Never utter the phrase "oh my booty god" again.

Exactly why Nate Dunbar uttered oh my booty god is a manner of debate among his friends, but what is not in debate is how much Taretha detested the phrase and the fact that it constantly made Sissi erupt into giggles.


Kiwis don't smell and nor do they look like shaved moles, kiwis are awesome to the extreme.

As a matter of fact Kiwis are the school mascot.

Kiwis are magical.

In response to Ciel's and Fenris's comments about Kiwi an offended Odd took to the rule sheet and while the students find amusement in it, the teaching staff are surprised about Odd's passionate defense of the fruit.

In a show of support Claire took to the rule sheet to declare Kiwi the school mascot. This naturally drew further confusion from the staff and Nate Adams is convinced that Kiwi is actually magical and that is why the staff has been ignorant about the dog living within the dorms.


Just because someone disagrees with your OTP doesn't mean that they are demonically possessed. Those who ship the two within your OTP with other people do not need to have holy water tossed on them.

Always keep your priorities in check!

Shipping people who don't truly belong with each other means that you have to get your head checked!

After Rhonda accidentally let it slip she shipped Takuya and Brighton together, an outraged Ninon revealed her belief that Brighton should be shipped with Tamiya, causing the girl in question to be stunned into silence. Coming to her best friend's defense Milly pointed out all the reasons why they wouldn't work, which caused Sandra pointed out how they could work, Anouche then decided to jump in by defending Rhonda's ship, and Julie to declare them all idiotic at best or possessed at worst.

Over hearing the conversation caused an amused Veronique pointed out the possessed needed to be dosed in holy water, while a gleeful Anne simply bolted off to inform the boys in question about how they were shipped together in order to see their reactions. This turn led to an annoyed Takuya declaring that he could so much better than Brighton. While an outraged Brighton focused on the idea of not being good enough for Takuya, Felix felt that the pair of them should prioritized the fact Rhonda and Anouche shipped them together and their antics could easily convince others to do the same.

And once the shock wore off Tamiya took to the rule sheet to share her opinion on being shipped with Brighton.


Dressing up like The Nun is strictly forbidden. As a matter of fact dressing up like any other horror movie character is a guaranteed path towards to detention.

There is a difference between dressing up like a Nun and The Nun.

There is a difference between defending someone's honor and vengeance.

There must always be proof when accusing someone else of a crime.

Feeling mischievous Sam dressed as The Nun from movie of the same name and caused a brief panic with several students such as Jean- Baptiste, Herb, Sophie, and Xavier freaking out and caused Johnny, Hiroki, Sorya, and Aelita to suffer from panic attacks. When Sam naturally tried to protest the detention Mrs. Hertz gave her the teacher was quick to point why her defense wouldn't work at all.

Sometime after Sam endured a panic attack of her own when she thought that Samantha from the Ring was coming out of her laptop. While she was quick to blame Jeremy, the young man just smirked and asked her what her proof was which impressed his fellow students and concerned his teachers.


You cannot bribe your teachers in order to escape detention.

When you get in trouble the last thing you want to do is make it worse. Therefore accept the punishment and move on.

If you try to bribe someone at least have the decency to make it worth their while.

April and Ashley tried pulling their vast resources together and offered Mrs. Meyers a cash reward of $30 for forgoing the detention that she assigned them. Naturally Mrs. Meyers refused and issues them another detention for their antics. In response to this Danny felt that the need to point out that they should just accepted the detention and moved on and Leo was quick to chime with his opinion that the bribe simply wasn't high enough to tempt their teacher.



Going to the rule sheet has really become the habit.

The reaction from the student body was to immediately start looking around campus to the extreme confusion of Jim. Even as she left an eye open to spot Kiwi Yannick couldn't help but comment about the fact that checking the rule sheet really had become the habit.


Don't barge into the showers!

Mohammed didn't appreciate his relaxing afternoon shower being disturbed by Pierre and Tristan barging in the boy's shower like maniacs. The fact that Kiwi had escaped only briefly made the boy forgive the other two before he got dressed to join the search.


Don't ruin proposals.

Thomas didn't appreciate his proposal to Matthew being interrupted by Paul shrieking about how everyone was going to get into trouble since Kiwi was on the loose. In response the newly engaged couple declared that they didn't care and decided to celebrate in private.


Be mindful of when a situation will actually requires climbing trees.

Emily questions exactly how Theo's thought process works and Alexandre is of the firm opinion that Theo simply tried to use Kiwi as poorly thought excuse to climb a tree.


The students have not become weirder; they have simply discarded the illusion of maturity and sanity that they have shown us.

After learning that Emilio, Lola, and Anton were looking in the bushes, Nicholas and Heidi had peaked in trash cans, and Sherry, Jeremiah, James, and Sarah had taken to peaking into classrooms Rosa voiced concern that the students were acting weirder than normal only to have Mr. Fumet voice his firm opinion on the matter. Unbeknownst to the students Mr. Klotz tried to object but ended up collapsing into laughter midway.


Believing something is one thing, suspecting something is one thing, and knowing something is another.

This is Adele's defense to the realization that Odd may or may not have actually brought Kiwi to Kadic instead of leaving him at home.


One should never demand somebody else should shave their head bold.

Upon catching sight of Kiwi and Mr. Chardin within distance of each other Bastien made the sacrifice play to ensure that Ulrich, Odd, Julien, and Magali could move forward. Luckily for Bastien Mr. Chardin was more flabbergasted than offended and wasn't petty enough to give him a detention.


Those who intentionally scare the person responsible for their health must clearly think about all the consequences beforehand.

The Hippocratic Oath ensures that a most lovely nurse would never let a patient suffer.

