~ Author's Note ~

Yes, this is an OC; taking mainly in his perspective. Cross-over elements/references will be included, but not the main attraction. Everything will reveal itself in time. A majority of events will stay canon with some twists, nothing too earth shattering...maybe...I don't know.
A little snippet of our hero. Takeo's something of a mix between Issei and Vali, as he's taking their places. Not outright perverted, has an appreciation and respect for a woman's body. Enjoys a good fight, but not his priority. In terms of power; definitely stronger than Issei, falling a good steps short of Vali as he isn't a descendant of Lucifer. Harem as always, Rias as main, lemons are included. The intensity doesn't get past second base early on, way later on chapters it bumps up.
This is my first foray into creative writing, so expect it be rough. If by any chances you notice similarities in other stories it's purely unintentional and coincidental, I swear. Helpful criticism is helpful, and enjoy!

~ 1 ~

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Be- Smash!

"Yawn! Man I hate those kind of clocks. Why did I bother getting one?" asking myself when my phone acts as a good substitute. Wait what time is it? I grab my phone to check...still too early for school to start. Oh well, enough time to shower, prepare breakfast and lunch. I hop out of bed towards the closet. I pull out the school uniform I'm going to and lay it on the mattress. Leaving it there, I walk out my room and into the bathroom for a quick shower.

The shower head starts up and begins spraying cold water as I pull off my sleep wear and jump in. Letting the freezing temperature work its magic jarring my mind to awareness. Then switching to more warmer settings. A few minutes after drying myself off from the shower, I wrap the towel around my waist and head back into my room to change.

I look at the articles of clothing required to wear in school and grimace. Nothing wrong with it; a black blazer with white trim, white long sleeve shirt, and black pants. But who's the idiot that thought a ribbon tie was a good idea. I grab and toss the accursed atrocity in the bin near my desk as I slip into the clothes. Give me a neck or bow tie and I'll make it look good. Give me whatever that was, I'll be liable to strangle someone with it. I check myself over with the mirror in the closet door, decent enough but I open a couple of buttons near the collar to leave me some breathing room as it felt constricting.

Satisfied with the look, I head into the kitchen to prep food for the morning and afternoon. I set lunch to the side, and cook up an 'egg in a basket'. It's pretty much fried egg cooked in a piece of toast, real nice to have if your not eating much or in a hurry, and easy to add in a personal touch of favorite toppings. I scarf down the meal while getting whatever I needed for my first day since moving in. Everything in my book-bag, I head out the door and turn back towards the empty house.

"I'll be heading out Okaa-san, Otou-san." I depart with a farewell and lock the door. Sadly I never met my parents, my uncle and aunt told me they passed away while I was young. How or why I never got the answer to, but I can imagine it won't be a pretty picture if I found out. So I left it at that while continuing life like normal and training with Kohryu; a friend of theirs when on vacations together.

As I walk towards the school, sides of my face felt like people were staring at me. Well they are, because passing by the scattered mass of students making their morning commute were for some reason looking in my direction. You'd think they never seen another guy with longer hair compared to some and better built than most my age. Any chances of remaining incognito for my time at Kuou have went down the drain hearing the passerby talk about me. I pull out my headphones to listen to some music. Even with the audio distraction, I can hear out what their saying.

"Never seen him before, think he's a transfer?" "Probably, must be a late arrival."

"Well he's pretty damn handsome" "I don't know if he's up there with Kiba, but I definitely agree."

"Aw no! Hear that guys? We might have another prince to add." "Dammit, our odds were already low enough with Kiba, now we have to compete with him as well?"

Really you schmucks? I heard Kuou used to be an all girls school until recently, but I just enrolled here because it was closer to where my uncle and aunt live. I guess I have to kiss my dreams of anonymity auf wiedersehen now.

It doesn't get better as I cross the entrance into the school grounds, now all the people are staring at me. Is it the hair? Maybe, I mean it is a little out there with the color; black with a streak of white running through. Naturally spiky to a degree, and a ponytail I have ending at the bottom of my shoulder blade. The off-colored eyes? Probably, since heterochromia irises is quite a trait to pick up, especially in Japan. Dark azure for my right eye, and light verdant my left. The lean-muscle build? Perhaps, reasoning for that isn't far off with the heterochromia. So in other words I became an unintentional wonder of Kuou Academy on my first day here. Fan-tucking-fastic.

