Fly On The Wall

Claire Redfield

Washington D.C.

We left early from JFK Airport in New York, and we also arrived early to the capital city of the country. The travel from one place to another was just one hour long, we spent more time documenting our luggage and waiting to board. Luckily, we didn't wait that long at the airport, we picked up our belongings and a few government agents were waiting for us outside to take us where we needed to go first. I thought we would go to Leon's place, so I could set myself there, but I was surprised when he told me we were heading towards the White House.

"The agents will take our stuff to my apartment. You and I will go directly to the White House, something important awaits for us there".

It turned out that that "something important" was no less than a presidential breakfast served at the Red Room of the building.

Before we took the flight, Leon asked me not to eat anything big, just a small snack. When I asked why I would do that, he simply said we will have a better breakfast when we arrived, because it would take us just an hour to get there. I agreed without knowing this was going to be his version of a "better breakfast".

When we entered the room, the president was already there.

—Welcome, Miss Redfield— he spread his arms as if he was welcoming a dear daughter, then dropped them —. I'm so glad to already have you here with us, since you're now part of our team of agents in training for the D.S.O. —he said.

—Well…thanks for the welcome, Mr. President — I scratched the back of my neck, I just didn't understand why so much fuzz for my arrival to Washington and my new status as "in custody of the government". Sherry was treated like another number on the list. Was this celebration part of the modifications of the contract?

—Please, have a seat both of you, you must be hungry —he said, pulling a luxurious chair and inviting to sit.

I seriously did not get the reason behind so much formality.

I look at Leon with a dubious expression when he sat in front of me, and he just smirked and winked at me.

His gestures made me blush.

Yesterday, when we had lunch together, he did the same thing. In fact, since that moment this man has been having these gestures towards me, and he had not done it before —even if he had, they weren't that evident —. While we were walking, he placed his hand on my back to guide me; when we entered the shop, he opened the door for me to let me in first; he pulled a chair for me to seat, just like the president; and he even wanted to pay all the bill when were finished, but I insist we should split it. He said he wanted to pay because he invited me before, but I reminded him it was me who asked him to take me to a restaurant, so he ended un accepting to split the bill.

When I was at the hospital, it was understandable he was having so many considerations, but now it seemed kind of weird, because not even the days after my discharge he acted so attentive to me. I thought it was because I would be his guest for a while, and that the least he could do was to treat me the best he could while the experiments were carry on.

That was the obvious explanation, because it could also be that he was…

—I want to take the chance, now you're here, to sign the agreements we made related to your case, Miss Redfield —.

The president's voice took me out of my thoughts, I saw him placed on the table a black leathered file, like the one he had taken to my room when he visited me. Besides it, he placed a pen like those cost 300 bucks.

—All the necessary modifications have been made, it would be helpful if you could read while you eat, so that our friend Leon brings it to my office after you finish. I'll be waiting there, this breakfast is for two people, so I'm kind of the third wheel. Hope you enjoy it, Miss Claire —.

—Sure…not all days I have a chance to have breakfast in the Red Room of the White House —I said.

The president petted me on the shoulder, he said goodbye to Leon and left the room.

—Read the agreements, they will bring the food soon —he said while pulling closer the file.

I nodded and open it to read what was written on the sheets.

As soon as I finished the first paragraph I realized it was indeed different from Sherry's contract. According to the files in my hands, all the tests on me will be perform three days per week, no more than eight hours, and if I fell sick due to natural causes or side effects of the experiments, all studies would be suspended until I fully recovered. Other clauses specified that I must be informed of all the result of said tests, and the research would only be finished when the specialized team considered reached all the objectives from it. The agreement also mentioned that during all the time I stayed in Washington under custody of the government, I was allowed access to any facilities I required to enter, as well as the information regarding the case of my interest —in other words, to the assault of TerraSave and the quest of the island —.

The subject will be under permanent custody of agent Leon S. Kennedy from the Division of Security Operations, in his private address.

I didn't know why my heart beat faster when I read that single line. It wasn't like Leon would be watching me all the time.

—So? What do you think? —Leon asked me.

