1. This is a fan fiction based on characters owned by DC Comics. I DO NOT OWN THEM. This is just for fun.

2. As always, I'll point out this was written over a decade ago. Here in the UK, Season 2 of the JL cartoon had yet to air, so Hawkgirl had not been revealed as a spy. And the massive, every-hero-in-the-DCU roster of Unlimited wasn't a factor. My timeline picks up after the Season 1 finale, The Savage Time. All my Wayback Wednesday stories are numbered chronologically, if you get stuck.

3. Again, sorry about my depiction of Diana. I really treat her like a teenager. Ugh.



Batman stepped out of the costume chamber, in full attire. He straightened his glove as he walked, making sure everything was in place. He went to the Batcomputer, and began keying in a few commands. After a few seconds, his notes for tonight appeared on the screen. He pressed a button and the data was transferred to his online computer in the Batmobile.

He had nowhere special to go. Just a routine patrol. Once or twice round the entire city, check the usual places for activity. It had been quiet over the past couple of weeks, but he would not be complacent. Anything could happen – as he well knew.

He turned and went towards the Batmobile. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure standing a few yards away. He stopped and looked at it.

Diana smiled at him, holding two infants in her arms, one in each.

"You've got that down to an art," he said flatly.

"Well, sometimes it helps to be super-strong," Diana said. "Just a regular patrol tonight?"

"Well, as regular as it gets in this city," he said. "Where's Tim?"

"I'm here! I'm here!" a voice cried out from an adjoining room. Robin came running out of the training room, fixing his cape as he ran. "Sorry, but I had to reattach the punching bag after a record-breaking flying kick."

"Again?" Diana asked.

"Hey, that's me," Robin said. "I break records the way Flash cracks jokes. When it comes to breaking records, I'm the fastest Boy Wonder aliv…"

"Go wait in the car," Batman interrupted, looking at him. Robin looked incredulous, then went to the Batmobile.

Diana bobbed Faith and Thomas in her arms, and looked in the direction of Batman. "Say bye-bye to Daddy now…"

Batman gave a slight smile. It was still hard to believe. He was a husband and a father. He was married to the woman he adored, and he had two beautiful children. He never thought it would happen, and now that it had, he could not imagine his life without them.

He walked towards them, and pushed his cape back. He stopped a few inches from Diana, and stroked her arms gently. "I'll be back at the usual time," he said. "Will you be alright?"

"Bruce, it's been two months," Diana said. "I'll be alright, as I have been every night. I'll just feed the babies and put them to bed, and I have Alfred here if I need any help."

His face fell slightly, and he raised his arm and stroked her cheek. "And how will YOU be?" he asked lovingly. "Are you still in pain?"

Diana sighed. "I'm still a bit sore, but it's better. I'll be fine, Bruce. Stop worrying."

"I like worrying about you," he said. "Makes a change from worrying about Tim."

"Hey, I heard that!" Robin shouted from the passenger seat of the Batmobile.

Diana laughed, and Batman gave a small smirk. "We can go to the Watchtower tomorrow if you want," he said. "I know you want to see how Hawkgirl is."

"That would be nice," Diana said. "I still can't believe her and John are going to have a baby. I didn't think John would want kids."

"I have a feeling Hawkgirl wants to," Batman said. "She can be pretty insistent."

"Speaking of which," Diana said. "I want you back by four. No later. You understand?"

Batman sighed. "Yes, dear." He looked at the babies, and tickled their chins simultaneously. "Faith. Thomas." He then looked at Diana, and leaned closer. She mirrored the move.

Their lips met, and they kissed tenderly. Diana leaned closer, and the kiss deepened.

Robin held his head in his hand. "Yuk…"

Batman and Diana separated their lips, and broke the kiss. Diana looked at him lovingly. Batman took a moment to compose himself. "You know," he eventually said. "I heard it can be unhealthy for a child to see their parents so passionate…"

"They'll be alright," Diana said. "They'll just grow up knowing their parents love eachother." She sighed. "Be careful."