Enduring a little further, I reach the front entrance, now I just need to find the Teacher's office. I look around, hoping to catch someone to point me in the right direction. Unfortunately I don't seem to be having any luck grabbing anyone's attention as they pass by me. I saw a group of girls that were looking at me, when I try to grab their attention, they just blushed furiously and just took off. I turn to a gathering of guys at the corner, but they just glare daggers at me...what the shit? I huff out a breath, catching my bangs with the wind at how hostile the males were.

"Having trouble there?" a voice calling outside of my peripheral.

"Mon Cheri you have no idea..." I answer while turning towards the source. A girl perhaps a year older than me with crimson hair long enough to end near her waist, turquoise eyes, bust that would bring all the boys to the yard. Santa Maria I don't think her uniform does her figure any justice at all. Whoever the parents are, I want to thank them for blessing the world with such a child.

"Darling huh...First day here and we've only just met." she smirks.

I got caught a little off guard there. I wasn't expecting anyone to pick up on that. Better play it off mate.

"Eh. I'm like that with most, but you're definitely a lot better than most." Wait what? Seriously, that's what I come up with. Idiot. She blushes slightly at the crude attempt to break ice.

She chuckles "Careful there tiger, some of the people here might begin to talk."

And Murphy says 'and so it shall be'. Glancing off to the side, the girls seem conflicted. Some seem jealous that I've already took interest in someone else, another half looks goo-goo eyed at the scene. The boy seem to have a consensus: Damn new guy! Guess I'll fan the flames a little more. I smirk at them egging a reaction of pure anger. 'Too easy' thinking to myself as I turn back to my lady friend. She stifles a laugh knowing what I just did.

"They were already talking about me before I even step foot here, may as well play the fiddle. You wouldn't happen to know where the Teacher's Office is do you?"

"I was on my way there anyways so I can take you with me." she answers and walks ahead. I follow suit, and a loud outburst was heard behind me. The walk didn't take long as we near a door with the sign where the teachers meet here. The door opens and my eyes widen a bit at the person as our gaze met each other.

"Ryu-sensei?" sounding thrilled at seeing one of my old teachers. While traveling with Kohryu, we came to a village in Japan where I met my first teacher in combative training; Joe, from there I trained with Ryu for sometime. We kept going to the same village until an attack on the village occurred. Olive green eyes that rival a hawk's gaze, light brown hair tied in a low ponytail, a body built to kill with years of experience. I doubt most people know that he's actually the world's deadliest ninja. Crazy thing is he's somewhere in his mid-twenties!

"Takeo? It's been some time since we met. The old man treating you well?" he gives a small smile.

"Doing well last I heard, didn't think I'd see you teaching in a school."

"Same could be said to you coming to school here of all places. Apparently I checked my roster this morning and your name came up. Had to see it for myself I suppose." Oh sweet! He's my homeroom teacher.

"I take it you knew him prior?" the red head spoke.

"Yeah, we met ages ago. Back then we were training together with his father who owns a dojo. So I'm in your class huh sensei?" Wouldn't want people to know one of their teachers is a highly trained killer.

"Just our luck for both of us having to put up with each other again eh?"

"Aw! I miss you too Ryu." feigning emotions of affection towards him. The girl giggles a little at the banter we're having. "Thank you for bringing me here, miss-eh?"

"Rias, Rias Gremory, and you're...?"

"Takeo Mugetsu, a pleasure meeting you Rias-san. The first class seem ready to begin, so I'll be seeing you some other time then."

"I would hope so, Takeo. Try not to cause too much trouble." she walks off to her class, though not before giving me a sideways smile over her shoulder towards me.

"Your in for it now, little brother. Now all the students will be raging about this." Ryu comments noticing the students gossiping about me talking to her. He walks off with me in tow.

"I take it she's something of a celebrity here. No wonder why most of the guys looked ready to kill."

