A/N: Long time no see, guys! Wow! It has been about 6 months since I finished "Milestones" but I am back for one last chapter! Why? Because it is this fic's one year anniversary! Whoooo! Time really flies huh? So to celebrate, I decided to write an alternate ending to Chapter 60, so those who wanted a different ending, please enjoy! I really missed you guys! Hope you enjoy this little surprise~

Please enjoy, readers~! :D


As we hurried to the bottom floor and the exit was in sight, a part of me wanted to become stone so Waylon couldn't leave and he would have no choice but to let me get Miles.

But I let him drag me into the main lobby, and there, sitting in the doorway, was Jeremy Blaire.

I had forgotten about him, but apparently Waylon had not.

"Son of a bitch is still alive." He whispered, his grip on my hand getting tighter. "No way in Hell is he stopping us from getting out of this godforsaken place."

"Mr. Park?" Blaire groaned, his hand on his bleeding side. "How the fuck are you still alive? And, you! How…are you both still alive?"

"None of your business." Waylon spat, standing his ground.

"H-Hey, let's…make a deal. You help me, I'll help you." He winced, looking nothing like the arrogant bastard he was before. "God….I'm stuck like a pig."

"Where is Chris Walker when you need him?" Waylon muttered under his breath, not a single shred of remorse left in his body.

"Help me up. Please." Blaire whimpered, trying to appeal to our sympathies.

It didn't work.

"Stay close." Waylon whispered to me before pressing forward, hoping to side step around his former boss and make a run for it.

However, once we were within a foot of Blaire, everything went into slow motion.

I could see something shiny in Blaire's hand and immediately knew what it was. As Blaire pouched, whipping out a butcher knife, I yanked Waylon back.

However, I lost my balance and sent the both of us tumbling to the ground, the knife barely missing my chest by an inch.

"No one can know!" Blaire growled, limping towards us and brandishing his knife. "No one!"

We tried to crawl away, yet our injuries prevented us from getting far. As our assailant loomed closer and Waylon held his arm above us like he could protect us both, I could only do one thing.

I squeezed my eyes shut, gathered all my strength, and screamed his name at the top of my lungs.



The moment I shut off Billy's fail safe, I watched him thrash around in his sphere, the space rapidly becoming red with its occupant's blood.

However, I couldn't enjoy my victory for long.

Before I could blink, I was slammed against the glass orb and yanked around to face a deteriorating Walrider now without a host to control it.

'Fuck!' He lifted me up and smashed me against the concrete wall, my vision turning white for a moment.

With a pitiful gasp, I collapsed to the ground, holding my camcorder to my chest as I whimpered in agony.

'I should've expected this. I should've known!'

As I tried to crawl away, I was suddenly yanked up by my ankle and dragged across the floor.

"No! NO! NO!" I crawled at the concrete floor before I was tossed into the air and slammed against the wall.

Then…words cannot describe the ungodly and immeasurable pain that tore through my body as the Walrider stuck its claws into my abdomen and tore into my insides.

I couldn't breathe. The buzzing and whispering were now swarming throughout my body, and pulsing through my veins until I felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside.

'I lied. I don't want to die. Not here. NOT HERE!'

Then, just when I couldn't take it anymore, I was plummeting to the ground and screamed as I felt several of my bones shatter from the fall.

And I laid there, feeling nothing yet feeling everything.

The buzzing and whispers had disappeared, but something else had taken its place.

Something I didn't want to think about.

Letting out a pathetic sob, I lifted myself up onto my elbows and slowly crawled to my feet.

'It's all over now. Please…give me enough strength to make it out of here. Let me make it outside.'

With a hand supporting my cracked ribs, I hobbled to the stairway, my vision fading in and out with every step I took.

My throat tasted of copper, and I cried every time I collapsed to the ground, my body slowly shutting down.

But I refused to die.

Not here.

Just…let me feel the sunlight.

"Can't you grant me at least that?!" I screamed, dragging myself to my feet again. "Can't you?!"

Suddenly, a voice boomed from inside my head, and my entire body froze. It was an airy yet commanding voice, like a combination of the infuriating static and whispers.


"Walrider?" I gasped, falling to my knees and clutching my head, feeling like claws were ripping out of my temples. The sensation from the lab reappeared at full force, and I involuntarily grasped my abdomen, letting this horrible revelation wash over me.

I've become the Walrider.

"Host…" It spoke up again, louder this time.

I didn't respond at first, just stared at the lights above me through red, blurry vision.

Was this due to optic damage or exhaustion?

'No.' I closed my eyes, accepting my fate. 'These must be…my tears.'

"….What is it?" I finally answered, placing my hands over my eyes. "What do you want from me?"

"Creator…waits beyond hallway….he brings your doom…."

"Wernicke?" I hissed, my ribs poking against my lungs. "He's…going…to kill me?"

"Yes. He wants to erase this all. Everything you have done will be for naught."

Rage bubbled up my chest, and I gritted my teeth.