As Kiwi picked up his pace those in pursuit were forced to discreetly put up their own. However their caution allowed for a distracted Yolanda to nearly stumble about Kiwi. Thus Julien and Magali made the decision to scream behind her as to gain her focus. While it ensured that Yolanda's attention was elsewhere Odd was rather vexed at losing two for the price of one.

Meanwhile Yolanda, after she got her bearings, was quick to enlighten the two of them of the risks that they have opened themselves up to. To the nurse's amusement Julien seemed stunned into silence Magali was quick to turn to flattery.


The student body gives themselves too much credit.

Never call an old person old.

Catching Odd softly calling Kiwi Ms. Weber inquired as to what he was doing and while Odd was grateful for Kiwi ignoring him for once he had no idea as how to respond. Luckily for him Tania, Valeria, and Thiery quickly stepped in attempted to craft a bullshit story. However the office secretary was rather suspicious of them and Valeria pointed out that if they were going lie it would be better done. Nicole merely responded with, "You would think so," and of course Odd decided at that moment to declare that, "Only old people are so untrusting."

Needless to say the foursome was quick to receive a detention and fled to escape further wrath.


The strength of the King of the North is absolute. The will of the Winter Majesty cannot be denied. All rejoice in the Wolf God's might. All Hail Ulrich Gavin Stern the Tenth!

To the shocked glee of everyone Ulrich was able to captured Kiwi, secure the dog, and make the trek back to his dorm room without being caught. It was most impressive because at one point Ulrich had to maneuver himself so that he ended up behind Principal Delmas to ensure that he Kiwi wouldn't be noticed. In light of that its honesty a very good that Delmas has no idea to know why praise towards Ulrich has been established on the rule sheet.


Truly any moment can be the spark that leads to romance.

A week days after the infamous Code-K Julien and Magali announced that they were in a relationship with one another. This in turn caused Naomi and Kelly to declare that any moment can be the spark that leads to romance as both firmly believed their shared experience in possibility incurring Yolanda's wrath about them together.


"Oh Kadic,
Oh Kadic,
It's time!

Look left,
Look right,
Look all around,
Our sacred halls.

We love defenestration,
There's just something,
Something magical,
About tossing someone out the window.

Oh Kadic,
Oh Kadic,
Oh Kadic.

Look left,
Look right,
Look around,
Our sacred halls.

Our sacred halls,
Where fair maidens reside,
Where noble gentlemen sleep,
Oh Kadic.

Oh Kadic,
Oh Kadic,
Oh Kadic.

Look left,
Look right,
Look around,
Our sacred halls.

We love naughty things,
It's the fact that,
That can't be denied,
No matter how hard you try.

Naughty things,
Naughty Things,
Naughty things.

Oh Kadic,
Look left,
Look right,
Look all around,
Our sacred halls.

We serve the one True King,
It's so very true,
We pledge ourselves to His Majesty,
We can't lie nor deny,
All hail the Wolf God.

Oh Kadic,
Look left,
Look right,
Look all around,
Our sacred halls.

We love defenestration,
There's just something,
Something magical,
About tossing someone out the window.

Oh Kadic,
Look left,
Look right,
Look all around,
Our sacred halls.

We love naughty things,
It's the fact that,
That can't be denied,
No matter how hard you try.

Oh Kadic,
Look left,
Look right,
Look all around,
Our sacred halls.

Grab your partner,
Give a twirl,
Give a whirl,
Within our sacred halls.

Oh Kadic,
Look left,
Look right,
Look all around,
Our sacred halls.

Our sacred halls,
Belong to the King in the North,
His majestic majesty the Winter Emperor,
All stand and praise the Wolf God.

Oh Kadic,
Look left,
Look right,
Look all around,
Our sacred halls.

Oh Kadic,
Look left,
Look right,
Look all around,
Our sacred halls.

We love defenestration,
We love Naughty Things,
All hail Kadic's true lord.

Oh Kadic,
Look left,
Look right,
Look all around,
Our sacred halls.

Oh Kadic,
Oh Kadic,
Farewell thy school.

We won't forget the laughs,
We shall remember chaotic fun,
We will never forget the bonds forged within,
Our sacred halls.

Oh Kadic,
Look left,
Look right,
Look all around,
Our sacred halls.

Oh Kadic,
We love defenestration,
We love Naughty Things,
We love our memories.

Oh Kadic,
Look left,
Look right,
Look all around,
Our sacred halls.

Oh Kadic,
Oh Kadic,
Farewell lovely Kadic,
Farewell lovely Kadic."


The seniors ending the year with a song doesn't have to be a thing.

Alas the seniors ending the year with a song absolutely has become a thing.

Though inwardly fond of the song Principal Delmas felt the need the need point that the Senior Song didn't have to be a theme and was soundly rejected by the juniors.


Graduating from Kadic means when one door closes another door opens. Always keep your head raised high as you seek out your dreams.

Before the last day was done Mr. Klotz put one last rule sheet for the outgoing students.

Final Author's Note: To start as always the specials thanks to those who inspired rules this chapter. Thus a special thanks to Raxius for the rule about Kiwi being insulted and the graduating Kadic means one door closes another door opens, to TheGoldenYoshichu about demonic possession accusations within the pairings madness, and Teen-Lyokofan7777 for the dressing up like The Nun to cause students to freak out, Aelita to have a panic attack, and "The Nun" to receive detention.

I want to personally thank everyone who read, reviewed, made suggestions. They definitely helped whenever I was struck by writers' block. In truth even when I wasn't able to fit a suggestion in Rules of the Kadic Dormitory it got my creative juices flowing. I also appreciate how patient everyone was when it came to unexpected length times between chapters.

I hope you all had as much fun reading this as I had making it.