Let's Make Our Own Future

Hello My name is Korra, and I recently graduated from Republic High School class of 2016 whoop whoop lol I'm sorry I need to grow up taking in fact today is my birthday yep I'm the big number 19 now. I really hope my friends aren't throwing another surprise party. They didn't do it for my 18 birthday because they said it wouldn't be a surprise if they threw me another one. But this year I feel like they are and I wonder what they are going to do since we are in college now. I go Republic City University with Opal Mako, and Bolin

Desna does poetry at a local club, Eska works with make-up to make people look like monsters and stuff, Tahno is a Model for some Pop Punk Magazine and Kuivra went and joined the police academy

Speaking of Kuvira, Baatar and her got married last year, yes who knew someone could get her to settle down. I would have thought Opal and Bolin would have tied the knot before anyone in our group. Back to me I'm studying to get my degree in Cyber Security you know to catch the bad guys over the web. I know I'm like an Avatar in technology world. Thanks to Kimberly advice I got my grades up so I could get accepted to the A.C. S.P which stands for Active Cyber Security Program. Where I get to team up with the police and take down the hackers and stuff of that nature.

Opal and I share an apartment but she is hardly there because she is always hanging out with Bolin at his apartment, so it's technically my apartment until rent comes in. Asami was just given the key to the city which was amazing taking in fact she did so much to improve Republic City Over the past 2 years she took over Future Industries

Yes my babe is pretty awesome not to brag or anything sadly she won't be able to make it for my birthday because she has some business trips she has to go on.

The last time I saw her was 2 weeks ago but she said she should be back next week so I have my calendar set.

Let me tell you college life is crazy and this is only, the second semester of my freshmen year.


I get up out of bed and check my phone.

I can't believe it, I don't have one single Happy Birthday text, call, or voicemail

This is depressing, I thought I was special

I head into the kitchen and see Opal siting at the table eating a bowl of Fire Flakes

"I don't know how you can eat those nasty things" Opal rolls her eyes

"What are you talking about you are the only one in the world, who hates this cereal "she says while taking another bite

I put some bread in the toaster

Opal is just reading the newspaper she didn't even tell me happy birthday yet, she has to know because I put it on everyone's calendar.

Maybe she remembered my birthday so much that she forgot, maybe I should give her a hint

"Hey Opal"

She looks up from the newspaper

"Yes Korra"

"Do you know what day it is"? I say pointing to the calendar with a big birthday cake drawling on it

She squints her eyes at the calendar

"It's Tuesday"

What I know that already

She then looks back at her newspaper

"Guess what Korra" ?

I get excited it must be about my surprise birthday party

"I'm reading the top 5 best books of the month and Asami Sato book "Lets Make Our Own History" is placed 2th"

Yeah Yeah I know that already

"Oh really that's special want to know what else is special" I ask

Opal then gets a phone call and gets up

"Tell me when I come back, I got to get this call"

This is stupid, today is my birthday why doesn't anyone care?

My parent didn't even call me to wish me a Happy Birthday day or Tenzin and the gang

Opal comes back with her keys in her hand

"Where are you going Opal"?

She then mouths "Out" still on the phone

She leave out of the apartment, great now I'm alone on my Birthday

"Oh Damn"

And I burnt my toast


I walk to my car while on the phone

"Yeah I left our apartment, I feel bad not telling Korra Happy Birthday"

"I know you do Opal but it will all be worth it"

I open my car door

"Yes I know it will but, it still hurts, do you know how excited she was before, now she thinks everyone forgot"

"Well that's going to make her surprise party better"

"When she, sees you, she is going to be so happy, she still thinks you are still in the Fire Nation working on your new project as we speak"

"Yes I know, when I video chatted her last week she was all depressed, do you know how hard it was for me to lie and tell her I had to stay there for another 2 weeks missing her birthday"

"Aww I can imagine if Bolin said he was missing my birthday I would be heartbroken, I'm on my way to get some supplies for her party right now"

"Awesome I should be in Republic City by 5pm"

"Great you sure you don't need a ride from the airport"?

"No I got it Opal you already did enough"

"No anything, for my best friend's girlfriend and hopefully future wife" I tease

"Haha I think Bolin and you are going to be the next ones to tie the knot"

"Why does everyone keep saying that" I scream out

"I don't know maybe because it's true, I got to go, see you later Opal"

" see you too Asami, you're going to make Korra's day"

"I hope so bye"


I hang up the phone so I can go pick up Bolin so we can go hit up Party Republic City for the supplies.


