Returning from the docks the pair of warships continued to follow the NCIS agents and directors back towards the headquarters.
Loxi continued to scan the skies, doing her best to fulfill her role protecting Sylvia, in spite of the relative pointlessness of the exercise. Looking up at the taller woman, she did her best to hide her nervousness at the situation.
"So...what becomes of the two of us? I mean, we're still, well, us, but What are we supposed to do now?"
Sylvia, ever the picture of calm on the outside, had been having the same worries. She was used to being fully self-assured in who and what she was, and what she was meant for. The first two she still held onto, she was the battleship Pennsylvania, nothing or no one could take that away from her, no matter her form. But as to her purpose, that was in clearly in question. She had always existed to serve as the brawn of the navy, a massive multi-ton fortress of steel to defend her nation. But now? She still had, in some fashion, her strength, though how diminished was still in question. But she didn't have her hull, not in the same form. She was now some sort of hybrid, and how she could perform her duties when limited physically was beyond her. Of course, she couldn't let Biloxi know how lost she was. She would still protect her fleet, even if it wasn't from enemy fire. Fortunately, an answer presented itself rather quickly.
"We'll regroup and move forward. First order of business is finding the others."
" do you know there are others?"
Pennsylvania just smirked, looking toward the building.
What had been a discussion on trying to plan out what they were supposed to do with the pair of young women came to an abrupt halt as Gibbs spotted several Navy Yard guards who had stopped partway through heading into the NCIS headquarters. But it wasn't the guards that had stopped him, it was the people they were escorting. The women in dangerously familiar old style WAVES uniforms.
The rest quickly followed his line of sight and froze, a collection of groans, squees, and 'oh no's' rose up from the assembly as the lead guard approached.
"Uh, Director Vance, sir. We found these young ladies in some of the yards. The uniform isn't regulation, and no IDs, but they're pretty adamant-"
He was cutoff as Leon raised his hand. "We'll take it from here, but I think we'll find they're clean and clear. If you find any more, see to it they're brought straight here, no delay I don't care what time it is."
The guard nodded and waved the women over, a taller blonde stood front in center and saluted.
"Shangri-La sir" Her introduction was quickly followed by the others, "Blue, Morris, Herndon, and Rowan."
Leon did his best not to groan as he couldn't fight the reality of his situation any more, though he did manage to not look too much more displeased than his default expression.
"Ladies," with a nod and he began motioning to individuals, "I'm Leon Vance, Director of NCIS, for ease of explanation think of it as a division of ONI, this is Director Shaw, Newport News Shipyards. Special agent Gibbs and his team will be in heading the investigation of yourselves and other members of the fleet who are appearing, yes there's more, no you're not in trouble we just need to know how and why. As proof, this is the battleship Pennsylvania, and the cruiser Biloxi, both retrieved from Newport News. Gibbs will see to it that you're briefed on the details inside."
He nodded and led the Newport director along as they headed inside.
The remaining group, sans the Navy Yard security, stood around for a moment as everyone tried to process what had just happened. Gibbs recovered first, motioning for the rest to follow him as he in turn followed the directors. As they did so, the agents and new arrivals did their best to get antiquated, still recovering from being thrown for such a turn.
Returning to the bullpen, the director of Newport turned around to face everyone, a look of frustration telling them that her series of messages and calls hadn't yielded good news.
"We've got THREE more down in the yards. I've already ordered them brought here, but we have a serious problem if there's going to be more of these girls appearing all over my yard. We're going to take a serious hit to our production schedule if we have to take time to make sweeps every morning to gather up more arrivals before we start using the docks."
"I think we've got a bigger issue than that." Tony had stopped, staring into the pen.
"Look, I know you've got problems here to now, but you have resources I don't. You have the whole navy while I just barely managed to convince the commandant to loan me some marines-"
"That's not what I mean." With that, Tony pointed at the plasma, still on from earlier, and the news broadcast on its screen.
"As you can see, quite a crowd has gathered for some sort of unannounced airshow. These old grounds have been closed off for years now but-there's one now!" With that she had turned and pointed as cameras and phones lifted into the air to catch the two hellcats roaring overhead. "The, the Navy has denied any knowledge of the use of classic warbirds like these in this area, but as you can see they are in pristine condition and have been crossing the sky for the last hour. We're still working on identifying all the kinds, but a local enthusiast has told us that they are classic World War Two era carrier planes flying overhead in scouting formations. No one has crossed more than a few yards into the closed off area but the planes seem to be coming from farther inside. Google maps has confirmed there is no airstrip in the area but that does not exclude the possibility of them flying in low from somewhere else or perhaps a temporary airstrip having been quickly constructed. All we know for now is that there are quite a few of these beautifully restored aircraft flying large circles overhead putting on quite the show of speed and power for a growing crowd of spectators."
The assembled agents and ships stared at the screen, the newest members clearly mesmerized by the new technology, a number looking for a hidden projector. Director Vance turned on his heel, nearly nose to nose with Gibbs.
"We need to get a handle on this now! What are they even doing out there, that's nothing but abandoned lots and warehouses."
"I might have an answer to that." With that, the assembled group all turned to see Tim and Abby standing over his computer, both looking quite a lot like a deer in the headlights.
"Well?" Gibbs led the rest of the agents and directors forward, while the ships held back, a mix of curiosity at what Tim had found and interest in the ongoing broadcast.
"That site's the old Kaiser Shipyards. They built ships for the Pacific front...including carriers."
As realization sunk in and a cold dread overtook the room.
"I'll be in M-TAC briefing SECNAV, and anyone else I can get on the line. I need to know every shipyard and its location that ever built a ship, now. I don't care for who or when. Hell if some kid built a canoe in the woods a thousand years ago I want its location and someone with eyes on it. If these women have even half the firepower they used to the last thing I want to see on that screen is some incident where an idiot got blown away because he pissed off a destroyer and got an up close and personal demonstration of Naval firepower."
Ok, time for the after story comments and ramblings! And yes, it seems as though NCIS has quite a bit of a bigger problem than they were thinking~
1. Starfox5 - Yeah, not a fan of children at war either, which was a big motivation for the age up.
2. Speaking of the ship girls, who wants to see Pennsylvania herself? See below since I can't post links.
3. chaosrin - Will be trying hard to keep away from OCs beyond ships, which are just kinda 'half' OCs I think. I'm afraid Abby is 'just' Abby though.
4. To those who think this is an odd combination, here's a secret: I agree. This is an INSANE combination and I wonder at how positive you all have been, seriously, thank you for the support all!
5. To those interested in seeing the other teams from that verse, as I said I make no promises either way but I'm hesitant because I want to do the characters justice, but we'll see.
6. mattoblat - I already sent the PM but I figure others are curious to so: I'm working on quite a bit of other stuff as I said, but again since this site won't allow links, I'm afraid I'm stuck telling you searches, for anyone interested-
Youtube-for random videos, mostly gaming related, channel name: nikolai60
Fimfiction-yeah I'm on here. I'm not the biggest for the in-show canon anymore, but it's a prebuilt world for easy story ideas, I'm nikolai60 on that one to, because I'm terribly creative.
The biggest thing going on here is an original novel I'm working on. Medieval fantasy genre, a main story and some side works as well, quite a bit being built up. This is posted on the same place as a picture of Pennsylvania, which unfortunately I can't even list the name of the site since it's apparently deleted on save, not just the link. The best I can do is say check the end or description of one of my recent youtube videos, since those'll point you towards the website. Sorry I can't just post the link (apparently).