Author's Note: I am no longer writing fanfiction. I do use the same author name on my original works on Episode Interactive and Wattpad. If you wish to check them out, just use that to look me up, or "Immortal Nights" for Wattpad and "Dark Desires" or "Under My Rule" for Episodes. I apologize to those of you who were fans of any of my fanfic stories that I didn't finish. My muse has just been working in a completely different direction.

The Winter Wolf

Alyssa Stark, the eldest daughter of Eddard Stark, the Lord of Winterfell, the Warden of the North, Hand of the King, and Protector of the Realm, and Lady Catelyn of House Tully. She had been a ward at Ironrath, with the Forresters until recently. Because of Catelyn's absence, Alyssa had been asked to return to Winterfell to help look after her younger brothers, Brandon and Rickon Stark. If it hadn't been for the Tully stuborness she had inhereted from Catelyn, Alyssa would have been the one betrothed to Joffery and held captive in King's Landing. At sixteen, she would have been expected to marry, but she had dramatically threatened to lock herself in the crypts with the rest of the Starks if she was forced to wed the awful boy. Her father had given Robert Baratheon a betrothal, but not to the eldest daughter. The deal was that Eddard would find her a suitable husband that wasn't chosen by a King. Now Ned Stark was dead, her older brother Robb Stark was the King of the North, Arya was assumed to be dead, Sansa was held in King's Landing, Jon Snow was part of the Night's Watch, and Catelyn was marching along side Robb's army. Alyssa felt useless, especially in Winterfell, protected by the walls her ancestors had built. She had spent a good part of the War of Five Kings at Ironrath, with Lady Elissa Forrester, her third-born son, Ethan, her second-born daughter, Talia, and her youngest child, Ryon. Though the Glovers were their overlords, the Forresters were one of the most loyal bannermen of the Starks, along with the Boltons, whose own words were "Sworn to Stark".

"Alyssa!" Rickon came running forward. He had grown so much since the last time she had seen him. As did his direwolf, Shaggydog, who was slightly smaller than her own direwolf, Shadow. Shaggydog was close behind Rickon, barely letting the small child out of his sight. The only difference in the direwolves looks was the white markings that were on Shadow's dark face.

Alyssa reached her arms out and lifted her little brother into her arms, she felt as though she could cry from happiness. She let out a breath as she held onto Rickon, "By the Gods, you've gotten big!"

"I grew," Rickon nodded. Then he frowned at his older sister, "Did you see Mother while you were gone?"

Alyssa shook her head, "I didn't get the chance."

Osha, the Wildling woman who once tried to kill Bran, was unchained and close to Bran's side. The young Lord of Winterfell was being carried by the large simpleton, Hodor, and closely followed by his direwolf, Summer, Ser Rodrick, and Maester Luwin. Even though he didn't have the use of his legs, Alyssa saw that Bran had grown. He was growing into a handsome young man, one that Eddard would be proud of.

"Do you still practice with the sword and bow?" Bran asked her suddenly.

"Of course," Alyssa had to keep her skills a secret in Ironrath, but she had continued to practice up until she left.

A smile spread across Bran's face, "It's good to see you haven't changed... but Shadow..."

"She's huge, isn't she?" Alyssa looked at her pure black direwolf, who was actually the same size as Summer. "I think they're still growing."

"You're right," Osha stated. "They'll get a lot bigger."

Alyssa cleared her throat and looked over at Maester Luwin, "How has Bran been doing as the Lord of Winterfell?"

"Hey!" Bran straightened himself in Hodor's arms.

"He's been a good Lord, my Lady," Maester Luwin bowed his head slightly. "He loses his concentration once in a while, but he is young."

"I'm right here," Bran glared at the old Maester.

"And I was answering your sister's question, my Lord," Maester Luwin gave Alyssa a look she knew well.

Alyssa motioned for Hodor to walk inside the castle, he replied with a soft, "Hodor" and obeyed, and then she grinned at Osha, "It's good to be home."

As Alyssa walked into the castle she'd spent her life in, she smiled. It really was good to be home. It was hard to remember the last time her entire family had been in Winterfell together. Before the Lannisters destroyed everything. Shadow and her brothers, Summer and Shaggydog seemed to know each other immediately. Just as family should. Alyssa continued to hold onto Rickon, too afraid to let go. What if she wasn't really in Winterfell? What if she never even left Ironrath? They had already lost their father and Arya, Alyssa didn't want to ever lose her brothers. Especially now. She prayed to the Old Gods that she wasn't dreaming. She needed to be with her family. Now more than ever.

Shouting drew Alyssa from her bed chambers, she closed the door to her room, leaving Shadow behind while she grabbed her sword, just in case she needed it. Her stomach turned as she made her way to Winterfell's courtyard. Theon Greyjoy stood there, shouting at Rodrick, demanding that all the Starks be brought to him. He was supposed to be with Robb, in the south. What was he doing in Winterfell? With Ironborn with him. She had always been wise to go with her instinct, immediately Alyssa pulled her sword on Theon, her dark eyes glared at him angrily.

"What do you think you're doing?" Alyssa demanded.

"I've taken Winterfell," Theon replied bitterly.