"I always am." Batman then gave a final stroke of her cheek, then stepped away. He turned around and strode towards the Batmobile. He then hopped into the driver's seat and pressed a button, starting the engine.

"I love you," Diana said.

"I love you too," Batman said.

"I love you too!" Robin said, waving.

Batman looked at him. Robin shrugged. "What?"

Batman sighed, then the cockpit closed, and the Batmobile drove up the ramp to the exit, leaving Diana shaking her head and grinning. "Sometimes I feel like we have three children. Maybe Dick and Barbara can adopt him…"



"Come on, J'onn, the show's about to start!"

J'onn walked into the lounge. "It's OK, Flash, I'm here. I wouldn't miss your interview."

"Good," said Flash, stuffing some popcorn into his mouth. "'Cos this is the biggest interview I've ever done. And the interviewer's a real professional."

"And also a beautiful woman," said Green Lantern, looking up from his newspaper.

"Hey, that was purely coincidental," Flash said. "And I wouldn't joke so much, GL. I said some pretty nice things about you guys. Maybe I'll call up the show and tell them to retract my comments."

"First of all, I'm surprised you know what retract means," Lantern said. "And second, I don't think it would hold much weight seeing as the interview's being shown on national TV."

Flash was about to speak, when Lantern looked at J'onn. "How's Shayera?"

"She's fine," J'onn said. "I see no problems on the horizon."

"That's great. Thanks, J'onn." Lantern went back to his paper, but quickly lowered it again. "I still can't believe it. I'm going to be a father."

"Are you alright?" J'onn asked.

Lantern sighed. "Yeah… just… things are happening so fast…"

"Hey, look – I'm on!" Flash yelled.

Everyone turned to the TV to see Flash on the screen sitting in a chair. Opposite him was a young brunette with a clipboard. For the next half an hour, there was silence as Flash, Lantern and J'onn watched the show. Occasionally Lantern and J'onn would begin to talk, but Flash would shush them.

Once the show was over, Flash turned to them, a grin on his face. "Was I great or what?"

Lantern raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Flash got to his feet and went to put his empty popcorn packet in the bin. "Oh, very funny." As he sat down on a comfy chair, Shayera walked into the room.

"Hi guys," she said.

"Where have you been?" Flash said. "You missed my show!"

Shayera looked unbothered. "Oh. Dear."

"Where have you been?" Lantern asked.

Shayera sat down on the arm of Lantern's chair and put her arm around him. He took her other hand in his and pulled it close to him. "I've just been talking to Diana," Shayera said. "They're coming over tomorrow."

"Are they bringing the kids?" asked Flash.

"I assume so," said Shayera. "It's weird. We're going to have babies everywhere."

"Yes," said J'onn. "I better prepare more. Faith and Thomas' births were incredibly stressful. Maybe I should take up something easier, like brain surgery."

"Hey," said Flash, pointing at the Martian. "Why did you look at me when you said that?"

"Anyway," Shayera said. "It'll be good to see them again. It's been a few weeks. I've forgotten what the twins look like."

"We have pictures of them all over our room," said Lantern. "At this rate, there won't be any room for pictures of our own kid."

Flash stood up. "Well… anyway… I better go. I probably won't see you guys until the next meeting."

"Don't go," Shayera said. "I haven't seen you all day. How's Linda?"

Flash looked at her, and was silent for a moment. He then frowned. "Fine." With that, he left the room.

Lantern, J'onn and Shayera looked at the doorway. Lantern turned to them. "What was that all about?"



Commissioner James Gordon stood by the edge of the roof, his coat wrapped around him. The night breeze blew through his white hair, and his breath blew steam from his mouth.

"What is it, Jim?"

Gordon sighed, and turned around. He went to the signal light that was on the roof, and pulled a lever. The spotlight it shone into the sky instantly disappeared, and the roof became darker. "You're not going to like it tonight," he said.

Batman and Robin appeared from behind the Batsignal. "I never do," the Dark Knight said. "What have you got for us?"

Gordon pulled out an envelope from his coat pocket. "You've heard of the Mannings Case?"