Today is Korra's birthday and I have yet to get her something. Now before you call me a terrible girlfriend. I'll let you know that you just can't bring anything on a plane.

Also in order to get in Republic city on time for the birthday party, I can't make any stops so my only option is to pick up something at one of the airports gift shops.

I have 30 minutes before my plane takes off so I need to rush due to my gate being all the way on the other side of the airport.

Before I could even pick up a Momo stuff animal a sale clerk greets me.

"Well Hello young lady" a very hyper gentleman says to me

I'm not freaked out by his positive attitude I'm freaked out by the puppet.

Yes I'm serious a puppet

As I'm starring at the puppet on his hand he laughs and slaps his knee

"Ohh sorry Miss, this is Tyler"

He then lifts up the puppet to my face while TYLER mouths hello

I smile trying not to show how freaked out I am.

"Hello Tyler and….." I read his name tag "Tyler and Mike"

I say while shaking his empty hand.

"Hello to you too, what are you looking for"? Mike the sales clerk asks me

"Well I'm trying to get a gift for my girlfriend" he then smiles while putting Tyler on his chest

"Awww that is the sweetest thing I ever heard, I got the perfect gift, follow me"

I follow him and I'm surprised, he was the first person all day not to recognize me and ask for a picture. You would think by now all the fame and paparazzi would die down but it hasn't.

"Ok Miss this just came in all the way from the Earth Kingdom"

He holds the strange object to me

"This is called the Metal 2 Metal, a new board game all the way from Zaofu"

I doubt Korra would want a board game especially a card board game.

"She doesn't really like board games"

He then frowns

"Well let's find something else" I nod while he leads me to another section of the gift shop

"What about this, it's a new technology called the Ziddle where you can read books and watch movers on it"

"No I already got that for her last year"

Mike's mouth drops

"Not possible, the Ziddle just came out this summertime there is no way you got a hold of it by Christmas time"

When you're the owner of Future Industries everybody gives you free stuff in order to promote their business, but I'm not going to tell him that so he can put together who I am.

"Yeah, you are probably right I might be confused" I say

"Ok tell me about your girlfriend what does she like"?

Korra likes a lot of things, just last week while we were video chatting she was showing me an ad for a new video game system she wanted. I offered to buy it for her birthday but she was all 'I WANT TO BE INDEPENEDT AND PAY FOR IT MYSELF'. I should have just bought it for her then, so I wouldn't be in this situation.

"Well she likes geeky stuff" I tell Mike

"Ohh great, then how about we get her this globe built in with a new hi tech feature, where you can charge your phone and study the world"

My baby isn't allowed to have a map, why so she can see the world without me?

"I don't think she would use a globe" I say

The puppet then bites my ear


"NO Tyler stop biting the nice lady, I know it's frustrating when she doesn't accept our suggestions but you can't go biting people"

This man and his puppet are crazy. I need to leave I will find some other place to get Korra's gift. As I'm walking toward the exit.

Mike stops me

"Wait what about this magazine"?

Why would Korra want a magazine….

Then I see it my face on the cover of Geeky Weekly. Please don't let Mike and Tyler put together that the face on the cover.

"Umm no you helped me a lot" I say while slowly walking toward the door.

"But wait the cover looks interesting"

I pick up my pace

"Future Industries Asami Sato is the 4 Nations' People Choice Winner OH MY SPIRTS YOU'RE ASAMI SATO" I run out of the gift shop all the way to my gate.


I wonder where Opal went. Her class doesn't start until 2pm. Which makes her lucky because mines start at 12pm which I'm not so happy about because Opal always been an early bird. I'm more of a night owl but since Asami has been traveling lately, I'm in charge of taking care of Appa and most importantly walk him early ever morning.

Which I don't mind on weekends but weekdays a girl needs her sleep. Appa and I are jogging in Republic City Park.

Not to brag or anything but my birthday couldn't have a better day. It's almost the end of November so the autumn leaves are really showing their true colors.

I decided to do my cool down by walking. As I'm walking everyone on the trail, is wishing me a happy birthday.