The eyes that had once looked at her in kindness were cold and full of hate, as though she was the villian. A dark spark flickered in Theon's eyes that made Alyssa feel sick. She felt her eye twitch and let out a harsh breath. Ironborn surrounded her. Bran and Rickon weren't there, he hadn't had a chance to get to her brothers yet.

"Get the fuck out," Alyssa tried to control her anger. "Go back to your rock and maybe Robb will let you live."

Theon let out a bitter laugh, "Winterfell is mine, my Lady, and soon, you'll be my wife."

Alyssa continued to hold her sword up, her heart was pounding in her ears, there was no way she was going to allow Theon Greyjoy to take Winterfell. She wished that Shadow was loose, the Ironborn wouldn't stand a chance with her direwolf at her side. Rodrick would have her back, but she couldn't take her eyes off of Theon, she didn't trust the traitor.

"Robb will have your head for this," Alyssa spat. "And I won't marry you. I'll slit your throat in your sleep."

Theon's eyes flashed dangerously, even though Alyssa felt as though she was the one in power. She was a Stark of Winterfell, the blood of the First Men ran through her veins. The same blood shared with Wildlings. She wasn't going to give up Winterfell without a fight. Bran and Rickon were inside, Theon wasn't going to get his hands on either of them. Alyssa was going to make sure of it.

"Send word to my father that I've taken Winterfell and am now the Lord," Theon ordered one of the Ironborn, who ran off, obeying the command immediately.

His father? It was revenge. Alyssa realized that now. Theon was trying to prove something, and in Alyssa's eyes, that made Theon more dangerous. She couldn't let the North fall into the hands of the rat. He was already assuming that he had won Winterfell, but Alyssa believed differently.

She let out an angry growl, "You want Winterfell, you'll have to go through me."

Theon gave her an amused smile as he nodded to someone behind her. Something hit her hard against the back of the head, she saw nothing but black as she went down.

Pitched wines pulled Alyssa back to reality. It was dark and damp, only torches gave light in the cell. Alyssa immediately knew that she was in the dungeons of Winterfell. The next cell over held Shadow, who was at the bars of her cell, trying to get to Alyssa. Her head was pounding, her skull felt as if it was on fire. Shouts echoed through the castle above, near the dungeons. Something was happening out there, but there was no way for her to know what was going on. She moved over to the bars and placed her hand on Shadow's head, the warm fur of the direwolf was the only warmth in the entire place. This wasn't a place for a Stark to be, if anyone belonged there, it was Theon-fucking-Greyjoy.

"Please let Robb send someone," Alyssa whispered, hoping the Old Gods heard her. Shadow let out a low wine and shifted near the bars, it was the first time they had been apart like this.

Alyssa's eyes darted around the dungeon, there was an Ironborn near her cell, he was big and smelt of booze, and by the way he was breathing, he was clearly asleep. Slowly and quietly, she moved over to where she was closest to the Islander, and then she reached for his dagger in his boot. The fool didn't keep it hidden very well. She was able to get it rather easily, and once she did, Alyssa moved back over to Shadow. Now all she had to do was wait for the right chance to strike at Theon Greyjoy.

She remained in the cell for a long while, it was hard for her to even guess how long she was down there for. With how many times she had actually seen the guards change out, Alyssa could only assume that she had been down there several days. Her entire body ached horribly, her throat was dry with thirst, her stomach hurt with hunger, and her head still felt as though it was on fire. The only thing that kept her sane through the days was the company of Shadow in the next cell.

"Prince Theon is back," an Ironborn came into the dungeons. When did Theon even leave? "Grab Lady Alyssa and bring her to the courtyard. There's something she needs to see at our Prince's request."

The cell door opened, Alyssa was forced to her feet, and pushed forward by the guard who she'd stolen the dagger from, luckily it was hidden. The light of the day was blinding, she couldn't really see anything, but she could hear heart broken sobs. Alyssa blinked, focusing on two black forms on the gate. As her eyes actually got focused, her heart shattered into millions of tiny pieces. Maester Luwin was on the ground, crying hysterically. Two small, charred bodies hung from their necks above the gate of Winterfell.

"NO!" Alyssa let out a heart-wrenching scream, tears streamed from her eyes as she pulled out the dagger and rushed towards Theon. Before she could reach him, someone grabbed her. "How could you?! They were children!"

Bran and Rickon were so small, hanging there on the wall, not even identifiable. How could Theon kill two small boys? Boys who had looked at him as a brother. Alyssa was hyperventalating, she couldn't breathe. Theon wanted Winterfell, he took out Robb's heirs, but he still needed Robb out of the way to truly have Winterfell. Alyssa may have been Robb's heir now, but she'd give up her life before allowing Theon Greyjoy to touch her. Without saying a word, Theon sent her back to her cell, where her hands were bound. Then she was alone. Shadow was the only soul in the dungeon with Alyssa.

She screamed again, her heart hurt so much, she felt as though she was going to die. First her father, then-possibly-Arya, and now Bran and Rickon. She wanted to die. If it could bring her little brothers back, Alyssa would have gladly given her life. She didn't want to know what had happened to Osha and Hodor, it was probably as bad as what they had done to Bran and Rickon. As long as she refused to marry Theon Greyjoy, he wouldn't win.