A/N- Yea its been a little while.. I'm now a highschool graduate, engage, and probably crippled for life.. but at least it gave me time to finally bring myself back to my story. sorry for the long, long, long await for some of you. no promises will be made about the updatesof this story as they never seem to pan out.. but you guys didnt come here to listen about my life story. So ill shut up and without further ado, ready, set, read!

Disclaimer- Highschool DxD did not mysteriously come under my control during my absence

The group of friends and allies were finally starting to calm, as Issei was able to get control of himself. His continued apologies were cut short but Raynare herself as she took hold of his face and kissed him till they were both red from the lack of oxygen. Having finally brought him from his self loathing, the group was brought to the realization of the missing fallen angel leader by Kiba's comment, "Did anyone else notice the lack of fallen angel leaders?"

Shocked out of their relief of regaining Issei from himself, they looked around the area waiting for an attack from the shadows. So focused were they that, when a giant sneeze rang out, the entirety of them jumped into the air and prepared to assault. Only to see a massive dog head giving them the cutest set of puppy eyes, tongue hanging limply from its massive jaws. It was actually Xenovia, appearing out of the brush that broke the embarrassed stalemate. AS one they shifted their attention to her and noticed that she was being closely followed by the other fallen angel leader Azazel, who was chuckling into his hand. "My, what a jumpy bunch you all are." He said, looking into Issei's eyes with a smirk. "One would almost think that you all expected to be attacked at any moment."

The others didn't appear to know what to say to that, mainly as the fact that he was someone that none of them knew, and due to the fact that Xenovia kept looking at him with blushing glares. Finally Issei spoke up, "What are you doing here Azazel? Here to finish you co-leaders job?"

"Azazel?!" Yelled out both Rias and Sona, As Akeno was finally able to realize why the man looked so familiar.

"Dont be absurd Issei." The older man laughed. "I'm actually quite glad that you were able to take out that asshole. He has been trying to be rid of me for the past hundred years. Of course I myself could not fight him, as that would tear the other fallen angels apart to see their leaders ripping each other to shreds."

"While that does make some sense, It doesnt explain why Xenovia has been glaring at you this entire time with a blush.. the glare itself is normal." Koneko spoke up, as her sister slowly but surely got into a defensive position between her and the man.

"Oh that? Well it just so happens that i just so happened to be in the area when this pretty lady right her came flying out of the bushes. Next thing i know she is sitting on my face." Azazel said with a laugh

"You should have moved!" Xenovia shouted. "and you didnt seem to tell them that you made extra sure to make it worse by grabbing my breasts!"

"Well i had the breath knocked out of me, and the logical thing to do was to move whatever was keeping me from restoring my breath. That i just so happened to get your chest was not my fault."

Xenovia seemed about ready to slash the mans throat, when Issei decided to step in. "Do you know where Kokobeil went?"

"Why yes actually." Azazel said with a small evil smile, " I decided that since he was already beaten, there was no reason to let him remain where he was not wanted. I sent one of my guys to take him back to the underworld where he shall stand trial for the crimes of trying to restart old conflicts that none of the races are ready to handle at this time. He shall no longer be a pain in any of our necks after today."

The group of devils relaxed at that and Yulebella spoke up. "Master, I think i speak for all those here when I must beg you to please work on controlling your emotions. Not only did you almost let yourself become the monster that you hate so much but you also almost hurt Raynare. And I doubt that even if we all banded together we would have been able to save her before you acted."

Issei, eyes once again downcast, nodded. "Yea, I know Yule. I will try my best."

"See that you do. I dont want to have to be the one to tell you that one of your loved ones had been killed by your own hands."

Azazel took in this exchange with interested eyes, getting an idea about how he may get in the young dragon's good graces.

The other girls had taken to slightly glaring at Yulebella, but didnt say anything knowing that it was what Issei needed to hear. "I do have to thank you for sparing his wings." Azazel stated breaking the uncomfortablenss if only for a second. "As Raynare had said it is the worst pain a being such as an angel or devil could feel. The fact that he is her uncle would probably also hurt the relationship between the two of you."

"Your uncle?" Issei turned to her with questioning eyes.

She looked to the ground, shame welling up in her features. "Yes. He was the brother of my mom.. and the only family that i have left. Both of my parents died in the last bought of aggression between the fallen angels and the devils. Though he didnt see me as his niece..just as some pawn piece to get ahead in politics. And i were to be caught doing any of the many illegal things that he forced me into, he could just claim that I was deranged with the loss of my parents and order my death. Silencing the only threat i posed him... he reminded me of this a lot."

Kuroka was the closet to her and pulled her into a hug, having had a shitty past with the dominant man in her life before too. Raynare gave her a grateful smile, but was cut off as a voice rang out from Issei though it wasnt him. It was deeper and it made Azazel freeze as the sound brought old, very unpleasant feelings to the front of his mind. "Azazel. Take me to the home of Kokobeil. He ha brought to our attention that he still holds a devil, the last of the original line of lucifers, as a slave in his home. I demand to be brought to her so that we may free her from her bonds."

Slowly, and with much apprehension. the man said. "I will bring Issei there to free the girl. But i cannot bring any of the others. His home lies in the middle of our capital and if i brought no less than twenty devils there they wouldn't just attack you, they'd call for my own head as well."

