No Free Rides

Hey guys, I'm back. Sorry, I've had some things going on


Killer's POV:

I really shouldn't be surprised to see a person with a pet owl. We're on the fucking Grand Line for god's sake. Ignoring Snitch's teasing, I watch as Kid manages to get information on the log pose and the best place to get food and ammunition.

"Ne~ Killer-san, can we go say hi to the cute girl over there?" Spoctor asked, looking over my shoulder towards the lavender haired woman. I internally sighed, these guys with women, honestly.

"Just be ready to go get supplies." I answered, slightly fed up since this happened at the last island we were at. Spoctor did a little fist bump and gestured Snitch to follow him. I shook my head as they headed to the table.

"They find anything interesting?" Kid asked, watching the twins walk away.

"Woman." I answered curtly. I watched Kid shake his head in amusement.

"Can't blame them, it's been awhile since any of us seen a decent looking woman." Kid said, smirking. I shook my head again.

No One's POV:

The lavender haired woman and her owl companion watched as the two Kid Pirates approached their table. The owl puffed up threateningly as the men came too close for its liking, and the men stopped just before the table. The woman tilted her head slightly to the side, wondering why these men would want to approach her. She lightly petted her companion to calm it down, although the feathers went down, it continued to give the men a death glare.

Spoctor was amazed that someone could have an owl as a companion as he knew that birds of prey didn't make good pets, while Snitch began running theories as to how the woman got her scars. Realizing that they were both staring, Spoctor cleared his throat.

"Hi. My name is Spoctor and this is Snitch. We're twins, can you tell?" Spoctor said slightly jokingly, as this was the twin's way to greet people. The woman nodded slowly. A few moments passed in silence.

"Um… sorry to ask, but are you mute?" Snitch asked politely. You may say "they're pirates, they shouldn't be polite" well the twins were raised to be polite to others so deal with it.

The woman nodded, while her owl gave a raspy hoot.

"Oh fuck, sorry we didn't know!" the twins said at the same time with matching looks of panic, which caused the woman to smile for a second then back to her neutral face.

"Hey guys! We're leaving!" the fluffy haired boy called as he, the captain, and the first mate made their way to the exit. The twins jumped then rushed to their crewmates.

"Bye mystery lady!" Spoctor yelled as he left the bar, waving good-bye, which was returned.

The woman looked at her owl, which looked at her as well.

I hope we can meet them again.

Snitch's POV:

"Oh my god she was so cute!" I gushed to Killer as me and my bro caught up to them. I noticed Captain look back at us for a second.

"I know right? She even smiled a bit!" Spoctor said, I swore I saw stars in his eyes, though I bet I look the same. I could tell Killer was going to ignore us since he never really seemed like the type of guy to fanboy over a girl, but eh, fanboys got to fan.

"The owl kind of freaked me out." I said to myself, shuddering at the memory of the red eyed owl.

"Yeah, what kind of owl was it anyway? It looked like a barn owl." Spoctor said, holding his chin between his finger and thumb, looking thoughtful. It did look like a barn owl, but it looked too pale.

"I think it was an albino owl, I mean it did have red eyes. I wonder how she tamed it. Birds of prey don't make very good pets."

"Did you catch her name?" Rusty asked, looking back at us with a tilt of his head. Captain nodded in agreement.

"No." Spoctor and I said at the same time. We could see the sweat drops that appeared on both their faces. Spoctor and I grinned at each other. As we were approaching a weapons shop, I heard hurried footsteps approaching us. I looked behind me (Spoctor doing the same) and saw a middle aged woman with a pained look pulling the cute girl from the bar by her arm (her owl was looking pissed off for some reason). She brushed past Spoctor, Rusty, and I and headed straight for the Captain.

"Uhh, that's not a good…" Rusty trailed off as the woman got closer to Captain, causing Killer to grab her arm. The girl from before yanked her arm from the other lady's grasp and walked backwards towards us.

"Wow, didn't expect to see you so soon." Spoctor said with a wink as the girl got to us. She looked at us and nodded, while her owl gave us a raspy screech. We introduced Rusty to her (poor guy got super flustered) and she looked towards the Captain and her female companion, who was talking to the Captain.

We really couldn't hear what they were saying, but words like "Take her" "Give you gold" and "Fuck" (that was from our Captain obviously) managed to reach us.

"Do you know what she's trying to do?" I asked. The girl looked down and nodded, and for a second I thought I saw her hair shimmer.

"Can we know what your name is?" Rusty asked shyly, we really need to introduce him to more girls like Jesus.

As the girl began to raise her hands, the other woman called out to her.

"Itami! Get over here!"

All three of us guys looked at her. Itami, huh? Itami sighed silently and made her way to the Captain, Killer, and the woman. Spoctor and I walked side-by-side to her, since who knew what kind of deal they made.

"You're gonna travel with them now. You better do as they say." The woman said aggressively to Itami, who nodded solemnly. I looked to the Captain and Killer. Killer looked tense, probably not happy about this, while Captain was looking kind of pleased.

"So, I heard you're an ex-slave? But you can defend yourself?" Captain asked. Jeez she's an ex-slave? That must be rough. She nodded her head. Captain's grin grew.

"Hope you don't faint at the sight of blood, cause you're gonna see a shit ton from now on." Captain laughed.


Well, I'm hoping this rewrite is kinda better