"So…this is how it's going to be." I scoffed, letting my hands fall to my sides. "He gets me to do his dirty work…then takes my life as a thank you."

"Let's kill him. Use me as you will, Host."

"W-What?!" I turned around, as if I could see the damn thing.

"You loathe Creator for what he has done. I could feel it when we merged. You are stronger than Billy Hope…a more powerful Host" Chills ran down my spine, as if it was running its fingers down it. "We can do more…together.."

I said nothing, just heaved myself up against the wall and continued stumbling down the hallway, the asylum's patients flashing through my mind.

Father Martin, The Twins, Eddie Gluskin, Chris Walker ….and Billy Hope.

Some of the biggest threats…yet some biggest victims of Mount Massive Asylum. They were all sacrificed to bring the parasite infesting my body to life.

…The parasite…in…my body.

When I reached the double doors, they whipped opened before me, and there stood a batch of armed military officers with Wernicke sitting behind them, a blank expression on his face.

Just like the Walrider said.

For a brief moment, I considered pleading for my life, but then…I heard it.

Young-ja's voice.


She's…calling out to me.

I…I have to go..to her…

I have…to see her...!

And with that declaration, I felt something snapped inside me before my heart began beating rapidly in my chest.

"Ready on Five!" The lieutenant commanded and all seven guns were aimed at me.

I gazed down at my hands and saw they were becoming covered in a dark cloud that was quickly climbing up my body.

'How ironic.' I scoffed to myself. 'I went through Hell and back…just to become a monster in the end.'

The infernal buzzing flooded my mind, and I felt myself lift off the floor.

"Gott im Himmel. You…have become the host."

"Kill them." The Walrider screamed. "KILL THEM N-!"

"Shut up." I growled, silencing its screams. "I'm nothing like Billy. I control you, not the other way around."

The soldiers fired at me, their bullets leaving not a single scratch on me.

The room began pulsing and everything…had…become…red.

"I am getting the fuck out of here." I whispered, the nanites pulsing through my veins. "And you are going to come along quietly."

And I dashed forward, the hallways soon echoing with the bloodcurdling screams of Wernicke and the soldiers.


My throat burned and tasted of raw copper, punishment for my useless plea.

When Blaire finally loomed above us, I waited for him to bring his blade down. But, in the distance, I heard familiar whispering rising from the ground.


Suddenly, the Walrider shot out of the floor and lifted Blaire into the air.


The Walrider wrapped itself around Blarie's flailing body and snapped him into pieces, raining his blood down on Waylon and me.

As Waylon gasped and covered his face, I stared up at where the Walrider was, tears streaming down my cheeks as his name slipped through my lips again.


The Walrider lowered itself to the ground, and Waylon quickly gathered me into his arms, glaring at the shadowy figure.

"St-Stay away!" He cried, frantically reaching of Blaire's knife and pointing at the 'demon'.

The figure laughed, its voice a mixture of Miles' and static; I covered my mouth as the Walrider stepped forward and I could truly see it was my husband.

His entire body was made of black smoke that faded in and out with the sunlight and his eyes—those beautiful green eyes—were now pure red.

Miles…had become the Walrider.

'What have they done to you?'

"Upshur?!" Waylon gasped, his eye wide and mouth agape. "What the-?!"

"You're a shitty bodyguard, Park." 'Miles' sneered, the cloud engulfing him becoming thicker. "I give you one job and you can't even do it right."

Waylon glared at him but helped me to my feet, and slowly, I inched towards him.

"Miles…" I reached out and touched his cheek, his skin like tiny spiders crawling over my hand.

He averted his eyes, and his arms were suspended in mid-air, like he wasn't sure if he could touch me or not.

"They're all dead." Miles whispered, staring down at his hands. "Billy Hope, Wernicke, and all his guards."

"Then that means…" Waylon started, his voice trailing off.

"Yes." He smirked. "I'm in control of the Walrider now."

And though he said it with a smile, I could see a flash of pain in his eyes and knew it was still Miles.

Without a word, I wrapped my arm around him and buried my face in his chest.


"Let's go." I sobbed, holding him as tight as possible. "Back to our house…our family…our baby."

Miles went still in my arm before speaking in a hushed tone.

"I'm not human anymore, Young-ja. How can I-?"

"I don't care…."I stared him dead in the eye. "Walrider or not….you're still…my Miles."

Then, with a weak smile, I got on my toes and kissed him, hearing him gasp in surprise before he slowly reciprocated it, wrapping his arms around my waist. His tears, which felt like smoke, mingled with mine, and as I pulled away, Miles' eyes were green once again and the cloud had faded away. He held me close and kissed me once more before looking at up at Waylon.

"Let's get out of here."

As the Jeep pulled out of the gate, all three of us stared at the retreating building in the rear view mirror. Once we were back on the trail, I gazed at Miles who was driving, one hand on the steering wheel and the other clutching mine. I turned behind us, seeing Waylon staring out the window with a faraway look in his eyes. And behind Waylon, nestled in the trunk, was my bike.

Even as we drove farther away for the asylum, I knew better than to breathe easy. No, there was still plenty of trouble ahead.