"And you expect Issei's welcome to be better?" Rias asked "Not only is he a devil, but also an angel. They'd call for his execution before he even stepped a foot into the gates."

"That is a problem isn't it." Azazel aid rubbing his stubbled chin. "I know. Here, take this. I've been considering giving this to you for the past couple of months, but was always unsure if you and it would be compatible. Though now I see that you have more than just a dragon talking to you up there. It belonged to one of my generals during the conflict. Parts of her soul still resides in it. And in excepting it, not only will you gain the strength of a fallen angel, but you will also be the first being to exist to have the power of all the major factions. A true OG as some would say."

"OG?" Asia asked, confused.

"It means that Issei is a self made badass." Azazel said

As Azazel spoke he pulled out a small ring that had the engraving of a crow on the side. As he had said, Issei could feel a small consciousness around the band. Taking it in his hand he turned it over and over again in his palm. "Is there a catch to this gift? Not that i dont appreciate it, but i already have enough voices floating around up there. adding more to it isn't the most appealing.. and the fact that im already stronger then i feel comfortable being. I don't want something that may make me lose control.

"The catch is that youd be expected to be there anytime the major factions have a meeting. As the only one that could represent all of our races at once it would fall to you to be the level headed one and decide what is best for all races."

"Wait. I remember that ring." Akeno spoke up. "My father always had that ring strung onto the chain that he had on his neck. Why do you have it?"

Azazel looked at her with a small smile and said, "I asked him for it. I know how important yumu was to him. If i can bring them back, even if it its in the body of another, for him then maybe he will stop being such a shut in, and help me stop shit like Kokobiel trying to throw a coup from happening."

"Yumu?" Akeno asked

"Your father's first love, and my top general. They were never able to wed though as on the eve of their engagement she was killed by two devil assassins. In his grief he attacked the devil capitol and laid siege to the city by himself. It was only the due to the reinforcements that i sent to retrieve him that he lived, Surrounded by devils as he was. It was actually your master's brother that deigned to spare him, seeing a man stricken with grief instead of hate."

Akeno grew pensieve. If her father had done that for a woman that he was only engaged to. What actions had he taken when her mother was killed? She was brought out of her thoughts when Issei finally spoke. "I accept. I need to be able to protect those I love and with this I will be ever closer to doing so. I have witnessed many attrocities through the eyes of Ladon, and if me having this keeps more from happening then I think I have no right to refuse."

Unknown to most there Issei had been conversing with the heads as Azazel had told his tale. They had come to the agreement that this was to be the best course of actions and even if this new conciousness did strike out and attempt to take control of Issei and his actions, the combined power of issei, ladon, john, and lucifur would be able to subdue them long enough to eject the ring from his body. With a sharp nod to renew his confidence Issei closed his fist on the ring and focused his power to aborb the object into himself. With a bright flash the ring disappeared and a new conciousness apppeared in his mind, filling some of the extra room that Ladon had made for themself in the beginning. Though it was slow and sluggish, as if waking from a thousand year slumber, the mind radiated a sense of peace. "I shall watch the new one Issei." Sarriba said, "you just focus on rescuing Angel."

At the mention of her name Lucifer was reminded of his mission and was pushing for Issei to hurry. "Alright. I think that we can be on our way now Azazel. Yumu has been easily accepted in and is apparently already gaining her strength. Though according to Garreth it'll be a while before she's strong enough to regain her thoughts. "

"Thats good to hear." The older man smiled. "Well now that we got that sorted lets see the wings. just to make sure that it truly became one with you."

With a nod Issei focused on the small part of his conciousness that just sprouted and pushed his magic into it. A slow flowing motion and Issei found that he had a very small pair of crow like wings coming from his back. Only about 2 feet tip to tip. Still though Issei reminded himself that he needed to think Tsubaki for the magic shirts that allowed his wings to sprout from his back without tearing the fabric to shreds. After about a couple more seconds of letting his new wings getting acclimated to the weather, he retracted them and motioned to Azazel that he was ready to go.

Grabbing onto the younger man's shoulder, Azazel created a small teleportation portal under himself and the two of them disappeared in a flash.

The two of them appeared in a tastifully decorated enterance hall, that was lit by a nearby fireplace. The entire area was furnished in a dark stained oak, and marble. After taking a minute to appreciate his surroundings he turned back to Azazel.

"Like it? This is my house. Its about dead center of our capital. Kokobeil's place is about a mile from here. I cant teleport there as fallen angels are a suspicous lot and would attack whoever decided to teleport in the middle of the street." With a wave to the door, Issei let the building and set off walking with Azazel talking about the surroundings and how he and his fellow leaders had been making improvements to the city.

It was another minute or two before Issei spotted their destination. The manor was truly a marvel. It resembled a massive flying spire. with four smaller spires revolving around it. "Yea. The guy was quite showy with his power. The servants quarter is that one." Azazel said whilst pointing at the lowest floating spire. "It's probably where you'll find the devil that you were talking about."

"Is it fine with everyone around here if i fly?"

"Yeah, no one has an issue with flight. We were given wings for a reason."

"Then why were we walking this entire time?!"

"Eh. I dont get to take in the sights as much as i'd like. So when i get the chance I like to show off the area."

Issei had to refrain from face palming. Sometimes he wondered how Azazel ever became one of the leaders of.. well anyone really. Shaking his head at the man's antics, Issei released both his dragon and fallen angel wings, and took off towards the tower.