"Hey Korra, Happy Birthday" a woman says to me I smile

"Thank you"

"Happy Birthday" a man riding his bikes says to me

"Why thank you kind sir"

"Happy Birthday Miss" an elderly man says to me he looks familar

I walk backwards

"Hey you look familiar" I say while looking at the lean tall man with a scar near his eye

"You hurt my honor missy, you don't remember me"? he says with a smirk

"I'm sorry I don't but you really look familiar"

He laughs while petting Appa

"Well it has been 2 years since you saw me, I own that Tea shop you kno…"

I cut him off

"Zuko, I'm sorry I totally forgot" I give him a hug

"Yes now my honor is restored"

"Where have you been I stopped by your shop and Yuko said you were gone and I thought he meant you know, gone gone"

Zuko laughs "Haha my bone head nephews should have told you I retired and been travelling"

I nod

"Nice seeing you, and how did you know it was my birthday"? I ask while putting my hand on my hip

"Because you have on a t shirt that says 'Hi my name is Korra and today is my birthday'" Zuko says while reading my shirt out loud

I blush "Oh this old thing I must have accidentally put it on by mistake"

Zuko smiles

"I bet you did, anyway since it's your birthday might as well get a free cup of tea on me"

"Aww no I couldn't"

"Why not, It's on the house" he says frowning

"I appreciate it so much, but I have class in an hour and I don't really have time to stop for tea"

"Nonsense you can stop by right after your classes" he then takes out a card and gives it to me

"Give this to one of my bone head nephews and they will give you a cup of tea on the house"

"Thank you Zuko" I say while bowing

"Haha no need to bow I'm not that old" he says with a smile

He looks pretty old to me but his personally is so lively.


I pull up in front of Bolin's apartment. I honk my horn to let him know I'm outside.

Where is he I texted him 20 minutes ago to let him know I'm on my way.

As I pull out my phone to email one of my professors. I see Bolin hopping toward the car with one leg in his pants while he pull up the others.

I smile at my goofy boyfriend

"Aww did I wake you" I call out from the door

Bolin smiles "No I just love waking up like this early on a Tuesday morning" he says while getting in the passenger seat.

"I don't know why you are just getting dress I told you I was on my way" I say while driving off.

"Opal you know I'm lazy, and with my new found freedom of not living with Mako anymore I can do what I want, I feel like I'm king of the world"

I try not to laugh at his excitement

"Well King of the world, what is the theme of Korra's surprise birthday party"?

"I was thinking something cool like a Fire Nation themed birthday party, we can have dragons and the color scheme would be red and yellow"

I'm in shock at Bolin's detailed Idea for the party.

"Woah slow down, I thought you wanted to be Geologist not an event planner" I tease while Bolin blushes

"I'm sorry, I had tons of assignments and I needed a party to pump me up, something a soon to be Therapist wouldn't know about"

I roll my eyes while pulling into Party Republic City

"For your information, Rocky"

Bolin groans

"When are you going to stop with the corny rock jokes, I swear since you been living with Korra you been picking up on her corny jokes"

I laugh

"I was going to say that, paying attention to detail isn't a bad thing especially if you are going to be studying rocks" I say with a smile

Bolin looks at my grin "Don't you say it Opal"

I try to hold it in but I can't

"You ROCK Bolin" I say while bursting out laughing in the parking lot while Bolin walks quickly to the store.

"Wait don't you DIG MY JOKES" I yell out while running after Bolin"


I get to my seat on the plane and great no one is in my row. I put my laptop on the empty seat beside me.

When this tall brown eyed gentlemen that resembles the famous boomerang warrior in history named Sokka stops at my row.

"Hello Miss this is my seat" he says politely

"Oh I'm sorry I thought it was empty" I pick up my laptop from the seat

"Well you thought wrong" he says while sitting beside me

I look at him because of his attitude

Then he smiles

"I was just joking relax" he says while placing his hand on my knee

He then pulls away

"I'm sorry, I'm that touchy feely type person my wife always tells me 'Austin you can't just hug everyone you see'"

"That's ok I don't mind hugs and your wife sounds just like my girlfriend" I extend my hand out to Austin

"Hi I'm Asami"

Austin shakes my hand

"I could recognize you a mile away, the beautiful Asami Sato, You're just a fascinating person Miss Sato and I been following your achievements and let me just say I'm impressed and adding more technology classes into the high schools was genius, I know when my son grows up that will be very useful, that if he wants to follow in his father's footsteps"

I blush "Awww thank you, means a lot that I'm going to be helping people like your son in the future"

He looks very put together with samurai ponytail, white collar shirt with a pattern bow tie and some oxford shoes, he looks no older than me or younger, a matter a fact he looks my age.

"Aww thank you, where are you going to" he asks

"I'm going back home to Republic City for a surprise birthday party"

Austin claps "Awww so does that means the person doesn't know that you're coming"?

