he wasn't. Garrett was falling for Bay hard and Travis could not blame him but he was trying to be A good friend. When Travis told Garrett what happened to Bay and how Emmett ended it right after he just couldn't believe .