Issei had almost made it to the door by the time that Azazel caught up to him. Landing onto the small bit of earth that jutted out right beneath the door. What he saw already sickened him as the doorknob has sharp spikes jutting from it, which were covere in dried blood.

"Seems like our ol' boy here was more sadistic than i thought." Said Azazel, "Making his servants injure themelves every time they need to return to their quarters."

Shaking his head in disgust, Issei summoned a ball of pure energy and forced it into the door effectiveless shattering the door into a thouand pieces. Several small but noticeeable gasps reaached his ears as he moved through the door. What he saw made him want to kill Kokobeil even more. Three women sat in a dimly lit room, on moldy beds of straw. Each of them had as little clothes that was possible while still covering their bodies. Each of them had scars covering them though the face, breasts, and inner thighs seem to have been spared. Though bruises didnt seem to have the same restrictions.

"None of them are my Angel." Lucifer said, though he still felt anger as he recognized one of them as a devil of lower class.

The one that he was looking at was a slightly tanned woman, though it was obvious she hadnt seen the sun in years. Her long dark black hair was pulled into a sloppy pony tail, tied off with a small strip of fabric. Her brown eyes showed both large doses of fear and hope.

"Those other two.. They are my angels.." John said with a small waiver in his voice, "They look so scared. How could i have let this happen?"

The two others were obviously related. Though whether sisters or not Issei couldn't tell. One had waist legth red hair that had obviously been neglected for a long time. The other had close cropped red hair that looked to have been cut roughly, and the bruises that litered her arms and neck showed that the cut may not have been willing, Their piercing green eyes showed great fatigue, and reluctant acceptance.

Azazel shook his head in disgust at the sins of his fellow leader. Women were not meant for this. They were meant to be free and happy, able to run nude and have pillow fights, and wrestle in.. 'Focus!' Azazel screamed in his mind bringing himself back to the matter at hand.

Issei, letting his wings retract as he walked slowly walked to the three of them. They flinched back and Issei took that as the sign to stop. Dropping to his knee he he looked at the three of them, unmoving until the older looking red head glanced up at him. "Can you tell me your name?"

The red head just looked at him for a long time, looking but not seeing him, until Issei thought that she hadn't heard him. Right as he went to ask again, the girl shook her head. "Why not? I will not hurt you."

The girl once again sat there seemingly trying to determine if this was a trick. The other read head looked up and with tears streaming, opened her mouth just wide enough for Issei to glance inside. Quickly snapping her mouth shut sshe once again looked towards the ground. "All of you?" The older one nodded.

"I'm sorry for what that bastard has done to you." Azazel said, slowly walking forward, until he was a foot behind Issei. "I would like for you to know that he will not be a bother to you anymore. He will spend the next three eternities encased in his prison."

The dark haired devil looked up with hope in her eyes. And then stood and walked to Issei. Pointing at him and then motioning to Azazel, and then a line across her throat. "No azazel poses no threat either. He is just here to make sure that the people of this city do not attack me."

She looked conflicted for a moment before turning a distrustful eye back at Azazel. "I can see where I am not wanted. Too much bad blood I understand. I'll look around the other towers for anything of interest. I remember that bastard once outbid me for a magnificent painting and now's my chance to get it back." Azazel said, talking mainly to himself at the end.

Watching until she couldn't see him anymore, the girl turned back to Issei and as if a dam breaking she collapsed on his chest, making Issei scramble to catch her before she fell to the ground. Standing there awkwardly, he looked towards the other two and saw them looking at him with smiles, and respect shown in their eyes whenever they glanced at the devil. That's when Issei noticed that the other two women had signifigantly less bruises than the one in his arms "You protecteed them?" It being more of a statement than a question.

With that Issei let lose two of his chains out of his pants leg, The two of them quickly slipping into a teleporting circle. With that Issei sat, bringing the woman down with him, her effectively sitting in his lap. He felt her stiffen but when it became apparent that he wasn't going to molest her she relaxed. A couple minutes later the crying quieted, and instead just an occasional hiccup interupted the silence. Issei had been having a silent, if a bit confusing, conversation with the angels. Apparently they had been taken after the war had calmed, The devil woman being there before them. Apparently the devil had become more of a mother figure to them and had done all she could to draw Kokobeil's aggresion upon herself.

The had lost their tongues when they had attacked Kokoeil one night hoping to over power him long enough to escape, losing their speech for their failure. Three different thumps caught their attention and they looked over to see Azazel, Akeno, and Raynare standing in the doorway, the two giviing suspicious glances to the girl in Issei's lap. "Girls, could you please the three to see Asia? They are in desperate need of medical assitance."

The three servent girls, looked at the new comers with panic and distress. Not wanting them to try and fight their rescuers, Issei let his true form show, making their jaws drop in increduality. Effectively stunning them long enough for Raynare and Akeno to gather them and disappear with a flash. The two chains slithered back into Issei's palm before he pushed himself back to his feet and looking toward Azazel who didn't seem to be in a good mood. "Can't find that painting?"

"I... found it.. along with something disturbing. Now that the girls are dealt with I'd appreciate it if you could join me to the tower on the opposite side.

