Hey guys! You made it! Well done and Huzzah! Thank you so much for reading my second installment to the Lilyseries. It was certainly a fun rollercoaster writing it. I wanted to take the time and thank all who had reviewed and posted in the past for this story:

ladybugsmomma, Imusicluver23, CrypticCobra, Mystics Apprentice, Grace5231973, Montreat11, SkyBlueSw, NatalieRumbelleOUAT, DNS Akina, BreathingintheSun, and Jennifer Baratta!

It was such a pleasure reading and seeing old and new reviewers to this story. You guys are awesome. I learned so much from each response and I took each comment deeply to heart. So thank you very much for the wonderful dialogue.

When I was writing this story I tried to take on a NeverEnding Storystyle of storytelling, where (like the 80's film) broke the fourth or even the fifth wall. I may or may not have accomplished this (I'll leave you to decide whether or not I was successful) but I was definitely keen on Me (being the Author to this story) becoming the villain to my own fanfiction story. And the puns, oh the puns, were everywhere. Or as Rumplestiltskin said in Season 2, "When you see the future, there is irony everywhere."

Yes, it's been a year since I've updated anything from this story, but I did want to let all those who followed this story know that the saga is not over. A week after OUAT S5 ends, I hope to post every Sunday a chapter of my new story. That's right, you read that correctly. The next story and third installment to the Lily series will be called, "The Vigilante". Be expecting to catch the first chapter posting on May 22nd. If you enjoyed this series, be sure to favorite this next one when it comes out so you don't miss out on what happens to Lily next!

Again, thank you for reading and I look forward to seeing your review on "The Vigilante".
