Reviews for I Am Titanium
HARLLEN chapter 16 . 8/6
Jesus you need to continue this. OH MY GOD F*cking great history. I'm brazillian sorry my english. I love Cleon definitly and your fanfic is perfect, i laugh so much when i find sex scene is a Leon's dream .
Please back.
clariey2018 chapter 1 . 10/28/2019
the last thought of Leon's was from RE Degerations (CG Movie)
manu chapter 1 . 11/9/2018
haz algo ya porfa
Fury of a Shadow's Flight chapter 15 . 6/26/2018
For chapter 16 continuation: and by continuation of revelations 2, I obviously meant what could have happened that we weren't told about and if Leon were in the mix. I really wish that they'd let Cleon be a thing T_T it makes more sense, but I know that they're trying to focus on the action, but eh I guess it just leaves more for we fans to guess at and build upon for ourselves. Eh, thanks for being one of those who are so great at it.
Happy Writing
Fury of a Shadow's Flight chapter 16 . 6/26/2018
I truly hope that you haven't given up on this first. It's a really great work and such a possible continuation of Revelations 2 that it makes me happy thank you so much for sharing this with us! As to Bleach, the only real thing I'm happy about the ending is that Rukia became a Captain, though why she was able to was sad. I understood the ending, but I was horribly resigned to it. You're right it totally could have been better :/
I hope your classes go well and I know it's been a year and a half since you've updated this but I hope your inspiration for it comes back, I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it.
Happy writing!
manus chapter 1 . 6/9/2018
hey atuliza
manus chapter 1 . 6/9/2018
hey llevas años atiliza porfa
Brenda247 chapter 16 . 8/14/2017
That Ichigo ended with Orihime instead of Rukia is so politicaly correct .Even if I've smell that coming from the Fullbringer Arc that each time I saw I wanted her out of the picture meaning I look elsewhere. A shame really.
C.K.1997 chapter 1 . 6/5/2017
Dude don't you wanna update this ? -
C.K.1997 chapter 16 . 3/18/2017
Well I gotta say...I was disappointed with reading this...I thought you're not gonna finish it...but when I saw chapter 16 I was so fucking've got our support , so continue this fic till the end
Julie909 chapter 16 . 2/4/2017
Hi to you,
Seriously wow. I love your way of writing. I like to read your story. I look forward very much to the continuation and that since the beginning of your history. I love Léon very much, I also love Claire and I always find that it would go well together it is two. I would continue to read to you and encourage you to finish this story, hoping that they will finish together in bed ...
Afaithy chapter 16 . 2/2/2017
your story is really nice, so I hope to read more if it soon.
Onkwehonwe Kashatstenhshera chapter 3 . 1/24/2017
Interesting that you show how Claire and Barry meet prior to Revelations 2
Onkwehonwe Kashatstenhshera chapter 2 . 11/30/2016
I have to say I am interested to see where this goes. I am a fan of the Leon/Claire shipping too. In fact I thought of her with him before him with Ada cause he meets her first.

i didn't know that about japan as far as cutting hair with women is that your homeland? Cutting hair has a completely different meaning in the case of how our men are when we cut it. And as far as why. I also notice many Japanese tend to have the punk rock hairstyle too which is cool :)

Sad to say though Resident Evil 7 probably will not have any returning characters at least not as the main character I want to get it but i hate that it's first person.

I am glad to see that Leon is worried for Claire i would have preferred that in Revelations 2 if Leon had been in that rather than Neil who was just to me a pointless character. I mean the other two guys were ok but then they got killed off so quickly it didn't seem to matter.

As for the english your english is fine and it's a really dumb language anyway, english, but the only thing i mainly have issue reading is the lines as opposed to quotation marks but maybe in other countries lines are used instead of quotations?

I also take it this is based on the bad ending of Revelations 2 or s this just the six monthe between when they rescue Moira i kinda forgot i had reviewed chapter 1 but it was a while ago.

Yeah that is true about Capcom. Swahilli in West Africa. Really? Plus Jake shouldn't sound american at all. Also naming a South American village Mixcoatl is also silly seeing as the tl in the word is more of an Aztec thing to do and thats mexico not South America.

Then again they pulled a springfield on us by not saying where in the midwest Raccoon City is.

Anyway keep it up!
Zaites chapter 16 . 11/28/2016
I'm still here waiting, I'm big patient since this story was the first one I really liked from Cleon.

Don't worry, you can have all the time you want or need.

And to be fair, all the chapters I tranlated to portuguese I still have to type, so we are on the same page }
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