With that Issei took off out of the doorway. He let his wings fly him up to the third highest tower and gave the door a similar treatment as its counterpart. Walking in Issei realized what must have been the man's bedrrom. The entire floor was covered in nice lush carpeting. Issei saw a large painting adorning one wall that depicted naked nymphs bathing in a spring. The portait moved and the figures made many lewds signs toward the viewer. The curtains that covered the many windows were made of purple silk and the nice fluffy bed looked like it was fit for a king. having checked the room with a quick glance over, his attention was drawn to the figure that lay upon the bed. The girl looked to no older than 16 though her body was covered in gashes and brusies. She was stark naked and had her limbs tied to different posts of the bed. Next to the bed lay a collection of whips that all had blood dried and crusted on them.

The figure let out a shaky breathe and said in a hollow broken voice, "Your toy is horny and ready for you master. Do to me as you wish. I await the pain you will bestow upon me."

Issei walked over and looked down at the poor girl. She looked staright back at him with seductive eyes that hid deep shame, hate, regret, and a disturbingly lacking will to live. With a quick tug on all of the ropes, the girl was freed from the binds that she had obviously been stuck in for the last few years. The scabs looked to have become part of her skin. As Issei went to pick her up, Azazel landed in the room. "I checked all the other towers. All of them were emp.."

He was interupted though as Angel once again spoke her apparent mantra, "Your toy is horny and ready for you master. Do to me as you wish. I await the pain you will bestow upon me."

"Err.. Yeah. She said that to me earlier.. I didn't know that to do so I came and got you. Is she ok?"

"I think Kokobeil has broken her mind. She looks at me and yet I know that she sees nothing. As if her mind hass retreated from her body and hides from the pain of reality. Its going to take time and effort to bring her out of her shell."

Azazel gave her a sad look and nodded. "Unless you see anything that you find catches your interest I think we should go." Issei took a quick glimps around the room and only noticed one thing that he found to interest him.

Carrying Angel who he had wrapped in a sheet over to the corner of the room, he picked up a small bracelet. It had the small engravings of a girl chasing a small swallow on it. Issei couldnt tell what had drawn him to the bracelet but he knew that it was important. Lucifer wasn't satisfied though and the hate that he was exuding fed into Issei's veins. Issei walked over to Azazel and handed him the swadled girl. "Could you hold her for a sec and follow me?"

"Err.. I guess. Am I going to have to run damage control for whatever that you're about to do?"

"No. In fact I think all that you need to do is hold back your people long enough for me to get my message across."

Issei once again took to the air and flew about the floating fortress. LEtting some of his earlier rage fill him Issei released his chains which had gained a black coating to them. "Those that have been forsaken by god, hear my words!" Issei's voice rang out like siren warning of an incoming disaster. "I am Issei, weilder of the dragon Ladon! I have come today to warn you. Leave me and mine alone! I have no quarrel with your people, but you seem to have one with me. I will not start a conflict with you, But I sure as hell will finish it!"

With that Issei lashed his chains above his head. Combining them into one massive mallet. With a heave, the massive ball of metal smashed through the main tower leaving naught but rubble to rain down. When the mallet hit the stonework, It may as well have exploded as the chains making it up lashed out and slashed through the remaining four towers. His job done, Issei glided down to Azazel's level to retake Angel. Azazel was looking at him with both tremendous respect and terror. "The best protections that could be made where upon that place. You tore through it like a fat nerd in a hentai store."

"I don't take threats lightly." Was all Issei said in response feeling the fatique of the day weighing heavy on his shoulders. "I'll see you around perv."

Issei flashed away, leaving behind a group of terrified grey winged angels, who for the first time since that tower went up, knew that they were vulnerable. "Well.. I guess we know not to piss off that guy." One man said, eyeing to destruction.

Issei arrived home to the quiet cheers of his girls. Giving them a tired smile, he questioned "Where is Asia and the new girls. I thought I'd at least see our resident nun amoung you all."

Sensing his fatigue Kuroka and Yulebella took his arms and wrapped them around their shoulders. They walked up the stairs and pointed to a room to which Issei peeked inside. He saw that the three girls where all wearing his old shirts that quite successfully covered them modestly, being that they were so small after their ordeal. They were all cuddled together on one of the massive guests beds that the house held. Asia was at the foot of the bed snoozing with her hand laid upon the ankle of one of the angels. "She was so excited to meet an angel and so scared for their health that she put all of her energy into healing their wounds." Mia chuckled.

Koneko walked in and lifted the girl in her arms and their procession began walking towards his room. "Did they choose to all share the same room? I know that they were quite close after all of that."

"Yea. They actually almost freaked when we offered to let them all bathe alone. Let alone sleep apart. So we gave them one of the biggest rooms. After that they kept pointing at the chains on their old outfits and them letting their wings out and motioning other pairs. We took a minute but figured out that they were asking about you, and when we said we didn't know when you'd return they started to get worked up. Kuroka was the one who thought of giving them your old shirts, as your scent seems to calm them. They passed out soon after, while Asia sat in there with them healing any ailments that the girls felt comfortable showing." Sona said as they arrived in front of Issei's door.

"Well I hope that they find comfort now that they're here." Issei said with a calm smile as they all quickly changed and got into bed, Issei making a point of not looking below the girls necks.

After stripping to his boxers and pulling on a pair of sleep pants, Issei crawled into the middle of the bed, as girls crept up the soft mattress and took their positions around him. Rias entering and showing her tiredness, magiced her clothes off rather than try and give Issei a strip tease. "Thank you Issei." Raynare said, cuddling up behind a already asleep Tsubaki. "You've not only redeemed my familys memory, but also saved those girls from a living nightmare and destroyed the castle that haunted my dreams. You are my kight in shining armor, and if I have my way I will never be away from your side."

