Reviews for Issei the wielder of Ladon
Jumpy85Plays chapter 4 . 4/29
Gallifrey is a legend
Chyllen chapter 18 . 11/29/2019
This is not an anime you don't need a chapter to relive everything they did honestly the last part of this chapter was boring very boring
keeperofmagick chapter 21 . 4/18/2019
please update soon
arctusarva chapter 1 . 12/6/2018
I think 'races' was the word you were looking for instead of 'people'. Using 'people' to describe a multitude of different beings sounds really awkward, and I didn't even get what you were saying until I saw 'humans'. Other than that part, I like the start so far and I'm genuinely interested to see if Issei doesn't become insane with that many people in his head. Even if not insane himself, he would certainly look like it to others if he stares into space a lot xD...
rocketaleks chapter 10 . 11/13/2018
Darkdoom III chapter 21 . 11/7/2018
Good Story. Though i have one question. What happened to the beast tamer Girl that issei meet in the lockerroom during rias and sonas Tennismatch? And the fact that the winner (RIAS) could get familiars. If you could clear this up it will be most helpful.
dakotafillnow chapter 20 . 10/18/2018
Plz update soon am already hooked from chapter one and would like to see how it ends
Guest chapter 7 . 9/1/2018
So Kuroka isn't going to apologize/beat herself up for almost getting Issei killed? Also Kuroka is a S-class devil, Rias would need more than a pawn piece to "re-ressurect" her. Like the story but you seem to ignore the small things and move on without explanation or as vague as it is.
kynan99 chapter 13 . 9/1/2018
Amargi'sNodachi chapter 7 . 8/31/2018
And I rescind my previous review.


Too used to authors copping out to canon.
Amargi'sNodachi chapter 6 . 8/31/2018
Lame. Nearly 6 years of training and he can’t handle low fallen. Lame.

I get sticking to canon, but this is lame.
Archleone chapter 21 . 8/30/2018
Since it's been so long, you might be better off doing a complete rewrite. You know, assuming your writing is better than it was years ago.
Morgoslos chapter 3 . 8/30/2018
It doesn't really make any sense to make Issei part of Rias' peerage, then claim she won't be a "main girl". If she's his King, she kind of has to be. Besides, she's one of the most appealing characters so I don't see why so many people try to be "different" by trying to push her away. It's one of those things where people are trying to rebel against a trend just for the sake of being contrary and not for any actual good reason.

She is super rich, really well connected politically, extremely hot, and very caring and loving. The only thing you can really consider a negative against her is that she's very ambitious (still technically a good trait), and that she's a victim of the writer being an idiot so she devolved into being a super supportive cheerleader instead of continuing to be an ambitious young noblewoman because the only goal in canon is building a bigger harem.

She's certainly more interesting than most of the other girls in the series, including Kuroka, but that all basically disappears in the canon material because the writer is an idiot, and it disappears in fan fiction because people want to invent reasons to hate her just to be special or edgy.

I say all this and I don't even consider myself to be a "fanboy" for Rias or anything. I just think it's clear that she was obviously intended to be the most important (and therefore had the best basis) of all the girls in the series, even if the writer completely dropped the ball on her and pretty much every other female character.

Now, if we were going to talk about girls I'm overly fond of for no apparent reason, I'd lean towards Akeno and Serafall, both of whom I've romanticized in my head canon quite a bit. They also have some interesting potential, but too many writers reduce Akeno to "sadistic slut/whore" and Serafall to "otaku siscon idiot". It's wasteful.

Anyway, as for the fight scene, I don't think it was particularly special and the entire scene felt a bit awkward. Like Issei didn't really fit in the scene and I don't think it played out particularly realistically. Even so, you don't really need to focus on the combat scenes. You can focus more on the character interactions and make the fights more of a background thing.
NekoElder chapter 21 . 8/30/2018
Sorry 4 ur loss.
Wishing you a speedy recovery
Sasuke75249 chapter 21 . 8/30/2018
that was very good and will issei awake any other heads of Ladon
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