"Yeah, the person doesn't know that I'm going to be there"

"That is so awesome, what did you get that lucky person"

Then my heart drops

"That my problem, I didn't have time to stop and get a gift, and I just can't show up without something"

Austin nods while I explain the situation

"Asami, have you tried ordering something from online and having someone else pick it up for you"

Wow that's a great idea, why didn't I think about that in the first place

"That is perfect" I scream out on the plane while everyone turns around looking at us

I slide down further in my chair

While Austin laughs

"Don't be embarrassed those people are just jealous that were in first class and they aren't"

"I don't see myself better than anyone of those people"

"Oh I'm sorry if I offended you, I mean the way I see it is that, you created a technology that would save those people up front so much money and they gave you evil looks and judged you before they knew personally " he says angrily

His hand is in a fist

"Hey relax Austin, I say while putting my hand on his shoulder"

He then takes a deep breath and smile

"I'm sorry, I just hate ungrateful people" he says

"Well I wouldn't call them ungrateful, and aren't you judging them without knowing them personally yourself? I tease

"You're right I'm no different from them, with my little tantrum" He laughs

"So how old is your son"? I ask trying to change the topic

He then takes out his phone to show me a picture of a boy blowing bubbles

"His name is Nicky and he's six"

"Aww he has your eyes" I say while holding his phone the boy looks familiar like I seen him before somewhere.

I hand Austin back his phone

"So you don't happened to know, a perfect gift to give to someone for their birthday"?

Austin chuckles

"Well I know what I would want for my birthday" he says while raising his eyebrows

I open my mouth in shock and hit Austin arm "You are bad"

"Haha I'm just saying actions speak louder than small gestures"

I roll my eyes.


I run down the street of Republic City so I can get to class on time. I didn't mean to be late but Appa threw up on the carpet and I had to clean it up before I left, and didn't have time to renew my parking pass so I had to park 5 block away from Roku Hall.

Where my Cyber Security class is at.

I only have 5 minutes until my professor locks the classroom and I will be marked absent.

As I'm running past some shops I bump into an old man selling vegetables.

"Sorry" I yell out

"MY CABBAGES" the angry man yells out

Now I only have 2 minutes I get inside the building and I don't have time to wait for the elevator

To take me to the 5th floor. I run up the stairs, believe me when I tell you that even being a physically fit this was a challenge.

Imagine carrying your laptop and your textbook all in one backpack while running up 5 cases of stairs at full speed.

I didn't see one of the steps on the 4th floor and trip.

I look at the celling I can't make it, I say to myself on the ground

It's over I failed my mission as I lay on the ground questing my life.

I think of Avatar Aang he wouldn't just lie here on the ground feeling sorry for himself.

What would he do?

I mean he could air bend his way up but that's not an option for me. I need to get up and get back to my mission I refuse to lose!

I get back up and run up the last flight of stairs only 58 seconds left

Then I see it the door to my classroom a straight shot down the hall.

I see my arch nemesis Jenny sitting at her desk and we make eye contact. I swear if Jenny gets up and shut the door on me.

She then smiles and gets up from her seat yelling "I'll shut the door Ms. Net"

I run down the hall at full speed and Jenny runs toward the door at full speed.

Come on Korra don't let Jenny win she will love seeing you locked out even if it your birthday.

There is no way I can make it. Then it comes to me

I take off my backpack while running at full speed. This is my only chance

I slide my backpack across the floor toward the door.

Jenny gets to the handle and just when it's about to shut my backpack blocks the door from closing

I get to my class and the bell rings

"Yes I made it"! I scream out in triumphs while sticking my tongue out at Jenny

"Nice seeing you, make it on time Korra" Ms. Net says while giving me a smirk.

Ms. Net is the Cyber Security professor here and she is so amazing she is only 47 and she has more certifications in technology than no offense to my boo's father.

I really enjoy her being my professor she also has the funkiest style. loves wearing cowboy boots and she has a different pair on every day.

"Hello Ms. Net nice seeing you too" I say while sitting at my computer desk

"Happy Birthday" I stand up

"It's my BIRTHDAY I totally forgot" I say out loud while my classmates laugh expect Jenny who crosses her arm.

"Well Birthday are a precious thing, it tells your identity and your identity is very important, tying in with today lesson about Identity theft" says

"Everyone log in your computer"

I put in my password

My wallpaper pops up which is a picture of Meelo taking a selfie while Tenzin is in the background chasing after Rohan.