"One of the two Onee-sama of this school; as the students say. You think she's something, wait until you see the other one." Oh sweet mother, another one? While we made our way to his classroom, I caught a glimpse of a girl with black hair tied in a high ponytail with an orange ribbon walking by us. Purple met Blue and Green eye for a moment before she smiled at me, I wave to her fighting another blush crawling up again. My gaze went downward and that blush rushed a little faster at what I was looking at; curves in all the right places, and a bust similar to Rias's. Clearly I haven't been around girls in a while. Traveling and training with the old man didn't afford me much luxury investing interest in a relationship. Interest in girls hasn't changed, though I have self control most would find excessive.

"Two in one day Takeo? You work quick." Ryu confirmed my assumption with that comment. We finally made into to the class after putting up with other people giving me either googly eyes or death glares. The classroom housed about thirty or so desks, most are filled with students talking among themselves, some looking up to see me and Ryu-sensei enter.

"Alright class, settle in, we have a new transfer student today." he announces while I go up to the blackboard and write out my name in kanji. I turn back towards them.

"Name's Takeo Mugetsu. I'll be in your care everyone, so I hope we can get along well." grin reaching sides of my face. The reception, much like what I got at the entrance was mixed. Mainly due to how the girls are enamored with me, and the guys don't appear too happy. Two in particular; one bald guy and another in glasses look like they're going to blow a gasket.

"I hope you all treat him well, make him feel welcome. Is there any questions?" Nearly all the girls' hands shot up. Ryu and I sweat dropped at the sight. "Girls I'm sure you can ask those questions at another time." Like that, they all went back down...except for the bald one and glasses that were set to detonate. "Matsuda, Motohama, I doubt you want to say anything in front of everyone here, especially when I'm around."

"But Sensei!" the bald one shouted, while jumping out of his seat.

"Matsuda..." Ryu glares at him...uh oh, I recognize that aura forming into a dragon behind him. I should know as he taught me that skill. Quickly as it appeared, Matsuda sat back down, grumbling to the one wearing the glasses. I'm guessing their a pair to be seen together often. Ryu lets out a sigh as the aura dissipates and looks at me. "Sorry about that Takeo, they've been causing trouble for a while."

"I'm hardly bothered. Guess at some point I'd ruffle somebody's feather one day or another."

"You seem to have a knack for that, intentional or otherwise." voicing his concern for me. "In any case, find yourself a seat anywhere." I nod and take a seat near the window, making sure I'm away from the duo especially.

Looking out, there's a building that appears older compared to what were in. Wonder what goes on in there? Without flinching or looking, I grab the chalk piece that was aimed at my head using an index and middle finger. I smirk to the side while eyeing the culprit, knowing Ryu-sensei is already picking up on old habits when we trained together. Only he'd use a kunai in place of the chalk when I least expect it, even when were resting from the training. 'Keeping my senses sharp' he says.

"First day here, and you're already singling me out sensei?"

"Just wanted to make sure your attentive is all. Care to answer the questions here?" he taps on the board with some writing. 'too easy' I thought to myself. I give my answers, Ryu doesn't seem surprised but gives me a small grin of approval, everyone else was amazed at how I answered when I look at the wall for a moment and went back to staring at the sky. "Correct, Takeo-kun. Try not to make a habit of that now. I don't think the others can handle it." He chuckles.

"No promises, but I'll give it my best." lightly pumping a fist in the air. Everyone get taken back at the nonchalant response toward my sensei. I can imagine why, spending a year or so training with him created something of a small bond between us. If they think this is weird, throw the two of us in a dojo together with nothing to do.

Acting on reflexes again, I catch the object flying towards me...a paper kunai? One of these days Ryu, I'm getting you back for these moments. He goes back to writing as if nothing had happened. I grunt softly in response as I look at the writing on the blade.

'Your swordplay still in shape?' reading the message to myself. As if I'd let my sword skill fall short. I pull out a paper, and folded it into a shuriken. Finished with the message on it, I send it flying near where Ryu was writing. Everyone lets out a gasp at the declaration of war towards my sensei. He pulls the paper out of the wall and reads the message for a moment before putting it in his pocket. Just like that, he resumes his lecture. 'Care to find out?' the message said. I wonder if he'll take up the challenge.