"Of course," said Batman. "There have been a series of robberies in the Mannings chain of superstores. All professional hits, no mistakes. But I don't see why you need us. Just have squads at every store, and wait."

Gordon held out the envelope. "Peter Mannings was kidnapped last night. His wife called it in when she woke up and he was gone. And the kidnappers left this."

Batman took the envelope and looked at it. He then pulled the flap open and reached into it. He pulled out a piece of paper, with large, colourful letters glued to it. He immediately recognised the calling card.

"Oh man," Robin groaned. "Not him…"

Batman read the message on the paper, then lowered it. "I assume you know why I called you now," Gordon said.

Batman opened a compartment on his utility belt and put the paper inside. "We'll be in touch soon," he said. "Have your men ready."

"Care to tell me what it means?" asked Gordon.

Batman was silent. "Something wrong, Jim?" he eventually asked.

"No," the Commissioner said. "Why?"

"You're glaring at us."

Gordon smiled. "Just want to see you leave. I'm not taking my eyes off you."

"I see," Batman said, unfazed. "Robin, your shoelace is untied."

Robin looked at his feet. Gordon followed his gaze. "Hey, I don't have shoelaces," the Boy Wonder said.

Gordon looked up again.

Batman was gone.

Gordon chuckled. "You knew he was going to do that, didn't you?"

Robin looked around. "No, I had no idea. You see him anywhere?"

Gordon looked at the surrounding buildings. "He's probably a block away now." He turned back to face the Robin. "You'd better go, if you want to catch up t…" He stopped.

Robin was gone.

Gordon groaned. "Kids. No respect for their elders."



Wally West sat by the window, staring at the night sky. He had been home for hours, but had not done much. He had only made a sandwich, and it was still half uneaten on the coffee table. He had the lights on, but not the TV. The curtains were still open. He had made himself a cup of coffee, but it sat on the side, cold. He was even still in full costume, only his cowl off, which was lying on the table.

He did not want to do anything.

He was feeling lousy.

And he was feeling lousy BECAUSE he was feeling lousy.

He was a horrible person. He was in a terrible situation. And he could not do anything about it.

He should have done something. But he was too afraid. Afraid of hurting people. Afraid of hurting the people he cared for. But in considering their feelings… he was hurting himself.

Why did he not do anything? ANYTHING? He had just stood by… and watched it happen. He had done nothing… and now it was too late.

The phone rang. He made no move to answer it. After a few rings, the answer machine cut in. "Hi, this is the one and only Flash, idol of millions of women everywhere! If you are one of those millions, leave a message and I'll get back to you. You won't have to wait long – I'm the Fastest Man Alive!"

Wally groaned at the sound of his arrogant voice.

The answer machine bleeped, and a woman's voice spoke. "Wally, it's Linda. Where are you? I thought we were going out tonight? I waited at my apartment for over an hour. The restaurant's now closed. This is the fourth message I've left you. Please… if you're there, answer."

Wally remained in his chair.

"Oh Wally," Linda's voice continued, "I hope you're alright. I saw no supervillain stuff on the news. This is the fifth time this week you've haven't turned up. Please… if you get this message, call me. I'm worried." The machine bleeped again as the message ended.

Wally sighed and held his head. Now he WAS hurting the people he cared for.

He looked back out the window, at the stars. He had dreamed of doing so with HER, by his side. But he could not. He had blown it. It was too late.

He had tried to forget her. But he could not. As much as he distanced himself from her, she was all he could think about. Even though she was taken, he still thought he had a chance. What is a wedding, really? He thought he had all the time in the world, time to win her back, time to maker her love him.

But now it was different. She was pregnant. And that meant more than a marriage. She was bearing his child. There was a deeper bond between them. And he was too late. He had lost her.

Of course, he felt terrible for thinking this way. He was in a long-term relationship himself. And he loved Linda, really he did. But… he loved HER more. He pretended he did not… but he had never stopped loving her.

He sighed. "Man, this sucks…" he groaned.

He had lost Shayera. And that was the most painful loss of all.