"Great, Now I want you all to think about something" Ms. Net says while walking around the classroom with her purple cowboy boots

"Who here has an IPhone"?

I raise my hand along with a few other classmates. I notice that Jenny doesn't have her hand up

"Jenny you have an Android that must be why you're always cranky" I tease

"Haha Korra you're so funny but maybe your IPhone must be affecting your brain because what you said doesn't make sense just like when you send a text that gets auto corrected"

I smile, I have to say that was a pretty good comeback

"I don't know why you two are arguing Team Flip Phone is where it's at" Ms. Net says

While everyone groans

"Anyway the Apple people raise your hand if you have a passcode"

The same people raise their hand

"Duhhh Ms. Net, how are we supposed to be taking a cyber-security class if we don't protect our own phones" John says while rolling his eyes

Ms. Net smiles "You are so right John, silly me for asking such a dumb question, can I see your phone"?

John nods and hands her his phone.

"Great you have a passcode"

She then looks at his phone screen "What is your dd of your birthday John"?

"I was born on the 5th " she then nods

And looks at his screen again. I don't get why she keeps looking at his phone?

Next thing I know holds up John's Phone unlocked.

"WHAT HOW DID YOU DO THAT" John says standing up

She smiles and hands him back his phone.

"It's proven fact that when it comes to passcodes a majority of teens use a number that has some type of connection to their birthday, with just that little amount of information hackers can easily get your identity"

"But Ms. Net even if that was true how you could guess his passcode out of all the possibilities?" Jenny asks

"Because Ms. Net is a robot and she know everything" I say in her defense

While smiling at Ms. Net

Ms. Net winks at me

"Don't you all think the best way to teach how to stop hackers is to be taught by one" she says with a smirk

"Awww Ms. Net is bad ass" one student screams out

She laughs

"How I got his passcode is a secret for now, the point I was making is, if you know two number of a passcode which applies with having a total of 4 numbers it's easier to guess the other two

That's is how hacker make their living, filling in the blanks from the from the information you give them

To prevent them from doing that you need to not give them pieces of the puzzle"


We got the supplies for Korra's Fire Nation/Dragon themed surprise birthday party now we need to order her birthday cake.

We decided to get her cake made at this bakery shop called 'Bending Cakes'

Bolin holds the door open for me as we walk inside the bakery.

"It smells great in here" I say while looking around

"Yeah it smells like cake" Bolin says while I try not to roll my eyes at his comment.

An elderly lady comes up to us at the counter

"Hello Welcome to 'Bending Cakes' where we define all elements"

I shake the woman's hand

"Hello my boyfriend and I wanted to have a cake made"

The lady smiles "Well you came to the right place, what type of cake are you looking for"?

"The one you can eat" Bolin says while I nudge him in the side

"Don't mind my boyfriend he had a ROCKY morning" I say with a smirk

Bolin sighs and tries not to smile

"Oh I get it you two stay safe" she says with a wink

My face turns red "Oh I didn't mean it like that, I meant it like, well he works with rocks you know rocks that are hard"

A gentlemen in the back yells out "That's what she said"

"Wait I didn't say that, I mean yeah I'm a girl and I was talking so I get what you mean by she but I didn't mean it like"

Bolin steps in "Excuse my girlfriend, we would like a cake for our best friend's surprise birthday party"

I nod still trying to collect myself

"Oh that sounds so cool, do you have a theme"? she asks Bolin

"Yep it's a Dragon/Fire nation theme party" she nods

"Ok let me go in the back and make a couple of sketches for you two you are welcome to try a few of our cookies"

"Thank you" I finally says while sitting with Bolin at the table.

I put my head on the table "I hate how I get so flustered so easily"

I feel someone grab my hand "Opal I love it when you get flustered it's the cutest thing ever"

I try not to smile

"I bet you are blushing right now" he say

I raise my head up.

"No I wasn't" I say trying to keep a straight face

Bolin laughs "Look at your face its red like lava"

I open my mouth to make a magma rock joke but Bolin shoves a cookie in my mouth


Austin helped me pick out the perfect gift for Korra over the web. I texted Mako and he said he would pick it up for me after he gets off work.

I check Future Industries stocks and they are doing well.

This year Future Industries has competition with a company called Z –Tech, It's new just came out 1 year ago and their sales has been sky-rocketing through the roof.

The crazy part is the CEO of Z-Tech is my age and last name is Peters, a course I still hold the most achievements when it comes to being the youngest person ever to be owing a company.