Many agreements came from that statement and Issei laughed a tired but very happy chuckle, only managing to say, "And I love you girls as well. Thank you for being my rock." And with that Issei fell asleep knowing that without his girls he would eventually fly to close to the sun and find himself falling to the see without anything to catch him.

The final bell of the day sounded out and students flooded the courtyard, eager to be on their way home. Those in the Occult research club however walked towards the pool that was situated on the school grounds. Apparently Sona had asked Rias if she and her peerage would be able to handle the monthly pool cleaning for the student council. Agreeing as she saw it as a chance to see Issei in less clothes Rias had ordered her peerage to gather there after school and had invited Issei to join them to bask in the fruits of their labor. Once they had all arrived Rias said "Well, the student council has been called away due to the recent dips into the budget for repairs, so it falls to us to clean the pool. As a reward we are allowed to swim for as long as we'd like."

The members of the ORC cheered and moved to the dressing rooms to change. It took him a second to notice but he did finally realized that Xenovia had been part of the group. Catching Rias' arm at the lasst second, she read his confused look for a second before letting out a small chuckle, "Xenovia showed up during first period. Apparently her short contact with Azazel in such a scandelous manner was grounds to expel her from the church. Not knowing what else to do she came to me asking to join in my peerage. She took my other knight piece as her new position."

"Well I hop that she finds her happiness here. I know that she was miserable with the church, the deep frown that was almost etched on her face was proof enough of that." Issei said with a smile

Rias smiled back at him, which took on an evil glint as she grabbed his arm and dragged him into the girl's locker rooom. Issei let out a sharp yelp at the sudden motion he found himelf stadning in the girls locker room, which was currently filled with half naked women, bringing up old memories from the past. Some of the girls like Koneko who had just slipped the top of her swimsuit on, started pushed the straps back down revealing their chests.

Issei was keeping his eyes above all of that though, looking at his girl in the faces just like when they changed in his room. It was then that Issei felt a pair of breasts pushed against his back, and he could tell that the only thing between him and them was his shirt. "Nya! My Issei what a pervert you are. Oh, If you wanted to see me naked so much you could have just asked." Kuroka said, before leaning forward and licking the outside of his ear.

Issei felt a small shiver run up his spin, before relaxing back in Kuroka's hold. Rias then decided to speak up. "We all know that you want to be chivalrous Issei, but you do have to realize that we all do plan to bed you someday, hopefully soon. So whenever we are alone we'd appreciate it if you appreciated what we wanted to show you."

Issei took a minute before nodding. Calming himself, and ignoring the oddly familiar sound of popcorn crunching that came from Gallifrey, Issei let his eyes dip and was rewarded with the greatest sight of his young life.

Issei looked around for a minute kind of surprised when he saw Xenovia standing there topless and shirt around her ankles, not even bothering to try to hide. Garreth was squeaking everytime that a new inch of flesh was revealed and John was refusing to look. Issei however got a devilish idea from his newest edition, Yumu. "Turn it around on them."

Issei let a small smirk adorn his face making thoe that could see it slightly nervous. "I feel a little over dressed." And with that he took a page out of Rais' book and starteed a slow strip tease, peeling his shirt off with the haste of a snail. The girls around him could only stare in desire, faces practically the color of a cherry. When it came time for Issei to shed his boxers, Kuroka was drooling.

Once he was there completely nude, he stood with his hands on his hips, with a completely innocent look on his face when he asked Akeno "Why Akeno, what did you see that made you so pale? Hmm. I guess it must be me, Ill just go and get my gym clothes" And with that he left the locker room, Barely hearing Koneko mumble

"Dragon dick.."

It was a quiet and wide eyed group of young women that exited the locker room. They all stole quick glances to the smirking Issei who was doing the back stroke in the pool, though sadly to the girls, he had his swimming trunks on. They all got to the job of emptying the pool and scrubbing it, when Erabor spoke up whilst Issei was standing next to Akeno, "Apparently they didnt know that the stronger you get the longer you get. It's a dragon attirbute to show dominance."

Of course he said it aloud which let most of those in the pool here his comment, and Akeno who was standing next to him fell to her knees trembling, drooling, and giving Issei a look that poured lust. Issei winked at her enjoying that for thee first time he wasnt being the one who was teased. "I'm gonna go grab the chlorine." He said, leaving the empty basin and walking into the storage closet.

He heard a noise behind him and turned to see Xenovia standing there, locking the door. "Can I help you?" He asked warily

"I have never had any dreams before leaving the church." She said, reaching behind her and realasing the clasps on her top. "I told Rias this and she said that now that I am a devil I can have desires. And I have decided that my dream is to have a family."

"That's nice to know.." Issei said, Hoping she wasn't about to ask exactly was she was about to ask.

"I want you to impregnate me. After seeing your strength agaisnt Kokobeil and your sacred gear and all your other.. attributes, I have decided that you would be the one that would give me the strongest children. I am not experienced at all, but I am willing to do whatever you say." She said as she stalked closer, laying her hand on his chest, slowly dragging it down. "Make me a woman, Issei-sama."