—This is , definitely, a lot more flexible than Sherry's case. I guess I won't have any trouble adapt myself to this contract —I said while taking that expensive pen, took the cover off it, and roll it over the paper to draw my sign on the line above my name —. Done. I'm now officially under the custody of the government —I smirked.

—And mine — Leon smirked back.

I swallowed hard.

—We only need you to sign your acceptance to the training program of the D.S.O. and then we can start everything. We'll do it after we visit the facilities where all the experiments will be performed, so you can know all the process. We'll get there after you're settled in my humble home —he said.

—That reminds me of something I wanted to ask. Why did you make so much fuzz for the first meal of the day? We could have had it somewhere else, but, the White House? Really? —I raised an eyebrow, he only laughed a little.

—Do you remember when I told you how I got involved in the civil war of Easter Slav Republic?

—They forced you into it just during your vacations, didn't they? —I said, it was something funny to remember.

—Exactly. And they just got me right before breakfast. They owed me. Adam promised me to serve a presidential breakfast whenever I wanted it, I just took his word. And since you had to come to Washington for "work issues", I just thought it would be nice to invite you.

—Nice for me or nice for you? —I joked.

—For both of us —he replied smiling.

My heart skipped a beat. What was happening to Leon? He was acting and saying nicer things than usual.

If he was just being a jerk, then…

—Is it being nice to you? — I questioned, placing my elbows on the table and benting down my head, as if I wanted to hear his reply a bit closer.

He stared at me for a few seconds, before mimic my posture.

—It is, more than you can imagine —he whispered —. Although, it would be a lot nicer if you tell me it is enjoyable for you too.

I took my time to process my answer. His attitude got me on my nerves. I opened my mouth to respond, but I heard the ring of a bell that instant. I turned my head to the entrance —the sound came from there —, and I saw the butlers and maids pulling a trolley with several dishes on it.

They put the silverware on place, then they served all the food made for the occasion. It was kind of all-you-can-eat buffet: hotcakes, bacon, fruit, waffles, omelet, sausage, orange juice and coffee. All smell magnificent, the mix of sweet and salted aroma was wonderful.

Just then, I realized how hungry I was.

—You can be happy, this is being so enjoyable for me —I finally answered, taking an empty dish to fill it with a bit of everything in front of me.

—Enjoy your meals then, today it's going to be a long day —he said.

I had more reasons to fill my stomach with everything I wanted.

Besides, I still need to recover my normal weight.


Leon S. Kennedy

-And this will be your room for the time being —I said.

I opened the door and a double bed appeared before us, with pure white sheets, enlighten by the sunlight coming from the big windows at the right side.

I brought Claire to my apartment using public transportation, so she could learn how to move through the city by herself, in case she needed it. The fact she's under my vigilance didn't meant I could watch over every step she took. Although, to be honest, it was hard to take my eyes off her ever since I realized I liked her, that change of look of hers with her new haircut left me so stunned I had no choice but to accept I was interested in her as a man. I've had this new feeling only for a day and I had paid so much attention to this woman than I ever did in the past years: her gestures —I loved her smile —, the way she moves when walking — such a nice butt she had! —, the shapre of her body, the size of her chest —she had nothing to envy from any other women I've been with —, her lip…that mouth I was so eager to capture with my own. I started my path to that goal, since the very moment I found put I had feelings for her. The most interesting part of this was that I didn't feel like I was forcing myself to act like that, everything came out so naturally that I impressed myself, even my flirting was spontaneous.

The most reinforcing thing of all was to see I could get her nervous, and that she sort of followed me in the game, even if she was joking —like today at the White House —. It seemed to me that Claire was still disappointed in sentimental issues, her reactions when she talked about Neil Fisher told me a lot, but I was sure I could get where I wanted, I just needed to get closer to her little by little, until she was sure to take a step forward with me.

And that that step lead us to love each other on this bed…

—Wow, this room has everything a guest would want: a bed, a mirror, a closet, a bathroom with a shower, and a wonderful view to the city. You take your guest seriously —she said while heading to the window to admire the urban landscape.

—Of course. And more if it is you —she turned her head quickly, an expression of astonishment drawn all over her face. I loved her reactions —. Because, you know, you're not here to sightseeing, you'll be living here for an indefinite period, so your "new home" should be a decent one —I smiled.