Am I worried about my company? No way am I not going to let some new company take my sales away. Especially with a name like Z-Tech I mean come on now.

Future Industries has a secret formula to our success and unless they get their hands on that I have nothing to worry about.

Z- Tech produces technology that people with a high income can purchase which isn't fair. As a business owners our job is to help make the lives of other easier and by Z-Tech only giving access to products to one group of people, Isn't fair or helps make the world a better place.

I need to not think about all this right now, I need to think about my girlfriend and how to make her day special.

Austin had to stop in Zaofu for some conference. I have to get on another plane to get to Republic City so I'm waiting inside another airport.

I see a couple holding hands laughing. Aww I miss Korra, our last date was at a pizza shop somewhere in the Earth Kingdom


"Korra can you please pick a radio station and stop turning the channel"

"Asami I'm sorry but all these songs"

"What are they too MAINSTREAM, haha get it I made a Water Tribe Joke"


"Can you please get back into the vehicle before I get pulled over"

She brings her head back into the car.

"Anyway how do you feel about going off to college in August you only have 2 months of freedom left"?

Korra sighs

"I'm looking forward to it but I'm going to miss Meelo,Tenzin,Pema and all of them"

Really she's not going mention my name,I live further away from Korra compared to Air Temple Island they are like 2 blocks away from her college!

"Oh are they the only ones you are going to miss?"

I ask while getting close to the pizza shop

"I'm sorry I forgot the most important person ever, the love of my life, sun to my sunny day, my rock, my heart, my everything"

My heart melts I mean I am pretty awesome

"I'm going to miss my good ole Air Temple Island Wi-Fi"

I brake


My face turns red

Korra laughs "I'm kidding babe, a course I'm going to miss you"

I put the car back into drive while trying to hide my embarrassment from overreacting

"I'm sorry, I was wrong" I say low not wanting Korra to hear that I was wrong.

"You were WHAT"? Korra ask eagerly

I smile "I said I was wrong"

Korra then moves towards me "I'm sorry I'm having hearing problems, you where what again"?


Korra laughs

"That's what I thought, now drive me to my pizza palace woman"

I roll my eyes

"If you talk to me like that again I might break up with you and go out with Meelo" I say while Korra face drops

*End of flashback*

I'm totally going to surprise Korra today. But first I need to get on this plane


"Ok Class that is all for today tomorrow we will continue our topic, and Korra and Jenny can I speak with the both of you before you leave"

Jenny and I both get up

Jenny is from the Fire Nation she has Black hair and always wears in in a ponytail. I never seen it down once. She is really good at understanding the coding side of the computer.

While me I enjoy looking for the patterns and connections of the computer. We both have our weakness and strengths.

I don't hate Jenny, I just think she shouldn't take everything so seriously and that's why we tend to argue a lot.

"Thank's a lot Jenny" I say under my breath why we walk toward Ms. Net desk

"What did I do" she ask

"I don't know but whatever it is, it's your probably your fault" I say with a smirk

"You two aren't in trouble"

We both sigh in relief

"I wanted to inform you two about an internship with the Police"

Wow an internship that would look amazing on my resume, I think to myself and I can finally get some actions in this class.

"Great when is it"? I ask

"That's the problem they only allow me to select one person from my class and since you two are my top students I want one of you to take it"

"I call dibs on it" Jenny says quickly

"Hey that's not fair" I say

"You snooze you lose birthday girl" Jenny says

Ms. Net laughs "The decision will be based on a series of tests,"

That sounds reasonable and I got Kuvira, Baatar, and Opal's Aunt on the police force so I have an extra boost.

"Whoever win the internship will be working with the police tracking down hackers and going on missions along with the police to collect evidence and prove that a system was hacked"

I could see myself now kicking down the door and rolling across the floor while getting the bad guys

"Awesome when does the tests start"? I ask

Ms. Net smiles "It will happen randomly to make fair, working with the police means you need to be prepared for anything, therefore you can't study for this"

Jenny smiles "Great I already don't study"

I roll my eyes

"That will be all girls, and Korra do you have any birthday plans"? Ms. Net asks

I frown

"No none of my friends or family love me and I will die alone"

Jenny laughs "You have friends"?

"Yeah just like you have an android"

Hoped you all liked the first chapter. If you are new to this story I suggest reading Let's Make Our Own History first, to get a better understanding of this story. I have big plans for this story and can't wait to share with it you all.

Leave a review pleaseeeeeee