Issei was at a loss, not expecting this to happen so fast, so he was just stood there as the door flew open and Rias walked in, "I think that I may have some objections to that. Issei's virginity is currently a topic between all of us, and it s very unfair for you to try and jump the line."

"Isn't Kuroka in the lead currently" Issei asked, having found the list that the girls had tried to hide under the mattress.

Rias gave a foul look before nodding, "I should have never said to make it into an Issei trivia. Damn girl may as well be a stalker with all that she knows about you."

"And I get no say?" He said with amusement.

"Why does it matter? You are going to get all of us back to back in the same night so really it's just who's first that really makes a difference."

"All at once!? You're trying to kill me." Issei said, lightly worried for the health of little Issei.

"Don't worry." She said with a sultry wink, "Sona did the math and has figured out that it is truly us that are in trouble, seeing as your stamina will outlast all of ours a hundred times over."

Xenovia had listened to the entire exchange, before turning to Rias, "So we can't go all of the way.. But we can practice other things right?"

Rias got a gleam in her eye before she shut the door and magiced the lock back to its position , having flown across the room. "Right."

Issei sat on his couch with his two nekoshou twins on his sides. The two of them had slowly but surely gotten on kuroka's and Koneko's good sides till they were confident that they could sit with the man without being draged out of their spots. it was only due to fact that Asia currently sat on his lap that neither took the spot.

Though Issei was currently oblivious to the good moods of his servants as he lamented the fact that Irina had left before he had the chance to see her off. She had been gone by the time Issei had arrived home with Angel. Rias had told him that Irina had gotten a message from the head memeber of the local area and had departed immediately following the summons. Xenovia had left with her saying that she had a bad feeling about all of this.

Issei was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of the door opening and SirZechs being escorted in through the door by Isabela and Siris. Bowing to Issei the two returned to thier posts outside

"SirZechs, It's a pleasure to see you here. What do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here?" Issei asked, leaning forward to the protests of the two on his sides.

"Well as you know, tomorrow is your school's open house, and having sent my precious little sister here for three years, I realized that I've never even been to the place. So I decided to head over in the hope that you could accomidate me for the night so that i may be able to walk with you all on your way to school tomorrow."

"I dont see a problem. In fact th.." Issei was cut off by a hand going over his mouth.

Looking up Issei came face to face with Rias, who was pouting cutely. "You dont have to let this lout stay the night Issei. He could easily teleport to the school in the morning if he wants to see it so bad."

"Why must you wound me so?" SirZechs asked, holding his chest. "I just want to spend the day in the life of my dear little sister. And you know that i never got the chance to do any of this being home schooled my entire life. Ive always wanted to experience all of this at least once. Please Rias." He asked with an outrageous pout

Rollong her eyes, Rias agreed but on the terms that he have the room farthest from Issei's not wanting her brother to be tempted in walking in and seeing her naked in bed with her Issei.

They talked for a while before Rias yawned and said he was heading for bed. The twins and Asia caught the yawn and streched. Asia then twisted and gave Issei a deep kiss before walking up the stairs bidding them goodnight. The twins however got their own quick pecks before heading for the servant quarters. Issei seeing that the time was nearing eleven, decided that itd be best to turn in as well, however he was stopped on the bottom stair by the other man reaching out and taking his forearm. Turning to him, Issei raised a single eyebrow to question the man's motive.

"Issei I just wanted to thank you again for saving Rias from that dispicable asshole of a chicken. Truly our house finds itself in your debt. Even more so with the discovery of our lost family member. I just wanted to ask you one thing, No matter what comes. No matter who you find yourself faced against, please never abondon my sister. She may seem like the one who is always in control but inside she has doubts that can cause her to be uncertain and afraid. Please always be there for her, Especially when I cannot."

At his innocent request Issei smiled and in response lifted his shirt to reveal his tatooed chest. Pointing at the figure of the devil on the chest piece Issei said, "You know me as a dragon, right?" At the other man's nod Issei went on "Then you should know that this brand on my chest is that of a true mate mark. That means that no matter what comes. No matter how bad things become I shall stand by her side and lift the wieght of the sky to my shoulder if only to keep her comfortable."

"Thank you Issei. Now then I have come to realize your new fallen angel presence. Meaning that you are truly a modern day marvel. You make me excited to see what the future may hold. You have all of our powers within your body and as such when it comes time for the factions to convene you will be expected to join. So i feel that you should know that the school that you attend will be the meeting place of the large factions within the month. I hope that will give you enough time to ready yourself for such an event."

Issei sighed for what seemed to be the hundreth time that day. 'My parents are absolute lunatics.' Issei thought

'At least they forgot the flags at home.' replied Garreth.

'I guess there is that.' Issei harrumphed, turning to the back of the class to glare at his parents who wore matching 'My son is a harem king' t-shirts, 'soon to be grand parents' Soda hats, and foam fingers that read out 'Issei is #1'

'I can't believe that they paid some of the other parents to record your girls throughout the day to give them more footage of you a all.' choked out Gallifrey 'They sure as hell know how to pull off a prank.'

'That is no prank.' Said a soft voice that made the other minds relax and feel safe, 'What they display is parently love for the child that has done nothing but make them proud since the day he was bron.'

"I guess that is true." Issei said, "But I would still prefer if they didn't chant every time that I answered a question correctly."

"I think it's nice. It shows that they value your smarts." Garreth said, trying to defend the odd duo in the back.

