The Pregnancy, An All grown Up Fan Fiction

Disclaimer, Rugrats, All Grown Up belongs to its original owners and no infringement is intended.

Angelica Pickles parked her new car in the old parking lot of the small grocery store and sighed. You're overreacting she thought to herself it was just that one time. It can't happen at your first time, it just can't.

Angelica heard her cellphone text chime and groaned. She knew who it was already. Sure enough, as she checked her phone she saw that Timmy McNulty had messaged her.

-Hey, Babe, 'haven't heard from you in several days, just wanted to make sure you're OK- said the message.

Timmy was the last person Angelica wanted to talk to right then.

-I'm fine; just need some privacy- Angelica texted back. She sent the message and slumped in her car seat and closed her eyes. After a minute or so she opened them again and got out of her car. As she clicked the electric lock on her key she heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Angelica, is that you" asked the voice.

Angelica turned around to see Harold Frumpkin walking up to her. Crap she thought what the hell is Frumpkin doing here?

"Um, hey Herold" said the blond, "what are you doing here?"

"Me and Mom always shop here so we can get the best deals" said Harold.

"Best deals in an old store on the edge of town" asked Angelica.

"You can actually get a lot of the essentials for a good price" said Harold. "Like Bread and tooth paste and…"

"Harold!" called Harold's mom, "I need you to help me get the groceries in the car!"

"Okay, Mom!" called Harold before turning back to Angelica. "So" he said in a (very poorly done) "tough guy" voice, "how's Timmy Mc-what's his name been?"

"It's none of your damn business" scowled Angelica as she stormed away.

"Um" went Harold in a now nervous tone, "w-we should hang out some time, eh?"

"Harold! Get over here and help me now!" the boy's mom demanded.

"Coming, Mom!" called Harold running over to their car.

"We should hang out some time" Angelica thought to herself mockingly, in your dreams, Frumpkin.

As the blond entered the old store she looked around for the medicine aisle. Once she found it she saw that there was a middle aged woman with her twin boys who looked to be about three. The woman was looking at cold medicine.

Angelica walked down the aisle feeling embarrassed as the woman walked passed her. She was hoping she'd leave the aisle and thankfully she did. The blond sighed and walked over to what she needed, the pregnancy tests. She grabbed one of a good brand and reasonable price. She then walked over to the check-out register and set it on the counter.

The old man who was running the register looked at the pregnancy test than at Angelica. The blonde's face went redder than ever.

"Have a fun night here recently" asked the casher flatly in a gravelly voice.

Oh, come on Angelica thought. "How much" she said.

"Five, Forty" said the man, flatly again.

Angelica used her credit card to pay then put the tester into a plastic bag and walked out of the store. As she did so she could hear the old casher mumble "damn teenaged slut" behind her back.

As Angelica walked outside she heard thunder clasp in the distance. She approached her car, unlocked it and got in. as she started the engine she looked down at the tester in the small bag. This is just to be sure the blond assured herself.

Angelica pulled out of the old parking spot and headed down the road. After about fifteen minutes or so she arrived at Zappy Buggers and pulled into its lot. She shut off her car's engine and stuffed the pregnancy test into her purse. Afterwards, she got out of her car and walked over to the fast food restaurant. By now it was starting to sprinkle.

Angelica was very hungry and Zappy's restrooms were the perfect place to use the tester. Once in she approached the counter and a smiling young woman greeted her.

"Hi, welcome to Zappy Burgers. May I take your order?" asked the casher. At least she was polite, unlike that old creep she met earlier.

"Sure" said Angelica, "I'll have the Triple Zappy Supreme with a side of curly fries and an extra-large ice tea. That'll be all."

Soon Angelica's order was ready and she scarfed it down along with her massive ice tea. A little while after she had finished the tea had run to her bladder as she had planned. She ran into the women's restroom and locked herself in one of its stalls. Before she relieved herself she dug the pregnancy tester out of her purse and opined it.

"Okay, Angelica" the blond whispered to herself, "let's do this."

Several minutes later Angelica was staring at the little plus sign on the tester, with tears in her eyes, gritting her teeth. Oh, god she thought this can't be real. This has to be a bad dream. I CAN'T get pregnant! I just can't! What's everyone gonna do when they find out!

End of Part One

Acknowledgments: the title, "The Pregnancy," was given to me by Celrock.

Notes: So this is my first AGU fic that I'm starting on. I hope people like it.