Reviews for Let's Make Our Own Future
TwoStars chapter 1 . 3/19/2016
I was all alone at home and It was very boring.I had nothing to do and disited to read a Lok book... As i'm scrolling on my phone I noticed a story called "LET'S MAKE OUR OWN FUTURE-LET'S MAKE OUR OWN HISTORY"...This is the most amazing story I have ever seen ... Ceep up the good I am a big fan of you :) 3
Guest chapter 24 . 11/26/2015
Guest chapter 13 . 11/25/2015
Sorablu12 chapter 25 . 9/10/2015
Please make 3 third book! Where asami and Korra gotten married , visit Jenny in prison or wait for 2 years when Korra and asami were thinking about having kids or adopted one!. I don't know I just love your second and first book!
Sorablu12 chapter 22 . 9/10/2015
Poor mako he was like my uh 5 favorite character
Sorablu12 chapter 7 . 9/10/2015
So confused but interesting at the same time
Mitsakuni chapter 26 . 8/21/2015
YEAH Here it comes the sequel!

\o\ \o/ /o/ ~cheers~

From this little teaser I expect lots of fun, but who knows! Another madman may want to rule the world with some other tipe of virus haha

I Want to see what you planned for this one xD
Guest chapter 26 . 8/21/2015
I missed these! :'D
officalkorra chapter 26 . 8/21/2015
Lmfao "WHAT ARE THOSEEEEEEEEEE!?" Lol only Korra.

Omg I really thought that Korra was going to beat some ass in the first chapter and then I read that she was talking to Asami. Awesome. You really had me going.

Can't believe this is just a preview. Can't wait until the whole story comes out
Lia chapter 26 . 8/21/2015
This was perfect At first I thought: hmmm..
Ans now I'm thinking:MORE
baavira chapter 26 . 8/21/2015
Yesssss YES god it's really happening ! Oh my god this preview was coool , so our couple have two kids hahah the combination was surprising , i loved it the donators being iroh and bumi . My baes have twins ! I can't believe ! I predict this story being wonderful breathing super funny and with the kids too it's going to be one of a hell ride ! Thank you for starting this , please please update as soon as possible ! Great work !
RavenSerendipity chapter 26 . 8/21/2015
It's kind of funny how I did a double take at Yue's father... Bumi. :)
Seems like it'll be good. :D
Mitsakuni chapter 24 . 8/10/2015
Oh dammit! Better late than never (I hope so...?), I hope you doesn't mind if I say what I think about this finale just now... I had a little problem with my laptop, it took some time to fix it so... I read through the cellphone and it is horrible to coment through there! Again, I hope you don't mind. :(

It's just 'cause... when I start reading this chapter, I did thought that Korra may had died, but I was not convinced. Not because you hadn't made a good job playing with everyone's mind, but because I REFUSED to believe that. I didn't WANT her to die... I Kept reading the chapter repeting to myself 'this can't be true, she can't be dead, she WON'T be dead, everything will be just fine by the end' and you know what? It helped for some time, I did start to believe that everithing would be alright, but then you... you...

HOOOOOOOOW?! I still ask myself all day! how do you do that? You just convinced me that she died... my heart was crushed ;-; (mean, just mean ;-;) I then start reading conforting myself for the lost! 'she died... she really died... Oh... ok, it will be just fine... It will be alright! ... ... ... WHO THE FUCK AM I KIDDING? IT WILL NOT BE ALRIGHT! KORRA IS DEAD!' (well, yes, I failed trying to confort myself...)

But I kept reading, holding down the tears that managed to reach my eyes... And when I reach the part that reveals that it was Mako's funeral, I didn't Knew that I could feel guilty for actually beeing relieved! It's just that... you Know... It was not Korra... I was just happy that she was fine! And... and... that she ended up ENGAGED and thinking about children!

This chapter was so full of emotions! A really... Good, Awesome, Perfect finalle! The best! I can't find words enough to describe this... I really love it, thanks for this awesome fanfiction!

Again, sorry for not saying anything before, I just rather use my latop to these kind of things, I didn't tought it would take so long to get fixed...

Anyway, I know that you are a awesome writer and because of that I'll for sure follow your other story too! Again, Hope you don't miiind :P
KiryuFanGirl chapter 15 . 7/20/2015
Hello. Good story so far. Although I do have a request: will you give us more on the characters? I'd like to know a bit more about your OCs and I would also like to know are they the "same" Bumi & Iroh from the series or are they your OCs that just happen to share the same names as the characters from the series?
Guest chapter 24 . 7/16/2015
Awe man... I've been following your stories from Let's Make Our Own History from the other 2... And I gotta say you always seem to empress me! You deserve a long break after all the amazing stories, thanks for everything and take care!
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