"Well, I think its bothersome and wrong. They should be cheering Issei instead for his dedication to his strength. The fact that they actively interupt it is a crime." Erabor spoke up, mad that he wasn't allowed to push Issei to his limits anymore.

'Oh lookie at what Issei made!' Gallifrey called out to them making them focus on the outside world.

Issei too had been listening in to his inner voices and had been molding his clay absent mindedly. What he saw in his hand made him smile though. It was a hodded figure that seemed to be split down the middle. On one side it resembled a devil, with one devil wing, a horn, a blade that was held firmly at his side with the symbol for strength carved lightly into it. The other was that of an angel with a flowing wind, a halo attached to the hood, and a shield held in defense. In the shield was a finely carved symbol for family. Asia seemed to have also noticed the creation of Issei's as she let out a loud gasp and push herself to get a better look at the figure finding herself impressed with the delicate lines and smooth curves that the figure held. Those around him that had their attention grabbed by the gasp could only speculate on how Issei had made such fine lines with his finger nails, Missing the sight of the 30 minature chains coming out of Issei's sleeves.

After clas those of the ORC and The student body met outside the the ORC building marveling at Issei's figure. "Why the symbols?" Akeno asked.

"Because I will use all of my strength to defend my family." Issei said with such a calmness that none of the girls questioned hi statement.

"Do you know where your parents went?" Rias asked, realizing that she herself didn't know where her own were.

"Last I saw they were talking to your parents in the entrance hall."

"What? Damn, they're gonna ruin my life." Rias said head falling to her knees.

Issei was about to respond however his attention was grabbed by a large group of students, most of them guys, rushing for the gymnasium. "What do you think they are so excited about?" Issei asked.

"It would seem something has caught the attention of the pervs of the school." Koneko said blankly

"Or maybe its that famous preacher that had come to Japan. Oh if i could only meet them." Asia said with hero worship in her eyes.

"If you met them they'd probably call for your exorcism." Xenovia said, looking at the ground glumly.

"Oh don't be getting upset girls." Akeno said pulling the two younger girls to her chest. "Your god may have let you go, but Rias shall never let any of us go so easily."

"Thanks Akeno." Asia gave a small smile, only to let out a small squeak as Akeno pulled her close and gave her a quick kiss.

"Oh my cute little sister. Your so adorable it just makes me wanna break out my whips."

Asia let out a nervous chuckle, and took a small step back with a sweat drop. Rias chuckled at her queen's antics before she noticed another group of pervs running for the gym. Though when she heard, "There is a mgic girl photo shoot in there, Alright!" Something clicked.

Apparently Sona also put it all together and let out a few choice words as she took off after the kids. Issei turned to Rias who wass trying to stiffle her laughter, "What was that all about?"

"It appears that Sona's older sister has decided to drop in. Must have caught the attention of a couple fans."

"Well then i'd hate to miss the show." Mia said with a smirk and the group walked to the building."

Issei could only gape as he watched the leviathan, One of the satans of the underworld and probably one of the strongest devils alive.. Pose, in a pink magic girl costume, holding a official magic girl wand, in front of a hundred perverts who took roll after roll of pictures of her. "Yep. That's Serafall alright."

It was at that moment that Serafall noticed her sister ad let out a girlish squeal as she dived off of the stage on top of Sona. Much to the dismay of the surrounding pervs they didnt get a chance to cop a feel as Sona's peerage pushed through and seperated them from the crowd. "Oh my dearest sister, how ive missed you so much. It's been so long. Why the long face, huh? You should be embracing me and saying oh big sister, and I'd say oh my dear Sona. And then we'd give each other big kisses which could then lead to some great girl on girl action, and wouldn't that be hot?"

"Leviathan, its good to see you. But I must say that this outfit is entirely too inappropriate and as the student coucil president I must ask you to change." Sona said, blushing and trying not to bury her face into her hands.

"What are you trying to say, Sona? You dont like my outfit?"

"Ive told you before, its entirely too inappropriate epecially for our school! Now go change!"

"Ohhh.. I see. Looking at your big sister is making you horny and youre uncomfortable about it."

Sona could only blanch at such idea. Losing the battle with her deires, she shoved her hands up to her face and ran out of the building crying. Serafall looking like she was about to follow when she spotted Issei. A dark grin appeared on her face and she walked over to him with an extra sway to her hips, seemingly ignoring the girls that surrounded her target glaring holes into her from where they stood.

"So you're the infamous Issei?" Serafall said while circling him like a predator who had finally trapped its prey, "I thought you'd be taller. And look stronger.. In fact, you just about disappoint all of my expectations."

"Im sorry milady. However I must say that no matter what you think. No matter what you say. No matter what you do, I will not leave Sona. And if I must tear down a satan to do that, then so be it."

"Oh a fiesty one." Sona said, a dark grin slowly splliting her face. "Guess I'll just have to break you."

With that her fist shot out, and occpied the space that Isei' head had just held. Issei on the other hand was bent backwards at almost a ninty degree angle. Releasing his chains he wrapped them around Sona's arms and as she pulled back, Issei went with her. It was with a loud smack that Issei broke his head up into a head butt knocking Searfall back a step, holding her nose. Though when Issei tried to capitalize on her distraction he realized he had been tricked, as when his fist hit her stomach he felt her foot connect with the back of his head. Flying over her shoulder, Issei saw her foot heading for his head oncea again. Twisting himself in the air issei lashed out with his thousand needle swarm.