~ Time Skip: End of School ~

Between sitting in class, listening to the teachers lecture, it was getting hard keeping myself sane from boredom. Crimson and black hair dance in my mind. They definitely were a sight to behold. Chances of seeing them again could be slim to none. I let out a sigh as school ended for the day. I was hoping to get out and find Ryu, but I was greeted with the sound of hands slamming on my desk. Apparently, the duo I met in homeroom are fuming with anger. I thought it was childish to pick on someone who just started his day here, so I left without saying a word to them and went searching for Ryu. It didn't take long as he was standing outside of the door, was he waiting for me? He bobs his head to the side, indicating that I should follow him. So he is taking up the offer.

Few minutes of walking, we made it to a building I would hope is for Kendo Club. My wish was answered, but seeing as how the school use to be an all-girls school, their members consisted of mostly girls. Two girls notice us entering; one with light peach hair ending at her shoulder, another with chocolate brown hair in a high pony tail, like the other Onee-sama of the school. Katase and Murayama I think, they were both in my class.

"Good afternoon, Ryu-sensei." Both greeting Ryu, then towards me. "Oh, hey there Mugetsu-san, have an interest in kendo?" the peach hair girl speaking first.

"I'm something of a practitioner, haven't a good spar in the longest. So I might be rusty." Ryu stifles a chuckle at the answer.

"Which is why I was hoping to use the kendo floor for a bit with him." Ryu asking the girls.

"We don't mind, though Mugetsu-san, are you sure you want to take on Ryu-sensei? You did say your sword work is a little rusty." this time the other one spoke.

"Don't worry Murayama-san, I'll go easy on the lad."

"Not on your life!" taken back at him going easy. Easily walking into a land mine set up. Heh, bring it.

"That's what I'd like to hear. Need any gear for the match?"

"None is needed. You're not learning if you're not hurting." I smirk, while the two have shocked expressions on their face. We walk towards a rack holding some bokkens, both of us drawing one at the same time and headed into the ring.

He gets into his stance used when actually fighting, while I settle into Iaido. The girls that were either in the middle of practice or resting, look towards us with anticipation on who'll make the first move. For the next five seconds, it was a mental war waged between us with observers unaware of it. We close our eyes for a moment before rushing head first clashing weapons.

At the beginning, we weren't budging an inch to let the opponent grab the advantage. Parrying off blows and countering with ruthless and relentless precision. As this was going, others gazed with amazement at the speed of us going against each other.

Ryu goes for an overhead swing, and I block it off. It left me open for a kick in the abdomen, but managed to recovered quickly and dashed to the side. I feint a horizontal swipe which he attempted to counter, and nail him with the pommel to his chest. I edge the sword to where his shoulder and neck met; he mirrored the action with me. It ended in a draw, neither of us wanted to stop, but seeing the faces of the girls made us think we overdid it. We withdrew baring down on each other and bumped fists, acknowledging that it was another draw to add in the ever growing pile of matches we had. All of which without a decisive victor. Every...matches we fought...a bittersweet draw.

"Sorry girls. Guess we over did huh, Ryu-sensei?" I try to laugh it off sheepishly. He scratched his head looking almost as guilty, but his facial expression didn't show it. His eyes did though. Not many people can tell what goes on behind his eyes; only me and Kasumi can tell on a good day with him. In his case, even that's hard to tell.

"I never seen sensei go all out like that. And you said you were rusty?" Katase shook off her sudden shock.

"Well I haven't met a good sparring partner since leaving home. So that's one of the reasons."

"Man, you must be pretty good to stand toe to toe with him." Murayama adds in.

Ryu and I let out a light laugh. Standing toe to toe is a major understatement. While we remember the number of close calls we had with each other, my senses prick up at the presence of a group of people near by. It seems Ryu picked up on it as well with the look in his eyes.

"Pardon us, we just remembered we were needed elsewhere." we break into a speed walk as we exit the dojo and head to a side of the building. I'm right beside him, but felt a bit tense for an unknown reason. When I picked up the presence; two of them felt similar to each other, dark was all I can describe it. The other two on the other hand just felt like anyone else.