But, we were all alive and that was all that mattered.

So, with that in mind, I allowed myself to close my eyes and drift into a dreamless sleep.

We were alive.

We were alive.

When I woke up, I was lying in a hospital bed, bandages covering my body. I peeked at my missing arm, the sight of sterile bandaging bringing a tiny smile to my face. With a small groan, I reached up and touched my neck, feeling surgical tape wrapped around it.

"How do you feel?" A voice mumbled from my left, and I turned to see it was Miles. While he wasn't a mummy like I was, he looked so physically and mentally worn out. No doubt from the strain of keeping the Walrider in check.

"I'm fine.." My voice was still hoarse, but it didn't hurt as much now. "Did..the doctors'..find anything?"

"No." He reached out and caressed my cheek. "But they are suspicious about how quickly my injuries have healed."

That's right. The Walrider can heal itself.

"Though," Miles chuckled, holding his hands out. "I wish the son of a bitch let my fingers grow back."

I gave a light chuckle, not wanting my wounds to open up, and grabbed his left hand. I brought his knuckles to my lips and kissed each one of them.

"We did it." I whispered against his skin. "We made it out…"

Miles let out a small gasp, a pained expression on his face.

"…We did." He moved to lie next to me on the bed, resting his head next to mine. Then silence filled the room as we held each other. I gazed into his eyes, noting that while they were green, there was now a ring of red within the iris; I held him tighter at the realization.

"I love you, Miles."

"And I love you, Young-ja."

The kiss that followed was like no other. All of our feelings, both negative and positive, were rolled into it, and we clung to each other, afraid this all was a cruel dream and we'd wake up back at the asylum.

But as a commotion echoed down the hall and the door whipped open, we knew this was not a dream but sweet reality.

"MOMMY! DADDY!" Ae-cha cried, launching herself off the ground and into our arms.

Miles and I fiercely wept, holding our baby close while she did the same.

"My baby." I breathed, burying my nose in her hair. "Oh my baby girl."

"My little Cheerio." Miles laughed, tears staining his cheeks as he kissed her tiny hands while embracing the two of us.

Then, a small bark was heard and we looked down at find Annie at the foot of the bed.

"Hey there, Cinnamon Roll Butt." Miles lifted her up on the bed and chuckled as she peppered his face with 'kisses' before doing the same to me.

I couldn't feel an inch of pain anymore, now that the people most important to me were in my arms.

Despite the challenges that laid ahead, I didn't care.

And when our parents rushed in, bombarding us with hugs and kisses—yes, even my parents—I thought this must be what heaven felt like.

Then, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Ae-cha place something in Miles' palm.

"You kept your promise, Daddy." She grinned. "Welcome home."


After being discharged from the hospital, Waylon and I contacted that man from ViraLeaks, the same website I used to upload the Afghanistan footage. Julian explained about the danger we were damning ourselves to, but it was all stuff I was well aware of. I already knew my life as Miles Upshur, investigative journalist was over. Instead, I was going to fulfill the promise I made to Young-ja. We were going to take our babies and disappear somewhere, anywhere, as long as the four of us could be at peace. I didn't know where Park and his family were going, but we would try to keep in contact. As much a pain in ass as he is, it wouldn't be right to cut him off after what we've been through. Ae-cha also seemed fond of his sons, and I wasn't going to deprive her of any friends. Young-ja's voice was starting to come back, and she was learning to live with only one arm. I will never stop hating myself for what happened to her, yet Young-ja is always smiling and tells me that having her family is all she needs. God, I love her so much.

I gazed at my reflection on the laptop screen, a red eyed shadow staring back at me. From time to time, the Walrider's voice would break through and it was difficult to keep it under control. Sometimes my eyes would revert to red and my body would be submerged in nanomites. The Walrider was created to be a machine for war, but I wouldn't let it use my body for that. It was right when it said I was stronger than Billy, but that is because I have something Billy didn't.

I have my family.

Despite all the shit I've seen, my body wasn't consumed by anger and fear like Billy was. I wasn't tortured like him and the other patients were.

And so, maybe in a fucked up kind of way, it is destiny the Walrider ended up inside of me. Yes, I can never go back to the life I once had, but I had Young-ja and my family by my side.

So life goes on.

Cracking a smile, I hit the 'Upload' button and closed the laptop.

Life goes on.

A/N: Ahh! Happy (somewhat) ending! So I hope this AU chapter made you guys happy! (I made me happy, though the original chapter 60 is still the canon ending. *cries*) But Happy 1 Year Anniversary to "Milestones". I'm so happy for the support I received from this fic, I still am after all this time! And have you guys seen the demo for Outlast 2?! It has a husband and wife in it! (Silkyterrier34 and I did it first though! Hahaha! just kidding!) And the main character, Blake, is voiced acted by the same guy who did Miles and Waylon, i think! Please check it out! I'm hyped for it! Anyways, hope you guys liked this little surprise! Thanks again for the wonderful year and memories! May we see each again soon! :D