—Sure… I expected no less from an agent of the government of the United States —she winked at me. My heart skipped a beat —. Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to take a shower. If you say we'll have a long day, I want to feel fresh for it.

—Sounds nice. I think I'll join you —as soon as I said that, I wished words could be taken back.

Don't cross the line with your flirts Leon. She could get scared.

Claire looked at me scowling. She walked towards me at slow pace. I was afraid, what if it was too much flirting for day?

When she was in front of me, she gazed at me, raised an eyebrow and then smiled.

—You know? It's not a bad idea, Leon —she whispered.

Holy shit. Did she find out? Did that mean she feels the same?

—I hope you enjoy your bath in your room —she said while petting my shoulder —. Now, seriously, if you don't mind, I need some privacy.

A feeling of disappointment overwhelmed me.

Nice play, Claire.

—Allright, I'll wait for you in the living room —I turned back and left the room.

When I closed the door behind me, something flew before me. I looked up closely and I noticed it was a fly.

Such annoying bugs!

I saw the fly land on the wall, right beside the door to Claire's room. I took off my jacket, I wanted to get rid of it with a slap of the sleeve. Then I heard the sound of water falling from the shower at the other side.

I stared at the fly on the wall.

If I were that bug that sneaked into every corner of the house, I could get in Claire's room every time I wanted, in secrecy, without being noticed. I could land on the wall too, and watched undress to get in the shower. I could see when she got out, all soaked, only covered with a towel. I could see when she put her underwear to sleep. I would be there watching her fall in the arms of Morpheus.

You're thinking like a stalker.

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. It wasn't as if I didn't want to do it, but I wanted to achieve it through the honest way. If I started acting like I imagined, not only she would fear me, she might cut off any contact with me. The best way was to keep getting close to her, deep inside, I knew she would let me in sooner or later.

I whipped the sleeve right where the fly was standing. I saw it fall to the floor, dead.

I must admit I would really like to be a fly on the wall of that bathroom right now.

That was when I realized the huge and hard bulge between my legs.

Okay, I DO need a cold shower.


Hello everyone, I'm back!

First of all, I'm so sorry for the long wait. As you may know (if you read my previous note) I was busy with school stuff (I'm a college lecturer with 100 students), and my master degree classes and homework. But what really left unmotivated was the ending of Bleach manga.

Have you ever been in a long time relationship with somebody, and then suddenly break up because the other person did something you never thought he/she would do? The feeling that everything was wasted and a lie? Well, I had exactly the same feeling after reading the last chapter of Bleach. And just like a break up, I started to feel disappointed about everything. I began to question what was the point of following a story for so long, for so little at the end. What was the point of writing about something that would not happen, if the people behind a story don't give a shit about coherence and make a suicide of their creation. The disappointment was so big that it reached several aspects of my life: I didn't want to write the update, I didn't even touch the manuscript I was working on, I even stopped uploading gameplays in my YT channel (but I made a video review about it xD, and recorded myself picking my dog's shit with the last pages of the final chapter hahaha).

But I want to be back, to leave behind that failure. So here it is! The update you and I wanted so much! The title comes from a song by t.A.T.u. that talks about what Leon thought when he saw the fly xD. I had almost all CDs of the duet, I don't understand how could I forget that song. Totally loved it when I listened to it again, and I immediately thought about the update, but then the spoilers of Bleach came and…well…you know the rest (and too bad I now associate the song with the shitty ending! It now causes me anxiety).

I can't assure you I'll update soon, but you have my word I'm finishing this fanfic. It's been almost two years, it's like my personal manga xD. It's a short chapter, but I guess it's better than a longer waiting.

So, if you're still willing to follow my story, please follow and favorite it, but more importantly, leave a review, that helps me more than you think.

Til next time!

PS. By the way, if any of my readers was also a fan of Bleach, but totally agree with the ending, I politely ask you not to mention it in the reviews of this story. We might share our love for Cleon, but that doesn't mean we have to like the same things about Bleach. So please, don't try to make me accept it or understand your point, it's useless. I don't think I would convince you of my point, would I?