I found my answer to why we were here in the form of Matsuda and Motohama peeking through a crack in the building. My eye twitched up when over hearing the lewd remarks they were making. Then I unconsciously flared out my presence, shaping it into Hannya that made Ryu side step away. I doubt I could ever intimidate him, but anytime I get ticked like now, he would admit feeling pity for the fool on the receiving end of this wrath. I keep a calm smile while walking eerily behind before clearing my throat when they're in hearing distance. They turn around irritated, their expression instantly gets replaces with looks of terror.

"So, Matsuda, Motohama, care to explain?"

~ Time Skip: Shortly After ~

Well that was a complete waste of time, as much as I wanted to smash their heads in, I didn't want to put up with disciplinary actions. So I dragged them by the collar, and threw them in the dojo. I told the girls those two were peeking where they shouldn't and suggested plugging up the hole in one of the walls. I walked out with the girls thanking me and the sound of justice reaching my ear. Ryu already left for home, so I just wandered around the campus to get a better grasp of my surroundings.

I come to the front of what would be one of the older buildings that I saw across from my home room. Surprisingly well kept, still wonder who uses it. I could have sworn I saw that crimson somewhere in the window. Before I could even see if anyone is in, I hear yelling behind me. I can guess who without looking.

""Takeo!"" Matsuda and Motohama charging towards me. Well, another time I suppose, time to deal with the Perverted Duo as the girls call them. As the two attempt to tackle me, I side step letting the two tumble to the ground.

"Still haven't learn your lesson? My, my, what to do, what to do?" I calmly walk towards the two with Hannya looming behind.

"Y-You think that scares us, h-huh?!" Matsuda already trembling.

"I thought that was evident with Motohama about ready to piss himself there." pointing to the subject. Can't tell if he already did, or is just sweating profusely. I huff out a breath and just walk off leaving the two with mouths open. They try to grab my attention again but I glare at them over my shoulder, sending them to a screeching halt.

I continue my walk to the entrance, going over the events of today. Haven't made much friends, but I did have a bit of fun talking to people. Even if I'm already public enemy number one to the majority of the boys, things sort of turned out well with the girls...I suppose. Most of the questions they were firing at me like a machine gun were either about my love live; or lack there of. Why do girls want to know about that when I just got here is beyond me. Other questions include me and Rias. Again, why? We only met, talked...well flirted a bit. Other than that, not much else. I'd like to talk with her again, though doubt I'll ever get the chance to.

~ Narrator POV ~

"Hmm, so that was the source giving off the chilling presence." Rias mutters to herself while staring at the boy who flared out a piece of his aura that took shape of a demon.

Never thought a human could be so intimidating, yet appear completely opposite. From her small encounter with him this morning, he seemed friendly enough. She could tell he's something of a flirt from the conversation, but she oddly enjoyed it. Though not as much as ogling his physique. 'Dear Maou he can fill out a uniform' she kept that comment to herself as they were walking to the Teacher's Office. She noticed something off about him. Any living being would emit some sort of presence; be it Human, Devil, Angel, Fallen Angel, Youkai, Dragons. She couldn't feel anything with him, it felt like someone was jamming her senses.

"Someone occupying your thoughts Buchou? Wouldn't happen to be new student we've met recently, is it?" Akeno asks.

"You could say that. When did you meet him?" Curious to when Akeno met him.

"Well we just passed by each other when he was heading to class. Compared to Hayabusa-sensei, he stacks up nicely with him." Akeno blushes slightly at the thoughts running in her head.

"Say no more, I know where your going with that line of thought. In any case, think other people will begin to notice something unusual with him?"

"Considering his match with Ryu-sensei, I wouldn't be surprised." Kiba walks in to the club-room with Koneko. "Even if they were holding back, they were equal in every aspect." He and Koneko were watching the spar between Takeo and Ryu. Shortly after it ended, they went about their usual business.

"Strong." Koneko spoke. Rias ponders over her friend's comments. It would take quite the amount of strength and training to go against one of human's deadliest warriors, and have the match end in a draw. 'Who are you, Takeo Mugetsu?' she thought to herself.