Serafall pulled her foot back and raised a shield that blocked the majority of the needles though a couple slipped by and scratched her legs. Though that didnt even cross her mind as she lashed out on her fallen foe. She caught him by the shoulders, flipped herself over Issei, landed and pull him over her shoulders, slamming him into the ground.

Issei groaned and let his vision focus for a split second. Realizing that no one that wasn't in on the secret of the devils was present. Shaking his head to clear up the haze Issei focused on Serafall who was heading for him again. Though it was obvious that she was starting to slow down as she charged them. Rolling out of her path, Issei pushed himself to his feet and combining his chains, slammed the giant mallet shaped huk of metal on top of her. Though she would typically be able to dodge such an obvious attack with relative ease, Serafall found herself hard pressed to move in time. Though the second swing caught her in the side and flipped her into the air.

Seizing the opportunity Issei flew up to smack her into the ground. However the fight had yet to leave her as she kicked off of Issei's chest putting more distance between themselves. Growling Serafall raised her hands and a magic circle appeared above her slowing gaining power. "Dont just stand there boy! RUN! I created that spell to destroy shields made by god himself!" Lucifer shouted.

Issei grunted and tried to move when his leg gave out. Looking down he saw that he had landed wrong on his leg and that some bone was showing. Rias ran in front of Issei and started building her own shield, quickly joined by Akeno, Kuroka, and Tsubaki. Though they knew it was pointless. That spell would kill them all. In a last ditch effort Asia ran towards Issei trying to heal his leg. Koneko, Kiba, and Issei's servants rushed the satan, hoping to cut her off. Serafall lowered her hands to launch her attack but was stopped as her hands were yanked apart and held up at her sides.

She found Sirzechs holding her there, his eyes boring into her own. "I think that this has gone far enough. Dont you agree?"

Serafall nodded her movements getting more and more sluggish. She knew that tone of voice and new that his question was more of a demand. Plus she was feeelig very tired and the thought of moving in itself was tiring. "Are you feeling ok there Sera?" Sirzechs asked as the other satan slumped into him, trying to keep herself up.

"Can't move." She muttered.

"I think I may know the cause of that." Issei heard Yumu speak up.

"What do you mean?" Issei asked, stretching his muscles

"Well. When I still had my body I went through a regime were they removed sacred gears from terminally ill patients. I was given one that allows me to induce a special poison that spreads the more the victim moves. It causes paralysis and can become fatal if the victim decides to push too far."

Sighing Issei relayed the information to Tsubaki who quickly rushed to SirZechs and told him before leaving to get Sona. Asia was still hard at work fixing Issei's leg which had was a relief especially when they made Kiba set the bone back again making his vision come close to blacking out. Mia had decided to rub Issei's shoulders making him hum in happiness even as the itch in his leg spread deep into his muscle tissues.

When Issei opened his eyes, it was to stare straight into the eyes of Sirzechs who was giving him a small smile. "I've never seen Sera so exhausted. I must say that you defeating her, even through such crafty ways, surprises me."

"Thanks, I tried." Issei said letting his eyes close again as Mia hit a truly tense spot.

"Yes, well I know now that it was no mistake asking you to watch out for my sister. And by defeating Sera, I'm sure the Sitri head of house will not have anymore problems with you marrying his daughter."

Issie opned his eye lids about half way at the mention of his upcoming marriage. "Yes well she is very dear to me. I would tear Heaven from the sky and lift hell from the ground just to make them happy. Though I was not expecting to be attacked outright like that. Did anyone see that shouldn't have?"

"No," Sirzechs said with a more defined smile, "In fact your lovely ladies here were able to trick the crowd into leaving before they would be required to be memory wiped."

Issei looked towards Asia, before twisting to look at Mia. Both were blushing, "All it took was us telling them that the girls kendo team was practicing in their underthings to show the movements of their bodies." Asia mumbled.

"My nun telling lies." Issei chuckled causing Asia to flinch in shame, laughing Issei lifted her head to look into her eyes. "Thank you my dear. You've made my life much easier"

With that he brought her closer and gave her a short but meaningful kiss, before twisting and doing the same with Mia. Sirzechs smiled and told Issei that he should be expecting the summons to the meeting soon, before walking away.

It was later that same night Issei lay in bed with Sona on his left and a still pouting Rias on his right. "You know, I thought that you looked quite beautiful in that video. Especially your eyes. You always show so much emotion through those beautiful orbs." Issei said rubbing her back

Rias just burrowed deeper into Issei's shoulder, wanting nothing more than to be alone with her Issei so that she could finally take that final step with him. As they lay there reveling in the comfort of each others embrace, they heard a noise at the door and saw Sirzechs walking up from the staircase. "I am leaving now Rias. I just wanted to let you know that I am very impressed with your recent increase of power and I believe that it is time for you to release your hidden peerage member."

With that the red headed man left the building, leaving many confused people and not a few questions. Rias on the other hand just said "Please. Its been a long day and I jut wanna sleep. We can talk about this tomorrow."

Nodding her companions all chose their spots and they fell into an easy sleep.

A/N- I reread the chapter and I realized that this chapter didnt really capture the essence of the Issei that I was telling the story of. So I decided to redo it. Thank you for reading and if any of you prefer the first chapter then I am sorry but this is the chapter that the rest of the story will build off.